The combat capabilities of Jian and Gelian are almost the same. One is for close combat and the other is for mid-range and long-range combat. Each has its own advantages.


Still trying to persuade Ge Lian to stop, Jian was just about to say something, but was rudely interrupted by Ge Lian.

"Joker? It will destroy the entire human race and the world! We can't just ignore it!"

"I believe he would not do such a thing!"

"Kenzaki! Your heart has been deceived by him, wake up quickly!"


The two people's views are completely inconsistent, and no one can convince the other.

This battle can only continue. If one of them falls, the battle will naturally end.

Gelian is good at Zhongyuan City Station. As long as he pulls away The advantage is obviously stronger at a certain distance.

The continuous shooting makes it impossible for the sword to get close. The sword knows very well that if he continues to fight like this, he will probably lose.

Thinking of this, Jian immediately took out the awakening fusion machine and two advanced undead cards

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

After the dazzling golden eagle spread its wings and attached to the armor on 640's chest, the sword has turned into a guard form.

In this situation, only the guard form can be used to resist Ge Lian.

After completing a new round of After the transformation, Jian's strength has been greatly improved, surpassing that of Ge Lian. The wings behind him can help him move at a much faster speed than before, and he can even lightly dodge the bullets fired by Ge Lian.

Lian was really no match.

The advantage he had gained quickly disappeared, and Green suddenly felt a lot of pressure.


After being punched in the chest by a sword, Ge Lian took a few steps back. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he immediately took out three cards.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to retreat, Ge Lian quickly took out three cards and prepared to fight. The winner is determined here.

Even in the guard form, if the impact is too strong, he can be beaten to cancel the transformation.

This time he is determined to seal Jokr and cannot be hindered no matter what.




Diamond 5 is the descending whale, diamond 6 is the firefly, and diamond 9 is the twin zebras!

The shadows of the three cards blend into the top of the head and on the legs. Insert the awakening gun in your hand into the holster.


Bend your legs to the knees, jump up, flip in the sky, and suddenly two grids appear.

Compared with before, the two grids now can have a breaking effect.

"Burning. Divide!"

The toes of the two Gelians were blooming with dazzling flames, and their bodies quickly fell towards the sword.

Facing the menacing special move, the sword tightly held the awakening sword in its hands, without any intention of flinching.


The terrifying explosive force hit the sword's body instantly.

Faced with such a terrifying explosive force, the sword's body was knocked back very far.

When flying upside down, the sword's wings quickly spread out, quickly canceling out the impact.

Double After landing on the ground, he stepped back a few steps, and Jian barely managed to maintain his balance! After performing his special move,


Lian was surprised in his heart when he noticed that Jian was still standing.

"How can it be?!"

He didn't understand why the sword's guard form had such excellent defensive power.

"Tachibana-senpai, I can't let you seal Hajime no matter what, this matter... absolutely not possible!"

Quickly drew out two awakening cards, and the sword quickly brushed past the awakening sword.



The phantom of the card blended into the awakening sword in his hand. The body of the sword squatted down slightly, and the golden armor on his body burst into dazzling golden light.

The thunder shone, and the wings shining with golden light behind him spread out, and he jumped up, with the blessing of the wings. Quickly rush towards Gren.



The dazzling golden light burst into bursts of thunder, and passed directly through Ge Lian's body in the next second.

PS: Thank you to Mo Wuyuan for your monthly ticket!

Thank you for your monthly ticket to get rid of his stagnation!.

Chapter 463 Similar The power of human undead is decided! The target is Queen!.


With a burst of screams, Green was thrown to the ground as if he was hit by a truck.

At the same time, the knight's belt buckle fell off and he was forced to cancel the transformation.

Jushuo also clutched his chest in pain. Kaname. If it weren't for the protection of the knight's armor, and the fact that the sword had been reserved just now, Ju Shuo might be ready to go to the hospital now.

"Senior Tachibana, I can't promise you this no matter what, Hajime. I absolutely can't seal it!

If there really is such a day in the future, then I will definitely seal him with my own hands!"

The tone was full of determination, and Ken was ready to face this future.

At the same time, in Yoshito Hirose's research institute.

Yoshito Hirose had already discovered the special potential ability of Kazuma Kenzaki. , after seeing the changes in the data on the display, a smile appeared on his lips, but just as he thought, Kenzaki Kazuma experienced a huge change when using Jack.Form. At that time, in addition to the type of Ace that he transformed into, at most he only integrated the power of the type of Jack. But

Kenzaki Kazuma was different. When he released his special move, he even integrated the power of five undead creatures.

Hirose Yoshito saw a possibility. Kenzaki Kazuma has extraordinary compatibility. This ability is closer to Jokr.

Perhaps after getting the King type, the King.Form he displays will be. Fusing the power of thirteen undead creatures, it is a power very similar to Joker.

Under the influence of this power, Kenzaki Kazuma's body will gradually change, and finally transform into Jokr. What people want to do most now is to bring Kazuma Kenzaki back in advance to study why this possibility happened to him, and at the same time study the changes that occurred within him.

Although this will gradually transform Kazuma Kenzaki into an undead creature, it will not be a problem for him. It doesn't matter to him at all.

What he is obsessed with is the study of the secrets of undead creatures. As long as he can achieve this goal, no matter what Kenzaki Kazuma is, it will have no impact on him.

It's just an experimental material that can achieve its own purpose.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the experimental cabin on the side. Inside was a new experimental body used to capture Kazuma Kenzaki's transformation. Kazuma Kenzaki looked at Tachibana Sakuya lying on the ground and quickly ran over to him, gritting his teeth and standing up from the ground.

"Senior Lu, please believe him, he will never do that!"

Barely standing still, Ju Shuo also knew that he had lost.

I'm afraid there is no way to seal Joke this time, so he can only look for other opportunities.

"Kenzaki, that guy is Joker, he will destroy everything, you have to take care of yourself!"

Leaving these words, Jushuo staggered and turned around to leave.

Watching Jushuo leave, Kenzaki Kazuma opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

He was very sad. He knew clearly what kind of person Tachibana-senpai was. Once he decided on something, he would definitely find a way to accomplish it. He naturally knew about

Jok's plan to destroy everything in the world, but he didn't believe that Aikawa Hajime would do that.

Hirose Shiori, who hurried over on a scooter, finally arrived at that time. He ran over with Torataro Shirai, and Hirose Shiori immediately asked.

"Kenzaki, what happened? Why did you and Tachibana start a fight? What's going on between you?"

She doesn't want a fight between the knights. No matter who is injured, it will have an impact on the next battle.

After a moment of silence, Kenzaki Kazuma finally explained.

"The thing is like this, when I first came here,

I told Hirose Shirai and Torataro Shirai everything that happened. Kenzaki Kazuma didn't hide anything.

After the two of them heard what happened just now, they didn't know what to say for a moment.

Both of them have their own views and opinions, and we cannot say who is definitely right or wrong.

Right and wrong are relative in themselves.

Hirose Shiori also knows what kind of character Kenzaki Kazuma is.

"Kenzaki, trust your own judgment, follow your feelings, you must be right"


At some point, Hajime Aikawa had arrived outside the coffee shop without knowing it.

He also saw the latter part of the battle just now, and he probably understood why Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo also fought.

The fundamental reason is because of yourself.

One wants to seal himself and completely eradicate the threat that Joker brings to life in this world.

The other one just wants to protect himself and doesn't want to be sealed.

When I saw Hajime Aikawa with a blank look on his face,���At this moment, Kenzaki Kazuma hurriedly ran over


Staring at Kazuma Kenzaki in front of him, Aikawa Hajime asked in a deep voice


He didn't understand why Kenzaki Kazuma didn't stand with Tachibana Sakuya, but stood with himself.

Shouldn't they be together?

"what why? Not so much why, I don't care what your true face is.

In my opinion, you are Hajime Aikawa, and you are just Hajime Aikawa!"

The words were very firm. Not only did Kenzaki Kazuma look at Aikawa Hajime sincerely, his eyes were very clear.

Faced with such a look, Aikawa Hajime didn't know what to say for a moment.

The man in front of him actually trusted him so much.

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