The terrifying and powerful strength is simply disappointing!

What exactly is this power?!

The battle between Tiger Sister and the wolf undead creature gradually became more intense, and the two sides fought back and forth.

The undead wolf creature enhanced by jet-black fangs is indeed much more powerful in combat than before, and can already fight on equal footing with Sister Tiger.

The wolf undead creature has many spikes all over its body, and all of these spikes are his weapons.

Sister Tiger pinched the undead wolf's wrist and blocked his attack.

But of course the undead wolf creature was not to be outdone, and the other wolf claw suddenly stretched out and headed straight for Sister Tiger's abdomen.

If the claws really hit, Sister Tiger would definitely be injured.

Sister Hu, who had already sensed the undead wolf's intentions, used the power of the undead wolf's arms to do a somersault and landed behind him.

The moment the undead wolf creature turned around, Sister Tiger threw her spiked tail directly in his face.

I only felt a blur in front of my eyes, and the undead wolf felt pain on his face at the same time, and felt something bad in his heart.

But before he could retreat, the sharp hook on Sister Tiger's right hand had already scratched across his chest from bottom to top.


A large number of sparks burst out from the chest, and the wolf undead creature suddenly felt pain in its chest. Unable to stop its body, the wolf undead creature flew backwards and fell to the ground. The wolf undead creature did not stop there. The pain in the chest was still there, but it was not enough to stop it. He loses his fighting ability

"So strong!"

I thought that after being enhanced, my combat power would definitely be stronger than the guy in front of me.

But I didn't expect that I seemed to underestimate the opponent too much. With my terrifying reaction speed and keen intuition, I seized every opportunity to attack..

His eyes unconsciously looked to the side of the jet-black fangs. He was not the strongest in his current state. Only when he was with the jet-black fangs, he was in his strongest form.

His body slowly squatted down, and the wolf undead creature became fierce. Seeing this

, Sister Hu did not take the initiative to stop the undead wolf. She wanted to see what tricks the other party was playing and successfully returned to the undead wolf. The creature drove the jet-black tusk and spun on the spot, aiming the front of the car at Sister Tiger.

"hehe! You didn't stop me? I'm at my strongest now! Do you think you still have a chance of winning?"

At this time, the undead wolf regained confidence after getting back the jet-black fangs, thinking that he could do it again.

But Sister Tiger didn't care at all whether the undead wolf got back the jet-black fangs.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you show your strongest strength, I will still defeat you."

If we had not defeated the confrontation in the strongest form, Sister Tiger would have left regrets in her heart.

Only by defeating the undead wolf in the strongest form can this battle be regarded as the most perfect victory.


Quickly turning the accelerator, the wolf undead creature did not continue to talk nonsense. He directly raised the front of the car and rushed towards Sister Tiger at high speed.

This was his first battle with other undead creatures after obtaining the black fangs. He must not end up here like this. Defeat!

This battle caused great commotion, and naturally attracted the attention of some undead creatures.

A man with medium-long hair wearing flip-flops, beige clothes, and a hat stood watching quietly from a distance. Following the battle happening here

"hehe! Just fight slowly and continue to fight. The harder you fight, the better.

I just need to wait until the end, and after you have eliminated each other, I will be able to become the final winner."

He is Jack of Clubs, the elephant undead creature!

The name in human form is the earth.

In terms of combat power alone, the elephant undead creature is definitely the best among the advanced undead creatures except for the Kig category.

The only pity is that He does not have the ability to fly, has poor agility, and has weak anti-air agility.

Although he is an elephant undead creature, his brain is not very smart.

He often says that he hates fighting, but in fact he is observing other undead in secret. Biological abilities.

The purpose is to know yourself and the enemy, and win safely.

It is also to reduce the possibility of losing in the battle. Let the enemy fight first, and he can reap the benefits.

This is his role in human society. A little bit of knowledge he learned in middle school.

Dadi gently pressed the hat on his head, and the sunlight shone on his face through the small hole in the hat.

His face looked solemn, and he looked at who this man was. ?

The combat power is so strong that it even makes him feel a little difficult to deal with.

Mainly because this guy survives, it will probably cause great trouble to him in the future battle.

But then his eyes became firm and he said with confidence.

"No matter who it is, the one who wins in the end....It must be me.

Just when Daichi was paying attention to the battlefield, Yoshinaga Miyuki noticed his presence

"It's that guy!"

Miyuki Yoshinaga recognized the earth at first sight.

Unlike other undead creatures that have no fixed location, the earth has been staying in one place since it was liberated, and lived very leisurely every day.

Because of this, the earth is where The area has become a restricted area for other undead creatures.

If any undead creature dares to break into his territory, he will be beaten violently.

Before following Lu Li, Miyuki Yoshinaga knew about the existence of this terrifying guy. Yoshinaga Miyuki's inner thought at that time was to avoid provoking the other party.

With his strength, the possibility of dealing with Dadi was almost zero, but he didn't expect that this guy would be attracted to the fight here. Before

, Yoshinaga Miyuki might have been afraid of Daichi, but it was completely different now.

She was no longer alone, but with Lu Li

's powerful strength. She believed that even the opponent would be afraid of Daichi. It was impossible to deal with Lu Li.

Seeing that Daichi had no intention of joining the battle, Yoshinaga Miyuki could tell at a glance what he was doing.

"You are collecting information again, but the information you collected is of no use to Lu Li."

She is not joking, but is very serious.

No matter how strong Dadi is, he is probably not as good as Kig in terms of combat power.

And Lu Li can defeat Kig, but she doesn't think Dadi can match Lu Li.

No more Paying attention to the earth, Yoshinaga Miyuki turned back and watched the battle intently.

Ge Lian glanced at Lenge who was standing next to him, knowing that this guy was now controlled by the will of the undead spider, even though he had secretly taken away the plum blossoms. 10 cards, but in the current situation, he has no chance to use it.

Unless he waits until a safe enough place to use it, it will probably put them in a more dangerous situation.

If another Lu Li comes, it will be very dangerous. Spider undead creatures are simply extremely difficult. After this battle is over, Green will consider releasing the spider undead creatures.

At this time, Sword has already stood up, but he can still feel pain in his body.

"Senior Tachibana, be careful, that red beam has a very high temperature!"

The grinning sword quickly reminded Gelian that this was the conclusion he came to after just carrying the beam.

Fortunately, the knight armor on his body is more resistant to high temperatures, so more serious problems did not occur, otherwise it would be troublesome.

Lian Ge glanced at the two of them and whispered:

"Let's cooperate for the time being, and we can talk about things between us after we deal with this guy."

Although he wanted to refuse, Ge Lian also knew that the current situation was not good. He had to cooperate with the undead spiders before he could break through Lu Li's defense.

The enemy of his enemy is his friend, so how could Ju Shuo do that? Don't you understand?

"good! Let’s cooperate for now.

The two simply settled on a temporary cooperation.

Seeing that they had reached cooperation, Lu Li just smiled lightly and had no intention of stopping them.

Whether they cooperate or not, the final result will be the same. They cannot be his opponents. This has long been inevitable.

Lu Li lightly hooked his fingers and said calmly.

"In that case, let's go together, the three of you, and see if there's any chance you can capture me?"

Facing three people, he didn't even need to prepare. Lu Li could easily crush them.

Unless they could all enter the emperor form, they would not be able to pose a slight threat to him, or there would really be no threat at all.

"superior!! 9

Lian Ge rushed out first. He was not a person who could remain indifferent to provocation.

Seeing that Lian Ge had already charged, Ge Lian and Jian were naturally not far behind.

Seeing the menacing looks of the three men, Lu Li didn't even take an offensive stance.

The speed of the three of them was too slow. Even the swords in the form of guards were not enough for Lu Li to see.

"Then you can experience what speed is!"

Before he finished speaking, the pair of transparent wings behind Lu Li suddenly spread out, and his body was lifted into the air instantly under the pull of the wings. The wings took Lu Li to fly quickly through the sky, faster than the sword in the guard form! Extremely! The fast flying speed dazzled the three of them.

After all, Jian still had the ability to fly. The wings behind him quickly spread out and rushed towards Lu Li in the sky.

The remaining two could not fly for the time being, and Lian Ge was not even far away. The only way to fight is to stare blankly.

Ge Lian is in a slightly better situation. He can fire bullets and provide long-range support. Even if he is in the sky, the sword has a good flying speed, but compared with Lu Li, this flying speed is terrible. Not even a little bit


The figure suddenly floated past Jian.

Jian quickly swung down the awakening sword in his hand, but it fell into the air and did not touch Lu Li at all.

"So fast!!"

With great horror in his heart, Jian found that he couldn't keep up with Lu Li in terms of speed.

This situation was very uncomfortable.

The enemy was passing by in front of his eyes, but he had absolutely no way to defeat him. It was pure torture!

"Where are you looking?"

The voice came from above. Just as Jian was about to raise his head, he felt a force coming from the top of his head.


The powerful force blasted the sword directly to the ground, and the wings behind him could no longer maintain the balance of the body.


The body slammed to the ground and fell from a high altitude, leaving a deep pit on the ground and splashing countless flying rocks.


Just now, Ge Lian wanted to provide shooting support, but he found that his aiming speed was still too slow and could not keep up with Lu Li's rhythm.

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