Anyway, that thing will never be built in the end. Sonosaki Ryuhei, an old fox, will never allow anyone to mess around in the city he controls.

After a simple breakfast, what Lu Li wanted to do was naturally go find Tsumura Shina.

He was curious about what this woman would do.

After finally escaping from prison, and now there are wanted posters all over the world for her, I'm afraid it won't be particularly easy.

At the same time, Lu Li was also curious about how much the current forbidden dopant's power had increased compared to before.

This problem can only be verified through combat.

And as Shotaro Zuo who sent Tsumura Shina to prison, he will inevitably become her target.

Therefore, Kamen Rider W has also become a trial stone for Lu Li to adjust his forbidden memory.

Even the previous W found it slightly difficult to deal with the taboo dopant with incomplete memory in the memory.

Now that the taboo dopant has reached a new level, who knows how much trouble it can cause him?


And just today, Zuo Shotaro suddenly received a new commission.

This commission is different from the previous commissions.

It's not to find someone or be entrusted by other cats and dogs, but to be a bodyguard.

That's right, being a bodyguard.

Not just an ordinary person's bodyguard, but a city council member's bodyguard.

As for why a city council member would ask a detective to be his bodyguard, it was mainly because Narumi Detective Agency was relatively well-known for dealing with doping issues.

Because of this, City Council Member Kusuhara Masai"580" came specifically to Zuo Shotaro to issue a commission.

I hope Zuo Shotaro can protect himself and his daughter.

The other party's arrogance at first made Zuo Shotaro feel very uncomfortable, and he originally wanted to refuse the commission.

But seeing such a small Asuka Kusuhara being taken by Masaru Kusuhara, she might be in danger at any time.

He finally accepted the commission.

Of course, this has something to do with Narumi Asukiko.

The operation of a detective agency requires funds, so it is impossible to work for free.

Electricity bills, water bills, gas bills, etc. all cost money, plus the cost for Shotaro Zuo to buy a hat from time to time.

The second Fudu Tower press conference.

Masaru Kusuhara was now giving a lively speech in full force, and had her daughter with her.

I have to say that he is truly a politician, able to make use of everything he can.

Even his own daughter is the same.

Shotaro Zuo observed behind these reporters, preparing to find the person who launched the attack secretly.

But before this person showed up, the phone rang suddenly.

Shotaro Zuo was a little confused when he saw that the caller ID was the phone number of his old acquaintance Chiuo Basano.

He had just connected the phone, and before he could ask, the excited voice of Chio Basano came from the other side of the phone.

"Hello! Shotaro?! Something bad is happening!"

Hearing this, Zuo Shotaro frowned unconsciously.

"What's wrong? Speak clearly!"

A press conference was being held here, and it was a little noisy. He took his mobile phone and walked to a corner.

"There's someone over there in the women's prison...someone has escaped!"

Chifu Basano's voice came from the phone again.

He became even more confused.

"Jailbroken? No, jailbreak, why are you calling me? This is your police's own business, right?"

"The person who escaped from prison is... it's Tsumura Shina! According to the guards in the prison, it seems that Mariina Tsumura turned into a dopant, attacked the prison guards, and then escaped."

When he heard this, Zuo Xiangtaro stood up suddenly, and his expression immediately changed.

"What did you say?!"

He couldn't believe his ears.

Tsumura Marina turned into a dopant and escaped from prison?!

How is this possible?!

You know, but he personally defeated the Tyrannosaurus dopant and destroyed the Tyrannosaurus memory.

In this case, how could Tsumura Mari transform into a dopant again?

When the memory is damaged, it will be damaged along with the memory interface on the body. The interface on the body should also be damaged. How could it become a dopant?

"I'm not kidding you! It's true. There are still a few guards living in the hospital now. They saw it with their own eyes."

Now that we have said this, Zuo Shotaro certainly knows that Chifu Basano will not joke with him on this matter.

In other words, all of this... is true.

He handed it over to the police with his own hands and sent him to the police station. After arriving in prison

, Tsumura Shina successfully escaped! She slapped her forehead in great distress. She felt that her own tasks had not been settled yet, and now she appeared again. Other cases

"Shotaro, be careful yourself. After all, that guy was handed over to our police by you, and I'm afraid he will be resentful of you."

After another brief reminder, Chifu Basano hung up the phone.

The situation is very serious now. A suspected dopant prisoner has escaped, which is definitely a huge potential threat.

After hanging up the phone, Zuo Shotaro's face turned slightly A little gloomy.

He never thought that Tsumura Shina, whom he had sent in with his own hands, could escape again, and in another way. As childhood sweethearts, Zuo Shotaro thought that he knew Tsumura Shina well enough.

Judging from the situation, he doesn't understand it at all.

Tsumura Shina is completely different from when she was young.

He is still on a commission mission, so it is impossible to abandon his client.

���Shotaro Zuo, who was taught by Narumi Shokichi, would never abandon his client.

Taking a deep breath, Zuo Shotaro could only calm down his current chaotic mood.

As for what to do, let's wait until this commission is processed.

I hope... there will be no surprises in the commission.

Just when he was about to put down his phone and walk back, he suddenly heard bursts of fierce shooting.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Immediately afterwards, a panicked scream was heard.


"Run away!"

"There is a killer!"


Seeing such a situation, Zuo Shotaro has determined that it is unlikely to be the work of ordinary people, and the target is most likely a dopant.


Phillip was studying the information at this time. After hearing the call, the dual driver automatically appeared in his belt.


After saying that, he immediately took out the Gale Memory

"Cyclone! Joker!"

Kamen Rider W, half green and black, appeared where Zuo Shotarou was just now.

He quickly sprinted and jumped, and W quickly landed in front of Kusuhara Masaru and her daughter. He blocked this shot after another with his body. Shooting that looks like a bullet

"Get out of here, don't be here!"

Seeing Masaru Kusuhara hugging her daughter in fear behind her, W immediately urged.

"Ya Shuzi, take them out of here first."

In the process of completing the commission, you must not let your employer get hurt. This is the rule of being a tough detective.

Now, W's first priority is to protect the two mothers and daughters, and the second is to find the murderer.

At this time, The originally intensive shooting gradually stopped because he knew that his plan had failed.

W naturally would not let go of any clues, and just when he was about to take action, there was a sudden burst of fire. A very familiar voice came

"Long time no see, Xiao~Xiang!"

When he heard this familiar voice, W suddenly became alert.

He had been talking to Chifu Basano just a moment ago, and that was what he was talking about. It was so fast!

As soon as he turned his head, I saw Tsumura Shina, wearing a beautiful women's dress, walking slowly towards this side with a slightly crazy smile on her face. Looking at it like this, she seemed... a little sick.

"Jinna, have you really escaped from prison?!"

W still doesn't believe it. Tsumura Shina really escaped from prison.

"How can it be? Shotaro, hasn't she been sent to prison?"

Even Philip couldn't understand what was going on for a while.

Shotaro Zuo, who had received the call before, had no time to explain slowly now. He looked at Tsumura Shina with great vigilance. She really has come out!

Then I'm afraid that Tsumura Shina turned into a dopant as Chifu Basano said.

Arriving less than five meters in front of W, the smile on Tsumura Shina's face had disappeared, replaced by endless coldness. Hear her ask in a cold voice

"Xiaoxiang, aren’t we childhood sweethearts? Why are you so cruel?

You so cruelly handed me over to the police and sent me to jail! Why?!"

At this moment, Tsumura Marina didn't realize that she was being eroded by the poison of the forbidden memory.

Lu Li had indeed perfected the forbidden memory and made it stronger.

But at the same time, there was another problem, that is, inside the memory The greater the number of Earth's memories, the more terrifying the toxins become.

The golden advanced memory is originally a very complex Gaia memory, and contains far more toxins than ordinary commercial products, but as long as the Gaia driver is used, it can be filtered out. The poison uses the power of the golden Gaia memory. But

Tsumura Jinna is different.

The poison of the forbidden memory is used directly from the interface of the body, which is eroding her body crazily, gradually turning her crazy.

Seeing Tsumura Mariina roaring at the top of her lungs, W persuaded her with sincere words.

"Truth! You purchased and used Gaia memory without authorization. If you violated the law, you should be punished by law. Why should you escape again?

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