Under the cold eyes of Sonosaki Ryuhei's sunglasses, he looked at Isaka Mikuru quietly.

When he saw this man, his first impression was that he was very dignified. He was definitely not a simple guy.

He doesn't feel fear when facing himself, and he still looks neither humble nor arrogant.

This is enough to prove that Isaka Shenhonglang is quite capable.

"Mr. Ryuhei Sonosaki, I wonder why you come to my small hospital?"

Now, the only thing Isaka Crimson doesn't understand is why Sonosaki Ryuhei suddenly came to him.

Can he catch his eye?

I'm afraid not!

The situation of the Sonosaki family, Isaka Crimson He also knew a lot.

But he didn't know that the Sonosaki family had undergone tremendous changes before and was completely different from the Sonosaki family in his impression.

"Mr. Isaka, I hope you can join the museum. Don’t worry, we have all the experimental supplies and we will definitely not miss you.

And what I want is your loyalty, to be my right-hand man, to help me take back my���Lost before.

After the mission is completed, you will be the second in command of the museum, how about it?"

To be honest, Sonosaki Ryubei's condition is very attractive.

It feels quite simple, but if you really want to do it, it's not that easy.

The other party invited me to join the museum for no reason, and it was clear at first glance There is something very important, so go ahead and do it by yourself. On the surface

, Isaka Fumiuruo is a physician, but in fact, he is actually a doctor who studies Gaia memory.

What he holds in his hands is the silver memory of the advanced memory, the weather, which has extremely powerful abilities. Moreover, he has been controlling the weather memory for many years and is able to skillfully use the power of the weather memory over the years.

, he has already been able to use the power of the memory to perfection, and has further improved on it, making himself more powerful.

But even if the weather memory becomes more powerful. However, that night still lingered in his mind.

During that night, he witnessed the terrifying and powerful Sonosaki Ryubei, and the fear memory he used until now. He regarded the fear memory as his goal.

He swore that he must get the fear memory in his hands. After hiding in Fengdu for so many years, he was always thinking about how to get the fear memory, but he never had the ultimate power.

, it is not easy to get the fear memory.

I did not expect that today, Sonosaki Ryubei, who has the fear memory, would take the initiative to find me. It was really unexpected. The look in his eyes just now, Isaka Fumirou has already noticed.

I'm afraid that the other party has already forgotten about him. It doesn't matter that he was like an ant at the beginning. It's fine that I don't care at all.

It will arouse the other party's vigilance.

Just as Isaka Mikuruo thought, Sonosaki Ryuhei did not remember him at all.

Isaka Mikuruo, who did not have a memory at the time, was just an ant and was not worth remembering at all. Live.

He didn't even know that Isaka Finkuro had been targeting his fear memory.

If he had known that this was the case, there would be no way that Sonosaki Ryuhei would have gotten Isaka Fingerrou to join his side.

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves, but you are afraid of them.

Keeping such a dangerous guy next to you is like raising a tiger for trouble.

It's a pity that Sonosaki Ryubei doesn't know this at all. It was not clear what the purpose of Isaka Fumirou was, but Isaka Fumirou had a gloomy look on his face, with a sneer on his face.

"my pleasure."

I thought it would take a long time for me to get close to Sonosaki Ryubei, at least until his strength has fully grown.

But I didn't expect that Sonosaki Ryubei actually came to me and asked me to help.

Tread the Iron There was no place to look for the shoes, and it took no effort to get them.

Although getting close to Sonosaki Ryubei did not mean that he had obtained the fear memory, it at least brought him one step closer to the fear memory.

At this moment, Isaka Fumikuro felt. The fear memory seemed to be at his fingertips.

The heat in his eyes naturally did not escape Sonosaki Ryuhei's eyes.

This made Sonosaki Ryuhei feel a little strange in his heart, why Isaka Shenhong was staring at him with such blazing eyes. Himself?

He thought that it would take some lobbying before Isaka Mikuru would agree to his conditions and join the museum. However

, he didn't expect that the other party would agree so readily that it even gave Sonosaki Ryuhei the illusion.

He was wondering why the other party was so decisive, but Sonosaki Ryubei was not in a hurry to delve into this. What he needed now was Isaka Kamikuro's power.

As everyone knew, both sides just wanted to use each other, and each had their own needs. , each takes what he needs


There is a very famous snack street in Fengdu.

Sono Saki Wakana and Lu Li were walking through the snack street at this time.

Whenever you see something interesting and delicious, you should try it.

Lu Li was very particular about satisfying his appetite, and the food had to taste good.

As for the adjustment of Xingjian, we will wait until we have eaten and drank well. There is no rush anyway.

The data from previous battles has been recorded. It is not difficult to adjust the Awakening Sword, it just takes a little time.

I don't know if it was because she came out with Lu Li, or because she killed Motoko Saeki, but Sonosaki Wakana was in a good mood at the moment.

There is a happy smile on your face, and you don’t have to put on airs like a super idol.

Normally when we are at home, we hardly see Sonosaki Wakana smiling so indulgently and happily.

The rare tranquility of life

"Brother-in-law, ah~!"

Sonosaki Wakana put an octopus ball in the box with a toothpick inserted into it and handed it to Lu Li's mouth.

0 ······Asking for flowers· ·········

Seeing the expectant look on her face, Lu Li ate the octopus ball next to his mouth.

After Lu Li ate it, Sonosaki Wakana couldn't wait to ask

"how is it going? how is the taste?"

Although these are just some snacks and cannot be served on the counter, they still taste quite good.

It is a rare opportunity to relax like this, so Sonosaki Wakana naturally wants to try these.

"Well enough."

Lu Li smiled and nodded.

Although the taste of this snack is not as good as the delicious ones made by the chef at home, it is still pretty good.

Just as the two of them were strolling down the street, Lu Li suddenly felt that someone was observing him behind his back. His eyes changed slightly.

There were very few people who dared to observe him behind his back.

"Wakana, you go shopping first, I'll go take care of some things and I'll be back in a while."

Lu Li wanted to see who was secretly observing him behind his back. Is it intentional or unintentional?

As soon as he heard that Lu Li was going to deal with something, Sono Saki Wakana's originally happy face suddenly turned away.

"Brother-in-law, you don't...want to leave me here alone, do you?"

With a serious look on his face, it was as if Lu Li had already done this.

He pinched her fair face gently, and then rubbed her head hard.

"I really have something to deal with and will be back in a while. You can go shopping by yourself first."

Noticing Lu Li

, it seemed as if she would go crazy if Lu Li dared not to come back.

Then, Lu Li walked alone in the opposite direction of the street.

Looking at the retreating figure, Sonosaki Wakana's eyes flashed with doubts.

She knew , Lu Li must have gone to deal with something.

As for the specific matter, it was unknown.

With such doubts in his heart, Sonosaki Wakana continued to wander around the street in a lack of interest.


Here, Lu Li came to a small alley.

Walking along the alley, Lu Li suddenly stopped when he passed an intersection.

The reason why he stopped was because he saw the person who was secretly observing him.

She was still wearing a long black dress, black leather boots, a black hat on her head, and black sunglasses on her face. Under the big black sunglasses, her face was wrapped in a bandage, and her hands were in her pockets.

Apart from Shroud, there is no other person with such appearance and temperament.

Seeing Shroud, Lu Li's doubts were immediately eliminated.

I thought it was someone following me, but unexpectedly it was Shroud.

"Shroud, I thought it was someone who was following me, but it turned out to be you?

We haven’t seen each other for a year, why do you suddenly want to come see me?"

Shroud, who was standing opposite, looked at Lu Li quietly and said slowly.

"Lu Li, I know what happened during this period, and I also know that Sonosaki Ryuhei has developed a strong fear of you and Saeko at this time.

If you continue, he will definitely take action against you. Now that you have posed a great threat to him, he cannot let the threat stay by his side.

Once there is a threat, he will definitely take action to eradicate it. I came to you because I want to cooperate with you and jointly eliminate Sonosaki Ryubei."

Shroud naturally also pays attention to the affairs of the museum and has her own news channels.

She also knows a lot about the recent changes that have taken place in the museum.

The biggest change is that the museum has now been divided into two, and half of the country is controlled by Sonosaki Saeko. In his hands,

Sonosaki Ryubei, who has a strong desire for control, will definitely not allow this to happen.

Both Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko will become, as the saying goes, enemies. Her enemy is her friend.

Shroud's ultimate goal is to drag Sonosaki Ryubei into the abyss.

In this case, why can't she borrow Lu Li's power?

A year ago, Lu Li refused to cooperate with her. At this time, there was no inevitable conflict between him and Sonosaki Ryuhei, but it was different now. Lu Li was obviously on the same side as Sonosaki Ryūbei, and he would inevitably be on the opposite side sooner or later. There will be a battle.

She is not sure who is stronger, Lu Li or Sonosaki Ryubei, but she can choose to help Lu Li find a way to defeat Sonosaki Ryubei.

As for that. After defeating Sonosaki Ryubei, Shroud didn't care about other things at all.

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