At the beginning, she always thought that the relationship between the two was a cooperative relationship, but now it seems more like a relationship between a follower and a follower.

It is impossible for such a relationship to exist between living creatures, especially between advanced undead creatures.

Higher undead creatures can indeed control ordinary undead creatures, but higher undead creatures cannot control higher undead creatures.

"Cheng Guang, although she is not very strong, don't underestimate her, she is a woman who can speak well."

While speaking, Lu Li gently lifted Miyuki Yoshinaga's chin.

There were light scratches on that delicate face, but for undead creatures, it can be easily recovered.

"Can you speak well?"

Putting her hands on her chest, Shiroguang looked Yoshinaga Miyuki up and down.

Feeling the glance from Shiroguang's eyes, Yoshinaga Miyuki unconsciously hid beside Lu Li.

She was severely tortured, which was the feeling in her heart. Cheng Guang was only afraid.

At the same time, she was even more curious about why Lu Li knew that she could speak well.

Even ten thousand years ago, she also relied on words to provoke other undead creatures to fight with each other. She herself is reaping the benefits.

Unfortunately, the extreme battle still requires strong enough strength.

The possibility of winning the ultimate battle is too small due to Cheng Guang's strength.

After all, she chose to surrender to Lu Li willingly. Creatures.

Unless Lu Li has the power to crush everything and suppress her with terrifying power, making her feel the difference in strength between the two sides. In

Chapter 414, the most powerful woman about to be born returns to Miyuki Yoshinaga, Lu Li. Smiling calmly.

Of course, he saw Yoshinaga Miyuki's little thoughts. She just wanted to get through the current difficulty by herself, and then use other methods to escape. She swore that she would get away.

Never come back to these two people again!

I'm afraid nine out of ten things this woman said are false.

"I know your thoughts, surrender to me temporarily so that I can help you block the city light, right?"

Hearing this, Yoshinaga Miyuki's expression suddenly froze.

She was about to explain, but Lu Li interrupted what she wanted to say.

"Don't rush to explain to me. I know what kind of guy you are. You are good at instigating conflicts between undead creatures and letting them start a fight, and then you just sit back and watch.

This is your usual method, but I advise you not to have such thoughts on me, otherwise you will regret it."

The tone was very calm. It was just an orchid undead creature, but Lu Li didn't take it to heart yet.

Being able to be used by him was not bad, but if she wanted to cause trouble, don't blame Lu Li for being rude.

She said wearing her own clothes Yoshinaga Miyuki's pupils shrank suddenly.

She really couldn't figure out how Lu Li could do it. Why could he see through her own thoughts so easily?

Could it be that this man could read his own thoughts?


She has never heard of an undead being able to read other people's thoughts.

No! There is something wrong with this man!

At this time, Yoshinaga Miyuki suddenly realized that she had just stepped into the tiger's mouth. She escaped from her claws, thinking that she could make this man trust her with her sharp tongue and smooth words, but now it seems that she underestimated him too much.

She lowered her head slightly, and Miyuki Yoshinaga suddenly felt a pain in her back. Chill, a feeling like awns on the back

"Won't! Shaking her head firmly, she"960" didn't dare to have any more petty thoughts, at least not yet.

If the man in front of her saw through her petty thoughts again, I'm afraid... she would be in trouble.

"It won’t be the best, but don’t worry, I’m quite friendly to my own people."

With that said, Lu Li also patted Yoshinaga Miyuki's head gently.

Since Lu Li has chosen to accept Yoshinaga Miyuki, Cheng Guang will naturally not say anything more.


It doesn't affect her anyway, so she won't interfere with Lu Li's decision.

A feeling of humiliation was inexplicably born in her heart, but Miyuki Yoshinaga couldn't express it at all.

As a high-level undead creature, he was actually frightened by another high-level undead creature.

He even chooses to surrender to the other party. If this matter spreads out, I am afraid that other advanced undead creatures will laugh at him.

But considering his current situation, this is already the best choice.

She has no choice!

The time came the next day.

Kamijo Mutsuki was explaining to his girlfriend Nozomi Yamanaka at this time why she didn't go to the appointment that day.

She was also very bizarre, but it was a fact in itself, but because it was so bizarre, Nozomi Yamanaka thought that the other party was cheating on her.

"You use such a far-fetched excuse to deal with me, do you think I will believe it?"

After that, Yamanaka Nozomi walked away angrily. He quickly chased after him, but Kamijo Mutsuki grabbed the bag in Yamanaka Nozomi's hand with too much force and tore the bag off.

The tennis balls in the bag spilled all over the floor.

Knowing that it was his fault, Uejo Mutsuki quickly apologized and hurriedly picked up the dropped tennis balls.

When he was picking up the dropped tennis balls, he suddenly noticed something under a tree out of curiosity. He walked over and took this thing out.

When he came into contact with it, he felt inexplicably in a daze, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart calling him to take this thing away because his mental will was not strong!

In addition, he had already had contact with the spider undead creature before, so he decisively put the knight belt buckle and the category Ac card into his schoolbag.

The thought in his heart told him that that thing must be very important to him. To take it away.

After returning the picked tennis balls to Nozomi Yamanaka, Kamijo Mutsuki hurried home.

He didn't know what he had picked up, but the contents of the bag seemed very important, especially to him.

He had such an inexplicable feeling in his heart, and he didn't know why.

After returning home, Kamijo Mutsuki couldn't wait to go back to his room, and took out the knight belt buckle and the category Ace card.

The spider on the card trembled slightly. Bursts of purple light emitted, and even the knight's belt buckle also radiated bursts of light.

Suddenly, Kamijo Mutsuki recalled what he had encountered when playing basketball before and took two steps back unconsciously. The person became trance-like.

At this time, he did not fully realize that he had been invaded by the spirit of the undead spider.

The evil consciousness had invaded his body and would gradually interfere with his spirit. Completely replacing his spirit.

This is the plan and ultimate goal of the spider undead creature.

He has spent a lot of effort to come to Kamijo Mutsuki.

Now, Kamijo Mutsuki will fall under his control. , step by step, became his puppet, and was finally swallowed up by him.

Uejo Mutsuki, who was originally supposed to be extremely cowardly, suddenly showed a cold smile that was completely inconsistent with his character.

At this time, Uejo Mutsuki was no longer the same. Kamijo Mutsuki, his spirit has been controlled by the spider undead.

Unfortunately, no one knows that Kamijo Mutsuki has changed dramatically.

The last Kamen Rider is born!


Hajime is back. , Kurihara and her daughter are very happy.

They have unknowingly regarded Aikawa Hajime as a member of the family.

But there is one person who is absolutely unwilling to see this situation, and this person is naturally Shirai Torataro. But he knew that Hajime Aikawa was not a human being at all, but an undead creature.

Even though there was a precedent of Shima Noboru, he still couldn't completely believe that Hajime Aikawa was very dangerous anyway, and he didn't want to. Of course, it was precisely because of the precedent of Shima Noboru that his sister and niece were involved.

Although he didn't like Hajime Aikawa very much, he couldn't say he hated his sister when he recalled the past. He and his niece were in danger because of Hajime Aikawa, and he didn't want Hajime Aikawa to stay no matter what.

What should I do if I encounter danger again in the future?

It's fine if this happens once or twice, but if it happens all the time, no one can guarantee that mother and daughter will be safe every time.

But the problem is that seeing his sisters getting along so well with Hajime Aikawa, if he tells the news at this time, I'm afraid it will make them sad.

It was precisely because of this question that he felt like his brain was exploding.

Went to the coffee shop with Kazuma Kenzaki and Hirose Shiori.

Seeing the three people getting along happily, Shirai Torataro finally sighed.

Although he really didn't want this to happen, he couldn't stop it now.

And with this guy here, my sister and the others can be saved in time if they encounter danger.

Shirai Torataro finally acquiesced to the current situation.

Seeing the three people arriving, Aikawa Hajime suddenly felt nervous. He was worried that he would be exposed.

Now that he has made up his mind to stay here, he naturally does not want his identity to be exposed.

For this reason, while chatting, Aikawa Hajime specially found Kenzaki Kazuma and Hirose Shiori

"Remember to tell that guy, if you dare to say anything, I will not make it easy for him."

He likes his current life very much, just staying here quietly.

It's not bad without fighting. At least he is living happily here. Naturally, he doesn't want anyone to break this rare tranquility.

For his warning, Kenzaki Yi Zhen and Hirose had already thought that he would say this before, so they had communicated with Shirai Torataro in advance and their identity would not be revealed.

Nodding, Hirose said in a low voice.

"Actually, we have something to tell you. Do you have time to go out later?"

Hearing this, Aikawa walked aside minding his own business.

"I have nothing to say to you."

Before he finished speaking, Aikawa Hajime's expression suddenly changed.

He immediately raised his head, his eyes became very sharp, and found a dragonfly outside the window.

When he saw the dragonfly, he already knew who it was.

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