He doesn't have the courage now


Night falls.

The bright moonlight filled the entire city, and the cool wind blew through every corner of the city.

Sonosaki's house.

Lu Li and Sono Sakiko had already returned in the evening, and they came back together.

When Sudou Kirihiko received a call in the afternoon, he immediately changed his clothes and went directly to Sonosaki's house.

Among all cadres, he has the lowest status. Naturally, he has to arrive early, but he cannot be late.

As for Sono Saki Wakana, she was the last to come back, but she came back before the dinner started.

Sitting in their respective seats, Sonosaki Ryuhei, the head of the family, naturally wanted to speak.

Standing up with the wine glass in hand, he heard Sonosaki Ryuhei loudly said:

"Ha ha ha ha! This time is very good. The so-called Second Wind Capital Tower has been postponed indefinitely. We no longer have to worry about building a Second Wind Capital Tower on our factory.

Kirihiko, you have a share of the credit for what happened this time. It’s all thanks to you."

Before he finished speaking, Sonosaki Ryuhei raised the cup in his hand.

This meant to say, get up and have a drink with me.

Sudou Kirihiko did not dare to hesitate for a moment, stood up quickly, and nervously picked up the cup..

He opened his mouth, he had something to say, but couldn't say it, so he finally said a few words helplessly.

"This is what I should do."

He really wanted to say that this incident really had little to do with him.

But if he said that, wouldn't he be saying that he was useless?

How could he say that?

Chapter 75 Good luck, fear

In desperation, he could only follow Sonosaki Ryubei's instructions and the two drank a little together.

Lu Li didn't bother to care about it and ate the delicious food.

"Seiko, the food served tonight tastes pretty good. Do you want to try it?"

Put a piece of food on the plate to Sonosaki Saeko's mouth.


Sonosaki Yueko ate the food on the fork in one bite.

"The chef's skills are pretty good."

It would have been impossible for Sonosaki Saeko to behave in such an immodest and rude manner in the past.

But today, she did it.

This was to vent her dissatisfaction, and at the same time, she was venting herself- She is no longer afraid of her father's powerful power, and no longer afraid of her father's mental oppression.

She also has strong power, and there is no need to be afraid of her father's fear memory. The look on the other side made Sonosaki Wakana grit her teeth in anger and bit down on the beef on her fork.

What she was thinking about now was that she wanted to be with her. Sister, change her position.

Yes, she wants to enjoy the treatment just like Sonosaki Seiko, but the problem is, she can't say it in front of so many people, then she is also everyone ? My lady, why are you acting like this?

There was a hint of dissatisfaction on the face of Sonosaki Ryubei who had just finished drinking. Why did Lu Li have to join in the mischief this time?

Now, I simply don't take myself as the elder in my eyes.

I'm not happy. Sonosaki Ryubei is just a little unhappy. He won't fall out because of this matter. After all, we are a family. How can we do it because of a little thing? Just fall out?

Anyway, as long as it doesn't touch Sonosaki Ryubei's bottom line, he can tolerate it.

Seeing Lu Li and Sonosaki Yueko showing off their affection, Sudou Kirihiko's eyes flashed with envy and deep feeling. He had no desire to compete for Sono Saki anymore because he had seen Lu Li's unrivaled and powerful strength. Besides, the rest is just uncomfortable.

Even if I feel uncomfortable, I have no choice but to endure it. It

's impossible to leave early, right?

The dinner has just started. If I leave early, wouldn't it be very disrespectful to Sonosaki? Ryubei saves face.

Think about it, let it go, lower your head silently, talk less, and eat more food.

Sonosaki Wakana gritted his teeth in discomfort, and suddenly thought of what happened during the day, and quickly changed the topic.

"By the way, I heard on the radio today that there seemed to be a very violent explosion at the site where the Second Wind Capital Tower was to be built.

Father, do you know what is going on?"

Since she usually doesn't pay attention to the trivial matters at home, Sonosaki Wakana can be said to be a real princess-like existence. There are indeed many things she doesn't know.

When Sudou Kirihiko heard this, his body shook slightly unconsciously. For a moment, he glanced at Lu Li who was continuing to eat, but quickly looked away.

However, his little move did not escape the sharp eyes of the old fox Ryube Sonosaki. There was a bright light on the screen, and he seemed to have vaguely guessed something, but this matter had yet to be confirmed. He planned to ask Sudou Kirihiko after the dinner to see if

Sudou Kirihiko knew anything about it.

As my little daughter, Sonosaki Ryuhei has always been very doting.

Wakana, I don't know much about the explosion during the day, but it was precisely because of that explosion. By mistake, the Second Wind Capital Tower plan was temporarily discontinued.

Anyway, my request has been fulfilled, so there is no problem."

Sometimes, you don't necessarily need to know everything about certain things. After that, as long as the final result is in line with your own ideas.

After hearing this, Sonosaki Wakana turned her head and glanced at Sudou Kirihiko, frowning slightly and said

"Doesn't that have nothing to do with him?"

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in her tone, and she didn't really want to see this person.

If it weren't for her father being here, she would have turned into a clay doll and beat this guy out.

Sudou Kirihiko was exposed in person and this incident It doesn't have much to do with it, and I immediately scratched my feet in embarrassment.

Because what Sonosaki Wakana said was true, he really didn't have much to do with this incident. If it had anything to do with it, it wouldn't matter. He just gave Takamura Genzo a little push. But the problem is that in the end Takamura Genzo was defeated by W and was successfully imprisoned in the Fengdu Police Station. Shake his head and smile

"Wakana, you can't say that, I assigned the task to your sister, and your sister assigned the task to Kirihiko.

Now that the final mission is completed, Kirihiko naturally has completed the mission, no matter how much or not he participated.

So don’t get hung up on these meaningless issues. I still believe in Kirihiko’s abilities."

These words, especially the last sentence, were simply a huge recognition for Sudou Kirihiko.

For a moment, Sudou Kirihiko unconsciously puffed up his chest.

He also played a role. Although it’s not too big, it’s still there!


Noting Sudou Kirihiko's actions, Sonosaki Wakana became even more unhappy. It

's really bad luck to be able to get credit even though you didn't do anything.

If you have such bad luck next time, just say no Well, maybe there will be another time.

The dinner ended in a lively atmosphere.

In fact, there were only a few people having a good time after the dinner. Saki Ryuhei called Sudo Kirihiko into his room. He wanted to know something.

Sono Saki Wakana held her delicate face in her hands and asked curiously.

"Brother-in-law, do you know what happened during the day?"

Hearing this, Lu Li smiled and glanced at Sono Saki Wakana

"You can take a guess."

Sono Saki Wakana's face was slightly dazed. She didn't expect Lu Li to ask her to guess.

"Guess? Then I guess you must know, maybe... this matter has something to do with you."

This girl is quite shrewd. She guessed the idea immediately.

"My guess is pretty good. Indeed, the huge explosion during the day was not only related to me, but to be precise, it was indirectly caused by me.

As for the details, I won’t disclose them to you."

Lu Li was just halfway through his words when he got stuck.

Then Saki Wakana, who was about to go to the bustling Sono, instantly felt his teeth itching with hatred.

"ah! Land from! How can you be like this?!

It obviously aroused my curiosity, but it didn't tell me the answer! This is too much!"

This girl stared at Lu Li fiercely, and her cannibalistic look was quite scary.

Sonosaki Saeko, who had regained the taboo, now no longer had to endure provocations like before.

Glancing at Sonosaki Wakana, Sonosaki Saeko... He said calmly

"Wakana, are you threatening your brother-in-law?"

Wakana Sonosaki, who was about to get to the bottom of things, felt a tingling sensation in her back for some reason when she saw Sonosaki Saeko's quick glance.

She had never felt like this before, and this was the first time.

Sonosaki Wakana, who used to be very tough, lowered her head this time

"I don't, I just want to know the answer. Why does he always like to talk in circles with me?"

After coming back to her senses, Sonosaki Wakana found that she had already surrendered on her own initiative.

【What is this……?】

She still hasn't understood why she took the initiative to surrender?

It’s like the collision between instinctive avoidance and Sonosaki Saeko

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