"Who are you...?!"

Faced with the question about violent adulteration, Lu Li didn't even bother to answer.


Suddenly there was a violent explosion outside.

Shotaro Zuo, who was inside the radio station just now, rushed out as soon as he heard the explosion.

Although he didn't know why there was an explosion outside, he was certain that it must have been caused by the gentleman in question.

As for Sonosaki Wakana, who stayed in her workroom, she didn't pay attention to the threat posed to her by the so-called Mr. Problem just now.

The corners of her mouth raised slightly, Sonosaki Wakana whispered to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

"If you're to blame, it's your bad luck. Finding Lu Li today really makes me curious, how on earth will you... die?"

She could almost predict what kind of fate the other party would have.

If he was going to cause some damage, I'm afraid there would be nothing he could do to him for a while, but he chose to focus on Lu Li.


You are looking for trouble, Who's to blame?

Sonosaki Wakana was standing by the window and had already seen the location of the explosion not far away.

Due to the obstruction of his vision, he couldn't see clearly what happened next. Don't worry about it anymore.

Isn't it easy for Lu Li to deal with a mere dopant?

Xiangtaro Zuo hurriedly ran out of the radio station and rushed towards the direction where he felt the explosion. When he arrived at the location, he not only saw a violent dopant, but also a guy he had never seen before.

Based on the other party's clothes, Zuo Shotaro had reason to believe that the other party was a knight like him, but he had no idea why he would appear. unknown knight

"Who is this guy? Forget it, I can’t control that much anymore! Philip, let's go together!"

Immediately hung the dual driver on his waist and took out the ace dopant

"There's really nothing I can do about you, just be a little more careful, it's another person you haven't seen before."

Philip immediately inserted the Gale memory, and his consciousness turned into data and dual drives merged into one.



After a burst of green wind, a half-black and half-green W appeared behind.

The next second, W rushed towards the violent dopant at a very fast speed.

Lu Li, who was just about to start fighting, saw that he was rushing towards the battlefield. W.

I have to say that this guy is like a dog-skin plaster sometimes, really annoying.

He not only has powerful attack power, but also has terrifying defense power. Ordinary attacks will not cause much damage. The effect.

W, who rushed up to fight the violent dopant, obviously didn't realize this problem and was punched and kicked.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!!"

Every punch and kick made the sound of metal colliding.

"Hiss~! pain! so hard!"

Like a kick on steel, W couldn't help but scream in pain.

Just taking advantage of this gap, the violent dopant instantly hit W in the stomach with an iron fist. He was hit by this iron fist and retreated repeatedly. , W is obviously not as powerful as the violent dopant

"This guy is too strong! It feels like a brute force!"

After only a few rounds, it was clear that W was always at a disadvantage.

Seeing W that was constantly deflating as soon as he came up, Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

If it weren't for Philip, and Zuo Xiangtaro's half-heartedness, his fighting level would be unimaginable. You know.

Compared with the previous Skull, their combat effectiveness is still too weak.

"If you don't have the strength, you have to rush out and pretend to be 13. You are half-baked as expected."

Pulling out the Awakening Sword on the left, Lu Li strode forward and instantly joined the battlefield.

PS: Thank you————Night Crow God’s reminder ticket and 588 VIP points! grateful————The unscrupulous people of the Night Crow God, please don’t take my monthly ticket!

Blade is just a transition, mainly for the Imperial Sword(*^▽^*), but also for another goal.

Chapter 83 Jack.form, Limit

Without the Violent Dopant noticing, the Awakening Sword in Lu Li's hand swiped across his back.

W is not as good as the violent dopant in melee combat, just because of his own lack of strength.

But when we get here to Lu Li, this kind of problem won't arise.


I heard the violent adulterant scream, staggering forward a few steps.

I wanted to touch my back with my hands, but found that I couldn't reach it.

I felt the burning pain from my back, and the violent adulterant was furious.

"Didn’t you just say you wanted to kill me? You should come! Slowly, what a waste of time."

The voice full of disdain completely angered the violent dopant.

"ah!! hateful! I must kill you! go to hell!!"

The violent dopant waved the iron fist in his hand and smashed it out with all his strength.

An iron ball was thrown out from his left hand, controlled by the iron chain connected to his arm, and hit Lu Li's position fiercely.

He was absolutely He doesn't allow anyone to underestimate him.

He is a very powerful being now!

His attacks are quite intimidating, but he is not very fast.

He can easily dodge the direct attacks by moving a few steps. The iron ball that came out did not touch Lu Li at all.


Seeing Lu Li fighting so elegantly, Philip couldn't help but exclaimed.

His style was completely different from that of Zuo Xiangtaro, who always liked to fight straightforwardly. This fighting method always felt... a little familiar.

Philip secretly wondered why he felt like this battle. The style seemed a bit familiar, so Xiangtaro Zuo was certainly not convinced when he saw Lu Li fighting so easily.

"Philip, do you know who this guy is?"

"I don’t know, I’ve never seen it���Such drive."

They didn't see the awakening card at this time, so naturally they couldn't guess that the Blade at this time was Lu Li.

The iron ball was still quite heavy. After being waved several times in a row, even a violent dopant would feeling a little tired

"call! hateful! You guy... you just know how to hide! If you have the ability...don't hide if you have the ability!"

I was out of breath as I spoke.

Although this fighting ability is good, it is really a bit stretched.

Why not dodge attacks that can be avoided?

In battle, Lu Li always pursues the principle that if you can dodge, you will never take it.

Violence is mixed with the body. The attack power and defense were pretty good, but not to mention the speed, it was so pathetic!

The hammer came down again, but this time, Lu Li didn't dodge.


Seeing that Lu Li did not dodge his hammer this time, the Violent Dope was immediately ecstatic.

As long as he did not dodge, he had reason to believe that his attack could kill the target.

However, what happened next made him dumbfounded.

The powerful iron ball hit Lu Li hard, but it was not what the violent dopant expected. The iron ball was easily stopped by a hand.

It fell into Lu Li's hands and was tightly grasped by him.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't seem to pull out his iron ball.


Lu Li held the iron ball in his hand and suddenly exerted force on his hand.

The originally very strong iron ball was slowly crushed by a powerful force.

The iron ball turned into broken iron pieces, and the fragments fell towards the ground bit by bit. Go down


Seeing Lu Li crush his iron ball into pieces with one hand, the Violent Dope Man was filled with horror.

The other party was too scary, his power was so great.

Even he couldn't do it At this point, is this really possible?

The mass and density of the iron ball in his hand are needless to say, otherwise it would not be so powerful.

However, it is just such an iron ball. It was crushed into pieces without any extra movement at all.

Looking at the iron chain in his hand, the iron ball in front of him had been crushed. The violent doping body swallowed hard.

"Did you just think that because I stopped hiding, it meant you might have been hit?

When did I say that I am just faster than you, and what you see with your eyes may not be true. Please remember this next time.

As for speed, let me show you my speed."

As Lu Li's voice fell, Lu Li pulled out an awakening card from the end of the awakening sword.

9 of spades, Mach Jaguar.

When he saw the awakening card, Phillip reacted immediately.

"What kind of card is it?! Could this guy be……?.‖!"

His first suspect was naturally Lu Li.

The only person he knew who used this card fighting method was Lu Li, and no one else.

In other words, even if the guy in front of him is not Lu Li himself, at least he is���People from Lu Li's side

"Philip, you can tell, right? This guy must be related to Lu Li!"

A flash of anger flashed in W's eyes.

Until now, Lu Li has continuously hurt people around him.

One is the uncle who raised him, and the other is his childhood sweetheart Jinna.

In this case, he still It's pretty good to be able to stay rational.

Compared to the time when he only knew how to be angry, Shotarou Zuo is now obviously more mature and calmer. He is better at thinking when encountering problems, instead of rushing forward recklessly.

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