Make sure to keep her alive so that she can be rescued.

It was more than ten minutes before the rescue arrived.

The medical staff who rushed here in a hurry were stunned when they noticed the situation at the scene.

Now was not the time to explain this. At the urging of Shotarou Zuo, they carried Marina Tsumura to the emergency center in a hurry.

After all-out rescue and treatment, Tsumura Marina still could not be saved.

The power of the forbidden memory is not so easy to use. First of all, it is the problem of toxins, and secondly, Tsumura Marina has become the carrier of energy explosion.

When the energy bursts out, the memory data is the most abundant, and Tsumura Shina was able to hold it all on her own.

It was good to carry everything on him and not die immediately after losing his memory.

When he learned that Tsumura Marina could not be rescued in the end, Zuo Shotaro was extremely frustrated, and he was filled with anger that could not be vented.

Whether it was his uncle or his childhood sweetheart, they all died directly or indirectly at Lu Li's hands.

How could Shotaro Zuo calm down in this situation?

He really wanted to find that guy at this moment and avenge his uncle and Jinna.

But if you don’t even know who the other party is, how can you find out his identity?

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang, and it was Phillip calling.

Enduring his grief, Shotaro Zuo immediately answered the phone

"Shotaro! I remembered something very important! It’s related to Lu Li!"

Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro was immediately shocked, and he couldn't wait to shout.

"` ˇWhat?! What on earth is related to that guy Lu Li?!"

He has never been so impatient as now.

Now he really wants to vent, but he can't find a point to vent.

The anger has been suppressed in his heart, and Zuo Xiangtaro's current state is not very good.

Then, Philip will I informed Shotaro Zuo of what I knew.

"The white guy who appeared before was the one using the Lost Drive, Lu Li!"

"What did you say?!"

When he heard the news, Zuo Xiangtaro was slightly stunned.

He never expected that the person who used the Lost Drive to transform into Yongqi was actually Lu Li.

After coming back to his senses, Zuo Xiangtaro held up his mobile phone. asked loudly

"How can it be? Philip, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

This was in the hospital. He suddenly spoke loudly, which naturally attracted the attention of the people next to him.

The nurse on the side quickly came over and whispered

"Sir, please lower your voice a little, the hospital needs to be quiet."

After hearing this, Shotaro Zuo realized that he seemed to be still in the hospital and apologized quickly.

"Sorry, I was a little too excited just now. I will pay more attention to it later. I am really sorry."

The nurse nodded and did not continue to say anything.

"Shotaro, I can confirm that the white knight is Lu Li. The last time I saw his back, I thought he looked familiar.

It's just that I haven't seen Lu Li for a long time, so I never thought of him.

Today we had another battle with him, and then we remembered that it was Lu Li."

Hearing this, Shotaro Zuo couldn't help but clenched his fists.

After all, not only the uncle and Jinna, but also Togawa Yosuke before him died at the hands of Lu Li.


Punching a heavy punch on the wall next to him, Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes were full of unwillingness.

The sudden roar and sound startled the nurses and patients next to him.

After realizing that he was still in the hospital, Zuo Xiangtaro turned his head. , and seeing the nurse's dissatisfied look, he quickly bowed and apologized.

"I'm very sorry, I'm leaving now."

Sorry to stay here any longer, Shotaro Zuo hurriedly left.

As for Tsumura Shina, she had already called to inform her family.

On the way, Shotaro Zuo (Li Nuohao) heard Philip's reminder in his ear.

"Shotaro, don’t forget your commission. I’m afraid Kusuhara Masaru is still in a dangerous situation. The anomaly shrimp dopant has not been resolved yet."

"I know, I'm going now."

How could he forget the commission he accepted?

As a detective, the commission has not been completed yet, so how could he give up halfway.

This is a situation that Shotaro Zuo will never allow.


Here, Sudo Kirihiko, who returned to Takamura Genzo Factory again, felt that the shirt on his back was soaked.

Whether it was the Taboo Dopant that was liberated before or Lu Li later, they all gave him a great shock.

The terrifying power even made him feel his body shaking slightly.

Noticing that Sudou Kirihiko was sweating coldly, Takamura Genzo had already left the battlefield earlier and was not aware of the battle that took place behind him, but he also heard the explosion.

"Hello! What happened there? Why was there such a big explosion?"

Hearing the question, Sudou Kirihiko raised his head and glanced at Takamura Genzo.

Then he shook his head and denied it.

"I didn't see anything, and I don't know what happened, don't ask me."

He didn't dare to leak this matter.

He always felt that Lu Li had discovered him before, but he just didn't point it out.

He didn't dare to disclose the relevant information.

Even though he was confident that he now had the strength of a cadre, but in the face of strength Lu Li, who had exceeded his expectations, was very afraid of Takamura.

Seeing Sudou Kirihiko look so scared, Takamura Genzo always felt that he knew something.

"Forget it, that woman still hasn't been dealt with, but don't worry, I already have a plan."

After saying that, Takamura Genzo looked confident and was about to leave.

At this time, Sudou Kirihiko had also barely come to his senses and reminded him coldly.

"Remember, don’t fail the mission again, you are not the only one in the company’s processing plant.

Without you, the company can just change to another processing plant, and you should know how to do it."

PS: Thanks————A monthly ticket for evil men!.Chapter

74 The Taboo of the Complete Form

After hearing this, Genzo Takamura, who was originally so confident, turned a little stiff.

Turning around, he took off his sunglasses and looked at Sudou Kirihiko expressionlessly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely deal with that woman this time. After saying that

, he put on his sunglasses and left again.

Sudou Kirihiko had also recovered at this time, found a chair to sit down, and took a few breaths of relief.

"Sonosaki's house...this muddy water is really deep."

With a wry smile on his face, Sudou Kirihiko suddenly realized that he seemed to have thought of the Sonosaki family too simply.


Here, Lu Li has returned to the laboratory.

Final adjustments are being made to the Forbidden Memory.

Once the final adjustments are made, the power of the Forbidden Memory can be unleashed to its full potential.

Of course, it is the ultimate of this memory carrier.

When the memory technology is further upgraded, the power will inevitably be further improved.

With relevant data, final adjustments are relatively simple.

After completing the calibration, Lu Li stopped caring about it and waited until the system was completed.

"Beep beep beep!"

At this time, another familiar voice came from the equipment next to it.


The device opened automatically.

Lu Li walked over and took out the newly made memory.

A fiery red memory.

A blazing memory.

Yes, it was the blazing memory used by W.

But this one The blazing memory belongs to Lu Li.

The power of the blazing memory is to use high temperature to release flames.

With the previous memory data as a comparison, the completed blazing memory is also in the most stable state. A black light covered the fiery memory.

Soon, the fiery memory turned into a new awakening card. In the upper left corner was a capital letter H, with the name Heat, and the pattern was a ball of high-heat flames.

The Blazing Awakening Card was put away, and Lu Li only had to wait quietly for the Forbidden Memory to complete its final adjustment. It was not until the afternoon that the Forbidden Memory completed its final debugging, which also meant that the Forbidden Memory had completed its power release and reached stability.

The forbidden memory in it was no different from before.

After Lu Li left the laboratory, he went directly to the company.


After time fermentation, and after a lot of publicity.

Not far from where the Second Wind Capital Tower was originally built, such a large-scale explosion suddenly made the news.

And Sonosaki Ryubei also got the news.

He didn't know what the situation at the scene was, but he guessed it was caused by adulterants.

"Well done, but with such a large-scale explosion happening suddenly, I believe no one would be willing to continue to support this.���The second wind capital tower in the place was built.



He is quite satisfied anyway.

As the underground emperor of Fengdu, he will never allow anyone to mess around on his territory.

If it is not a place related to the museum, then that's it.

But this place is a memory of the museum's subordinates The physical production factory is also a relatively important place and cannot be lost.

After this incident, the second style tower should not be built for the time being and can only be postponed in the future.

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