
When the saber-toothed tiger Lu Li entered the body, Sister Tiger suddenly felt a vigorous and powerful energy spreading inside the body.


She raised her head to the sky and roared, and the aura from Sister Hu suddenly burst out.

A terrifying energy swept around crazily and spread in all directions.

Lu Li, who was the closest, did not change his expression at all when he felt the rush of energy.

To be precise, Lu Li should have expected all this, so he wouldn't find it strange.

As a tiger undead creature, Sister Tiger, the most suitable memory should be the saber-toothed tiger.

With the power of the saber-toothed tiger, Sister Tiger's combat effectiveness will definitely increase. As for the extent to which it will be improved, it is not yet known.

It can be said that except for Kig, other undead creatures are confident that they can crush the opponent, even the previous wolf undead creatures.

The momentum suddenly changed, and Yoshinaga Miyuki, as another party involved, could naturally feel it.

His eyes widened in disbelief, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

She couldn't understand what was going on.

How did that little thing help Sister Tiger become so powerful all of a sudden?!

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who encountered this situation for the first time, couldn't understand it at all, and her eyes involuntarily focused on Lu Li.

All these changes have something to do with the man in front of her. It is precisely because of this man's existence that Sister Tiger has become stronger.

What is his identity?

Could it be.....Is this a power gained in another world?

Suddenly he remembered what he knew before, that Lu Li had visited another world.

Could this thing that enhances the power of undead creatures come from another world?

Think about it, it is really possible that their world has a creator, undead creatures, etc.

It is normal for the other world to have some magical powers.

If I could use this power, would I become as strong as this?!

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was very unsure of her own fighting ability, suddenly felt hot in her heart.

If I could become as powerful as this, I wouldn't have to worry about running away when encountering powerful undead creatures.

As the extreme battle progresses, many powerful undead creatures appear.

For example, the powerful Daichi, or the category Kig, no matter which opponent it is, Miyuki Yoshinaga cannot deal with it.

But if he could become stronger, he might not have to worry about facing these undead creatures in the future.

Staring at Lu Li with blazing eyes, Miyuki Yoshinaga had a hint of hope in her eyes.

She was looking forward to it, would she have her own share of something like this that could enhance her strength?

Feeling Yoshinaga Miyuki's fiery gaze, Lu Li turned around slightly and asked with a smile

"how? Is it possible that you also want to improve your own strength?"Li.Chapter

449 Curiosity about another world! Cooperation partner, the targeted Haji!

Nodding without hesitation, Yoshinaga Miyuki certainly didn't want to miss this rare opportunity.

Although she didn't have to worry about safety when following Lu Li, But who can say what will happen in the future?

The only way is to make yourself stronger.

That is true.

No matter where you are, the law of the jungle will prevail. It's an unchanging law!

Gently pinching Yoshinaga Miyuki's face, Lu Li shook his head and said.

"Sorry, there is currently no memory suitable for you, and there is no corresponding equipment in this world. I have no way to create new memories.

Don't worry, although it's not possible for the time being, it will be no problem to return to another world later.

He thought he could also gain enhanced power, but he didn't expect Lu Li to be unable to create a similar memory for himself to use.

The expectations in my heart were instantly dashed, and there was more or less a hint of disappointment.

But the second half of Lu Li's words made Yoshinaga Miyuki full of expectations for the future.

That's right. Since Lu Li can create his own memory that makes Sister Hu stronger, he can also help himself create a stronger memory.

She didn't feel that Lu Li was deceiving her.

Since it comes from the power of another world, perhaps it can only be produced in another world.

After thinking about this, Miyuki Yoshinaga nodded slightly.

"It doesn't matter, then I'll wait."

At this time, the shadow of a saber-toothed tiger appeared on Sister Hu's body.

Immediately afterwards, the shadow of the saber-toothed tiger was directly integrated into Sister Tiger's body.

The powerful aura that erupted from her body dissipated without a trace in the blink of an eye. Sister Hu's overall appearance doesn't seem to have changed much, but Miyuki Yoshinaga can feel that Sister Tiger's aura has become much sharper, although Sister Tiger's aura still contains immortality.

The breath of living things, but with another strange breath

"The strange aura of"183" came from the memory of Sabre-toothed Tiger.

Feeling that her own strength had changed, Sister Tiger was ready to try her current strength first.

Of course, the method of testing strength is not limited to If you are fighting, you can also test your strength and speed.

After assuming a starting position, Sister Hu suddenly exerted force on her legs and galloped out, leaving a long trail of shadows behind her.

Shattered, the terrifying power directly allowed Sister Tiger to exert a speed that was far more than double her previous speed.

"So fast!!"

Having seen Sister Tiger's speed before, Miyuki Yoshinaga knew it in her heart.

But now, she was very surprised that Sister Tiger's current speed had reached a very terrifying level, far exceeding her knowledge. In just a short time After a while, Sister Hu came back here.

After doing all this, Sister Hu did not stop immediately. Instead, she looked at the big tree beside her and slowly walked over with her left hand. He made a gesture and swung his claw at will, with terrifying cutting force, directly splitting the big tree in front of him into two pieces.


The big tree tilted and fell. Sister Tiger looked at her paws blankly and didn't speak for a long time.

She never thought that she could become so strong. It was completely unexpected.

That little thing turned out to be really real. She has become so strong! She doesn't know how to describe this improvement.

At first, she even looked down on that little thing, thinking that it would be of little use to her.

But she didn't expect that. It's unbelievable that such a small thing can help her reach this level.

Is this the power from another world?

It's scary! Now, she can finally understand why she went there. Lu Li in another world would become so powerful.

After experiencing this powerful power, it is not impossible to understand what kind of world that is. I'm really curious. Cheng Guang didn't take out the memory when he returned to his human form. The memory can be taken out at any time, but after taking it out, this powerful power will disappear. Of course, he didn't want to lose this power, so he didn't take out the saber-toothed tiger memory. Seeing that she didn't even take out the memory, Lu Li smiled slightly.

"How about it? The power of the memory is good, right?"

Hearing this, Cheng Guang naturally couldn't refute, because this is the fact.

Nodding, Cheng Guang showed an affirmative expression.

"Very strong! This power actually made me much stronger than before!"

Now Chengguang feels that she can completely defeat her previous self. Just in terms of speed, she has far surpassed her previous self.

With the addition of Sabretooth Tiger's memory, she can even move faster than Mach Jaguar.

With this In terms of speed, she could confidently say that her combat power was no less than that of Category Kig.

But Lu Li knew that the Sabretooth Tiger memory was not that simple. Cheng Guang, who had just obtained the memory, could only develop very limited power.

As her mastery of the power of memory gradually deepens, she will become stronger and stronger

"Your current power has not reached its extreme yet. When you fully master the power of memory, you will find that you will be stronger."

Lu Li's voice rang next to his ears, making Cheng Guang very excited.

He could actually become stronger.

If he fully mastered the power of this so-called memory, would he really be able to rival Category Kig?

In his heart With this idea in mind, Cheng Guang can't wait to study the power of Sabertooth Tiger's memory.

If Miyuki Yoshinaga is standing next to him, it is impossible to say that he is not envious at all. She was envious, but Lu Li had just said that there was no memory suitable for her to use.

After going to another world, Lu Li would create a memory suitable for her.

Although she has not been able to become stronger yet, But she is also full of expectations.

Improving combat power is naturally what all undead creatures dream of, and Miyuki Yoshinaga is no exception. Lu

Li's power gave Miyuki a new understanding.

He is very powerful, and he can also help the people around him become stronger. It is indeed right to follow him.

Fortunately, he no longer has the idea of escape. Even if he escapes, I am afraid that he will not be able to do so now. She will regret it.

She has now made up her mind to follow Lu Li wholeheartedly from now on.

"Let's go, I happen to be a little hungry, go get something to eat."

With that said, Lu Li started today's food exploration journey.

Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki quickly followed, and they were already obsessed with food.

Since the search for Dadi as a collaborator failed, Cheng'an Tan has been looking for new people to cooperate with, but she has never found other higher-level undead creatures to cooperate with her.

As she walked on the road, Cheng Antan squinted and fell into thinking. If the undead creatures cooperate, they can only find other ordinary undead creatures.

As an advanced undead creature, she has the ability to control ordinary undead creatures.

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