In an instant, he understood what was going on.

These guys took advantage of Kamijo Mutsuki's unconscious state and directly used the power of this card to lift their seals, allowing them to regain their bodies.

The seal was lifted, which meant that he could no longer control Kamijo Mutsuki.

At least there is no way to directly use mind control.

Things went beyond expectations!

In the past, the spider undead creatures always liked to use the power of 10 clubs to unblock the undead creatures in the hands of other knights, but now they did not expect that it would be their turn. hateful!


The spider undead creature knew that he was careless and didn't know what to do now.

In addition to the two Kamen Riders here, there is also a powerful category King.

Although type Ac exists as a very special kind of undead creature, its combat power is stronger than that of ordinary undead creatures, that is, it can rival higher-level undead creatures.

But if you want to compete with the category King, I'm afraid it's still a little weak.

At this time, Li Sheng suddenly said:

"Category Ac, now that your seal has been lifted, you can no longer control Mutsuki, and you can't even think of controlling him anymore!"

Although he said this verbally, Shima Noboru also knew that there was also a problem.

This problem was that although the spider undead creature had escaped from its restraints, it did not mean that it would not be able to control Kamijo Mutsuki after it was sealed.

If they were sealed again, it would probably be of no use.

Unless they just left the undead spiders outside, how could this be possible? The other party was an undead creature that would attack people!

"snort! Unless you don't want to seal me, as long as you continue to seal me, I can control him!"

The spider undead creature is completely unaffected by the threat of the King.

If (cjbh) does not seal him, more people will suffer, but if he is sealed, things will go back to the original point.

Transform into In the form of the wolf spider undead creature, the wolf spider undead creature and the spider undead creature took the lead in a melee.

The battle between the two was back and forth, and it was very fierce.

Green then went up to help, but the pain in his body made him move. It was very difficult to take two steps.

Noticing the situation of the next year, Kenzaki Kazuma immediately came over and stopped him.

"Tachibana-senpai! How are you?"

Compared to the sword, Gelian is obviously heavier.

After all, Kenzaki Kazuma was in guard form at that time, and his defense was naturally improved to a certain extent.

In the room, Kazuma was originally in a coma. Kamijo Mutsuki suddenly heard the sound of fighting outside and opened his eyes drowsily.

When he saw the somewhat familiar ceiling, he sat up and saw the familiar environment around him. He realized it right away.

This was the villa at Shirai Farm.

The sound of fighting outside caught his attention. He stumbled to the window and looked at the undead spider creature. His expression suddenly changed and he lost his voice.


I hurriedly took out the knight's belt buckle, but found that there was no Ace card, and even the 10 of clubs was gone.

Good guy!

I didn't expect that so many things happened during the time when I was unconscious.

Kenzaki Kazuma and the others actually took away his transformation card and even liberated the spider undead. It was too much.

Dragging his tired body, he stumbled down and ran down. Mutsuki Kamijo must stop this..

He finally became a Kamen Rider, but now he suddenly lost the power of transformation. The most important thing is that he , the person involved, didn't know anything about it and was completely kept in the dark.

When it comes to important matters, shouldn't he discuss it with the user?

When he came outside, Uejo Mutsuki saw that the battle was fierce, and he could only say that it was indeed the performance of the type Kig, the Wolf Spider Undead. The combat effectiveness of the undead spiders is indeed stronger than that of the undead spiders, and judging from what we have seen, it is only a matter of time before the undead spiders will win.

All creatures are comparable, but definitely not to the level of Category Kig.

The amputation of the spider undead creature's head suddenly unfolded, three purple eyes suddenly lit up, and spider silk spewed out from its mouth.

Seeing this, the wolf spider undead creature turned its right hand. A ball of invisible energy was condensed and blasted out instantly


A strong wind suddenly hit, blowing the flying spider silk aside.

The spider silk of the undead creature is very sticky and can be used to restrain the movement of its enemy.

Of course, the premise is that it hits the opponent. Okay, otherwise it will have no effect at all

"stop!! What are you doing?!"

A sudden sound came from behind. Everyone turned around and saw Kamijo Mutsuki stumbling over.

Ge Lian secretly said,"Oh no."

I didn't expect this kid to wake up so quickly and wake up at this critical time.

They still I haven't found a suitable method to seal the category Ac...

Just when Mutsuki Kamijo stepped forward to stop the battle, Kazuma Kenzaki stopped him directly.

"Mutsuki, please listen clearly, we are all here to help you!

Do you know that you are always controlled by Category Ac? If you continue like this, you will be swallowed up by that power sooner or later!"

About this situation, Kamijo Mutsuki has actually known about it for a long time, but he chose to acquiesce.

Since there is no way to resist, then find a way to accept it.

He still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, that is, he will not be Completely swallowed!

Perhaps after he merges with the will of the undead spider, he can become a new self, still with himself as the leader.

When a person is weak in nature, he successfully gets rid of his own power. If you are weak, it will be difficult to give up this power.

Hearing this, Kamijo Mutsuki pushed Kenzaki Kazuma away and said angrily.

"I don't need your help! I know what state I am in right now, and I don’t need you at all!

Don't get in the way, otherwise don't blame me for being rude.

Before he finished speaking, Kamijo Mutsuki immediately walked towards the fighting wolf spider undead creatures and spider undead creatures.

Kenzaki Kazuma, who was pushed and staggered, suddenly lost his temper and shouted

"Hello! Mutsuki!"

Unfortunately, his call had no effect at all on Mutsuki Kamijo.


Noticing the situation here, Gren immediately stopped Kamijo Mutsuki.

He will never allow this kid to make the same mistake again and again!

If you continue to be so obsessed with it, you will fall deeper and deeper sooner or later, and in the end you will definitely be unable to look back.

"Tachibana-senpai, please get out of the way! Don't come in my way!"

At this moment, Kamijo Mutsuki no longer trusts anyone.

In his eyes, the only thing worth trusting is the power of the Knight System.

Only when he can transform into a Kamen Rider will he feel most at ease. At that time

, no one else could give him a sense of security.

He wanted to push Gelian away, but Gelian was in a state of transformation at this time, and it was not the weak high school student Kamijo Mutsuki who could push him away.

The undead spider who was fighting the undead wolf spider sneered in his heart after noticing the situation here, and the undead wolf spider punched him in the chest.

The spider undead creature flew backwards with the force, and immediately spit out extremely sticky spider silk from its mouth, and directly entangled Kamijo Mutsuki.

He yanked the silk with his hand, and the tied up Kamijo Mutsuki was immediately hit by a wave of force. Strong force pulls it over


The Wolf Spider Undead was wondering, how could the Spider Undead be so careful, and suddenly reveal a flaw.

But he didn't expect that this guy just wanted to find a chance to stay away from him, and took the opportunity to take Kamijo Mutsuki away.

Ge Lian quickly stretched out his hand, wanting to grab it Kamijo Mutsuki, but his movements were a bit slow, and he missed the opportunity.

Chapter 448 was sealed again! Sister Tiger: A chance to become stronger!


Mutsuki was directly dragged by this powerful force. The spider undead creature quickly grabbed Kamijo Mutsuki's neck, and the spider undead creature sneered and threatened.

"Ah! Now that you are in my hands, I advise you not to act rashly, otherwise.....Don't blame me for being polite."

Although the hostage was in a threatened state, Kamijo Mutsuki felt inexplicably relieved.

With him as a hostage, the spider undead creature should be able to escape with him.

As expected, Kamijo Mutsuki was captured After being caught, Gren and the Wolf Spider Undead could only take action and did not dare to act rashly.

Everything they had done before was to save Kamijo Mutsuki, but now Kamijo Mutsuki took the initiative to be sent to him. As a hostage, they couldn't help even if they wanted to.

Green didn't want to harm Mutsuki Kamijo's life because of this incident.

"Let him go! As long as you let him go, we...let you go!

Everything started because of him, and he didn't want to implicate Kamijo Mutsuki. After all, the other party was just a high school student, and he might not be mentally strong enough. Being controlled by him as a Kamen Rider was not the other party's problem.

He didn't want Uejo Mutsuki to get hurt if he could save her.

Hearing this, the spider undead creature immediately sneered.

"hehe! Let me go? you....Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me?

Now he is in my hands, you have to let him go if you don’t want to!

Don't follow me, or you won't blame me for being rude!"

As he said that, the spider undead creature pulled Kamijo Mutsuki back slowly.

With the hostage���Hand, the spider undead creature left very smoothly, and also took Kamijo Mutsuki with it.

Seeing the other party leave helplessly, Ge Lian felt very unwilling.

I thought I could successfully add Kamijo Mutsuki this time, but I didn't expect that in the end, I fell short because of Kamijo Mutsuki.

The undead wolf spider transformed back into human form, and Shima Noboru shook his head with helplessness on his face.

"As you have seen, Mutsuki is in too deep now. Even if he is not controlled by the Category Ac guy, I am afraid he will not be willing to give up the power he has obtained."

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