Realizing that Sonosaki Saeko's body was tense, Lu Li put his hand on her thigh and patted her gently.

Just a simple action made Sonosaki Saeko, who was originally frightened, suddenly calm down. yes!

Now that he has Lu Li's support, there is no need to be so afraid of his father.

Thinking of this, her tense body slowly relaxed

"Father, I have left this matter to Kirihiko Sudou, and it just so happens to test his ability.

If this thing is done successfully, it can be regarded as offsetting his previous mistakes.

If he still fails in this mission, I hope to take back the golden memory in his hand."

Knowing that this matter was actually assigned to Sudō Kirihiko, Sonosaki Ryuhei was stunned for a moment, and then nodded.

He really valued Sudō Kirihiko's ability, so he regarded him as Nasaki.

If you can't handle this well, you are really not qualified to continue using golden memory and Gaia drives.

"Well, I get it."

He was keenly aware of the changes in Sonosaki Saeko's mood.

Over the past year, Sonosaki Saeko seemed to be less and less afraid of him.

Sure enough, was it because Lu Li was backing him?

He had always been Suppressing Sono Saki Saeko with overwhelming strength.

He knew that his daughter was very capable, but he had to suppress Sono Saki Saeko to prevent her from escaping his control.

But because of the change of Lu Li, everything was different.

His eldest daughter, who was originally in awe, has become less and less reverent. Sooner or later, he will completely lose his awe. But he is not sure what will happen now.

, there is no room for turning around.

Although he has such a powerful golden memory as the fear memory, it does not mean that he is invincible.

Once the opponent is immune to mental attacks, the threat he can pose to the opponent will be much smaller.

Lu Li was one of them. Sonosaki

Wakana noticed the close look between Lu Li and Sonosaki Saeko, and there was a flash of displeasure in her eyes. She stabbed the food on the plate hard with the knife and fork in her hand.

After dinner, Sonosaki returned to the room. Saeko couldn’t wait to ask about the specific situation of the forbidden memory.

"Honey, how is my memory doing now? How was the data collection?"

Seeing how impatient she was, Lu Li comforted her patiently.

"Don't worry, it's almost done. Taboo's power has been greatly improved, but it's easy to go berserk now. Part of the data has been collected, but it's not close yet.

After she transforms again, it should be enough to complete a battle.

By that time, I can collect enough data to adjust the taboo memory."

In today's battle, we collected some good data, but this is not enough.

More data is needed to make complete and accurate adjustments.

After learning about this situation, Sonosaki Saeko was very anxious and wanted to get it back. Forbidden memory, but also knows that now is not the most suitable time.

The memory is too powerful and unstable, leading to a rampage. She knows exactly what the consequences will be, even if she uses the Gaia drive to resist the poison, it is powerful. It will still shock her heart and make her go berserk.

It seems that she can only wait a little longer.

Without the taboo memory, Sonosaki Yueko is equivalent to an ordinary person. Even though the taboo has brought some changes to her, it is not particularly obvious..At least judging from the current situation, it is not beyond the scope of normal people.


The next day.

Shotaro Zuo is a slightly commissioned detective, so naturally he has to be with Kusuhara Masaru all the time.

Today, he was going to follow Masaru Kusuhara to discuss something.

This matter is about land acquisition.

As long as the target land can be acquired, a second Fengdu Tower can be built.

But the problem is that Kusuhara Masaru has been unable to solve the problem of land acquisition.

The person who holds this land is a man named Takamura Genzo.

Genzo Takamura's true identity is the owner of a Gaia memory processing factory under the museum.

He has been relying on the museum to make a lot of money processing Gaia memory, and he is also a user of Gaia memory.

When Shotaro Zuo and the others arrived here, Genzo Takamura and his men were playing with remote control cars.

After an unpleasant conversation, the sudden arrival of Sudo Kirihiko put the matter on hold for the time being.

But until he achieves his goal, Kusuhara Masa cannot give up easily.

Sudou Kirihiko and Zuo Shotaro passed by each other, and the two looked at each other deeply.

They can all feel a familiar feeling from each other, but they don't know where the familiarity lies.

The first meeting in human form ended in a passing meeting.

Today, the reason why Sudou Kirihiko took the initiative to come to Takamura Genzo was to hope that he could complete the assigned task as soon as possible.

If he can't do it himself, let Kirihiko Sudo do it himself.

But once it was Sudou Kirihiko's turn to take action, the nature of the whole thing changed.

The organization will doubt whether Genzo Takamura is capable of continuing to process Gaia memories for the museum.

It's not impossible to kick him out when the time comes.

"You are the guy who suddenly changed from a salesperson to a cadre. You are truly the chosen one!"

Takamura Genzo looked at Sudo Kirihiko, who was wearing a suit and leather collar, and couldn't help but sigh.

He had been working hard to process Gaia memory for the organization, and suddenly someone climbed up above him and became a cadre of the organization. , of course he was unhappy.

Hearing this, Sudou Kirihiko naturally understood that this was not a compliment to himself, but a mockery of himself, saying that he was just lucky and did not become an organizational cadre based on his true strength.

But Sudo Kirihiko didn't care.

Now that he was a cadre of the organization, there was no need to argue with the other party about such trivial matters.

Whoever can complete the task is really capable.

"The president is very dissatisfied with this matter. What are you going to do? If you can't solve it, why don't you let me do it?"

Sudo Kirihiko will never allow himself to fail again.

If necessary, he is even willing to do it himself.

It may be unacceptable for a woman to kill, but in Sudo Kirihiko's view, Kusuhara Masaru is a person who takes advantage of His daughter is just an ugly woman.

Even if such a person dies, it won't be a big deal.

When will it be the turn of outsiders to interfere in his own affairs?

Takamura Genzo's expression suddenly changed. , said unhappy

"I advise you not to act rashly and don't interfere with my affairs. I will handle my affairs myself and you don't need to do anything."

After saying that, he immediately nodded to the men on the side.

The men on the side instantly knew what they should do, and immediately set off, preparing to attack Kusuhara Masaru and his party and kill the woman.

Seeing that Takamura Genzo was so confident, Sudo Kirihiko shrugged slightly and said indifferently

"Since you can solve it yourself, that's naturally the best, but before that, I have to stay here and wait for you to get the result."

He must ensure that this mission is completed perfectly, and there must be no more mistakes.

Disappointment accumulates bit by bit, and if the mission fails again and again, he will be in danger.


After Lu Li's guidance, Tsumura Jinna had completely abandoned other ideas.

Now, the only thing she can rely on is the forbidden memory in her hand.

Apart from that, there was nothing else she could rely on.

Yesterday, she suddenly chose to leave because she was worried about her own situation, leaving her with no way to succeed in revenge.

But today, she was ready to take revenge no matter what.

As for how to find Zuo Xiangtaro, Lu Li had already given her instructions before.

Mariina Tsumura probably guessed that Lu Li was probably conducting some kind of experiment on himself.

But does she have a choice now?


From the moment she chose to escape from prison, she had no choice.

Taking out the forbidden memory, a look of determination flashed in Tsumura Shina's eyes with dark circles.


After a moment of hesitation, she inserted the forbidden memory into the interface on her shoulder.

The forbidden memory turned into a stream of golden data and instantly integrated into her body.

Her body floated slowly, and her upper body shone with a strange red color. Purple light.

The taboo dopant!

It is slightly different from the taboo dopant that transformed yesterday. The red part of the body seems to be more vivid, and the bottom part without legs is a huge eye. It seems more fascinating

"Xiao Xiang!!"

The hoarse voice resounded throughout the world.

The next second, the taboo dopant flew in one direction.

This direction was exactly where Zuo Shotaro was currently.

From the beginning to the end, Tsumura Marina was just a ball in Lu Li's hands. It was just a chess piece, a chess piece used to complete the forbidden memory.

Through positioning, Lu Li could clearly see that the forbidden memory was moving quickly.

It was time to prepare for acceptance of the final results.

Once the data collection was completed, Tsumura Jinna would be lost. Moreover

, Lu Li went there at this time to ensure that the power of W can indeed damage Gaia's memory. Once this guy seizes the opportunity, the forbidden memory may also be damaged. Even though this possibility was slim, Lu Li still had to pay attention.

He took out the Bird Awakening Card that had been transformed from the Bird memory and swiped the Awakening Card in his hand.


Lu Li felt that there was an extra force in his body. Under the trend of this force, he could even control himself to rise and fall at will and fly quickly. He controlled his body and flew to the destination. Lu Li wanted to see what Zuo Xiangtaro would do this time. How to deal with Tsumura Marina? No, to be precise, it should be to deal with taboo adulteration.


At this moment, Shotaro Zuo was discussing with Philip about the attacker's methods.

I have never seen the true face of the attacker. I just knew that the attack was coming from a certain place, but when I actually chased him out, I couldn't see the target at all.

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