Although Jiu Sheng's identity has been discovered, there is no conflict with Kenzaki Kazuma for the time being, which is a blessing among misfortunes.....

At the same time, at Isaka's research institute.

In a room, Ju Shuo also suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw the unfamiliar ceiling, he felt very nervous.

He stood up and looked around at the unfamiliar environment. He tried hard to recall what happened before he fell into coma.

When he recalled that he came to Lu Li to help him overcome his fear, he felt bitter in his heart.

I still couldn't bear it anymore and came anyway.

At this time, he could clearly feel that his physical condition was better than ever.

The power returned to his body again, and the whole person felt as if he had been enlightened, very relaxed

"Orange! It seems you are awake.

A sudden sound sounded in my mind.

The sudden sound made Ju Shuo stand up nervously.

Looking around with vigilant eyes, he knew that he was still in the enemy's base camp and must not act rashly.

"Come here, I have something to do for you.

You have indeed overcome your fear now, but it is only temporary. After every few battles, you need to overcome your fear again.

Helped you overcome your fears, and I want you to help me.

Isaka's serious voice echoed in his mind again, making Tachibana's heart suddenly sink.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Naturally, the other party had a request to help him overcome his fear, and he had already thought of this from the beginning.

And now that he has overcome his fear, it means that he can fight again, but the number of fights is still limited.

PS: Thanks to

Tianyu for your monthly ticket!! Lift,

Chapter 402 Compromise, Sister Tiger’s tangle, and Spider’s plan.

If you want to fight for a long time without fear, then you must get help from the other party.

"Tachibana, although you can fight, you must have our help to continue to maintain your current state. I think you should understand what this means.

After all, you don’t want to lose to your juniors, right?

When saying this, Isaka had a sneer on his face.

He has already seen that although Ju Shuo is very eager to fight, there is another emotion hidden in his heart.

That means being unconvinced!

Obviously he wants to obtain the knight system earlier, but his combat effectiveness is not as good as that of his junior Kenzaki Kazuma. This is a very serious blow to him.

He is unwilling and unwilling to lose to Kazuma Kenzaki, so it is inevitable to receive treatment for fear.

"I know, tell me what you need me to do."

Now that he has chosen to accept the other party's help, Ju Shuo can only go all the way to the dark side on this road for the time being.

If he wants to continue fighting, he has no way to leave the other party's help.

At least not yet!

"good! In this case, then you should come to the laboratory to find me first, and I will assign the task to you immediately."

After that, Isaka's voice disappeared from Ju Shuo's mind.

Standing up, Ju Shuo also felt that his body had completely lost the previous heaviness, and it was completely no different from when he first fought.

Even He felt that he was in better condition now.

Under the guidance, Ju Shuo finally went to the laboratory and looked around, finding that the man wearing sunglasses was also a high-level immortal. biology

"What do you want me to do?"

He who knows the current affairs is a hero.

At present, he is under the roof and has to bow his head.

The other party is taking advantage of his biggest weakness, so he can only obey the order unwillingly.

"Tachibana, I want to create the strongest knight system, so I need your help"

"The strongest knight system?!"

Jushuo couldn't help but exclaimed.

He had felt that the organization Isaka belonged to was very unusual before, and it must have an ulterior purpose.

What was the specific purpose, but he never had a clue!

He didn't expect that the other party actually planned to create the strongest

It sounds ridiculous that a high-level undead creature wants to create a knight system. I don't understand the reason yet, but Tachibana is also very smart and knows that even if he asks, Isaka may not answer him. The problem.

The other party’s purpose must be very hidden, and I can’t even detect it now.

"how do you want to do it?

He was even more curious about what Isaka would arrange for him to do.

"Category Ace! I need you to help me seal the last category Ac...

If 833 wants to create the strongest knight system, it must have an Ace card."

Hearing this, Tachibana Shuo also nodded thoughtfully.

Indeed, whether it is his knight system or Kenzaki Kazuma's knight system, they are all made from awakening cards of category Ac.

"I understand, I will help you seal that side Ac.."

He has no right to refuse, because once he refuses, the effect of suppressing fear ends, and he will return to his previous cowardly appearance.

However, he also had his own considerations, and temporarily agreed to help Isaka for his own sake.

Seeing that Tachibana Shuo agreed without hesitation, Isaka immediately grinned.

This answer was within his expectation, and Ju Shuo couldn't escape from his grasp.

With Tachibana Sakuya, he has decisive confidence in collecting category Aces.

After all, if you want to seal the category Ace, you need the power of the knight system. He can't even seal the category Ace by just relying on himself.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ju Shuo turned around and left the laboratory. He didn't want to stay here any longer.

He felt very uncomfortable and uncomfortable staying here.

No matter what, the opponent is always an undead creature, and he is a Kamen Rider.

The only interaction between the two sides should have been in battle, but now it suddenly turned into a cooperative relationship.

When leaving the research institute and coming to the side of the motorcycle, Jushuo also clenched his powerful fists and murmured

"Kenzaki, I must prove that I am better than you!"

His self-esteem exploded, and Tachibana Saku returned.

Now he has the ability to fight without fear, and will not lose to the junior Kazuma Kenzaki.

Putting on his helmet, Tachibana Saku also drove a motorcycle and left the research institute at high speed..

As long as the institute is still there, he can keep fighting. No matter what, he must seal the category Ac...

The time comes in the blink of an eye.

Even in this less developed world, the city still attracts attention at night. The streets were brightly lit and looked very prosperous.

Lu Li took Cheng Guang around the streets, but Cheng Guang had never observed humans as slowly as he did now. The Prosperity of the World

She couldn't help but ask herself, if it were the tiger clan that she represented, could it really be as prosperous as it is now?

The final conclusion was that it was impossible! She was unwilling to do so, but she had to admit that the world was so prosperous today because it was entirely created by humans (bbaa).

If it were left to the tiger clan she represented, it would still be a wilderness, which would be impossible. With such feasting and bustling,

Lu Li noticed a ramen shop next to him and dragged Cheng Guang towards it. Cheng Guang was suddenly pulled over. Cheng Guang was about to ask Lu Li what he was doing, but he found that he was already in a restaurant. In a ramen shop.

Looking around, Chengguang saw that there were many people in the shop who seemed to be waiting for delicious ramen. For undead creatures, it didn't matter what they ate.

Frowning, Cheng Guang looked at Lu Li in confusion.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"Of course I’m bringing you here to eat, otherwise why would I bring you here?"

With that said, Lu Li walked to the front counter and ordered two luxurious ramen.

Seeing that Lu Li went to order by himself, Cheng Guang opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he still didn't say it.

For food in the human world , she didn't particularly care, and she had never tasted the food properly before. She had always been thinking about the extreme battle, how to win the final victory in the extreme battle, etc. She had no time to think about it now. The target of the battle, Chengguang saw that everyone around him seemed to be eating very well and the ramen was delicious, and he couldn't help but want to try it.

The two came to the corner and sat down facing each other.

"I think you haven't had a good taste of the delicacies of the human world after your resurrection.

After finally resurrecting in this era, you should enjoy it and don't just think about fighting every day.

Stop for a moment, seriously enjoy the rare delicious food, and just relax yourself."

After hearing this from Lu Li, Cheng Guang felt that it made sense.

Nodding slightly, Cheng Guang said nothing and quietly waited for the delicious ramen to arrive.

Not long after, two large bowls of luxurious ramen were served. Coming up,

Cheng Guang's nose was twitching slightly, as if he was breathing in the scent of ramen greedily.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the smell of ramen had indeed made Cheng Guang's heart flutter.

He took out a pair of chopsticks and handed it to Cheng Guang. road

"Eat it quickly, this is also a good delicacy, this is the deluxe version, all the ingredients are added."

Holding the chopsticks, Cheng Guang suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be able to use them at all.

Noticing that Cheng Guang's movements with the chopsticks were completely wrong, as if he didn't know how to use them, Lu Li suddenly slapped his forehead.

He forgot that Cheng Guang almost didn't know how to use them. How could he use such sophisticated tableware as chopsticks after eating human food?

Thinking of this, Lu Li took the chopsticks in his hands and taught Chengguang how to use them.

"This should be held like this. If you want to open it, it will open with a little force.

Cheng Guang seemed to have discovered the door to a new world. He watched Lu Li use it with curiosity and followed him to learn.

Later, Lu Li even taught Cheng Guang step by step. After spending some time, he finally taught her thoroughly.

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