Can't win!

There is no way to win!

This is the most true portrayal of Miyuki Yoshinaga's heart at this moment.

Facing the powerful elephant undead creature, she even doubted whether she could survive three rounds in the opponent's hands.

Her eyes couldn't help but shift to Shiro Hikaru aside. Yoshinaga Miyuki didn't see any fear in Shiro Hikaru. What she saw was a strong fighting spirit, and she seemed to be looking forward to this battle.

"Just let me test your strength!"

Before Cheng Guang finished speaking, she instantly switched to the form of an undead tiger.

She couldn't wait to test her current strength.

She jumped up, and the terrifying jumping power made Sister Hu jump high into the air and pounce on the big beast. The elephant undead creature jumped very quickly, and the pupils of the elephant undead creature shrank suddenly.

【So fast! 】

He has already seen that the opponent is an undead tiger creature. Logically speaking, the strength may not be comparable to his own, and his speed should be stronger than his own, but he should not be so fast.

The elephant undead creature that reacted in advance quickly rolled to the side to avoid


The terrifying sharp hook slammed into the edge of the swimming pool, and broken tiles splashed everywhere.

If it hadn't been for the instinctive reaction to deal with it in advance, the elephant undead creature would have just eaten this.

Although for his own The defense power is sufficient, but there is no need to resist the attacks that can be avoided.

The agility of the elephant undead creature is indeed very low. Just as it stood up, the next wave of terrifying attacks from Sister Tiger came.


A cold light suddenly appeared!

The sharp blade on Sister Tiger's right leg had already gone straight towards the head of the undead elephant.


Sensing the danger coming, the undead elephant immediately turned sideways. The armor above his left shoulder, Barely blocked Sister Tiger's new wave of attacks


The sharp blade collided with the armor, and bursts of sparks flew out.

The elephant undead creature took a step sideways, while Sister Tiger took two steps back under the strong reaction force.

In terms of strength alone, the elephant undead creature The power is still stronger.

The undead elephant noticed this situation but did not show a trace of joy.

There was a very obvious mark on the armor on his left shoulder, but it successfully blocked the blow. It is not enough to give the elephant undead creature an advantage.

The elephant undead creature is not a vegetarian. It is time to fight back after being attacked by the opponent twice. This terrifying hammer appears in the hand of the elephant undead creature.

The weapons can fully bring out the greatest advantages of the elephant undead creature.

Unlike the weapons of Sister Tiger, all of them have terrifying cutting power, but the damage caused by blunt weapons is often more terrifying.


The hammer is already coming!

Sister Hu is very clear about her position and advantage. Facing the menacing hammer, she has no idea of resisting.

She leaned back, and the hammer almost rubbed Sister Tiger's face. In the past,

Sister Tiger easily dodged the hammer, put her arms on the ground, and kicked the undead elephant in the waist.

The undead elephant staggered, and then struck again with her backhand. It has a very terrifying aggressiveness, but it is not fast enough. All the attacks of the elephant undead creature are unable to deal with Sister Tiger.

After attacking several times, the elephant undead creature has obviously discovered this and immediately made adjustments..

Shifting the hammer to his left hand, the sharp-edged trunk quickly extended under his control, stabbing Sister Tiger at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

The undead elephant creature did not move very fast, but its trunk expanded and contracted quickly. But it was able to reach a very fast level.

Sister Tiger obviously did not expect that the elephant undead creature could attack so quickly with the sharp claws on its hands.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!

Not only was it very fast, but the attack power of the elephant's undead creature's nose needle was not weak at all. Sister Tiger actually kept retreating under these successive attacks.

While controlling his nose needle to launch an attack, the undead elephant grasped the hammer tightly while approaching Sister Tiger.

Obviously he wanted to use the nose needle to restrain Sister Tiger, and then take the opportunity to attack with the hammer.

Know that your speed is a disadvantage, and Sister Tiger is an advantage.

Using this method to give full play to their advantages, the elephant undead creature is indeed very smart.

Being strong doesn't mean you have to be stupid.

The next second, the hammer was already coming, and the target was very clear, which was Sister Hu's head.

If they are hit by a hammer, even undead creatures may find it difficult to continue fighting for a while.

But at the moment when the elephant undead creature raised the hammer and struck it down, a sly look flashed in Sister Hu's eyes.

The attack speed of the Elephant Undead Nose Needle is indeed very fast, but it is not enough to allow Sister Tiger to break out at her fastest speed.

Although Sister Hu at this time has not yet fully developed the power of the Saber-toothed Tiger memory, due to the extremely high degree of compatibility, Sister Tiger has already mastered part of.

Sister Tiger instantly burst out with the fastest movement speed that could be unleashed at this time.

The figure that had been resisting the elephant trunk needle just now passed through the elephant undead creature with lightning speed.

Then the sharp claws slashed on the undead elephant's back without hesitation.


The hook claw and the armor collided together, blooming bright sparks


The hammer also hit the ground hard at the same time, causing gravel to fly.


What happened just now only lasted a moment. The elephant undead creature could feel the bursts of pain coming from its back.

In an instant, it not only moved from in front of its eyes to its own back, but also launched an attack on itself. The elephant undead creature He said he didn't understand it at all.

The speed was too fast. The undead elephant didn't expect Sister Tiger to be so fast.

The onlookers knew that Miyuki Yoshinaga had seen this thrilling battle clearly.

It was her just now. The only option was to carry the hammer of the undead creature.

The cost of doing so was probably injury.

But Sister Hu's movement speed was far faster than before, and she was so fast.

Watching this battle, I found that I didn't see Sister Hu's movements clearly just now.

When I thought that the gadget given by Lu Li had such terrifying power, Miyuki Yoshinaga couldn't help but feel excited. , after traveling to another world, we can give her matching power.

By then, she will definitely be even more powerful than she is now!

Among the few people present, only Lu Li could clearly see the speed that Hu Sister had just exploded with.

Although this speed was already very fast, Lu Li knew that this was not the limit of the Sabre-tooth Tiger's memory.

The power of the Saber-tooth Tiger's memory could not be reached even further.

The speed possessed by the Saber-tooth Tiger's memory was that of the Earth. The best in memory.

In addition, as a cat, Sister Tiger's reaction speed is much stronger than that of humans, and the power she exerts is even better than Mick's sword stabbing into the tiger's memory. It hasn't been long since she obtained the memory, and it's already quite good to be able to exert her current power.

As time goes by, Sister Hu's combat power is destined to become stronger. Now it's just the beginning. Frustrated, the elephant undead creature was very angry.

He did not expect that the opponent he faced this time would be so fast.

In terms of strength, he was confident that he would not lose to any undead creature, but in terms of speed, he did. Very lacking.

But speed itself is the opponent's advantage. It is impossible to expect the opponent to have to fight head-on with him.

Without this argument, he would not be able to do so.

In this round, overall, the elephant undead creature is at a disadvantage. There is no trace of scars on the body of the tiger sister, but there are many scars on the elephant undead creature. This is the best proof if this battle becomes a battle.

In a protracted battle, the Elephant Undead can be very sure that he will not be able to defeat Sister Tiger!

But it is not completely lost.

At least the Elephant Undead will not lose in a short time. This will be a long-term battle. After a long tug of war

, the elephant undead creature did not hesitate to praise him.

"You are very strong, and you move so fast. Indeed, opponents like you are difficult to deal with."

This is not a disguised compliment to Sister Tiger, it is just stating a fact.

Strong is strong, weak is weak. The elephant undead creature will not deliberately elevate its enemies.

"fighting....It's not over yet!"


Sister Tiger once again burst out with the same ultra-high-speed movement that was almost instantaneous.

The figure turned into afterimages. When the elephant undead creature was completely unable to react, afterimage after image quickly surrounded him.

"Pila! Bah!

There were bursts of harsh sounds.

Countless sparks flew, and the undead elephant creature could only retreat steadily under the terrifying claws.

This battle has already been decided.

The elephant undead creature knew very well in his heart that he had lost, and he had lost completely.

Tiger sister jumped in the air, and her legs suddenly landed on the elephant undead creature's chest. This time, he failed to avoid it.



The strong body fell directly into the pool. This battle has officially come to an end!

The elephant undead creature is really an excellent experimental target. Sister Tiger's current combat effectiveness is indeed about the same after testing.

The big one who was kicked into the water Like an undead creature, he stood up from the swimming pool in embarrassment. He still had plans to continue fighting. There was no point in continuing this battle. Sister Hu had already proven her current strength.

"Okay, that's it."

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