There are five terrifying energy balls!

You must know that the previous taboo dopant can only release up to four energy balls at once.

But after Lu Li's improvement, such a big change was brought about.

Another point is that Tsumura Shina has just gained the power of the forbidden memory.

Counting the time he was in prison before, this is only the second time he has used it.

Being able to master the power to cause terror in such a short period of time is enough to show how powerful the forbidden memory is now.

Sonosaki Saeko, who is already familiar with many things, may be able to unleash even more terrifying powers.


Seeing the five terrifying energy balls, W was instantly confused.

Good guy!

The power of energy balls is not only more powerful than before, but also increases in number.

Is this even justified?

"Shotaro, fight back quickly!"

Phillip's voice came.

W, who reacted, immediately pulled the trigger to fight back.


Just when W was having a heated fight with the taboo doped body, Kirihiko Sudo, wearing a crisp black suit, appeared in a hidden corner.

Seeing the taboo dopant fighting W, it felt incredible.

Apparently just now, he had received an order from the president, Sonosaki Saeko, telling him to handle the matter here.

But what's going on with this scene in front of me?

Is this because you don’t believe in your own abilities?!

Sudou Kirihiko felt very aggrieved.

Is it necessary to distrust yourself so much?

It was clear that he had just been given a task, and now he suddenly intervened again

"Miss Saeko! This time...I will definitely complete the task!"

He clenched his fists tightly. Repeated failures will only make his status lower and lower.

When he completely disappoints the old man, he will probably be expelled. He finally climbed up. Now that I have become a cadre with the right to speak, I can't just throw it away!

Although I don't understand why the taboo dopant appears here, now is the best opportunity to kill W. Being able to regain his position, it was also an explanation for the failure of his previous mission.

Thinking of this, Sudo Kirihiko took out the Gaia drive and Nazca memory.


The Nazca memory turned into golden data and was integrated into the Gaia drive. The terrifying power instantly changed the appearance of Sudou Kirihiko.

The transformation was completed into the Nazca doped body, and he took out the Nazca blade and rushed came out and quickly pounced on W, who was resisting the attack.

"W! Today is your end!"

There was a loud shout.

W, who was concentrating on resisting the attack at this time, did not react at all.



The sharp sword blade scratched the armor on the back, and W couldn't help but cry out in pain.

He stumbled forward, and almost fell to the ground if he hadn't reacted quickly.

He immediately turned around and saw the Nazca dopant staring at him eagerly.

"Another cadre!"

I have to face the cadres of two organizations at once. Even W feels a lot of pressure.

You must know that the combat effectiveness of cadres is very difficult. There are two of them at once. It's a headache!

The taboo dopant looked at Na There was a flash of doubt in Nazca's huge eyes.

She knew Nazca's dopant and had helped her before, but she had helped her at least..

For the time being, she was unable to capture W. With this guy's help, she might be able to capture W more quickly.

Lu Li had actually arrived at the scene before Nazca Dopant joined the battle. When giving the forbidden memory to Tsumura, he also set up a tracking device on it.

No matter where Tsumura went, he could easily find

Nazca who suddenly joined the battlefield with the forbidden memory. Dopant, a flash of surprise flashed in Lu Li's eyes.

He didn't expect that Sudou Kirihiko would be here. It was indeed a bit unexpected.

As for whether Sudo Kirihiko would recognize that the forbidden dopant was not Sono. Sakiko, Lu Li is not worried about this issue at all. So what if he recognizes it?

The best thing Sudō Kiruhiko can do is ask Sonosaki Saiko, or if not, Sonosaki Ryubei.

Although Heibei would feel very unhappy, there was nothing he could do about it.

Lu Li was standing behind Sonosaki Saeko. Even if Sonosaki Ryubei wanted to attack Sonosaki Saeko, he would have to think carefully about what would happen if he stood on the opposite side of Lu Li. What a loss the museum had brought.

The Nazca Dopant who joined the battle noticed at close range that the Forbidden Dopant did not have a Gaia drive on its waist.

You must know that the Forbidden Memory is a golden advanced memory. , must rely on the Gaia drive to filter out the terrifying toxins. But the taboo dopant in front of him clearly does not have the Gaia drive. What's going on?

But now, Nazca Dopant can be sure of one thing.

The taboo dopant in front of him is not the real Sonosaki Saeko, maybe it is a thief who stole the taboo memory just now. The Scar Dopant now turned his target to the Forbidden Dopant, raising the blade in his hand to question the Forbidden Dopant.

"Who are you? Why are there forbidden memories?!"

As soon as these words came out, W and the taboo dopant at the scene were blinded at the same time.

What the hell?!

"What on earth are you talking about?!"

The taboo doped body has fallen into a state of energy explosion at this time, and the energy in the body is constantly surging out.

Stopping to fight made her feel very uncomfortable.

This caused the Nazca doped body to instantly Become a target of forbidden adulterants


The coquettish red-purple energy ball immediately hit the Nazca doped body.

After this period of time, through the strengthening and training of his body, the Nazca doped body's combat effectiveness has been further enhanced.

His speed is faster than before Much faster, but he didn't realize that this was the evolution of Nazca memory.

As time goes by, the power of Nazca memory will become stronger, but there is also a problem. That is, as the user, Sudo Kirihiko will eventually become the stepping stone of Nazca Memory.

With one easy dodge, the agile Nazca Dopant directly evades the attack from the forbidden dopant.

The Nazca dopant could even hear the voice clearly.

It was absolutely certain that the person who transformed into the taboo dopant could not be Sono Saki Saeko.

"really! How dare you steal the memory of a cadre! Are you ready to die?"

The Nazca Doped Body stared at the Forbidden Doped Body with cold eyes, and he realized that his opportunity seemed to have come.

Miss Sonosaki Saeko lost the Forbidden Memory, and she must be very anxious now.

As long as he can get the Forbidden Memory back , maybe he can get Miss Sono Saki to take another look at him.

He is confident that he is not inferior to Lu Li, but he has never been seen or discovered.

This is the best opportunity for him to step in! Miss Sonosaki Saeko had a beautiful fantasy in her heart. If she could seize this opportunity, she might be able to defeat Lu Li. But what he didn't know was that the forbidden memory was given to her by Sonosaki Saeko. Lu Li used it for experiments and obtained the corresponding data for adjustment.

"snort! No matter who you are, if you insist on disturbing me, then I’ll ask you to eat it together!"

Before he finished speaking, the Forbidden Doping Body threw a few more energy balls casually. This time the target was not W, but the blue guy 580 in front of him.

In the eyes of the Forbidden Doping Body, the current Nazca Doping Body The hybrid is an obstacle.

Since it has become an obstacle, it can only be eliminated.

The target of attack suddenly changed from W to Nazca dopant, which made W feel a little weird why he was idle all of a sudden. Will the cadres fight with Marina? Wasn't it good for the two of them to cooperate just now?

Obviously, the current information is not enough for W to analyze the problem in this matter.

"Shotaro, do you have any thoughts on this situation?"

When Philip saw this situation, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

Suddenly asked this question, Zuo Shotaro didn't know what to do for a moment.

"If the two of them were allowed to continue fighting, there would probably be huge damage all around. This kind of thing cannot happen.

Philip, is it possible to separate the two of them using Extreme Drive?"

How could Shotaro Zuo, who claims to be the guardian of this city, watch his back garden being destroyed!

"Extreme drive?"

The red eye armor on the right flashed, and Philip fell into deep thought.

The next moment, Philip responded decisively

"There is an 80% success rate, and the remaining 20%... is uncertain."

This is already the best conclusion that Philip can draw after doing calculations.

"Eighty percent success rate? I know, I have to give it a try anyway!"

Thinking of this, W quickly took out the trigger memory and inserted it into the trigger melin gun.

"Trigger! Maximum.Drive! (Trigger Extreme Drive)"

The muzzle of the trigger fired the Melin gun came out, trying to make a faint red light, and it seemed that a very terrifying energy was about to be emitted.

Trigger. Explosion (Trigger Explosion)!

The next second, the extremely high temperature flame instantly It shot out from the muzzle like a flame ray, directly hitting the Forbidden Dopant and Nazca Dopant, who were fighting, and suddenly felt an extremely high temperature coming from the side, and they panicked. He dodged it instantly.

This is one of W's sure kills. Even if you use a golden memory, you can't do it without permission.

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