On the other side, the research institute.

Of course, Isaka couldn't just wait for Tachibana Saku to also seal Category Ac before continuing the experiment.

What he has to do is to find the most suitable adapter in advance. To this end, he wants to capture those people who are parasitized by the golden spider.

Because those who are hosted by the little golden spiders may be suitable adapters for the undead spiders.

Screen these people, find those who can withstand the strongest knight system, and find a way to control them, then everything will be successful.

Once the knight system is completed and a suitable adapter is found, it means that he has a chance to win the ultimate victory in the extreme battle.

By that time, no matter what type Kig or Lu Li is, they will definitely not be his opponent.

After all, he has the strongest knight in his hands.

However, Isaka is now facing a problem.

The Strongest Knight system is indeed very powerful, but it has never been able to find a suitable adapter.

PS: Thanks for the monthly pass that won’t be available next time!

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Mo Zi for your monthly ticket!

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Chapter 404: It’s hard to find a suitable partner! The Second World War between Yongqi and Kalis

In order to search for these people hosted by the golden spider, Isaka controlled another undead creature.

It is relatively easy to let the controlled undead creatures bring back the people they need.

This matter has already been started after the undead spider appeared.

So far, several batches of targets hosted by golden spiders have been captured.

At this time, a researcher hurriedly walked in and quickly reported

"Mr. Isaka, among this batch of adapters, no one has been able to withstand the prediction level of the new system so far."

When he heard the news, Isaka frowned unconsciously.

He wanted to find an adapter who could achieve his goal, but there seemed to be no such person at present.

"Erase their memories and throw away those useless materials.

I have to say that this guy Isaka is actually very kind.

They just erased the memories of the people they found and threw them out, without any intention of killing them.

The reason for doing this is to prevent some unpredictable situations.

After all, if a person dies, the body must be disposed of. If it is not handled properly, it may be another troublesome thing.

Erase the memories of these guys and throw them away. Naturally, no one will know the existence of the institute.


Isaka was the only one left in the dark room, lost in thought.

"Could it be that...can't you find a human being worthy of the strongest knight system?"

Even if the strongest knight system can be created, if no adapter can be found, it means that the strongest knight system created is a waste. It is completely useless!

However, although no suitable adapter has been found so far, But it doesn't mean that he will not find it.

He will not give up because of this!

With a deep vision, Isaka will never let his long-planned plan fall through.

During this period, Aikawa Hajime also experienced a lot of things.

""One hundred and fifty" He found that he still couldn't get along with others and chose to live alone.

He didn't know how many times he secretly observed the Jacaranda Coffee Shop from a distance.

As for why he behaved like this, Hajime Aikawa couldn't tell when this change started.

He walked aimlessly through the streets.

Although Hajime Aikawa was quite clean, he exuded an aura of loneliness.

Unconsciously, he attracted attention.

When he was about to turn to another road, several people appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

The enemies were lined up side by side, blocking almost the entire road.

Hajime Aikawa didn't take them seriously, and he didn't even have the slightest intention of giving way.

Apparently , he didn't expect to encounter them in such a place. A fierce smile suddenly appeared on his face

"Boy! How to say? Are you tired of living when you see us not giving way?"

While speaking, he put a hand on Aikawa Hajime's shoulder.

However, with just such an action, Aikawa Hajime's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his head, with a look of indifference on his face, and a hint of indifference in his eyes. Endlessly cold.

Without saying a word, he grabbed the opponent's arm and threw it over his shoulder, slamming the leader to the ground.


There was only a painful wailing sound. In the surprised eyes of several other people, they saw that their boss was beaten so badly, and they immediately became angry.

"Hello! You kid!"

"You dare to attack our boss. I think you are impatient, so let us teach you a lesson!"

"That’s right! Let you have a taste of our power!"

The remaining people took action in unison, preparing to teach Hajime Aikawa a lesson.

But the result is self-evident.

Although these guys look big and round, they are not as good as Hajime Aikawa in terms of combat effectiveness.

A group of people suddenly He was beaten so hard that he didn't dare to let out another fart.

After getting rid of these troubles, Aikawa Hajime put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and walked away like a normal person.

While walking down the street, he accidentally saw a familiar figure.

When he saw this familiar figure, Aikawa Hajime's pupils suddenly shrank.

"It's him?!"

He didn't expect that he would often meet Lu Li in a place like this.

Yes, after crossing the street, the person Aikawa Hajime met was Lu Li.

Not only Lu Li, but also Cheng Guang beside him.

Aikawa Hajime is keen He realized that the woman next to Lu Li was also an undead creature.

Since she could transform into a human form, it meant that she must be an advanced undead creature.

"Yo! I didn't expect that we would meet again, and in this way.

Lu Li waved his hand calmly and greeted him calmly.

Cheng Guang, who was beside Lu Li, had obviously noticed that Aikawa Hajime was an undead creature.

With a sudden change in her eyes, Cheng Guang seemed to have regained her strong woman look, eager to fight.

Already planning to fight alone, Aikawa Hajime would naturally not let go of fighting other undead creatures.

Especially if the opponent is a high-level undead creature, once it is sealed, its power against him should also be improved.

Looking around, there was almost no one else on the street he was on.

After Hajime Aikawa confirmed this, he took out the A of Hearts awakening card, and an awakening device automatically appeared on his waist.



The energy of the awakening card was released and attached to him, and he transformed directly into Kalis in the next second.


When Cheng Guang saw Kalis, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

During the Extreme Battle 10,000 years ago, although she had not fought against Kallis at that time, she had heard that Kallis was a very powerful undead creature.

During the Extreme Battle, Kalis sealed many undead creatures, which were even called legendary undead creatures.

Of course, as an Ace, Kalis's own combat effectiveness is not weaker than that of advanced undead creatures.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Kallis is still very famous among the undead, and most of the advanced undead creatures know of Kallis' existence.

However, what Cheng Guang didn't know was that the Kalis in front of him was not the Kalis from the Extreme Battle 10,000 years ago, but the Kalis transformed by Jokr.

Seeing the legendary undead creature, Cheng Guang suddenly felt a strong desire to fight in his heart. He lightly clenched his fist and was about to take action.

But this time, Lu Li stopped Cheng Guang

"His opponent... is me


Hearing this, Cheng Guang looked at Lu Li with confusion.

She had always thought that Lu Li didn't like fighting very much, and seemed to avoid all fights as much as possible.

But now it seems that this is not entirely the case.

Now that Lu Li was ready to take action, Cheng Guang naturally gave up his plan.

He walked aside and leaned against the wall, folding his hands on his chest


Perhaps because she had thought through a lot during this period, she no longer had a strong desire to fight.

In the beginning, she was fighting for the prosperity of her own tribe. Now, such thoughts in her heart have faded away without her realizing it.

Looking back at Kallis, Lu Li knew that the other party mainly wanted to fight him.

Of course, he would not refuse to join another high-level undead creature.

Kallis doesn't care how many enemies he has, even if there are several undead creatures on the other side, he dares to charge forward.

The fully fused Awakening Device automatically appears on your waist, and you slide an Awakening Card across the Awakening Device.


"Change! Eternal!"

White light shrouded Lu Li, and a pure white warrior appeared in front of Kallis and Cheng Guang.

The eternal ceremonial robe behind him was swaying in the air, and the yellow eye armor was a crown like a crown.

Kamen Rider Eternal!


Originally, Kallis thought that Lu Li would transform into Kallis like him before.

But he didn't expect that Lu Li would switch to another form, and it was a form that Kallis had never seen before.

"This is..?!"

Cheng Guang, who witnessed Lu Li completing his transformation, had a strong look of doubt in his eyes.

She didn't understand what kind of awakening card Lu Li took out just now.

From the side, she vaguely felt that she had never seen that awakening card before.

The numbers and symbols on it are also different from the awakening cards after the undead creature is sealed.

It was the first time Duchengguang saw this situation, and he became even more curious about Lu Li's mystery.

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