The next second, Lian Ge's aura suddenly changed.

There was a faint evil aura all over his body, completely different from the situation just now.

The spider undead has once again taken control of Lengeld's will, and the body is now controlled by the will of the spider undead.

"It's you again!"

Leng Ge's voice changed, and his whole person became a lot gloomier.

"It's out again, Category Ac...

I didn't expect that at this time, the will of the spider undead creature would take the initiative to appear.

The spider undead creature, which had just gained control of its body, felt a chill in its heart when it saw Lu Li.

Good guy!

What the hell is this?

Why did I happen to face Lu Li as soon as I came out? This is not a good thing.

Chapter 443 Ju: Why didn't I know that Ge Lian had a new form?! Sword Jack.Form!

It has long been known that Lu Li has unrivaled combat power, and the undead spiders have always tried their best to avoid conflicts with Lu Li.

The last time I almost sealed the Category King was an accident.

Lengere reacted and immediately said in a deep voice:

"I am no different from being your enemy. This time I admit defeat.

Before he finished speaking, Leng Ge planned to draw out his awakening staff and prepare to leave.

But Lu Li didn't want him to leave at all.

He has already taken action, how can he let the enemy leave.

What's more, it was Liang Ge who took the initiative to attack him, so naturally this matter would not be easy to get over.

An invisible force pulled on the awakening staff, giving Lian Ge no chance to pull it out.

No matter how hard he tried, the awakening staff seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and couldn't be pulled out at all.

Seeing this, Lian Ge secretly thought that something was wrong. Lu Li might be targeting him.

Since this is not his own body, the spider undead creature cannot control Uejo Mutsuki for a long time.

There will always be a period of time when I can't monitor Kamijo Mutsuki. I didn't expect that such a small amount of time would create such a big hole for myself. trouble!

"Now that you're all here, you might as well give it a try and let me see if your strength has improved.

With a contemptuous smile on his lips, Lu Li took out an awakening card.


"Change! Evolution!"

Invisible power enveloped Lu Li, and a knight's armor appeared on his body in the next second.

Kamen Rider Garren!

That's right, Lu Li directly transformed into Garren this time.

When he saw Lu Li transforming into Garren, The real Glenn was immediately shocked


Why is there still a Gelian?!

Not only him, Jian was also stunned.


The waiting was not over. A burst of dazzling golden light burst out from Lu Li's body. His power was sublimated, and the knight's armor suddenly changed. The silver armor instantly sublimated, with sharp edges and corners appearing on his body, and at the same time a pair of figures appeared above his head. The big horn resembles a stag beetle. The red part on the chest and abdomen has a golden stag beetle in the middle, with almost transparent insect-like wings behind it.

Kamen Rider Garren. Fully fused emperor form! Lu Li poured out of his body, and Lenger, who was holding the awakening staff tightly, was blown away by this terrifying force.


He fell to the ground in a panic. Leng Geer didn't expect that he would be in such a mess.

After the golden light dissipated, Lu Li appeared in front of everyone. His powerful body matched with the golden armor looked very powerful.

The green one The eyes were highlighted, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Although the form had changed, Ge Lian could still clearly see that the other party's form was somewhat similar to his own.

Especially Lu Li's just now. When the transformation was completed, he directly transformed into Ge Lian, and this form was based on Ge Lian. Why didn't I know that he had such power?.....What is the power?!

Although Jian doesn't quite understand what the current situation is, he also knows that the enemy is very powerful and very difficult to deal with.

Immediately take out two awakening cards, Jack of Spades and Queen of Spades!

Insert the Queen of Spades into the awakening fusion machine first, and brush the Jack of Spades at the same time!

"Absorb.Queen! Fusion.Jack!"

A golden shadow suddenly appeared in front. This golden shadow was the coat of arms of Jack of Spades.

As the golden shadow blended into the chest, the sword's body suddenly changed.

The original silver armor It turned into gold, and at the same time, a vulture emblem appeared on the chest, and several pairs of striped wings appeared behind it.

The strength and speed of the sword in the guard form were greatly improved, and the strength and wind power of the awakening sword were stronger than before. It was much stronger before.

Due to the existence of the wings behind him, it was possible to fight in the air that the sword could not do before.

Kamen Rider Sword. Guard Form (Jack.Form)!

Lu Li felt even more excited when he saw the sword transformed into the guard form. Happy.

This means that the sword gradually begins to fuse the power of undead creatures.

The previous sword can only fuse the power of category Ac, but after using awakening fusion, the number of fused undead creatures increases. The body is also changing bit by bit.

The only knight who can do this is Jian! Of course, neither Jian nor Gren will notice this situation at this moment.

In the new form, Ge Lian suddenly felt much less stressed.

Perhaps, he could use the sword's new power to restrain Lu Li this time.

However, after seeing the sword complete its new transformation, Lian Ge was obviously a little jealous. He was the strongest knight, but he did not have such power.

Under the control of the spider undead creature, Lian Ge already felt the threat from the new form of the sword.

Lu Li slowly raised his right hand and hooked it intimately. His fingers seemed not to pay attention to the three of them at all.

Jian felt the power emerging from his body and clenched his fist tightly.

"Power is constantly emerging, maybe... there is a chance!"

He felt that he might have a chance to defeat Lu Li now.

Although he didn't know what form Lu Li had changed into now, the strength that emerged gave him a little confidence.


Raising the Awakening Sword in his hand, Jian Dang rushed towards Lu Li.

He wanted to test his current strength. Not to mention that he could defeat Lu Li, as long as he could fight evenly.

"Tachibana-senpai, take charge of the jet-black fangs! Just leave it to me!"

At this moment, Jian didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and he didn't know how terrifying power Lu Li had now.

Seeing that Jian was so confident, Ge Lian was willing to believe him, so he immediately ran towards the black fangs.

When Lu Li heard this, he had a sneer on his face.

He really didn't know what gave him the confidence to fight against him.

The strength of the guard form was certainly much stronger than that of the ordinary form. It was less, but compared to the king form Lu Li, it was completely different from the sky.

The sword slashed out fiercely and went straight to Lu Li's chest.

Although there was no awakening card attached, it was compared to the sword in the normal form. , the speed of attack and the intensity of attack have been greatly improved.


The Awakening Sword fell. When the blade was about twenty centimeters away from Lu Li, two fingers clamped the Awakening Sword.

Zhijia's power on the Awakening Sword was completely offset by these two fingers.


As the person involved in the sword, he was stunned when he saw that his attack was easily caught by Lu Li with two fingers.

What the hell?!

Why is this happening?!

He couldn't understand how Lu Li did it. He clamped the Xingjian with two fingers, preventing him from using any force at all.

"What gives you the illusion that you can fight me?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li suddenly punched the sword directly in the abdomen.


Faced with this extremely huge force, the sword couldn't resist at all, and with his screams, he was instantly blown away.

Lengere, who was still jealous of the sword's new power before, was speechless after seeing this scene..

Didn’t he just gain great power? Why did he suddenly become deflated!

Gren, who was already close to the dark fangs, stopped immediately after seeing this.

"how come?!"

In his opinion, Jian used the awakening fusion machine to fuse the power of Jack of Spades, and his strength must be stronger than before.

Not to say that he can defeat Lu Li, but at least he can restrain him well.

But what happened now is completely It was beyond Ge Lian's imagination.

It could even be said that it was completely different from what he thought. The sword didn't even touch Lu Li before he was knocked away.

"What are you looking at?"

A familiar voice suddenly came from beside him.

Suddenly turning around, Ge Lian saw Lu Li very close at hand.


He had just paid attention to the sword and didn't even notice whether Lu Li made any move.

Pushing Ge Lian's chest with a palm, the powerful force also pushed Ge Lian back directly.


The next second, Ge Lian fell directly beside the sword.

Leng Ge could see clearly from the side.

"What was that just now?....?!"

At this moment, he was extremely shocked because he had just seen something incredible.

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