"hehe! Kallis, no, I should call you Jokr.

When he heard this name, Hajime Aikawa instinctively hated his true identity, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Don't call me that!"

Unconsciously, he has adapted to his human identity. He has already felt disgusted with Jokeri, and he doesn't even want to hear the name.

Because this name represents killing, which is completely different from who he is now!

And he really doesn’t want to go back to the life he had before 30 when he only knew killing, and he doesn’t want to go back to the way he was before.

"I just called your name, why are you so disgusted?

But it doesn’t matter. Since you hate your identity so much, then just be defeated by me.

Ha ha ha ha!

Along with Cheng Antan's wild laughter, his body suddenly changed.

It directly transformed back into a sea snake undead creature that looked ferocious and had many sea snakes entwined around it.

As the last type of queen to appear, the sea snake undead creature's combat power cannot be said to be very strong.

The strength is probably on the same level as the Queen goat undead creature of the same category.

But even so, the combat effectiveness is adequate.

Advanced undead creatures are far from comparable to ordinary undead creatures.

Seeing that the opponent was about to fight, Hajime Aikawa didn't say much and just took out the Ac of Hearts...



After the transformation was completed, Kallis held the awakening bow upstairs and immediately broke out into a battle with the sea snake undead creature.

Compared with before, Kallis, who successfully sealed the red heart jackal undead creature, his combat power became much stronger.

At the beginning During the battle, Kalis was vaguely at the upper hand.

The awakening bow in his hand slashed through the body of the undead sea snake, causing bursts of sparks to appear.

The undead sea snake was still at a slight disadvantage, but it had a pretty good defense even when attacked. The hit did not cause much damage.

Kamijo Mutsuki, who had been hiding in the dark, was silently watching the battle and had already taken out the knight's belt buckle and carried it around his waist.


After completing the transformation, Liang Geer approached Kalis step by step.

Kallis, who was concentrating on the battle, suddenly noticed someone else approaching behind him, and turned around sharply to strike at the target behind him.

But his movements were still a little slow, and the awakening staff stabbed directly into his abdomen. The powerful force made him take a few steps back.

When he saw clearly who the person who had just attacked him was, Kalis' heart sank.

"It's you!

He didn't expect that this guy Lian Ge would suddenly attack him.

From the looks of it, there should be a cooperative relationship between the two guys, and he is the target of the two.

As a hunter, Jokr has now become the target of being hunted, which sounds very ironic.

What follows is a one-on-two battle. Although Kallis has good combat power, he is still unable to cope with the siege of two people.

The combined fighting power of the two far surpassed that of Kallis, and they defeated him step by step.


The tip of the awakening staff slid across Kallis' chest, knocking him away instantly. He fell to the ground in a panic, and Kallis did feel that he was in trouble.

Before he could stand up, the undead sea snake's body was like tentacles. The thing suddenly extended, directly swept away Kallis' awakening bow, and wrapped him around him.

"Hahahaha! The one who emerges victorious in our war will be given everything prayed for.

But if you win the final victory, everything will be destroyed.

You sealed me ten thousand years ago, so this time, let me summarize it for you!"

The sea snake undead creature spit out a shock wave from its mouth and hit Kallis from the front.


There was only a scream, and Kallis fell to the ground in embarrassment again.

Kallis, who was hit directly by the shock wave, felt that his whole brain was dizzy.

His body staggered and he barely stood up, but at present It was obvious that he could not continue fighting in this state.

Regardless of that, Leng Ge walked over in a stride and was about to launch a new round of attack.

At this moment, an invisible force of wind suddenly struck, making him ready to attack. Lengel's attack was immediately blocked.

Lengel, who was forced to stop his attack, immediately wanted to look at the place where the power of the wind had just hit, only to see Shima Noboru walking slowly and transforming as he advanced. Takes the undead form of a tarantula


Leng Ge held the awakening staff tightly, with a hint of solemnity in his tone.

He didn't expect that the undead Wolf Spider creature would suddenly intervene at this time.

Naturally, the sea snake undead creature also felt the terrifying aura exuded by the wolf spider undead creature, and felt cold in its heart.


A symbol of great strength!

Why would this guy come here suddenly? Is it also to deal with Jokerl?!

That's right, after all, Joker is the enemy of all undead creatures, so it is natural for him to be hostile to the type King.

Thinking of this, the sea snake undead creature immediately gave up its plan to attack and said in a good voice

"Category Kig, I think we can work together, Joker all our undead enemies, and take him out early, it will be to the benefit of all of us. what do you think?"

There was a hint of uncertainty in his words. The main reason for the undead sea snake was that he was not sure what the undead wolf spider was thinking. There was no need for the undead wolf spider to answer. Leng Geer answered this question for him.

"He is not here looking for cooperation.

In Lenger's view, the reason why the undead Wolf Spider appeared here was that it was more likely to come to him.

After all, he chose to be sealed again and controlled Kamijo Mutsuki.

"What's the meaning?"

The sea snake undead creature was stunned for a moment, obviously not quite understanding what Lenger's words meant.

After muttering to himself, the wolf spider undead creature could obviously feel what kind of state Lenger was currently in.

"Mutsuki...are you completely under your control now?"

Compared to the last time, the will of the spider undead creature that has been sealed again seems to have become stronger.

He can control Kamijo Mutsuki's body at will, and it is more difficult to deal with than before.

Even if At this time, the Wolf Spider Undead took the initiative to seal Rengel, and there was no guarantee that it would be able to bring back Mutsuki Kamijo.

"snort! Want to get him out of my trouble, stop dreaming, now......This body is mine!

The sea snake undead creature probably understood a little bit of the conversation between the two.

It seems that there seems to be some kind of entanglement between the two, probably related to the human being controlled by Category Ace.

But now is obviously not the time to think about this. The sea snake undead creature is here to deal with Joker:

"I don't care what disputes you two have now. Let's work together to kill Jokr first. What do you think?"

No matter what, we must keep Jokr here. Once the tiger returns to the mountain, it will be too late to regret it later.

And the next words of the Wolf Spider Undead creature made the sea snake Undead Creature's idea instantly come to nothing.

"Don't think about it. As long as I'm here, you can't seal him.

"Why?! That guy is Joker! Is our enemy!

As a Category King, you protect the Joker? What's going on?!"

It's completely incomprehensible.

I have never seen the sea snake undead creature and the wolf spider undead creature before, so naturally I don't know what kind of character the wolf spider undead creature is.

In this two-on-two battle, Leng Ge and the sea snake The two undead creatures are obviously at a disadvantage, and the possibility of winning is extremely slim.


Lengeer left this word and turned to leave.

He knew very well that since the Wolf Spider Undead have joined this battle, the possibility of them being able to seal Jokr has been infinitely close to zero.

There is no need to die. Damn it, otherwise he might get involved.

The undead spider creature that had been released just now didn't want to be released again at this time.

This body was his and he couldn't leave it.!

Seeing that Lenger actually retreated at this time, the sea snake undead creature glanced at Kalis with great reluctance and left a harsh word.

"Joker! You won't be so lucky next time!"

He glanced at the undead Wolf Spider again and left quickly.

Only the Undead Wolf Spider and Callis were left at the scene.

Although the other party saved him, Callis still would not relax his vigilance.

Category Kig, The undead creature at the top of the pyramid was definitely difficult to deal with.

Sensing Kallis' vigilance when facing him, the wolf spider undead creature directly transformed into a human form.

"Don't be so wary of me. Kenzaki and I are friends. The two of them were injured, so I came here to help you."

When he heard the word Kenzaki, Kallis, who was still very wary just now, immediately relaxed.

He didn't know why he behaved like this, as if both parties could trust each other.

After the transformation was released, Aikawa Hajime was about to turn around and leave, but Shima Noboru suddenly said

"Are you going back now? How about we just relax and talk? Jokr.

When Ming Sheng called out this name, there was no malice or hostility in his words.

He could feel that Hajime Aikawa had enough humanity in him, and that seemed to be the case for now.

Being asked this name again, Aikawa Hajime said with a cold face,

"Don't call me by that name"

"Faced with the siege of the two of them just now, you could actually choose to retreat, but you have the confidence that you will never lose no matter who you face.

Because your existence value is the final trump card, but now, how do you feel?

By using Category 2, you are gradually assimilating with humans. Living in this human world is actually surprisingly comfortable."

Unknowingly, Noboru had arrived next to Hajime Aikawa.

Neither of them showed any intention to fight.

"I'm different from you. I can't live by being courteous to humans, nor am I assimilating with humans."

Even though he has noticed his changes in his heart, Aikawa Hajime does not want to admit it.

He does not want to admit that he is gradually getting closer to humans, nor does he want to admit that he has been assimilated by humans.

Wen 057 said that for his denial, Shima Sheng just smiled lightly

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