Just now he was about to take a rest, but Hirose Shiori suddenly said that there were undead creatures, and there were two of them at once.

This left him with no time to sleep and rest. He had no choice but to rush over as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, by the time he arrived here, the battle was already over.

Nothing is left except that the surrounding battlefield looks a bit messy.

"Hey, I've arrived here, but apart from some traces of fighting, there's nothing else left in the county."

"Kenzaki, the signal has disappeared, both."

Hirose Shiori's voice came from the communicator.

Unexpectedly, he arrived a step too late. Kenzaki Kazuma kicked the stones at his feet unwillingly.

He had tried his best to rush over, but the speed was still not fast enough. The opponent fled.

Of course, it was because Kenzaki Kazuma didn't know who the person who fought here just now was, otherwise he wouldn't have had such an idea when he was captured for experiment last time. I have been severely tortured once.

At Shirai Farm,

Hirose sighed slightly when he saw that the signal on the computer screen had disappeared.

"It seems it's still a step too late.

A sudden sound came from behind, which immediately startled Hirose Shiori.

He quickly turned around, only to find that it was Shima Noboru standing behind him.

"Mr. Shima? You haven't slept yet."

After discovering that it was Shima Noboru, Hirose Shiori silently breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Hirose Shiori was quite brave, it was late at night after all. If he encountered something he shouldn't have encountered, it would be the end of him.

"Just when I was about to go to bed, I heard a sound from your side, so I stood here and watched for a while.

I have just heard what Feng told me. The two undead creatures fighting are not simple. Even if Kenzaki is gone now, I am afraid they are no match."

It's not that Shima Noboru looks down on Kazuma Kenzaki, it's just the fact.

He already knew through the wind that one of the two undead creatures fighting was a high-level undead creature, and the other was an anomaly.

Two Both of them are very powerful. Kenzaki Kazuma has fought with each other in the past, and the final outcome is to lose.

It may be a good thing that he did not meet those two guys head-on.

"You mean, those two are advanced undead creatures?!"

Hirose Shiori reacted immediately, with a strong look of shock on his face.

If there are really two high-level undead creatures, based on the current Kenzaki Kazuma, I am afraid they are really no match.

"Get some rest, there won't be any fighting tonight.

After saying that, Shima Noboru turned around and left the room and walked upstairs.

Guang Shuzhi was the only one left in the room, and fell into silence for a while.

It's really not that easy to deal with advanced undead creatures.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Drowsily, Cheng Guang slowly woke up.

When she woke up, she found herself lying on a bench.

Suddenly, memories flooded out of his mind, Cheng Guang immediately became alert, and the alliance stood up and looked around vigilantly.

While scanning the surroundings, he discovered Lu Li.

Next to a fountain, Lu Li held some food for pigeons in his hand and stood there feeding the pigeons.

There were many pigeons gathered around, and two even stood on Lu Li's shoulders, rubbing their heads on Lu Li's neck.

For some reason, Cheng Guang always felt as if Lu Li had blended into that environment.

She has sensitive perception, and she can easily detect other undead creatures appearing around her, even if they turn into human form.

But at this moment, instead of seeing it with her own eyes, she might not be able to spot Lu Li at all.

From here it is revealed that Lu Li has very terrifying hiding abilities.

Recalling the battle that took place last night, she was almost completely defeated by Lu Li.

But Lu Li clearly should have the ability to seal himself, but he didn't choose to seal himself. Instead, he brought himself here. What was his purpose?

The reason why she was sure that Lu Li had the power to seal himself was entirely because Cheng Guang saw Lu Li using the power of the card.

Being able to use the power of cards means being able to seal undead creatures.

Turning his head slightly, Lu Li casually threw down all the food in his hand.

It was precisely because of his action that the two pigeons standing on his shoulders flew away one after another as if they were frightened.

"Wake up, now that you are awake, you can have a good chat now.

This time, Cheng Guang did not refuse, nor did he directly attack Lu Li again.

At this moment, she knew very well in her heart that she could not defeat Lu Li.

Since we can't win, we might as well listen and see what Lu Li wants to say.

With his hands folded in front of his chest, Cheng Guang walked over with his head held high.

As a high-level undead creature, Cheng Guang is very proud and a very proud undead creature.

She advocates fighting and wants to let her race dominate the world again through extreme battles.

Even now, she still retains this idea.

Perhaps it was because the aura emanating from Cheng Guang was too strong. Before she could get closer, the pigeons that were around flew away before they even had time to eat.

Cheng Guang didn't pay much attention to the pigeon that flew away. After coming to Lu Li's side, he said bluntly (aecf)

"what on earth do you want? Why didn't you seal me?

It should be very easy for you to seal me."

Although she really didn't want to admit this in her heart, Cheng Guang had already seen Lu Li

's extremely powerful power. That power was stronger than the Kig she had ever seen. She couldn't understand how Lu Li gained such power.

Among the advanced undead creatures, Kig is almost at the top of all undead creatures. Its power is so powerful that even as a queen, Chengguang is not confident that he can defeat the undead creatures. At the time, it was obvious that the Creator was too partial to the category Kig and did not answer Cheng Guang’s question. Lu Li simply asked her in return.

"What's the use of sealing you to me? Or what good would sealing you do to me?"

"benefit? Faced with Lu

Li's rhetorical question, Cheng Guang immediately fell silent because she really couldn't understand.

What are the benefits of sealing yourself? How does she know what the benefits are?

"To me, winning this battle was easy. Even if all the undead were put together, I could deal with them all together.

Let me tell you something. We actually saw it 10,000 years ago."

Lu Li doesn't mind telling Cheng Guang about the two extreme battles that took place ten thousand years ago.

Even if she knows about it, it's not a big deal.

It's just something that happened ten thousand years ago, and she can't do anything about it now. Change

"We... met?! Cheng

Guang's expression was slightly dazed. She was trying hard to recall the memories in her mind. Cheng Guang was going to look for traces of Lu Li's appearance in her memory.

But no matter how she recalled it, there seemed to be no relevant memory in her mind.

See. As he tried to remember, Lu Li smiled lightly

"No need to think about it, because there were two extreme battles 10,000 years ago"

"Two games?!"

There was a strong shock in her tone. Cheng Guang couldn't understand how two extreme battles could happen.

Anyway, in the memory she had, it only happened once.

And that extreme battle, It was the undead human beings who won.

It is precisely because of this that today, ten thousand years later, humans can become the masters of the earth.

Chengguang Liumei never thought of the first or second extreme battle. He stood up and said in a deep voice

"are you kidding me?! In my impression, there has only been one extreme battle. How could there be two as you mentioned!"

Her tone was full of determination. She didn't believe what Lu Li said. There were two extreme battles.

The undead creatures recreated by the sealing slate naturally cannot have their original memories.

All their memories are in the second world. In the Sub-Ultimate Battle, he was completely unaware of the first Extreme Battle:

At this time, Lu Li finally determined that the sealing slate did not retain any memory of the first Extreme Battle of the Undead, it was just re-created. Their bodies.

This means that even if Lu Li encounters Spade Kig again, he may not recognize him anymore.

"I know it’s hard for you to believe this, but you should be familiar with this card."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li took out an awakening card that had turned into gold.

Plum Blossom Queen!

Tiger Undead!

When he saw the pattern on this golden awakening card, Cheng Guang's eyes suddenly widened. It was full of mystery.

That's her!

She was still standing here, why did her own awakening card appear in Lu Li's hand?

Although she didn't know why this awakening card was golden, she was sure. It is indeed myself!

"how so?!"

Cheng Guang no longer had the composure she had before. Suddenly discovering this result, she couldn't help but take two steps back.

She put the awakening card away and Lu Li continued.

"As I just said, there were actually two awakening battles 10,000 years ago, but you don't know it.

And I was the final winner of the first extreme battle, but for some reasons, I was the winner, but something unexpected happened.

Afterwards, the sealing slate recreated you, allowing you to start a new round of extreme battle.

Breaking news rang in my ears.

Even though Cheng Guang didn't want to believe it in her heart, she knew very well in her heart that Lu Li didn't lie to her.

It turned out that he was not the first awakening he participated in, but naturally he was the second one.

Standing in front of him was Lu Li, the winner of the first awakening battle.

The amount of information was suddenly too great, making Chengguang a little unable to accept it.

After being silent for a while, Cheng Guang raised his head again and looked at Lu Li calmly.

What she wanted to know now was what Lu Li, the winner of the first extreme battle, wanted to do now.

Is he planning to regain victory in the Extreme War and help his race dominate the world?

So far, she still doesn't know what kind of undead creature Lu Li is.

"So what do you want to do when you come back now? Is it to win the current extreme battle?"

Cheng Guang wanted to know what Lu Li was thinking now.

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