Such a result is completely unacceptable to taboo adulterants.

At this moment, her heart was filled with fear.

Facing such a terrifying and powerful Lu Li, in addition to being filled with fear, he also felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Philip had anticipated this situation before.

But he thought that no matter how strong Lu Li was, he would still be injured when faced with such a terrifying energy explosion.

But the reality was beyond his expectation

"Shotaro, I said it from the beginning, retreat for now.

There is no way we can defeat him with our current strength. Haven't you realized this yet?"

He didn't know why, but there was a hint of urgency in his voice.

Anyway, he just didn't want Zuo Xiangtaro to die here.

W fell into silence.

Then he heard Zuo Xiangtaro's firm voice.

"I...can't escape! Philip, he killed my uncle with his own hands, how can you ask me to remain silent?

Do I want to watch him get away with it?"

The enemy is right in front of him. If he chooses to escape, how can he have the face to face his dead uncle?

"Shotaro! Can you be more mature?! Is now the time to think about this?!

The opponent's strength has surpassed ours by a lot. Do you think you can make up for this huge gap with your passion?"

There was a hint of anger in Phillip's voice unconsciously, and he didn't even notice it himself.

The two have been together for a year, and during this time, Shotaro Zuo has never seen Phillip angry.

This is the first time.

Just When they were debating whether to retreat, Lu Li's voice suddenly interrupted their argument.

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, Zuo Shotaro, do you think... I forced her to use the memory?

No! I just put the taboo in front of her. This was her own choice. It was of her own free will. I didn't force her.

From the beginning, she wanted to escape from prison and get revenge on you."

W was slightly startled, but then shook his head firmly.

"Volunteer? No! If it weren't for you, Mariina wouldn't have been able to come into contact with the memory!

After all, it’s because of you! If it weren't for your appearance, she wouldn't be what she is now."


Hearing this, Lu Li shrugged slightly and was too lazy to continue debating this issue with him.

"Stop getting in my way."

After saying that, Lu Li immediately turned around and walked towards the Forbidden Doped Body. The

Forbidden Doped Body was already very powerful. Seeing Lu Li approaching him step by step, the fear in his heart was infinitely magnified.

"do not come! Don't come here!"

The sharp voice roared, and she threw energy balls frantically, trying to stop Lu Li's progress.

Facing the seemingly terrifying energy balls, the Awakening Bow in Lu Li's hand did not stop for a moment, killing them one after another.

"impossible! I already have such great power, how could I still be afraid of you?!"

Although she said she was not afraid, her body's reaction was very honest.

The slightly trembling body said everything. She was extremely scared now.

Even though she knew how powerful Lu Li was, W still refused to back down.

"no! He must not be allowed to hurt Mariina!"

This time, Phillip no longer continued to persuade Zuo Shotaro.

He knew that this guy was just a bull, and he couldn't get it back after he made up his mind about something.

"Philip, use the blazing trigger!"

After saying that, W immediately took out the Blazing Memory and switched out the Luna Memory on the right.

"Heat! Trigger!"

"Bang bang bang!!"

The bullet filled with high heat was shot out instantly

"It’s really annoying!"

There was a trace of impatience in Lu Li's voice.

The reason why W was not solved was because Lu Li felt that they were still useful.

But this was not because they provoked him again and again.

Since they are disobedient, then they should do it appropriately. Give me a lesson

"Ding ding ding!"

Lu Li easily blocked these high-heat bullets, and sparks splashed on Xing Gong's arms.

PS: Thank you————Ling Yeye’s monthly ticket! grateful————Haha monthly pass!.Chapter

72 Remote Tapir, Elephant Jack quickly drew two awakening cards, quickly threw one of them, and at the same time brushed the other through the awakener component.

The two awakening cards used by Lu Li were Club 10 and an advanced undead creature awakening card, Club Jack.

Plum 10 remote tapir.

This awakening card has a very special ability, it can liberate and control sealed undead creatures.

Lu Li's target for liberation is obviously the superior undead creature he currently has, the Club Jack, the elephant undead creature.

In Kamen Rider Blade, when the elephant undead creature first appeared, it was quite oppressive.

It has extremely strong attack and defense power, and once defeated the wolf undead creature of the Jack of Hearts and the orchid undead creature of the Queen of Hearts.

"Remote (tapir)!"

A strange energy shot out from the center of the awakener component, hitting the awakening card of Club Jack.

The elephant undead creature that was originally sealed in the card became active in an instant and jumped out of the awakening card.


The terrifying tall body fell to the ground, and even the ground shook slightly.

The water surface that had calmed down before on the water bank once again stirred up waves.


W was shocked when he saw the elephant undead creature that suddenly appeared.

He never expected that Lu Li could directly summon monsters.

This guy didn't seem to have used this ability when he fought with the uncle before. Yes.

Unlike Shotaro Zuo, Philip is actually more concerned about the elephant undead.

"Shotaro, be careful, that guy is very unusual and exudes a terrifying aura."

Just jumping out caused this kind of movement. You can tell at a glance that the force is not small.

Looking at the thick armor and extremely strong body of the opponent, you can know that the defense must be very strong.

He is a heavyweight. Opponent!

The elephant undead creatures released in this way will actively attack Lu Li's enemies.

"Get rid of him."

Pointing at W, Lu Li ignored W.

The next battle with W can be left to the elephant undead creature. What Lu Li wants is to recover the forbidden memory now.

06 The elephant undead creature nodded slightly, The green eyes were fixed on W.

The chain hammer wrapped around his right arm was slowly swung.

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

The hammer attached to the chain gave people a chilling feeling.

He took a step forward and rushed directly towards W with his strong body.

Seeing the elephant undead creature attacking him, W did not dare to hesitate at all. Immediately fire several shots

"Bang bang bang!!"

The high-heat bullets didn't have any effect on Lu Li, but it doesn't mean that they can't have an effect on the elephant undead, at least that's what W thinks.

With the super-high-attack fanatical trigger form, W's attacks aren't that unbearable.

However, then The behavior of the undead creature that came down made W instantly confused.

"Ding ding ding!!"

The high-heat bombs hit the body of the undead elephant one after another.

But they only caused sparks on his thick armor and failed to cause any further damage. They did not even stop the undead elephant from advancing. pace of

"I go! A tank?!"

W once fell into self-doubt about the strength of his attack.

Even the dopant he had encountered before had relatively strong defense, but he had never encountered an enemy with such terrifying defense.

High strength, The high-heat projectiles should be able to penetrate hard defenses easily, but in the end they didn't even make the elephant undead take a step back.


The chain hammer wrapped around his right arm was smashed out instantly. The elephant undead creature firmly remembered what Lu Li said just now.

Get rid of W.

Therefore, the attack had no intention of staying behind. It was full force as soon as it was launched.

Faced with such a fierce W had no intention of resisting the attack and quickly rolled backwards to avoid the spiked hammer.


The hammer with spikes hit the ground, and a pit was created on the spot, with gravel flying.

W, who dodged the blow, saw the deeply sunken ground and couldn't help but feel heart palpitations..

It would be uncomfortable if it hit me this time.

"What kind of monster is this guy?! How outrageous!"

W found that he seemed to be completely unable to deal with this opponent who could compete with the tank.

Not only was the defense powerful, but the damage was outrageous!

If he really wanted to fight, he was completely inadequate!

He noticed that Taboo was pressing behind the elephant undead creature. Lu Li, who was doped, felt a deep sense of powerlessness at this moment.

With his own strength, he could not save Zhenna. When he heard W, he immediately shouted.

"Truth! Run away!"

Yes, he hopes that the current taboo dopant can escape directly. As long as he can escape, he can at least survive. Even if he is continued to be eroded by the power of the memory, he is still alive at least. He can find a way later.

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