Although he has this skin, his inner essence is actually that of an undead creature."

The voice he spoke was not soft, and Lu Li didn't seem to want to avoid anything.

Nozomi Yamanaka, who had not understood the situation at all, suddenly heard these words and was stunned on the spot.

What does this mean?

She had never thought that Kamijo Mutsuki was no longer the Kamijo Mutsuki she had been before.

Upon hearing this, Green immediately knew that something was going to happen and he quickly scolded her.

"enough! You don't need to worry about this.

Despite what he said, he still noticed the change in Yamanaka Nozomi's expression.

I thought to myself that it was bad.

I didn't want this matter to be exposed so soon, but I didn't expect that it was exposed because of Lu Li's words.

"It can’t be said that it has nothing to do with me at all. The fact that this kid became like this has a very direct relationship with me.

Tachibana, don’t forget, Isaka and I had a cooperative relationship before. His knight system can be completed, and we have an inseparable relationship.

Also, you probably won’t forget that the reason why you were able to seal the undead spiders and fight again was thanks to my help at the time."

Lu Li's words made Ge Lian suddenly fall silent.

Indeed, Lu Li and Li Ge's birth are inseparable.

Looking at Nozomi Yamazaka aside, Lu Li shook his head slightly and said regretfully

"What a poor little girl who fell in love with a bad boy."

At this time, Yamanaka Nozomi's eyes were slightly absent-minded. He was in a state of dissociation and kept mumbling to himself.

"Mutsuki... is no longer Mutsuki.

Knowing this is definitely a bolt from the blue and a huge blow to her.

Lian Geer had successfully recovered all his cards at this moment, and he was also very wary of Lu Li's arrival.

The opponent's strength is unfathomable and cannot be dealt with by him.


The first thought in his heart was to retreat. After all, he had achieved his goal and successfully obtained the card.

Now that everything is in hand, there is no need to stay here any longer.

After thinking about this, Lenger immediately turned around and ran away, preparing to leave here on a bicycle.

However, he still underestimated Lu Li.

They were already being targeted by Lu Li, how could they possibly escape.

The moment Liang Geer turned around and ran away, Lu Li disappeared instantly.

It just disappeared, as if it had never appeared here at all.

And in the next second, Leng Ge suddenly saw Lu Li very close at hand. when?!

The brakes suddenly came to a sudden stop, and Lenger was filled with panic.

He didn't expect that Lu Li would suddenly appear in front of him.

This is definitely not something that can be done quickly. No matter how fast you go, you can't appear in front of yourself in the blink of an eye.

"Lu Li, you... what are you going to do? Heart々!"


While speaking, even Geer himself didn't notice it. He unconsciously took half a step back out of fear.

This was a subconscious and instinctive reaction. The body was afraid of Lu Li and wanted to stay away from him.

Looking at Ge Lian calmly, a smile flashed across Lu Li's face

"Are you... so afraid of me?

As soon as these words came out, they were full of sarcasm, and even the people in Gelton were about to explode with anger.

How could I be afraid?

He is the strongest knight, how can he be afraid of this?! slander!

This is naked slander!

"Do not make jokes! Lu Li, I...I'm not afraid of you!"

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Lian Geer showed a rare toughness when facing this man who made him feel fear.

The first time was also the last time. Lu Li would not give him any chance again.

Lu Li didn't like Kamijo Mutsuki anyway, so he took advantage of this opportunity to kill this guy.

Although he said he wasn't afraid, Liang Geer was very honest since he had already decided to kill this guy. Of course, Lu Li couldn't give him another chance to escape. It was a scourge anyway, and it would be useless if he kept it.

He raised his right hand and shook it lightly, and an overwhelming sense of oppression came over him, imprisoning Lenger here. Under the influence of this force, Lian Ge felt that his body was unable to move at all.

"how come?! Can't move?!"

Lian Ge, who was restrained, didn't understand what was going on at all.

Why couldn't he move all of a sudden?

Noticing the movements of Lu Li's hands, Lian Ge was very sure that Lu Li must have done this to him. What happened, otherwise I would never be like this?

"open! hateful! Lu Li, if you have the ability, let me go and have a fight with me!

Let me show you the true strength of using Q to fight!!"

At that time, Lian Geer was still hanging on here. He was obviously in such a mess and unbearable, but he was very stubborn and unwilling to beg for mercy.

The corner of Lu Li's mouth raised slightly, he liked this. hard bones

"You can't even break free with this little strength, so what else is there to fight between us?

Seeing you look so pitiful, don't worry, I'll.....It will set you free.

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li flicked his finger, and Leng Ge flew to Lu Li uncontrollably.

A faint dark golden energy appeared on his right hand, emitting bursts of strange aura.

I don't know why, but when he saw the dark golden energy, Liang Ge suddenly had a very bad feeling, as if a mouse had seen a cat.

Seeing the palm exuding dark golden energy getting closer, Lenger kept struggling, but to no avail

"hateful! let me go!! Tachibana-senpai! Please help me, this guy is going to kill me!"

At this time, Leng Ge was very shameless and begged Ge Lian to help him.

I don't know where this guy got his face, but he was able to say this.

Others might not necessarily believe Leng Ge. , but Ge Lian knew that Lu Li was a ruthless person.

It was entirely possible for him to kill Lian Ge, and no matter what

, he couldn't let this happen.

Kamijo Mutsuki was in control, but that body was always Kamijo Mutsuki's, and

Yamanaka Nozomi was right next to him. There was no way that Gelen could just watch what happened to Lenger.

"Land from! Let him go! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being polite!

Aiming the gun at Lu Li, Ge Lian felt very nervous at the moment.

He knew that with his own strength, there was no way he could deal with Lu Li, unless he could delay Kazuma Kenzaki's arrival.

Once the opponent transforms into an imperial sword, there may be hope of victory.

Before Kenzaki Kazuma arrived here, he had to find a way to stabilize Lu Li.

Being pointed at by the awakening gun, Lu Li shrugged helplessly.

"Tachibana, your behavior really makes me sad. At least I helped you dispel your fear and gave you the strength to deal with Isaka.

As a result, you are now repaying kindness with hatred, which is really sad.

He said this verbally, but Lu Li didn't even look uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Green fell silent immediately.

But then Green immediately retorted:

"You're not helping me, you're just...just satisfying your own interests.

The same goes for your collaboration with Isaka.

This was on point. Lu Li helped Ge Lian dispel his fear just because of a whim.

At the same time, I also want to see if Green is capable of defeating Isaka if Sayoko is not dead.

"Having said all that, why haven't you fired yet? Don't you want to stop me?

Shoot! How can you stop me without shooting?"

Lu Li's palm gradually came closer to Lenger's knight belt buckle. The palm exuding dark golden energy seemed to be filled with a special power.

If you pay more attention at this time, you will find that the plants around Lu Li seem to be affected by Infected by this power, it suddenly withered.

Gillian, who had keen vision, obviously noticed this.

At this time, he no longer hesitated and immediately pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The muzzle of the gun was spitting flames, and one bullet after another went straight towards Lu Li.

Hearing the sound of the gun, a smile appeared on Lu Li's lips, it was just in vain.

With these bullets, they couldn't even touch Lu Li. About one meter away from Lu Li, these bullets were stopped in mid-air.


Seeing that Lu Li could easily control the bullets he fired without transforming, Ge Lian was very surprised.

But after being surprised, he felt that this was a matter of course.

The terrifying ability displayed by Lu Li even surpassed the category Kig..

Even in human form, the opponent was still able to release terrifying power.

At this time, Lu Li's right hand had touched Lenger's knight's belt buckle, and the dark golden energy began to erode Lenger's body.


Feeling a special energy flowing through his body, Lian Ge suddenly began to wail in pain.

Lian Ge, who was struggling just now, forgot to even struggle under the influence of this force.

To be precise It's not that he forgot to struggle, but that his body's strength couldn't be exerted.

Under the influence of this force, Leng Ge could feel that his muscles began to shrink and his body began to decline. This power came from the power of death! Even without the transformation, Lu Li can still control the power of the six core coins of the evil organization. Anyone who comes into contact with the power of death will be eroded by this power if they have no means of resistance. The body gradually ages, and eventually turns into loess and dust.

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