When Ge Lian saw such a powerful imperial sword, he was filled with shock.

He had no idea that Kenzaki Kazuma could exert such a powerful force, which was outrageous.

Can just King.Form exert such a powerful force?!

Compared with Gren, who was shocked, Shima Noboru's expression was very serious at this time.

He could feel that the emperor's sword was in a state very close to that of an undead creature.

PS: Thank you

--17801. 1000V1P points!

Chapter 477 Assimilation! Calculate the accounts from ten thousand years ago, the power of destruction!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, just relying on his perception, Jiu Sheng would have even doubted that the Emperor Sword was an undead creature without hesitation.

This power is very similar to Joker.

Although there are some small differences, overall the difference is not too big.

Originally, the Knight System itself was modeled after Jokerl's Awakening Device.

Logically speaking, the knight system should not bring such big changes to people.

Even the final King.Form is just a fusion of human and type King, rather than a fusion of thirteen undead creatures.

Shima Noboru also felt at this moment that this matter was no ordinary trouble. Kenzaki Kazuma was really special.

At this time, Emperor Sword suddenly raised his right hand.

I saw a dazzling golden light blooming on his body, and the changed golden cards appeared in his hand.

The five cards were the spades 10 time scarab, the spades Jack fused with the eagle, the spades queen absorbing the goat, and the black spades. Peach King evolves Caucasus and Ace of Spades beetles!

Put these five cards into the Awakening Sword in order to load them.


"Royal.Straight.Flush(Royal Flush)!"

The phantoms of five golden cards appeared directly in front of the Imperial Sword. Holding the Awakening Sword tightly with both hands, the Imperial Sword suddenly charged forward with force.

Every time a card is passed through, the energy on the Awakening Sword will become stronger, and the golden light that blooms will be more dazzling.


After passing through five cards, the power of the Imperial Sword's ultimate move, Royal Flush, has reached its extreme.


I saw a terrifying golden light flash across, and the body of Test Subject F suddenly stopped, completely losing its combat effectiveness.

The Emperor Sword that passed by him slowly withdrew the Reawakening Sword held by both hands.

Test Subject F slowly turned around The Imperial Sword fell down very unwillingly...


There was an explosion behind him, and the Imperial Sword didn't even look back.

A real man never looks back at the explosion!

Due to the severe damage to his energy, Experimental Body F has now completely lost the power to fight with him.

The battle is over!

Test Subject F has been taken care of, and this battle naturally ends here. The Imperial Sword immediately released its transformation and returned to its appearance as Kenzaki Kazuma.

F. Kenzaki Kazuma felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Although he didn't know who the guy came from, he came to embarrass himself several times, so he didn't need to be polite.

He used the invisibility Titan to hide in the dark. Seeing that the Imperial Sword was so powerful, I suddenly lost the idea of taking action immediately.

The original plan was to let all the knights fight to the death, and then the Titan would fish in troubled waters and launch a sneak attack to kill all the knights at once. King Lu Hiroshi's plan is completed.

Now it seems that if Titan reaches out at this time, it will probably be similar to the situation of Experimental Subject F.

The fusion of the undead creature's power does make it stronger, but it does not mean that it will become stronger. It can really match the power of Category Kig.

Taitan left in a state of invisibility, and now is not the best time to take action.

However, what Taitan does not know at this time is that his so-called master Tianwang Lu Hiroshi is now completely invisible. They were all gone and turned into dust.

However, since the next mission order was not received, Titan would faithfully carry out this mission order.

After Titan left, Ge Lian took advantage of the situation and released the transformation. They all looked at Kenzaki Kazuma seriously.

"Kenzaki, your current situation is not good. I took a closer look at your King.Form just now. It is a power similar to Jokert.

Just now, I felt that the aura emanating from you no longer looked like a human being, but an undead creature.

If you continue to use this power, I'm worried that you may be assimilated by this power, and by then, you may become a real undead creature."

This is not Tachibana Sakuya's advice, but Shima Noboru's advice.

He feels that Kenzaki Kazuma is really not suitable to continue using Kig.Form. It is best to make changes now, otherwise it will become more and more troublesome later.

"Mr. Shima, why don’t you even..?"

Kenzaki Kazuma opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but the words reached his lips and he couldn't come out.

As an undead creature, Shima Noboru must have a very deep understanding of undead creatures.

I'm afraid the other party is not alarmist, but is explaining the facts to himself.

But asking him to just give up the fight, he couldn't do it.

At least he couldn't give up the fight until all non-creatures were sealed.

Only after all the undead creatures are sealed, maybe he will be willing to take the initiative to relieve himself of the burden.

And the sealed undead creatures include those as powerful as Lu Li

"Kenzaki, look, I'm not being alarmist. Mr. Shima has already seen that there is indeed something wrong with your body.

Be obedient and don't continue to transform and fight. If you continue, your body will sooner or later.!"

At the end of his words, Ju Shuo stopped abruptly.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, the meaning was very obvious.

Seeing Kenzaki Kazuma's silence, Tachibana Shuo also said quickly

"Come with me, I will take you to meet someone, maybe he can change your current situation"

"Who to meet?"

Kazaki Kazuma was quite confused as to who could help him.

He hesitated for a moment, and Tachibana Shuo didn't know whether he should tell Kazuma Kenzaki about this.

But after a brief hesitation, He felt that there was nothing to hide about this matter, so he told Kenzaki Kazuma truthfully.

"It’s Mr. Yoshito Hirose!"

"Mr. Hirose?!"

The voice couldn't help but rise a few degrees. Kenzaki Kazuma looked at Tachibana Sakuya in disbelief.

Of course he knew who Hirose Yoshito was. He was an important researcher at the institute and was also Hirose's father.

But the problem is Wasn't there already news that Hirose Yoshito was dead?

Even as a daughter, Hirosuke always thought so in her heart, but now she suddenly heard that Hirose Yoshito was alive. How could Kenzaki Kazuma not be surprised by the news

? Could it be possible that Kenzaki Kazuma was right?

Hirose Yoshito was indeed resurrected from the dead.

Hearing this, Ju Shuo also understood that this matter was difficult to explain for a while.

"Just go with me first and you'll find out. It's all for your own good.

Mr. Shima, I really want to trouble you this time. If it weren't for your help, we still wouldn't be able to defeat Category Kig."

Of course Shima Noboru also knows the name of Hirose Yoshito.

It is because of this man that these undead creatures that should have been sealed can be liberated.

But he always feels that this matter is not that simple, Hirose Yoshito He had also heard from Karasuma Kei that someone who was supposed to be dead suddenly appeared and said he wanted to help Kenzaki Kazuma, which seemed a bit unbelievable. Is there any other situation?

Thinking of this, Shima Noboru had the idea of going together, so he took the initiative to say」

"Tachibana, I’m very curious about the Hirose Yoshito you mentioned. You might not mind if I tag along and take a look."

The main reason is that he felt something was wrong. There must be other things going on here.

Compared to Tachibana Sakuya and Kenzaki Kazuma, Shima Noboru is obviously more mature and experienced, and may be able to detect the anomaly.

When he heard the news At the time, Jushuo also fell into hesitation for a moment.

"This... but in the end he nodded and agreed.

"Okay, Mr. Ming, in that case, let's go together."

Then, the three of them went to the research institute where Yoshito Hirose was working.

They returned to Lu Li.

When Lu Li faced the sealing slate face to face again, he couldn't help but recall the events from ten thousand years ago in his mind. Scene.

At that time, I also stood in front of the sealing stone after winning the ultimate battle, and started to carve the sealing stone, and was eventually exiled to another world.

Ten thousand years, we met again.

But for Lu Li, it didn't last long, but for the sealing stone, it was indeed ten thousand years.

Lu Li slowly reached out and wanted to touch the sealing stone. As if he was alert, a powerful force directly resisted the palm he wanted to get closer to.

It didn't take much to think that this force came from the sealing stone, which was resisting him and didn't want him to touch it.

It was over. Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki were curious about what Lu Li wanted to do next.

When they saw Lu Li actually fighting against the sealing stone, they couldn't help but sweat in their hearts.

After all, it was a seal. The stone slab is the master of the entire extreme battle and a god!

Facing such a powerful and terrifying existence, does Lu Li really have a chance to win?

Although they want to believe that Lu Li has unrivaled power, the sealing stone slab created them. He had an extraordinary status in their hearts, but what happened next made their eyes widen in surprise.

Lu Li had a sneer on his face. He used this power to fight against himself before, and now, ten thousand years later, he still wants to use this same power to fight against himself.

A strange force appeared in Lu Li's hands, facing the resistance released by the sealing stone. Lu Li was disdainful of the power.

He was no longer the same person as before, and the previous method of sealing the stone slab would have no effect at all.

Just when the two sides seemed to be at a stalemate, Lu Li used a little force to seal the stone slab. The resistance force was suddenly invaded, and the arm with withered yellow armor was pressed on the sealing stone slab.

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