Golemlin emerged from the rocks, and when he saw the rather embarrassed golden magician beside him, he smiled unkindly.

Of course, in order not to anger the receiving magician, he just laughed, but did not laugh out loud

"asshole!! Who is it?! Come out!"

The golden magician roared, his heart filled with raging anger.

He must kill this guy who dared to sneak attack and let the other party understand his power.

Then, the two people's eyes were unconsciously caught by a man not far away. Attracted by the figure, they saw the other party slowly walking towards them. He seemed not to be afraid of seeing them.

Gulemlin and the golden magician were heartbroken as they watched Lu Li walking towards them. They were confused, could it be that the person in front of them was causing trouble for them?

Gulemlin looked at Lu Li with a curious expression. He didn't know who Lu Li was.

"Who are you? Why are you destroying my residence?"

He has never met Lu Li before, so of course he doesn't know who Lu Li is.

"Boy! It's you who made me so embarrassed. If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude! go to hell!!"

Immediately put the universal magic ring on the middle finger of your right hand, switch the palm position of the driver, and cover the ring in front of the driver

"Lighting! Now!"


As he shouted loudly, a golden magic circle appeared in front of him, and terrifying lightning was released from it, forcing Lu Li away.


The lightning penetrated the air and made a sizzling sound.

Facing the lightning that struck quickly, Lu Li's expression did not even change and he waved his hand calmly.

The powerful lightning seemed to be given by some kind of force. It seemed like he was imprisoned, and there was no way he could continue to rely on Lu Li.


Gremlin was greatly surprised when he saw this scene.

He originally guessed that Lu Li must not be an ordinary person, otherwise he would not have made such a big noise just now.

But he did not expect that Lu Li would be able to He easily caught the terrifying lightning released by the golden magician.

He had known that even Gu Lemlin would not dare to catch it.

The lightning attack was completely neutralized, and the golden magician was shocked and angry after seeing it. ?!

Did he not eat? Or something?

Why does it seem that there is no power at all?

But the magician is very sure that there is nothing wrong with him. What 's the purpose?

Who is this person in front of me? Why did he come to them? What is his purpose?

"I'm here for you two."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li waved his hand, and lightning automatically fell on the tree trunk nearby.


Terrifying lightning struck the tree trunk, and the tree trunk held by one person was penetrated in an instant and fell to the side.

When he learned that Lu Li came here for the two of them, Gulemlin's expression changed slightly.

Could it be that the other party is also from the Sage's side and is here to eradicate him?

This possibility cannot be ruled out. He has betrayed the sage now. Even Medusa and Phoenix/Uro are chasing him. It would not be strange for him to have one more.........Asking for flowers....

But his target is actually the golden magician. Where does he get the confidence?

"Hahahaha! You actually targeted me. I have to admire your courage. It really surprised me."

The golden magician is very confident. At most, only sages can rival him in terms of his strength. It is impossible for others to catch up with him.

Unfortunately, he does not know that besides magicians, there are other powerful forces. With

"You were watching from the side, how I followed him."

After saying that, the golden magician strode forward to deal with Lu Li alone.

He had no idea what a stupid decision he had made.

Golemlin shrugged slightly. He was not interested in this kind of battle. It's not interesting.

Since the golden magician wants to fight, let's take this opportunity to see who the person on the other side is and what kind of power he has.

The villa was destroyed just now. This power was already strong and should not be underestimated.

Did the opponent have any other powers?

At this time, a stream of water suddenly shot out from behind Lu Li.


The target was pointed directly at Golemlin on the side.

Golemlin, who was suddenly regarded as the target, immediately drew out his two swords and was ecstatic, easily cutting off the water flow.

Golemlin was about to say that he had not planned to do anything yet, so he could pay attention. A stream of water suddenly appeared next to Lu Li, and then transformed into a woman.

"Um? Is there anyone else?"

I thought only one Lu Li came, but I didn't expect there was another person.

Mezier couldn't tell her before, but she came anyway.

Seeing Mezier, Lu Li couldn't help but smile.

"Don't you want to come?"

Hearing this, Mezier shook his head slightly.

"I went shopping and found that it was not interesting. It is more interesting here, and I can practice my skills by the way."

In Fengdu, since it is now under the rule of the museum, there are almost no combat launches. Mezier usually stays quite leisurely.

Since he is out, he should do some exercise to avoid losing his strength.

"It's up to you, but leave this golden guy to me and leave the green guy to you."

Looking at the cool green Golemlin, Lu Li really had no interest.

However, after all, his goal was to eliminate the Golemlin and the golden magician, and the Golemlin had a very powerful escape ability, so Lu Li was still You have to take precautions in advance.


Lu Li snapped his fingers. Unbeknownst to Golemlin and the golden magician, this space was sealed.

The space is blocked, which means that you cannot leave this space, even by using magic.

This space has been isolated from the outside world, which is equivalent to being in a different dimension. Unless you can return to the original dimension, you cannot leave even with magic.

But Gulemlin and the golden magician obviously didn't know this. The space was blocked and they didn't even notice it.

Moreover, Lu Li just snapped his fingers. Who would have thought that blocking space would be so easy?

"I wasn't planning on taking action at first, but it seemed like there was no other way.

Gulemlin has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem and thinks it is just an ordinary battle.

It wasn't until he wanted to escape that he realized that he didn't even have a chance to escape.

"Okay, leave this guy in green to me."

Before he finished speaking, Metzl suddenly turned into a stream of water and rushed towards Golemlin.

The golden magician had already taken out the halberd of death and rushed towards Lu Li with a meteoric stride.

Lu Li looked at the golden magician coming straight towards him. He took out the six-link drive unhurriedly.

When Lu Li sent out the six-link drive, the golden magician's eyes suddenly changed and his running movements stopped.

"This is..?!"

Staring directly at the six-link drive, he felt a special power from it.

Even Gulemlin was attracted by the six-link drive at this time, and he had the same feeling.

"Why do you feel this way?!"

Gremlin was excited in his heart, as if he was eager to get the six-link drive.

Putting the six-link drive on his waist, Lu Li said to himself

"I know that the goal of both of you is the Philosopher's Stone. Now, the Philosopher's Stone is placed in front of you, but it has changed its appearance. It's a pity that you don't recognize it."

When they heard the words Philosopher's Stone, Golemlin and the Golden Magician were immediately shocked.

Their eyes became hot. They did not expect that Lu Li would have the Philosopher's Stone on his body..

But this Philosopher's Stone no longer looks like a stone, but is made into a strange driver.

"The Philosopher's Stone is in your hands?!"

The golden magician spoke with incredulity. He couldn't understand why Lu Li had the Philosopher's Stone.

PS: I feel like I haven't seen anything in a few days. Hand over your Huahua PiaoPiao.(∩_∩)Ohaha~ Factory.

Chapter 374 The Confidence Golden Demon is asking for a fight online! Golemlin: Want to sell me?

According to what Gu Lemlin said, shouldn't the Philosopher's Stone be in the hands of the sage?

Why is it suddenly changed now?

Moreover, it also changed its appearance.

Regarding this question, Gulemlin could not answer it at the moment.

He had no idea how Lu Li did it and why he had the Philosopher's Stone.

But now is not the time to worry about this. The target classes of Golden Mage and Ancient Lemlin are the Philosopher's Stone.

Now that the Philosopher's Stone has appeared, all they have to do now is grab it.

There was a ferocious smile on his face, but it couldn't be seen due to the facial armor.

I just heard the golden magician laugh ferociously

"It's really hard to find anything without wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all!

I didn't expect that the Philosopher's Stone that I have been looking for is actually in your hands. If that's the case, I won't be polite! Ha ha ha ha!"

The golden magician thinks he is sure, and the Philosopher's Stone seems to be at his fingertips.

"Yeah? Just... I also want to say you're welcome.

The opponent was eyeing the six-link drive, or the Philosopher's Stone to be precise, but Lu Li was eyeing the golden magician's magic ring and transformation ring.

The six core coins symbolizing the evil organization suddenly flew out of Lu Li's body.

The sudden bloom of withered yellow death-like light only appeared for a moment, causing the surrounding flowers, plants and trees to gradually wither.

The six core coins surrounding Lu Li automatically entered the six-link drive.


The double scanning ring automatically scanned the drive, and Lu Li was immediately engulfed by the withered yellow light that symbolized death.

"Shocker (card repair)! Gel-Shocker! Destron(Destrom)!GOD(Gord)! Garanda (Garanda)! Delza

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