Until now, he has not been able to accept his true identity.

The real Yoshito Hirose was already dead when he released the undead creatures. he....He is Test Subject B with the memory of Hirose Yoshito.

Suddenly, a strange memory emerged in his mind. These memories were the memories of the real Hirose Yoshito before he died.

"Hello! Who the hell are you? Why do you have the memory of Mr. Hirose!"

Kazaki Kazuma is ready to fight.

But Tachibana Saku has figured everything out. The Hirose Yoshito in front of him should be a test subject with the memory of the real Hirose Yoshito.

As for the real Hirose Yoshito, I'm afraid that Yoshito Hirose had already died in that experiment.

At this time, Yoshito Hirose seemed to have accepted the sealed memories in his mind, so in order to fully believe that he was Yoshito Hirose, he kept the last memories. Everything was sealed in the depths. He didn't expect to be triggered by such a liberation.

Standing up slowly, Yoshito Hirose raised his head slightly and stared at Kazuma Kenzaki and Sakuya Tachibana with cold eyes.

"Kazuma Kenzaki, only I can help you now, I can make you immortal!

No one else can do this, only you..can do it! Come on, join me in my experiment!"

There was a hint of madness in his words. He felt that he was about to gain the power to fight death.

Once he got the secret of immortality, no one would die again.

"Mr. Hirose, do you know what you are talking about?!"

Tachibana Saku also understood that Hirose Yoshito's real purpose was not to help Kenzaki Kazuma, but even to turn Kenzaki Kazuma into Jokr.


He is a complete madman!

At this time Tachibana Sakuya felt a strong gap in his heart, feeling that he was being used again because the other party sincerely wanted to help Kenzaki Kazuma, but he didn't expect that he was just taking advantage of his concern for Kazuma Kenzaki's mood. Fortunately,

Yusheng came with him and immediately noticed that Hirose Yoshito was not normal.

"Everything I do is to gain the secret of immortality.

This will be a great feat for mankind and no one will stop me and no one can stop me!"

Then, Hirose Yoshito turned his attention to Mingsheng aside.

The guy in front of him could actually feel that he was not a human. It was certain that the other party must not be a human either.

Since he is not a human and is not a test subject, then he can only It is an undead creature.

It can also change into human form, which is enough to show that the opponent is a high-level undead creature. There are only a few high-level undead creatures that have not been sealed.

Therefore, Shima Noboru immediately guessed who Hirose was. real identity


Although he already knew that he was Experiment B, he still didn't want to confront Kenzaki Kazuma and the others head-on, not to mention that there was a category Kig next to him.

Choosing to go head-on at this time will do no good to you at all.

Thinking of this, Hirose Yoshito instantly transformed into Experimental Subject B, quickly broke through the defenses of Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma, and escaped from the research institute directly.

Test Subject B has a very powerful combat power, and is produced from Hirose Yoshito's cells. The power it exerts is even stronger than Test Subject F.

When making this test body B, it was carefully designed and polished, and now we have a powerful test body B.

The opponent's speed was so fast that Kazuma Kenzaki and Tachibana Shuo didn't even have time to react.

Although Shima Noboru is a type Kig with strong combat power, he tries not to fight if he can avoid it!

Chapter 480 The unwilling King! Use Q to play the final dance!

When he thought that he was being used again, Ju Shuo's face suddenly became ugly.

Then, he showed a charming expression

"Sorry, Kenzaki, thanks to Mr. Arishima's presence this time, this matter didn't turn into a big mistake.

If I brought you here alone, I might put you in danger again.

With his head lowered, Ju Shuo didn't want things to turn into this.

Hearing this, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"Tachibana-senpai, am I okay? Don't worry, I can't blame you for this.

After all, the other party is a test subject with Mr. Hirose's memory. He knows everything about us. He intends to use you. It makes sense that you can't notice it."

That's what he said, but when he thought about it, Kenzaki Kazuma felt ~ a wave of heart palpitations.

Fortunately, he noticed it in advance, otherwise he would have been in big trouble.

He has no idea of becoming an undead creature now, as a human being Isn’t it delicious?

He looked around carefully and found many photos of Kenzaki Kazuma on the wall. Shimaso nodded.

"It seems that he has been paying attention to Kenzaki before, with the purpose of prompting Kenzaki to transform into an undead creature.

And in the process, he conducts research to find the secret of immortality.

This kind of behavior is indeed very crazy, but it is indeed the best research method."

I have to admit that Yoshito Hirose is indeed a very good researcher.

Later, they successfully found the last category Kig here.

This is also the source of undead cells used to create test subject F.

King of Hearts!

When he got this card, Kenzaki Kazuma was very happy. With this card, Aikawa Hajime should be able to suppress the Jokr wildness in his heart.

With a happy expression, Ju Shuo immediately guessed what was going on in this kid's mind.

Fortunately, this extreme battle has ended early, so there is no need to worry about Jokr becoming the final winner.

Otherwise , it would be impossible for all living things to be destroyed.

Otherwise, he was really worried that Kenzaki Kazuma would eventually be unable to take action.

Research Institute.

Now that he has been exposed, it may be difficult to get Kazuma Kenzaki with his own strength , and the only person who can help him is Tianwang Lu Hiroshi..

As long as he can get help from the other party, it will be much easier to capture Kazuma Kenzaki.

Just when he thought this, he hurried back to the research institute, but suddenly found that the research institute...

was abandoned!

That's right, the research institute was abandoned, and there was no one inside!

When he saw this situation, Yoshito Hirose was so messed up in the wind!

He couldn't understand it at all, even though he had been in contact before.

Why did Tianwang Lu Boshi's research institute suddenly become like this? He hurriedly took out his cell phone and called Tianwang Lu Boshi, but there was no response.

"What on earth happened here?!"

Yoshito Hirose's eyes were dull. He had no idea what happened here and how it could suddenly become like this. He hurriedly entered the institute and retrieved the institute's monitoring. He successfully found

When he first saw the three figures appearing in the surveillance video, especially the figure in the middle, he stared closely at the familiar face.

"Land from!"

Yes, he has recognized it. The person in the research institute is none other than Lu Li.

The other party must have discovered that Tianwang Lu Boshi was behind his back, so he came directly to the door.

I am afraid that the research institute will become what it is now, and the other party will also have something to do with it. There was no response from Tianwang Lu Hiroshi.

He was probably in danger. Hirose Yoshito wanted to find help, but suddenly found that he could not find it.

At this time, a faint sound of footsteps suddenly came from outside. Come on.

The sudden voice cheered up Yoshito Hirose, and soon, a man wearing glasses appeared in front of him. Yes, this person was Jinju who had entered the research institute before. He searched around the research institute for the information he wanted, even if there was just a little bit of information that was useful to him. Just when he was looking for information, he heard something moving here and rushed over immediately, and he saw it. Hirose Yoshito

"You...are not from the institute!"

Having immediately recognized that Jin Ju was not from this research institute, Hirose Yoshito was naturally not polite.

He immediately switched to the test subject B form and prepared to fight Jin Ju.

When he saw test subject B, Jin Ju was already Now I know the identity of the guy in front of me.

I didn't expect to find the test subject of King Lu Boshi here. Maybe the other party will know some information I want, but it seems that this guy in front of me can't do it easily.

Jin Ju was naturally ready to use force and transformed back into the giraffe saw-shovel undead creature.

"CategoryKing! ,

Test Subject B is certainly no stranger to the undead creatures released by Hirose Yoshito.


The fingertips of his right hand released a lightning strike and went straight towards the saw-shovel undead creature.

Holding the big sword in his hand, the saw-shovel undead creature slashed at the oncoming thunder and lightning with a fierce sword.

Then a fierce fight broke out between the two sides. Combat.

Experimental body B is indeed very powerful, and its combat power has exceeded that of ordinary high-level undead creatures. Of course, although the combat power of experimental body B is good, it is not enough to threaten the strength of the saw-shovel undead creature.

, how could he be surpassed so easily.

At the beginning, Test Subject B was indeed able to resist, and could even be said to be evenly matched.

But as time went by, the Saw-Shovel Undead creature had figured out the test. Body B's strength.

When he exploded with all his strength, he knocked Experimental Body B to the ground with three blows, and the big sword in his hand came out directly against his neck.

However, the saw-shovel undead creature did not take any further action. It didn't seem like he was planning to kill Test Subject B.

He moved the sword away, and the undead creature returned to Jin Ju's appearance.

Test Subject B stood up, looked at Jin Ju in confusion, and said.

"Why didn't you take action?

Hearing this, Jin Ju shook his head and said

"There is no need for me to kill you, and I have no reason to kill you. I want to know more about this institute from you.

Although I don’t know who you are, you should be from this research institute. What I can tell you is that Tianwang Lu Boshi is now dead.

As for who was killed, I think you should have seen it when you called the surveillance just now."

Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi is dead?!

Although there was already speculation in his heart, when he learned the news, Experimental Subject B was still a little hard to accept for a while.

The reason why he can still exist in this form is because of Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi's help

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