If you want to seal the category Queen from Lu Li's hands, that's just a fool's errand.

"superior........Kamijo Mutsuki! You... bastard! You betrayed me!"

The sea snake undead creature stood up reluctantly, switching back and forth between the undead creature and the human.

Her expression looked very unwilling.

After all, everything she did was to seal Jokr, and she never thought that she would be killed in advance. People betrayed the seal.

With strong unwillingness in his heart, but to no avail.

Shaking his head slightly, Lian Ge took out a blank card from the card box and said calmly.

"This is not a betrayal, I just chose the method that is most beneficial to me.

It's just a pity, I didn't expect that you are not the suit I want. It's really a pity.

But... with your card in hand, it will be easier for me to get the Awakening Fusion Machine."

Queen of Diamonds, this is the card that Ju Shuo also needs to transform into a guard form.

As long as he can operate it properly, he might be able to exchange this card for a 2.7 awakening fusion machine.

Regarding his betrayal, Leng Ge She wasn't worried. As a Kamen Rider, it was reasonable for her to seal an undead creature.

Then, under the unwilling gaze of the sea snake undead creature, Lenger threw the card on her chest and was sealed by the sea snake undead creature. It was sealed without any resistance at all.

Once the belt buckle at the waist was opened, it meant that the undead creature had entered a state that could be sealed, and resistance was meaningless.

Leng Ge looked at it in his hand. It is a pity that the absorbed sea snake of the suit is not displayed.

Only the corresponding icon can be displayed when the card of the corresponding suit is in hand.

The battle is over!

With the sea snake undead being sealed, this means that Leng Ge is now alone. , without his only ally, although he doesn't care about having allies, but now he is really alone.

No matter what enemies he faces or what he wants to do, he can only rely on himself. , there was no way to rely on others. Then Lian

Ge recovered the elephant undead creatures and left here

, except for the mess caused by the battle.

, another one was sealed! Not long after the Shirai Farm came into contact with the undead signal, Hirose Shizaki just informed Kenzaki Kazuma to rush over, but the battle there was already over.

"Mutsuki, who is this kid fighting?"

Shirai Torataro recalled that the other signal displayed on the computer was Lengel, and he was very curious about which undead creature he was fighting.

At this time, there was a sound from the door.

"It's the advanced undead creature he worked with before"

"Mr. Shima!"

The person who came in from the outside was Jiu Sheng. He already knew what happened just now through the wind.

Chapter 467 Attack! Arrangement, Sister Hu: The one who will be beaten is Sai Q!

Hirose Shiori suddenly remembered. When Maejima Noboru went to help Hajime Aikawa, he mentioned the undead creature who cooperated with Mutsuki Kamijo.

"An undead creature working with Mutsuki? ah! Could it be the one you mentioned before, Mr. Ming!

Hearing this, Shimsho nodded slightly.

"Yes, Mutsuki, no, to be precise, he should be called Category Ace. That guy is eyeing the power of the Awakening Fusion Machine.

His original intention was to seal the type Queen, and then find a way to get the awakening fusion machine to transform into a stronger form.

But unfortunately, although the undead creature he sealed was of type Queen, it was not the type of Queen he needed."

Regarding Shima Noboru's answer, Hirose Shiori and Shirai Torataro had no doubts at all. They both believed in Shima Noboru.

Although the other party was an undead creature, he chose to side with humans.

"Mr. Shima, Mutsuki......Is there no way to change it back?"

When he thought of the cowardly little boy before, Shirai Torataro felt very sorry.

Regarding the question mentioned by Shirai Torataro, Shima Noboru nodded at first, but then shook his head.

"I can't answer this question for you. Since Category Ac was re-sealed last time, his evil will has become stronger, almost completely covering up Mutsuki's own will.

But since his body is not Category Ac after all, he cannot completely swallow Mutsuki's will.

Of course, there is nothing we can do for the time being.

As time goes by, I'm afraid Mutsuki's own will will gradually disappear, and in the end, only the category Ac will be left in the body..."

He had previously thought about sacrificing himself to save Uejo Mutsuki, but after Uejo Mutsuki's situation became worse and worse, he gave up such an idea.

If it were at the beginning, he would still have about 50% chance of sacrificing himself, but as time goes by, his certainty becomes smaller and smaller.

Until now, he had almost no confidence in bringing back Mutsuki Kamijo.

I can't help but feel some regret in my heart. I knew I should have been firmer in the first place.

But because of everyone's persuasion, he finally gave up that idea.

Unfortunately, it doesn't make any sense to say this now.

Hirose Shiori and Shirai Torataro looked at each other and felt that Mutsuki Kamijo was very pitiful.

He was obviously just an ordinary high school student, but he was involved in this matter.

I want to help, but I can't.

At the same time, Kenzaki Kazuma was rushing to the location where Undead 10 appeared, but was told that the battle was over.

Although he didn't know the outcome of the battle, he was still ready to see the specific situation.

And just as he was heading to his destination, a black figure suddenly jumped out from the side.

This startled Kazuma Kenzaki, who was driving the motorcycle, and he quickly squeezed the brakes and dodged to the side.

Finally stopped the motorcycle.

Turning his head, he saw an undead-like guy appearing in front of him.

The other party looked like an undead creature, but he always felt that something was wrong with the other party.

"Kenzaki! You have no way to escape, come back with me"


Kenzaki Kazuma, who suddenly heard this sentence, was stunned on the spot.

He didn't understand at all, who was this guy in front of him?

Why did he suddenly want to take him away as soon as he came up? What's the situation?

In his opinion, the guy in front of him should also be an undead creature.

Although it looks a bit strange, since it is an undead creature, it should be sealed.



Kazaki Kazuma, who quickly transformed, immediately passed through the blue light screen, drew out his awakening sword, and immediately had a fierce battle with Experimental Subject F.

"Clang, clang, clang!!"

The collision between the sword blade and the blade sparked bursts of sparks.

In the strength competition, the sword completely lost to Experimental Subject F and was suppressed for a time.

Although Experimental Subject F performed poorly in the previous battle with Lu Li, it does not mean that Its combat power is not strong.

As an artificial undead creature made from type King cells, it goes without saying that even if it is not as good as that of type Kig, its combat power should still be comparable to that of advanced undead creatures before it transforms into a guard form. The sword is really no match for Experimental Subject F


The scorching beam released by subject F was concentrated on the chest, and the sword suddenly let out a scream and was knocked away.

"Kenzaki, I want to arrest you."

A cold voice came from the mouth of test subject F.

Jian, who fell down in embarrassment, had no idea who the guy in front of him was and why he wanted to cause trouble for him.

Through observation of the battle, he felt that Gao obviously didn't look like an undead creature.

And the other party keeps saying that they want to take him back. Where exactly are they going to catch him?

Is there any other manipulator behind this guy? But it is absolutely impossible for him to figure it out at the moment.

The person who followed the other party back, although he didn't know who the other party was, knew that someone who could control such a guy was not a good person. He immediately took out the Awakening Fusion Machine and put it on his left arm, and at the same time, he quickly took out the Fusion Vulture and the Absorbing Goat. A Greater Undead Card

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

Once again transformed into the guard form, the combat effectiveness of the sword has been improved to a certain extent.

Test subject F has more powerful combat effectiveness, but it does not have the strong recovery ability of test subject D.

After a fierce battle, the two sides In the end, the sword can only be tied with Experimental Body F.

However, as the battle progresses, the sword's physical strength is always limited compared to the tireless Experimental Body F. A little bit of attenuation.

At the beginning, it was still possible to win or lose, but as time went by, the sword's physical strength gradually failed to keep up.

As long as the test subject F of the artificial undead creature was not too seriously injured, it could not keep up. Action is almost equivalent to the state of a perpetual motion machine

"This guy....What is it?!

Jiancai also injured Test Subject F, but this guy acted like nothing was wrong.

The most important thing is that what flows out of this guy's injured area is not green blood like an undead creature, but a strange liquid.

From here, it can be inferred that the other party is not an undead creature at all.

For a moment, Jian suddenly felt a big hand reaching out to him from behind.

As for who this big hand comes from, he doesn't know yet, and he can't imagine who is going to target him.

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting from the side


A figure suddenly rushed into the battlefield and blocked the sword that was still preparing to attack.


When he saw Ju Shuoya, Jian suddenly became even more confused.

What the hell?!

Shouldn't Senior Ju Shuo be fighting with him in this situation? Why can he suddenly stop him now?

Looking back, Ju Shuo also saw towards the test subject F who also stopped attacking.

"Wait, I said before, let me talk to him first, you go first."

Yoshito Hirose, who was controlling Experimental Subject F, saw this and did not continue to press.

He had successfully deceived Tachibana Sakuya. Naturally, he should give the other party a chance at this time, otherwise how could he make the other party completely believe in him?

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