The appearance of Titan made Miyuki Yoshinaga feel a little bad.

She learned some things about Tianwang Lu Boshi from Lu Li, but she didn't know the specific details.

Now I realize that this guy is the culprit of everything, he can be said to be the big boss behind the scenes.

To be able to create such a strange undead creature, this guy's ability is so terrifying.

You must know that even the sealing slate has never done such a thing.

The purpose of the sealing tablet is to select the winning race in the extreme battle, so it is naturally impossible to create such a monster.

Night falls.

The whole city was shrouded in darkness.

Miyuki Yoshinaga returned to the place where she lived before and told Lu Li the news.

Due to the inability to use the Earth Library, Lu Li could not find any trace of Tianwang Lu Boshi before, but now he finally found his lair.

The fifth category Ace card is finally revealed.

Now that Hirose Yoshito has not yet died, King Lu Hiroshi can't wait to create the Titan. It seems that he is worried that the knights will affect his subsequent plans.

It's a good idea to deal with the knight now.

Lu Li is not worried about Titan's problems at all. Now he only needs to concentrate on dealing with the affairs of King Lu Boshi.

After killing the guy named Tian Wang Lu Bo Shi, you can successfully get the fifth category Ac, and you can also find the sealed sealing tablet.

What Lu Li wanted to do could basically be achieved.

Of course, there will inevitably be some obstacles in this process. Tianwang Lu Boshi will not easily hand over the fifth category Ace card he has in his hand.

That was the card he had worked so hard to create to win this extreme battle.

It doesn't matter whether he gives it or not. If he doesn't give it, Lu Li can just go ahead and force it without any impact at all!

Now that Tianwang Lu Boshi's research institute had been found, there was no point in Cheng Guang continuing the search, so Lu Li called her back directly.

Prepare to go directly to Tianwang Lu Boshi's research institute early tomorrow morning and get the things.

As for tonight, let's take a good rest and comfort Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was frightened, and Shiroko, who didn't gain much.

A speechless night!

The city shrouded in night exudes murderous intent.

There has been no movement since the last time he was defeated by Lu Li's newbie, Kig, but that doesn't mean he has disappeared.

Although this guy was not keen on fighting, Lu Li's appearance successfully aroused the competitive spirit in his heart.

The last time he failed miserably, he couldn't bear it no matter what.

He is a powerful King, when has he ever lost so miserably?


Even in the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, he was not as aggrieved by losing as he is now.

No matter what, he must get this place back and prove to Lu Li that he is powerful and cannot be underestimated.

During this period of time, he has been recuperating from his injuries, and also to recharge his batteries and ensure that his body is at its peak condition.

The purpose is to be able to exert his strongest strength without being crushed by Lu Li like last time.

Although Spade Kig is very strong, his personality is more like that of a child.

He is strong enough and doesn't care if the opponent is strong or not, they are not as strong as him anyway.

But now someone suddenly appeared who completely crushed him. The imbalance in his heart made his child's temper unbearable, and his competitive spirit suddenly came up.

As for how to find Lu Li, King of Spades already had a good idea.

As long as he makes more noise, Lu Li might see him and come looking for him.

However, what Spade Kig didn't know was that Lu Li had lost interest in him and was more interested in the Imperial Sword.

The previous battle was just to have another battle with the undead creature.

The goal had been achieved, so Lu Li naturally no longer had any interest.

Because of this, the targets that Spades Kng can attract can only be Kenzaki Kazuma and the others, not Lu Li.

As a last resort, Shima Noboru will also join in the battle.

The next day, early in the morning, the undead creature appeared directly in the downtown area, causing a huge sensation and immediately began to cause destruction.

The incomparably powerful force caused everyone around him to flee.

It happened to be the rush hour for work in the morning, and people were crowded and bumping into each other. In this situation, many people were injured.

Because of what Tachibana Sakuya said before, Kenzaki Kazuma chose to copy the undead creature detector and left the farm alone.

He was worried that he would continue to be pursued by Experimental Subject F, which would implicate Torotaro Shirai and Shiro Hirose.

Kazuma Kenzaki rushed to his destination quickly. Even though he had been warned not to transform, he couldn't just watch someone get hurt.

At the same time, Tachibana Shuo also naturally received the signal of the appearance of the undead. He knew that Kenzaki Kazuma would definitely go.

He must not be allowed to continue to transform!

If he continues to fight, Kazuma Kenzaki will be assimilated by the undead sooner or later, and by then it will be too late.

Before this happened, he had to stop Kazuma Kenzaki.

Kamijo Mutsuki, controlled by Hajime Aikawa and the spider undead creature, could naturally feel the aura of Category Kig and rushed to the scene non-stop.

The King of Spades' operation directly disrupted everything.

The problem is that the huge variable of Spades Kig is still very powerful. Even if there are four Kamen Riders, they may not be able to deal with it.

Titan was originally arranged to deal with the four Kamen Riders, but Heavenly King Lu Hiroshi was still very happy to see this situation.

Now that the King of Spades has taken action, maybe the root���There's no need for Titan to take action.

Of course, it's okay to let Kig of Spades consume the strength of the knights first, and then let Titan kill them with one hit.


There is absolutely no problem with this plan. Tianwang Lu Boshi feels that the probability of success of this plan is very high.

Lu Li was naturally very familiar with the aura of the King of Spades.

This guy hasn't done anything since he was injured last time.

Now he suddenly ran out in a swagger, probably trying to lure him out to fight with him again.

It's a pity that Lu Li is not interested and has no intention of going at all.

He knew very well what his purpose was now. He finally found Tianwang Lu Boshi's lair. Lu Li would not wait for the old guy Tianwang Lu Boshi to run away.

This guy is always cautious. If he slips away this time, it will not be so easy to find him next time.

Lu Li took Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki to Tenwang Hiroshi's research institute.

At this time, Tianwang Lu Boshi did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all, and just assumed that everything was still going according to his plan.

Of course, the reason why he is not worried about his research being discovered is simply because he has the best trump card.

Cerberus is the undead creature corresponding to the three-headed dog card!

It has all the advantages of undead creatures, and not only is it not a living creature, it also has the data of a test subject created by Yoshito Hirose.

Has the ability to forcibly seal undead creatures and absorb category cards.

It can be said that Cerberus fully deserves the title of the strongest undead creature, and its combat power is very powerful.

Heavenly King Lu Hiroshi believes that as long as Cerberus is in hand, he can win this extreme battle and eventually become the ruler of the earth. downtown area within the city.

The streets that should have been bustling with people in the morning were actually very quiet at this time, with ruins everywhere and smoke filling the air, as if they had just experienced the ravages of some force.

In the center of this street, the undead creature holding a sword and a shield was sitting on a car.

He is waiting!

Waiting for Lu Li to appear, the guy who gave him a strong desire to win, he would defeat the opponent no matter what.


At this time, bursts of roaring/whining sounds of motorcycles came from the streets in four directions.

Not long after, Kazuma Kenzaki and four others appeared here driving a motorcycle.

The undead creature thought he had already arrived at Lu Li. Unexpectedly, all those who came were some Kamen Riders

"These guys... are really haunting!"

He didn't have much interest in these Kamen Riders at all. The one he was most interested in was Lu Li.

But now Lu Li hasn't appeared yet, which made him very angry. He felt like he was being despised!

As a dignified King, He was ignored!

Originally, he was waiting for Lu Li to arrive, but he didn't even see Mao.

He suddenly felt humiliated. He must be in a bad mood at this moment. What should I do?

When I’m in a bad mood, I naturally need to vent.���The targets of discovery are naturally the Kamen Riders around them.

Kenzaki Kazuma saw the other three people, but he didn't expect that everyone came.

"Hajime, are you okay now?

Since the last exchange of cards was given to Aikawa Hajime, Kenzaki Kazuma has not gone to him.

Hearing this, Aikawa Hajime nodded.

Hajime Aikawa didn't know what to say to express his gratitude to Kazuma Kenzaki for trusting him so much and being willing to help him.

Even though he is the most dangerous Joker, Kazuma Kenzaki is still willing to believe in himself.

Seeing Kenzaki Kazuma again, Tachibana Shuo also quickly shouted

"Kenzaki, stop transforming! If you continue, your body will not be able to bear it sooner or later!

If you continue to transform, that guy will come back to find you.

No matter what, he didn't want Kenzaki Kazuma to continue.

The guy mentioned here, of course, refers to test subject F.

Asking for flowers.........

Seeing how they were dilly-dallying, Kamijo Mutsuki didn't even bother to pay attention.

He has only one purpose here, and that is to seal the category King!

The reason why I lost last time was entirely because the scarab undead creature had the effect of time suspension, otherwise I would not have lost.

Shangcheng Xiyue has always been very confident about his own strength.

Even though he once lost to the undead creature of the big pocket insect, he now still thinks that he can seal the opponent



Lengeer, who was the first to complete the transformation, quickly rushed towards the undead creature on the opposite side.

No matter what, he must seal the King type! Of course,

Hajime Aikawa could not let him take down the undead creature of the great pocket insect. He immediately Take out the Ace of Hearts card



Callis also followed Lenger and rushed towards the undead creature.

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