"This is impossible?!"

After Hirose Yoshito saw the data displayed on the instrument, he stood up excitedly.

The reason why he was so excited was entirely because he didn't understand where Lu Li got the twelve awakening cards of the Red Heart series. But what he didn't know was that Lu Li merged not only the power of the twelve red heart undead creatures, but all the undead creatures.

However, after transforming into Wild Kalis, the degree of fusion of the red heart series cards was even deeper.

According to the current information, most of the cards in the Heart series should be with Jokr.

The most important thing is that the King of Hearts is in his hands now, and Experimental Body F was created using the cells of the King of Hearts.

He quickly opened the dark room in the office.

Ge , took out the card.

There is no problem!

This card is still here, and it is not in Lu Li's hand. How could it be like this?

At this moment, Yoshito Hirose suddenly felt like he was here. An extremely shocking secret was discovered.

Are there other cards besides the currently known fifty-three?

When he thought about Lu Li's other knight systems, Yoshito Hirose suddenly felt like it. Things seemed to be a bit beyond imagination and control.

What was going on?

For a moment, Hirose Yoshito was in a state of confusion, completely confused about what the current situation was and why this situation occurred.

I returned to the chair and sat down weakly, my mind was a mess.

"What on earth happened?!"

He has a clear memory in his mind. It was he who released most of the undead creatures before.

Logically speaking, these should be the only ones.

But the current situation is beyond his comprehension. It is beyond him.

The only thing Hirose Yoshito knew from the previous battle was that it was impossible to win this war. Currently,


Yoshito was in a state of confusion. For a moment, he couldn't think of what to do next.

He turned off the computer in frustration. He needed to sort out his thoughts now. It was so confusing!

As an artificial warrior, Experimental Subject F did not have any fear, even if His hand was crushed, but he still had no intention of stopping and continuing to fight. Seeing Experimental Subject F without any fear, Lu Li waved his right hand lightly, and a golden awakening card appeared behind him.

Biochemical plants!


"Swish, swish, swish!!"

The next second, several thorny vines suddenly appeared from behind Lu Li, directly tying up the test subject F who was rushing towards him, and hanging him in the air.

Slowly turning around, Lu Li did not look at the test again. 0.2 body F, faintly spit out a few words

"it's over."

At the same time, he snapped his fingers with his right hand


With the sound of Lu Li snapping his fingers, Experimental Body F, which was still struggling, was suddenly pulled by an extremely powerful force.


A series of frightening sounds came, and I saw that Test Subject F was torn into several sections in an instant under the terrifying pull.


The tissue fluid in the body spilled down, declaring that the battle was completely over.

Several vines disappeared on the spot, and Lu Li immediately released the transformation.

When he looked up, Lu Li saw Miyuki Yoshinaga with a hint of fear in her eyes.

Compared to The frightened Miyuki Yoshinaga seems to be in a much better state.

Even so, seeing the test body F being torn into several sections would still make her feel frightened.

What would happen if this method were used on undead creatures? What will it become?

It is true that undead creatures cannot die, but if the body is torn into so many parts, it will be difficult even if it can be recovered.

Miyuki Yoshinaga wanted to find out how good Lu Li's combat ability is. It wasn't for betrayal or anything, it was just out of curiosity.

But now that I saw the terrifying combat power displayed by Lu Li, I felt goosebumps all over my body. It was so terrifying!

I couldn't help but mourn for Lu Li's enemies. Whoever met Lu Li would probably be killed. The outcome was similar to that of Experimental Body F just now. It was too outrageous!

At the same time, I couldn't help but feel lucky that I had completely surrendered and joined Lu Li's camp......He probably wouldn't do anything to himself.

Regarding this issue, Yoshinaga Miyuki was a little unsure.

There is always a battle between the undead creatures. Only the last one left can see the sealing stone and realize his wish.

Thinking of this, Yoshinaga Miyuki felt a little nervous for no reason.

Chapter 440: Tiger Sister’s Expectation, She Came to Play with Q, She Was Deceived and Lame!

She was worried that when Lu Li was behind him, he might suddenly stab him in the back.

If this was really the case, and she had almost no power to resist, then the game would really be over.

Just from Miyuki Yoshinaga's eyes, Lu Li could already tell what she was thinking in her heart right now.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in the ruler realizing his wishes. I just want to do what I want to do.

Now that you have joined my side, I will naturally not do anything to you, not to mention that the relationship between us is not a different relationship."

While speaking, Lu Li put his hand on Yoshinaga Miyuki's smooth and delicate face.

After hearing these words, Yoshinaga Miyuki, who was originally nervous, finally felt relieved.

I don't know why, Lu Li said these words At that time, Yoshinaga Miyuki couldn't help but want to trust him.

Yoshinaga Miyuki didn't know where this unknown feeling of trust came from.

Although Shiromitsu felt that test subject F was killed just now. It was a bit scary, but she didn't feel scared because of it.

She unconsciously lost the idea of reviving her race. This was not a formal extreme battle, and it meant nothing to her. It was of great significance.

By following Lu Li, she saw the differences and interesting aspects of the world.

Perhaps, there was nothing bad about the world established by humans.

Victory in this war may not necessarily make the world as prosperous as it is now.

Compared with fighting in the extreme battle, there is nothing wrong with following Lu Li to see more of the world.

Moreover, Cheng Guang knew that Lu Li was there. Having been to another world, she is also very curious about things in that world.

In another world, there is no extreme battle. What kind of world is that?

Chengguang wants to see that world..

After Lu Li's simple comfort, Yoshinaga Miyuki finally no longer felt afraid. She should feel relieved that there was an extremely powerful being beside her, rather than feeling fearful.

Uejo Mutsuki was walking aimlessly on the street at this time. As he walked, he didn't know where else he could go. 27

When he thought that he had pushed Ju Shuo down the slope with his own hands, causing him to fall into a coma, he felt extremely regretful about how he could do this. What happened?

Is this really him?

He is hurting other people unknowingly.

But every time he has such thoughts, the evil voice in his heart will tell him that this is all true. For his own good.

Only by solving the obstacles can he successfully seal the category Kig, making him stronger and becoming the true strongest knight.

Moreover, Kamijo Mutsuki suffered many defeats at the hands of Lu Li, and he has always hidden it in his heart. With a sense of anger, the evil will of the spider undead creature was used to guide Kamijo Mutsuki, leading him step by step to the desired ending.

At this time, a sudden sound came, and Kamijo Mutsuki looked up. Seeing a group of undead creatures wearing clothes chasing the crowd, although he was controlled by the will of the spider undead creatures, it did not mean that he had completely lost his own will.

Uejo Mutsuki immediately transformed into a fighter.



Lian Geer, who rushed forward with his awakening staff, eliminated these wolves in three strikes, five and two.

The whole process was extremely easy.

After completing the battle, he himself felt very inappropriate. How could this happen

?......Have you become stronger again?

Otherwise, why would these undead creatures be eliminated so easily?

He casually took out a blank card and was about to seal these wolves. However, after the card flew over, it seemed that it had not found the target and automatically flew back to his hand.


Lengeer, who encountered this situation for the first time, didn't understand what the situation was at all.

He threw the card again without believing it, but the result was still the same as before.

"Can't seal it? Aren't these guys undead?"

Seeing that the other party was motionless and seemed to have died, Lenger immediately canceled the transformation.

At this moment, a roar/whining of a car suddenly came.

I saw a black car and several motorcycles chasing after him. On the one hand,

Mutsuki Kamijo was quite surprised when he saw this situation for the first time.

"Humans...are hunting the undead?"

Based on what he saw before, the power of undead creatures is simply not something that humans can compete with.

But now there are people hunting undead creatures, which is outrageous.

Then a group of people in black uniforms got out of the car and raised their pistols Immediately aim at the Wolf Warrior and shoot quickly

"Bang bang bang!!"

The bullets hit the wolf accurately one after another: soon, the wolf, who was only slightly stronger than ordinary people, fell to the ground.

Mutsuki Kamijo felt surprised at how easily the wolf was eliminated.. When did humans have such power?

"Hello, Kamen Rider Rengel, no, I should call you Kamijo Mutsuki now."

When he heard the other party accurately calling out his name and hiding his identity, Kamijo Mutsuki suddenly became wary.

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