PS: Thanks to

Tokusatsu Lord for your monthly pass!

Chapter 425: Kalis is Joker?! The powerful Tiger Sister. Wouldn't it be very troublesome if Tiger Sister was rashly allowed to join in this battle if she was in danger?

But her worries were completely unnecessary. The power Lu Li controlled was far beyond her imagination.

Sister Tiger's combat power is even much stronger than that of the undead goat. With the current Liang Geer, it is almost impossible to be Sister Tiger's opponent.

A powerful aura suddenly rushed out, causing Kalis and Lenger to stop their attack.

The two of them looked warily at Sister Tiger who had just arrived.

Here, the goat undead creature was fighting with the sword and felt this aura.

When he noticed Sister Tiger, he was suddenly shocked.

The aura exuding from the other party was not unfamiliar to him at all.

Isn't this guy the same woman who kicked him in the foot earlier?

Unexpectedly, this woman actually joined the battle! good chance!

Maybe with the addition of this woman, these Kamen Riders can be successfully dealt with.

However, Sister Tiger didn't even look at the undead goat, her eyes were completely focused on one person.


The strongest knight controlled by Ace is the target of Sister Tiger this time:

Although this other guy's combat power is not bad, it is still slightly inferior to Lenger controlled by Ac.

Since you want to fight, you must naturally choose the strongest opponent!

Liang Geer kicked Kallis on the chest, knocking him back instantly, and then looked at Sister Tiger.


A faint purple light bloomed in his eyes. Category Ace obviously recognized the identity of Sister Tiger.

Category Queen, who belongs to the same suit as himself, if he can seal it, he will definitely become more powerful.

The target suddenly shifted to On Sister Tiger, Leng Ge walked towards Sister Tiger step by step.

Sister Hu, who had strong fighting power, was naturally not afraid of Lian Ge and sneered slightly.

"You brat controlled by Ace, let me see what your fighting power is like."


Sister Tiger instantly burst out with super-fast movement speed.

Before Lenger could react at all, the sharp hooks and arrows flashed across his chest in an instant.


Sparks burst out from the chest.

Lian Geer obviously did not expect that Sister Tiger could move so fast.

The body staggered two steps, but Lian Geer did not fall immediately, but used the awakening staff to support his body twenty one

"As expected of the Queen of the category, her combat power is indeed very strong!"

After Liang Ge stabilized his body, he didn't dare to be careless at all, and immediately got very alert.

He didn't want to capsize here.

"There are stronger ones you haven’t seen! drink!"

Sister Tiger stepped forward again and slammed her powerful fist at Lenger.

Lenger was already prepared and quickly resisted.

Her fist hit the awakening staff fiercely, but the terrifying power still made her Leng Ge took two steps back.

It wasn't over yet. Sister Hu quickly raised her right leg, and there was a sharp blade on her right leg.

Before Lian Ge could resist it, she struck out. Slide directly over his arm


Feeling pain in his arm, Lian Geer noticed that Sister Hu was raising her legs with a serious look on her face.

【The fighting ability of this guy in front of me is extraordinary! 】

At this time, Kalis, who had been kicked away earlier, rushed up again from nowhere.

"don't want....ignore me!"

The movement of the hand was not dull at all. Xing Gong slashed hard at Lenger's back.

His body staggered forward. Fortunately, Lenger had a stronger defense and did not fall down directly.

See the card. Lisi actually came to snatch her prey. Sister Tiger was immediately unhappy and scolded her immediately.

"Don't get in the way! Joker!

The word Jokeri finally appeared.

Even Lengere, who was preparing to fight back, was very sensitive to the word Jokeri!

"Joker? Is he the Joker?!"

There was a trace of surprise in his words.

The spider undead creature has never actually seen Jokr, it has only heard of such an existence. The most special undead creature among the fifty-three undead creatures can finally transform. Becoming the power of other undead creatures,

Lian Geer finally reacted when he thought that Kallis seemed to use a card every time he transformed.

"It turns out you are the Joker!"

Jokr's name is known to almost all undead creatures. He is a cruel and cold killer.

As long as other undead creatures win the ultimate battle, they can lead their own clan to prosper on this earth.

But if they win The person is Jokr, which means that everything in this world will be destroyed.

The fifty-two undead creatures are their own enemies, but they all have a common enemy, and that is Jokr!

Only by destroying Jokr can the world be destroyed.

Sister Tiger's voice was naturally heard by the undead goat and the sword: after learning that Kalis turned out to be Joker, the undead goat suddenly became vigilant.

"It turns out that guy is Joker, not Kalis at all!"

Noticing the changes in the goat undead creatures, Jian and Gelian felt very puzzled.

Joker: What it is, they have no idea at all.

They have never even heard of Jokert, let alone what Jokeri means.

"What is a Joker?"

His eyes couldn't help but focus on Kalis. Jian was full of curiosity. The identity of the other party, Jokr, made the three-goat undead change his attitude.

There must be a reason for this. As for the specific reason, it is still unclear.

"Hey Hey hey! I didn't expect it to be this dangerous guy. This guy actually appeared. Are you humans sure you want to continue fighting with me? Shouldn't the priority be to eliminate that guy?"

There was a hint of joking in the words of the undead goat.

He had already learned before that the Kamen Rider in front of him and Kalis seemed to have a good relationship.

It would be very interesting if they could fight each other.

Hearing this, Jian suddenly became confused and didn't understand why the undead goat would say this.

"What do you mean? Why should we eliminate him?"

"hehe! It seems that you don't know who he is or what he means."

The goat undead creature didn't explain that much. There was no need.

Moreover, he was fighting now, and he had no intention of slowly explaining these situations to his enemy.

Taking advantage of the goat undead creature's distraction, Green immediately Brush the bullet arm of block 2


The enhanced power of the light bullet was quickly shot out, continuously touching the side of the goat undead creature.


Even if the advanced undead creatures have relatively strong defense, they will still feel pain when faced with shots with increased power.

The body staggered, and the goat undead creature immediately stabilized its body. When he was about to counterattack, the sword had already caught up with him.


A sword suddenly struck his arm, instantly stopping the action that the undead goat was about to make.


Feel it on your arm���There was a burst of pain, and the goat undead creature noticed green blood flowing down.

I... am injured!

Even though he didn't want to admit the fact, he was indeed hurt.

He was so proud that he actually let the Kamen Rider get injured, which made the undead goat suddenly feel furious.

He was too careless, and he didn't expect that the other party would suddenly attack while he was distracted by talking, causing him to be injured.

The goat undead creature looked at Jian and Gelian sandwiching him on the left and right, and he already had the intention of retreating in his heart.

One Kamen Rider can handle it by himself, but if there are two, it might be a bit difficult to fight by himself.

How could it be possible that these Kamen Riders were growing so fast? They were already almost comparable to themselves as advanced undead creatures.

Holding the crescent dart tightly in his hand, the goat undead creature is looking for a suitable opportunity to escape.

As for what he said before, wanting to show off his strength and then talk about cooperation with Lu Li, he had completely forgotten about it at this time.

The most important thing is to ensure your own safety first. As for other issues, you can consider them later.

Compared to the undead goats who were preparing to retreat, Sister Tiger was fighting vigorously.

For Lengel, the Kamen Rider controlled by Category Ac, Sister Tiger used all her strength to teach him a lesson.

Although under the control of Category Ac, Lian Geer's combat effectiveness has been brought to the extreme, but he still cannot compare with Sister Tiger.

As one of the more powerful among the advanced undead creatures, Sister Tiger's combat power is naturally extraordinary.

"Clang!! Zhou opened the awakening staff with a ferocious hook, and Sister Tiger hit Lenger's jaw with a fierce punch.

The terrifying force made Lenger unable to steady his body, and his body couldn't help but retreat.

Even though they are of the same type as Queen, Sister Tiger's strength is far greater than that of the undead goat.

Coupled with Sister Tiger's extraordinary movement speed, it is easy to seize opportunities on the battlefield and severely damage the enemy.

Leng Ge has good movement speed, but it is not enough to face Sister Tiger.

Sister Tiger, who had defeated Lian Ge, would naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

Changing gears and rushing forward, before Lienger could react, he grabbed his head and gave him a knee.

The powerful knee hit Lenger's head on the spot, making Lenger dizzy and shaking his body.

It's not that Category Ace doesn't want to fight back, but it's just that it hasn't found a chance.

It was a one-sided beating!

Callis was looking for an opportunity to enter, but every time he tried to intervene, he was repelled by Sister Tiger.

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