The blade of the awakening sickle collided with the sword in the hand of the undead creature from the South Sea Caucasus, and a dazzling spark bloomed.

But this time, Lu Li no longer felt numbness in his arms.

"Category king, as things stand, you are the strongest undead creature I have ever seen."

A voice suddenly came, which made the undead creature of the Caucasus Big Bug a little bit unhappy.

He didn't like others calling him a category king. A king is a king.

"snort! Don't think that if you can compete with me in strength, you will definitely be able to defeat me!"

The undead creature of the Nanyang Caucasus Big Buckworm is naturally unconvinced.

His powerful strength, excellent attack power and defense power make him the top undead creature, but it does not mean that he only relies on these.

The battles that have been tempered have made him the top undead creature. He has rich combat experience and can not only rely on his own strength


The undead creature from the South Sea Caucasus raised the shield on his left hand brazenly.

The shield on his left hand almost had spikes like the armor on his body, which could not only be used for defense, but could even be used for offense.

The spikes on the shield went straight towards Lu Li's green eye armor


Suddenly, bright sparks burst out.

It turned out that Lu Li had already taken advantage of him.

Chapter 10 Wild Cyclone

The awakening sickle in the other hand, the blade instantly stood on the chest of the undead creature in the Caucasus of South Asia. On the chest The flames were flying everywhere, and under the powerful force of the undead creature from the Caucasus, the South Sea giant worm retreated continuously.


The undead creature of the Nanyang Caucasus Big Bug suddenly realized that he had not noticed Lu Li's attack just now, and his heart was filled with disbelief.

How did the guy in front of him manage to avoid his own feelings?

Thanks to the Nanyang Caucasus Big Bug The armor on the undead creature is thick enough and its defense is very strong.

Otherwise, the attack just now would have caused him to lose part of his combat effectiveness.

"Do you think it’s incredible? But I can tell you, this is just the beginning."

Lu Li continued to step forward with his twin scythes in hand.

In his wild form, he was absolutely confident that he could kill the undead creatures of the Southern Caucasus.

He didn't need any fancy tricks, every attack by Lu Li was very fast.

In terms of speed, The Nanyang Caucasus Undead creature was already at a disadvantage.

Relying on its shield and its own excellent defense, it was barely able to withstand Lu Li's fierce attack.

The Nanyang Caucasus Undead creature was actually suppressed and forced to defend.


The undead Caucasian giant worm, who had never experienced such humiliation, roared angrily and prepared to withstand Lu Li's attack.

At the same time, he also fiercely chopped down the sword in his hand.

What he wanted to do was... to exchange injuries for injuries.

It was a good idea, but unfortunately, Lu Li would not give him such a chance.

After adjusting the angle of the awakening sickle in his hand, Lu Li was not prepared to withstand his fierce sword, as long as he slightly deflected the opponent's attack trajectory.


Heavy force was transmitted to Lu Li's arm, and he adjusted his direction to avert the ferocious slashes of the undead creature from the Caucasus.

But Lu Li's attack, the undead creature from the Caucasus, could not avoid it.


There was a crisp sound, and the sharp tip of the awakening sickle stabbed the chest of the undead creature of the Caucasus Big Bug.

The originally thick armor was actually poked with dents.


The undead creature of the South Sea Caucasus Big Pocket Insect was extremely angry and fought back angrily.

This guy was like a ignited explosive barrel. At this time, his mind was occupied by anger.

"Go to hell!! Give me...go to hell!!"

Bursts of lightning flashed, and I saw streaks of thunder converging on the big horn in front of his forehead. He immediately stepped away, and Lu Li quickly put the two Awakening Scythes together in his hands, and took out the Chalice arrows. The three were combined 1.

Finally, he changed into the Wild Slasher's Awakening Bow mode.


, thirteen golden lights appeared in the air.

These thirteen cards were in the golden light. Under the sparkle, thirteen lights and shadows quickly merged together and finally turned into a card. The Wild Awakening card appeared out of nowhere and flew back to Lu Li's hand.


A golden light suddenly appeared in front of Lu Li's eyes.

This golden light and shadow was exactly the pattern on the Wild Awakening card.

The golden light and shadow automatically blended into the Awakening Bow in Lu Li's hand.

Under the cover of the golden light, the entire Awakening Bow shone with golden brilliance..

Just like pulling out a bow and arrow, the bow arm of the awakening bow is extremely compressed, and powerful energy is concentrated at the tip, exuding a terrifying green light.

At this time, the large horn on the head of the undead creature from the Caucasus is revealed. The thunder above has been gathered, and a terrifying thunder light is released, and Xing Gong also releases a powerful green energy wave in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Two extremely terrifying energies collided and exploded.

A deafening explosion resounded throughout the world, and the shocking fire was extremely dazzling. The terrifying shock wave blew up the sand on the beach, and the sky was filled with dust for a while.

The entire ground, Everyone seemed to be trembling at the moment.

The energy collision continued, and the lightning kept hitting the beach, splashing a lot of sand and dust, but this situation lasted for a few seconds.

, the green energy seemed to be more powerful, gradually suppressing the purple thunder


The undead creature of the South Sea Caucasus Big Pocket Worm saw the green energy wave gradually coming towards it, and its green eyes were filled with horror.

It thought that it could be evenly matched with the opponent, or even suppress the opponent.

But unexpectedly, it was me instead. Suppressed!

His body gradually retreated under the pressure of this energy. The undead creature from the South Sea Caucasus was still ready to continue exerting force, but there was a sudden pain in his chest.

It turned out to be the place where the tip of the awakening bow had been stabbed. Green blood was already oozing out.

It was precisely because of this distraction that the undead creatures of the Caucasus lost their chance to counterattack on the spot. The green energy wave instantly repelled the purple thunder and hit the Caucasus undead in the South Sea. vermin undead


The violent energy was poured into the body, and even the undead creature from the Caucasus of South Asia could not help but scream.

Under the shroud of terrifying energy, the undead creature from the Caucasus of South Asia felt that its body was being destroyed. devastated

"Boom boom boom!!"

Behind a violent explosion, Lu Li's eyes were fixed on the center of the explosion.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and the undead creature of the South Sea Caucasus giant worm was still standing.

The sword in his hand had broken, and the shield in his left hand had also broken into pieces..

There were a lot of cracks in the armor on his body, and even if he didn't die, he would be disabled.

"Didn't this solve you? I have to are indeed very strong."

Lu Li was not mocking the undead creature from the South Sea Caucasus, but he was affirming the opponent's strength.

The undead creature from the South Sea Caucasus was actually able to kill him with one shot, and it was also able to stand without falling, which is generally undead. Creatures cannot do this.

But just as Lu Li finished speaking, the undead creature from the South Sea Caucasus seemed to be unable to support its body and fell straight back.

"call! call!……"

Breathing heavily, the undead creature from the South Sea Caucasus no longer wanted to move.

My whole body ached, and there were so many cracks in the armor on my body.

If it weren't for the immortality of undead creatures, he might have died.

Chapter 11 The final goal arrives


The golden belt buckle symbolizing the most advanced undead creatures was opened.

This also means that the undead creatures of the Southern Caucasus have lost the final battle and cannot become the ruler of this planet.

Lu Li walked over slowly, condescending Looking down at the undead creature from the Caucasus of South Asia, seeing Lu Li appearing in his field of view, the undead creature of the Caucasus of South Asia was convinced and could only hear him murmuring.

"I...lost, you...are the final winner."

If he loses, he loses. He will not admit his defeat.

As a king, you should have the courage to be a king. If he loses this time, the worst he can do is win it back in the next extreme battle.

"If... there is a next time, I hope... I can play against you again.

The time has come, seal me."

The undead creature of the Nanyang Caucasus Big Bug is very calm at the moment, without any nervousness or reluctance.

Fighting is his destination.

Whether it is victory or defeat, he must accept the result.

"Hope... we can see you again."

Lu Li placed the blank card in his hand on the chest of the undead creature from the Caucasus.

A faint green light flashed, and the undead creature from the Caucasus was successfully sealed.

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