Lying weakly on the ground, feeling like he couldn't exert any energy, Lenger was forced to quit the transformation.

Kamijo Mutsuki was lying on the ground, his face looking very ugly at this time.

He was still talking boldly before, saying that he must seal Sister Tiger, but he didn't expect that he would end up being severely punished by Sister Tiger.

What a mess!

Seeing Mutsuki Kamijo who had been defeated by him, Sister Tora transformed back into human form with a flash of disdain on her face.

"I've told you from the beginning that you have no chance of winning, but you don't believe it.

Don't come to me. Next time, you might die.

With that said, Cheng Guang left directly.

Only Kamijo Mutsuki was left lying on the ground, looking desolate.

After Sister Tiger left, Kamijo Mutsuki took a while to recover.

(Liao Nuo Zhao) stood up reluctantly, with strong unwillingness in his eyes.

He lost!

Not only did he lose, he lost completely and was completely abused.

But this won't let him give up. If he wants to become a Q and fight, he must seal the guy just now......

Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

Lu Li finally found this place, and the coffee shop was open at this moment.

Walking up the winding staircase outside, Lu Li pushed the door open and walked in.


There was a sound of bells at the door. This was the bell behind the door.

When a guest comes, it will naturally make a sound.

The next second, Kurihara Amane walked out from inside

"Welcome, would you like to have something to drink?"

When he saw Lu Li for the first time, Kurihara Amane thought to himself that he is so handsome.

Being handsome naturally attracts more attention, and it is easier for a kid like Kurihara Amane to be fond of him.

I will also become an older brother. Did you?

He was stunned for a moment, and then he said with a faint smile on his face.

"Just bring me a cup of coffee"

"Okay, please come this way.

Under the guidance of Kurihara Amane, Lu Li came to a table in the coffee shop and sat down.

"Please wait a moment and I'll bring it to you."

Kurihara Amane, who was in a good mood, skipped towards the front desk.

At the front desk, Kurihara Haruka was making coffee.

While Lu Li was patiently waiting for the coffee, Aikawa Hajime came up from downstairs.

Just getting ready. When he reached the front desk and said something, Aikawa Hajime instantly noticed Lu Li sitting next to him. His pupils suddenly shrank.

Of course, Aikawa Hajime was no stranger to Lu Li. He felt nervous because he was worried about Kurihara and his daughter. Both of them were hurt.

He can do whatever he wants, but he doesn't want the mother and daughter to be hurt.

PS: Thank you for your monthly vote.

Thank you for your blank.(..................1) Monthly Pass:

Something happened today, so I can only update one chapter. I will resume updating tomorrow, sorry!


Chapter 469: The price of persistent Kallis! The lair and the fused undead creatures came to the table calmly, and Hajime Aikawa asked in a low voice.

"What do you want to do?!"

It could be heard from her words that she was very nervous, and her brain was working rapidly to guess Lu Li's purpose.

The dignified undead hunter Joker was no different from a normal person at this moment.

Seeing how wary he was about her, Lu Li couldn't help but laugh.

He didn't even bother to threaten Hajime Aikawa with the lives of the mother and daughter.

Lu Li, who already had enough strength, could even choose to defeat Hajime Aikawa directly:

"Don't worry, I don't have any ill intentions towards them. I'm just here to have a cup of coffee? how? Am I not welcome to drink coffee here?"

He shrugged helplessly. Lu Li looked completely harmless to humans and animals.

Who would have thought that Lu Li, who looked like a cheerful and cheerful person, was actually an undead creature with extremely terrifying strength?

Although Lu Li did not reveal anything yet. Malice, but Hajime Aikawa did not let down his guard because of this.

Even though he had a lot of cards now, he was still no match for him. He had to be cautious when facing Lu Li. Too much,

"It's best that this is the case, I will never allow anyone to hurt them."

Aikawa Hajime's face was full of seriousness.

He didn't drive Lu Li away now. He was mainly afraid of Lu Li's strong strength.

In this case, it's best not to anger this guy, so as not to involve the mother and daughter in this matter. Come.

At this time, Kurihara Amane came over carefully holding a cup of coffee.

"Brother, your coffee is ready.

Putting the cup on the table, Kurihara Amane looked back and forth curiously at Lu Li and Aikawa Hajime.

"Brother Shi, do you know this brother?"

Aikawa Hajime, who was suddenly asked this question, didn't know how to answer Kurihara Amane for a moment.

He and Lu Li not only knew each other, but were also enemies.

But he couldn't tell this fact in front of Kurihara Amane.

On his face With a gentle smile, Aikawa Hajime nodded.

"I think we know each other, we met once."

Regarding Hajime Aikawa's words, Lu Li just smiled and nodded, acquiescing to what he said.

"So that's it.

Nodding thoughtfully, Kurihara Amane felt that Lu Li and Aikawa Hajime were not that simple, and it must not be just a one-time relationship.

There was a little doubt in his mind, but Kurihara Amane did not continue to delve into this issue.


Hearing his mother's call, Kurihara Amane came to his senses and hurriedly ran towards the front desk.


Looking at the coffee on the table, Lu Li picked it up calmly and slowly tasted the taste of the coffee.

Hajime Aikawa, who was standing next to him, was completely ignored by him.

Seeing that Lu Li did not look like he was going to cause trouble, Aikawa Hajime Shi Shi also let down his guard a little.

Of course, he couldn't let it go completely.

No matter what, he and Lu Li were always enemies

, so they needed to be vigilant at all times and not be careless. A real customer was tasting coffee, and Lu Li had no other intention at all.

He just came here for normal consumption. It was understandable that Aikawa Hajime was wary of him, but Lu Li was not.

After a quick cup of coffee, Lu Li paid the bill and left.

When Lu Li stood up to leave, Aikawa Shi felt uneasy, so he took the initiative to follow him out. He really couldn't figure out where Lu Li was. What are you thinking about?

Are you really just here to have a cup of coffee and have no intention of fighting with yourself?

"how? I have already left, and you want to follow me. Do you want to fight with me again?"

Hearing this, Aikawa Hajime was not weak at all. An awakening device appeared on his waist, and at the same time he took out the Ace of Hearts card in his hand.

"Since you are an undead creature, I will seal you!"



Aikawa Hajime transformed into Kallis again.

Seeing him complete the transformation, Lu Li shook his head helplessly.

He obviously didn't do anything, so why did he have to fight against him?

"It was really hard for Kenzaki Kazuto to help you get the card back, and he paid a big price for it. If he knew that your card was taken away by me again, how do you think he would feel?"

With a faint smile on his face���Smile, Lu Li didn't even transform.

Although Kallis's fighting ability is acceptable now, he still can't catch Lu Li's eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Callis held the awakening bow in his hand and looked at Lu Li with confusion on his face.

He didn't quite understand what the price Lu Li said was.

"how? do not you know?"

I thought that Kallis would know about this matter, but Lu Li had never thought that he was completely unaware of it.

But when he thought that the person who did this was Kazuma Kenzaki, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it. It was completely reasonable. Things happened.

He exchanged the heart card with his sealed elephant undead creature and the 10 of clubs, which allowed Kallis to regain his senses and successfully suppressed Jokr's wildness.

As if pretending, Lu Li nodded thoughtfully and said

"It seems that you really don't know that although these cards of yours were given to you by Kazuma Kenzaki, he exchanged them from Mutsuki Kamijo.

The price paid was the category Jck needed by Mutsuki Kamijo, and the Club 10 Remote Tapir. I exchanged these two cards for these cards of yours."


At this time, Kallis realized that Kazuma Kenzaki had paid a lot of money to help him get his own cards.

However, when giving these cards to himself, Kazuma Kenzaki didn't even get a single card. Not a word was mentioned

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