The three of them kept talking to each other, without giving Shima Noboru a chance to speak.

After the three of them calmed down, Shima Noboru explained

"Yes, Karasuma and I know each other. To be precise, I am friends with him. I know everything about the knight system."

As he said that, he turned his attention to Kenzaki Kazuma.

"Kazuma Kenzaki, I know you, as Kamen Rider Tsurugi has been fighting the undead."

With photos as evidence, and the fact that the other party knows about Kamen Rider, the three of them will naturally not doubt Shima Noboru's identity.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of Ichino!

Treasure boys, hand over your Hanahua ticket, 0(*~one~*)0!

Chapter 396 Here comes another freeloader! The first meeting with Sister Tiger.

But what they didn't know was that the middle-aged man in front of them who seemed very friendly would actually be an undead creature.

And it's not just an ordinary high-level undead creature, but a type of Kig!

As one of the top undead creatures, it is very powerful.

However, Shimasaki has no intention of exposing himself at the moment. After all, his identity is relatively sensitive and it is not easy to gain trust.

In order to gain Karasuma Kei's trust, he spent a lot of time

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Shima Noboru. You can just call me Mr. Shima.

I will be living here for the next period of time.


When he first heard the news, Shirai Torataro was stunned on the spot.

What the hell?

Isn't he the owner of this place?

Why did the man in front of him want to move in without even discussing it with him? ruining his farm. What about the master?

Torataro Shirai wanted to think about it, but before he could speak, Kazuma Kenzaki agreed directly for him.

"No problem at all! Since Mr. Shima wants to live here, let’s live here."

Good guy!

You don't regard yourself as an outsider at all!

As the real master, Shirai Torataro, he suddenly felt aggrieved.

How come he, the master, has no right to speak at all?

Of course, he just thought about it this way.

Since Kenzaki Kazuma has already agreed, and there is no way he can refuse. Isn't this a slap in the face?

It must be nice to slap Kenzaki Kazuma in the face, but what if this guy doesn't want to play with him anymore

? Torataro Shirai had no choice but to give up on the Kamen Rider theme he wanted to write, and just became another tenant, even though he was another freeloader!

"Mr. Ming, how did you meet the director? It feels like you are very familiar."

The fire of gossip suddenly burned in Kenzaki Kazuma's heart, and he was very curious about how Shima Noboru and Karasuma Kei knew each other.

During the chat, everyone also learned some things about Shima Noboru.

Of course, it was not Including the fact that he is an undead creature.

After all, in the impression of Kenzaki Kazuma and the others, the undead creatures are all murderous monsters.

If they say that the undead creatures are on the side of humans, they cannot believe this in their hearts. Authenticity.

As they were talking, they talked about another thing, and that was the issue about Tachibana Sakuya.

Kenzaki Kazuma said with worry in his eyes.

"Mr. Shima, what happened is what I just said. Tachibana-senpai seemed to have suddenly recovered and became less fearful.

Before he lost his sense of fear, he experienced a battle, but we didn't know who the target of the battle was.

After that, he disappeared for a while and had no contact with us at all. I feel that something must have happened here.

For some reason he lost his sense of fear.

Hearing this, Shimasaki nodded slightly. He already knew about this.

"In order to eliminate the fear in a person's heart, in addition to relying on himself, he can also rely on external forces.

The reason why Tachibana was able to recover was probably due to some other means.

This matter should have something to do with advanced undead creatures, I'm afraid....The other party wanted to take advantage of him."

Through the wind, he already knew about this matter.

He also knew that this matter was not only related to advanced undead creatures, but also related to the anomaly.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't wait to ask

"use?! What to do? Is there any way you can help Tachibana-senpai?"

As a companion who fights together, Kenzaki Kazuma naturally can't just watch Tachibana Shuo getting deeper and deeper into this matter.

Although he doesn't know how to eliminate fear through external force, it is certain that this kind of non-reliance There must be disadvantages in his own way.

Although Shima Noboru knows many things, he can't stop them all.

"Regarding this issue, I am not 100% sure. It depends on Tachibana himself.

Now that he has regained the strength to fight, it would be difficult for him to give up directly at this time. Hirose

Shiori said with a look of disbelief.

"how so? The opponent is an undead creature!"

She really couldn't believe that Tachibana Sakuya, who used to have a strong sense of justice, would actually choose to cooperate with the undead.

This simply subverted her imagination.

Shirai Torataro, who did not have a close relationship with Tachibana Sakuya, said thoughtfully Nod

"In fact, it is not incomprehensible. Because of the fear in his heart, he is unable to fight.

And because of the increase in the knight system, his body is deteriorating. Mr. Tachibana must be very eager to fight again.

It's not impossible to accept help from undead creatures. He doesn't want to lose the power to fight just like that.々""

Kenzaki Kazuma and Hirose Shiori were silent. This is a fact.

Even if they don't want to believe it in their hearts, they also know that the impact of fear will be a huge blow to Ju Shuo.

From time to time, being able to see the image of yourself being destroyed is completely torturous.

Seeing everyone's silence, Ming Sheng did not continue speaking.

"Okay, Torataro, show me the room I live in first. After all, I have to live here for a while."

"good! Mr. Shima, come with me, it's upstairs."

Fortunately, Shirai Torataro's house is big enough, and there won't be many people in it.

In this way, Shima Noboru successfully entered the Shirai Farm to live.

After simply tidying up the room, Shima Noboru stood by the window and watched quietly. The view outside at night

"Next, he will probably come into contact with anomalies. He....Who is the one?

With a penetrating gaze, Jiu Sheng was really looking forward to meeting the strange person he felt.

On the brightly lit streets.

Lu Li strolled leisurely. Since he was relatively backward, there was naturally less entertainment in this world.

Suddenly, Lu Li felt a vague aura. It was very subtle and not strong.

But it was this vague aura that allowed Lu Li to be sure that the opponent must be an undead creature, and a high-level undead creature at that.

Only advanced undead creatures would choose to deliberately hide their aura.

If it were a low-level undead creature, it would be impossible for Lu Li to have such a weak feeling at this distance.

Lu Li couldn't help but look at the park next to him. The aura of the undead that Lu Li sensed was inside. interesting!

Unexpectedly, he found another high-level undead creature. Although he didn't know who the target was, it didn't stop Lu Li from meeting him.

Turning around, Lu Li walked towards the park shrouded in night.

The lights in the park were dim and it seemed very quiet, but it was also full of faint threats.

As he went deeper into the park, Lu Li could feel that the aura was getting stronger, which meant that he was getting closer to the advanced undead creature.

At this time, on a bench deep in the park.

A woman leaning back on a chair opened her eyes and looked in the direction of Lu Li.

With the distance already so close, she had already noticed Lu Li's presence.

He stood up slowly, wearing a leopard print short-sleeved shirt, a yellow sleeveless leather jacket, and a pair of brown leather pants.

She has long black hair, with a strand of light yellow hair on the right side, and her eyes are very cold, like a tiger's.

All the muscles in her body were tense, and she was ready for the upcoming battle.

She just didn't know who the target was this time, but she was already eager to try.

Not long after, wherever she looked, a figure appeared in her field of vision.

The aura she felt was emanating from the other person's body.

A strong opponent

Lu Li, who had just arrived here, finally saw the woman not far away.

When he saw this woman, Lu Li already knew who she was.

Chengguang, or the tiger undead creature!

Yes, the woman in front of me is Sister Tiger.

Among the four categories of Queen, Sister Hu can be said to be the one with the strongest combat effectiveness.��

Not only does it have super fast movement speed, but it also has terrifying fighting abilities.

He didn't expect that he would meet her this time, and Lu Li was very surprised.

I thought it would be some other undead creature, but it seems I was mistaken.

He noticed that Sister Hu's whole body had tightened her gaze, staring at him very vigilantly, as if she was ready to fight with him at any time.

Even with the sealing slate, the recreated Tiger Sister is still the same as before.

He attaches great importance to the Extreme War and considers it to be an extremely sacred war that no one is allowed to tarnish.

The two looked at each other in the air. Compared to Sister Hu who was tense and tense, Lu Li looked very calm.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm here just to meet you. I don't want to fight you now."

Hearing that Lu Li was not here for fighting, Sister Hu suddenly raised her eyebrows.

What does this mean?

She only knew that in an extreme battle, when undead creatures meet each other, a battle will definitely break out.

But now Lu Li is completely Didn't show the slightest intention to fight.

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