"Naiko'er, wait here for a moment, I'll be back in a moment.

He didn't know what the next meeting would be like, so it was naturally impossible to take Naque'er with him at this time.

If he encounters an unpredictable danger or the enemy is very powerful, he may not be able to handle it.

Even if it is a King type, it does not mean that it can cope with all dangers.

Then, Shimaso walked in one direction with a solemn expression, and he moved very quickly.

Meanwhile, not far outside Shirai Farm.

Two figures, a man and a woman, are walking slowly towards this side.

The visitors were naturally Lu Li and Cheng Guang.

Lu Li had already decided before that he would come and see if the advanced undead creatures on the farm were Shisheng.

Not all undead creatures want to fight, and some of them want peace.

As a tarantula undead creature, Shima Noboru is the most conspicuous among them.

In order to avoid this extreme battle, Shima Noboru deliberately fled to Tibet, but in the end he still failed to escape.

After arriving here, Lu Li and Cheng Guang had already sensed the presence of advanced undead creatures.

Although it is very weak, it is indeed there

"There are actually advanced undead creatures here!"

Chengguang's face was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that there were high-level undead creatures here.

Counting Isaka whom he saw before, this is already the second one.

You must know that after she woke up, she had not seen other high-level undead creatures. We saw two creatures today.

There were only twelve advanced undead creatures in total. It was not an easy task to encounter them in an extreme battle ten thousand years ago. During the battle, Cheng Guang encountered only a few advanced undead creatures.

I wonder if he knew this advanced undead creature this time.

"It seems that he has noticed our presence and is rushing towards us. Please wait a moment."

Lu Li could clearly feel that the high-level undead creature was approaching him.

Cheng Guang also restrained his contemptuous attitude and did not dare to be careless.

This time his opponent was not an ordinary high-level creature, not a biological creature. As for the type Kig, the trouble is not small.

Although she has very strong combat power, even inferior to other advanced undead creatures, if she is facing the type Kig, how sure is she that she can defeat the opponent in a short time. When he saw the figure in light gray clothes walking towards here from a short distance away, the blue turban on his head looked very conspicuous, and

Lu Li was already sure of his true identity.

Is it really Shima Noboru ?

Why did he come back from Tibet early?

When the two parties were about ten or twenty meters apart, Mingsheng stopped and glanced at Cheng Guang. Focusing on Lu Li.

It was precisely because of this action that Cheng Guang became furious.

What did this mean? Was he looking down on himself? Cheng

Guang felt a familiar aura from the other party.

She had seen him during the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, but now that he had transformed into a human form, she couldn't tell the difference for a while.

"You two, why are you here?"

When Shima Noboru saw Lu Li for the first time, he already knew that he was an anomaly.

At this time, he can't fight Lu Li yet.

If a fight happens at this time, there is no doubt that he will be detected by the undead creatures. Although the device detected it, he still wanted to avoid exposing his identity as much as possible.

Since he had taken the initiative to ask, Lu Li would not hide and refuse to answer.

"I’m here for you, Shima Noboru, don’t you want to participate in the ultimate battle? How to come back from Tibet early?"

The identity of Shima Sheng was revealed in one word, and Lu Li seemed to know all the information about Shima Sheng in 893 Road.

As expected, when Shima Sheng heard Lu Li say his name, his face couldn't help but become serious.

Why would the other party know his identity? And he also knew that he had been hiding in the hiding place.

There were almost no people who knew about it.

In order to avoid the extreme battle, Shima Noboru happened to be the one who knew his information. This is not good news for Lu Li.

The other person seems to know him very well, but he knows very little about him except that he is an anomaly.

"It seems that you know me very well, but I don’t know who you are?"

Shima Noboru didn't explicitly say that he came back early for Lu Li.

Before he figured out Lu Li's true identity, he tried his best to stay vigilant and try not to be tricked into taking away the information.

Seeing his cautious look, Lu Li smiled lightly.

Before Lu Li had speculated that the biggest reason for Shima Sheng's early return from Tibet was probably himself.

Shima Sheng, who could listen to the rumors, could know a lot of things from the rumors.

Although he didn't know everything, as long as he wanted to know. Most of the news could not be hidden from him.

It was normal for Jiu Sheng to realize that he was willing to come to this world again.

"It doesn't matter who I am. I just want to see who the immortal life is hidden here. Now I know it."

At this time, Cheng Guang, who had been ignored beside him, said with a cold face.

"Although I feel a little familiar to you, if you want to ignore me, you have to pay the price!"

She didn't come here to be a backdrop!

Patterns of lines suddenly appeared on her face, and Cheng Guang released a faint faint light, transforming directly into a tiger undead creature.

Upon seeing this, Lu Li had no intention of stopping him.

Originally Cheng Guang has been feeling uncomfortable because she was defeated by herself. Now she just needs to vent. Now she has this opportunity, and she doesn't have to do it herself.

Lu Li has no intention of intervening. , Shimabubo will definitely take action anyway.

To be precise, Shimabubo has to take action, he has no choice at all.

When Shimabubo saw the appearance of Sister Tiger, he nodded thoughtfully.

He felt the same way before. The female undead creature in front of me looked familiar, but I didn't expect it to be a tiger undead creature.

During the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, the two of them had only met by chance. I just feel familiar, but I can't remember who the other person is.

"Is it necessary to fight?"

If possible, Shima Noboru will try his best to avoid fighting.

Of course, it's not that he is afraid of fighting, but that he hates fighting.

Sister Tiger is not a person who likes nonsense, she just opens her claws.

PS: Thank you 1111 Kuriyama Mirai-chan’s monthly ticket!!

Thank you for your monthly ticket!

Chapter 401 King and Queen! Identity exposed. Among the many high-level undead creatures, Shima

Noboru does not dare to underestimate her.

It definitely ranks high, especially at night, and it's her home court.


The hook claws emitting a cold light struck quickly. Shimasaki had no choice but to duck to the side. It would be great if he could avoid a battle, but now this battle seems to have to go on.

He has no choice.

In desperation, Shimsho immediately switched back to his true appearance.

The Wolf Spider Undead!

When she saw that the man in front of her was actually the Wolf Spider Undead, Sister Tiger's eyes suddenly changed.


There was a hint of surprise in her words.

She didn't expect that the world was so small, and she met the category King all of a sudden.

Moreover, this category Kig had an encounter ten thousand years ago. Sister Hu didn't expect that she could still Seeing each other again.

Very similar to Sister Tiger, the undead Wolf Spider's right hand also has a hook, which looks very sharp.

If an ordinary person is directly hit by such a weapon, even if he does not die, he will probably be seriously injured.

"Oh it's you!"

Sister Tiger already has a calculation in her mind!

Although her opponent this time is Category Kig, it does not mean that she has given up now.

Category King has a very powerful power, and Sister Tiger knows this very well.

But even so, she Still launching an attack without hesitation


The two sharp claws collided together, and a lot of sparks burst out.

Sister Tiger tried her best to attack, hoping to suppress the undead wolf spider in a short time.

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny..

Faced with Sister Tiger's fierce and swift attack, the undead Wolf Spider was able to resist Sister Tiger with ease.

Just as Sister Tiger was about to attack again, the Undead Wolf Spider shot out a spider silk from its left hand and stuck it directly. Sister Tiger's claws are pulled by the spider silk.���Sister Tiger's attack again was immediately deflected to the side.

Lu Li had roughly known the outcome of this battle from the beginning.

Sister Tiger had almost no chance of winning, and the Wolf Spider Undead didn't even use all its strength, just some skills.

Through some simple techniques, Sister Tiger was suppressed so that Sister Tiger could not fully exert her strength.

Really worthy of being the King of categories!

Sister Hu was very unhappy with the opponent's fighting method, but she was helpless.

It was difficult for her to even touch the opponent's body, and the hook in her hand seemed to have no use.

The other hand held the spider silk tightly, and Sister Tiger wanted to tear the spider silk directly.

But the bead silk spewed out by the undead wolf spider creature has very strong toughness, and there is no way to break it directly.

But soon, Sister Tiger thought of a way to get out of the predicament.

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