Let me show you my power! ha!!"

With a loud shout, Phoenix/Crow's body burned with blazing flames that would never go out.

The giant sword Havoc appeared out of thin air and was held tightly in his hand.

Although the current Phoenix/Crow's combat power is not bad, at best it is Lu Li only used the four basic forms of shamans.

In this battle, Lu Li didn't even think about transforming.

Lu Li looked like this. The understatement made Phoenix/Uro feel very unhappy.

"hateful! Don't ignore me, transform into me and fight!!"

Feeling like he was insulted, Phoenix/Wu roared angrily.

No opponent has ever been able to despise him so much. Lu Li successfully ignited Phoenix/Wu's anger.

"To deal with you, there is no need to transform."

The understatement did not take Phoenix 013/Wu into consideration at all, which made Phoenix/Wu feel even more angry inside.

When had I ever been looked down upon like this?

Huh! How dare you look down on yourself like this? I'll let you see my power."

Phoenix/Wu was not polite at all, and rushed over with the giant sword Havoc. He must make Lu Li take back what he just said.

"Don't be too proud! who do you think You Are!!"

With the roar of the phoenix/wu, the giant sword slammed down violently.

Medusa looked on and felt quite nervous.

She didn't know how the battle would end, but no matter what, Lu Li was Lord Sage's guest.

If something happened, she was worried that she would not be able to explain it to Lord Sage.

But what happened next made Medusa stunned on the spot. The action was like waiting quietly for the catastrophe of the giant sword to come.

However, in the next second, the phoenix/crow that was suddenly slashed into the air was just stuck in the air. It was not a time pause or anything like that, it was just a wave. The invisible force withstood the catastrophe of the giant sword


As the attacker, Phoenix/Wu was very aware of how much power he had just used.

However, the picture he imagined did not appear. The giant sword did not touch Lu Li at all.

He could not understand why he Can't cut it down?

"Get down! Give it to me!!!"

Phoenix/Wukong has brute strength and doesn't have much skill to speak of.

Both arms burst out with all their strength, trying to break through this invisible power defense.

But no matter how hard Phoenix/Wukong tries, there is still no way. Breaking through this layer of invisible defense, the giant sword Havoc in his hand couldn't even move forward at all.

Even with all his strength, there was no response. This made him wonder why he couldn't touch Lu Li. ?

At this time, Lu Li, who had not made any movement, suddenly raised his right hand and waved it to the side.


An invisible force instantly flew away the Phoenix/Crow, and its body slammed into the stone pier beside it like a cannonball.


There is no doubt that Shidun could not withstand such a powerful impact and was directly smashed to pieces.

Everything happened too fast, whether it was Phoenix/Urban or Medusa, they did not react for a while. What happened? What was going on?

As a bystander, Medusa could see very clearly.

Lu Li did nothing from the beginning, but with a wave of his hand, Phoenix/Udu was completely grasped how terrifying this was. His strength can actually reach such a level.

He is worthy of being the helper that Master Sage brought. This is just his combat power when he has not transformed. Wouldn't Medusa be even more terrifying?

Looking at Lu Li's back with fear, she silently marked Lu Li as someone not to be messed with!

Even though Medusa was very powerful, she didn't think she could defeat the Phoenix/Crow so easily.


There was a sound of stones falling from the rubble pile on the side.

The dusty Phoenix staggered out of the rubble pile. Up to now, he was still a little bit confused. How did he get hit just now?

It hurts!

How did this guy do it? How could he be so strong?

Phoenix/Wu, who was so stubborn before, is now no longer willing to obey him. Quiet and dissatisfied? Just give in.

"Phoenix/Crow, do you have any questions about my order now?"

With his hands behind his back, Lu Li still looked calm, as if nothing happened just now.

This time, Phoenix already knew what choice to make.

He walked over with his head lowered, Phoenix had already Without his previous arrogance, he knew how to make a choice when facing the extremely powerful Lu Li.

"Lu...Mr. Lu, I’m convinced! If you have any questions, please tell me!"

Although Phoenix/Wuzou said he was convinced, no one knew whether he was convinced in his heart.

You must know that Bush Niu is very arrogant and surrenders to the sage in order not to be sealed by the other party.

Immortality Lu Li didn't care whether Niao/Wu would express his dissatisfaction or not. Anyway, he just needed to help him get things done.

"hehe! Phoenix/Wu, I don’t need you to obey me, I just want you to complete the things I assigned you.

Now, the job you two have to do is to find the ancient Lemlin and the golden magician as soon as possible.

Once you find them, notify me as soon as possible. Medusa, this is my contact information. Don't act rashly without permission. If you alert someone, don't blame me for being rude.

At the last word, Lu Li's voice suddenly turned cold.

Medusa and Phoenix suddenly felt cold, as if they were in a world of ice and snow.

Even phantoms have feelings, and the two of them trembled unconsciously.

"Don’t worry, Mr. Lu, I will inform you as soon as there is news."

Immediately took the contact information from Lu Li's hand and lowered her head slightly. Medusa did not dare to hesitate.

Although Lu Li simply showed his hand, the power he showed was enough to scare Medusa.

This power, I'm afraid even the Sage might not be able to compete with them.

If they wanted to attack such a powerful being, it would be as easy as crushing an ant. After that, Lu Li disappeared instantly.

Medusa, who originally felt great pressure, suddenly relaxed and raised her head with lingering fear. Medusa's eyes were slightly complicated.

She had always believed that the sage was the most powerful in the world. , it is absolutely impossible for anyone to be able to match the sage.

Even the golden magician she met before was not comparable to the sage.

However, today, she saw a more terrifying existence

, beyond imagination. There are many powerful beings that she doesn't know yet.

Turning her head, Medusa saw the restless Phoenix and folded her hands on her chest.

"Phoenix/Crow, I already advised you before you took action. Why, are you being hit now?"

The Phoenix/Crow, who originally had his head lowered, suddenly raised his head at this moment.

There was no trace of disappointment in his eyes, but some excitement.

"marvelous! There is such a powerful opponent! It's really great!"

Phoenix/Wu's goal is very simple, which is to become more powerful.

But currently his body has reached the extreme of its current state. If he wants to become stronger, he can only die.

Through death, and then use magic power to make himself Reborn, became stronger, and exceeded the limit. What he wanted now was to try his best to complete the tasks assigned by Lu Li, and then let Lu Li really fight with him, preferably one that could kill him.

There was no fear at all, but she was full of interest. Medusa couldn't help but twitch her eyes!

Is she addicted to abuse?

"Let's go, what we have to do now is to find Gulemulin and the golden magician as soon as possible, there is not much time left for us."

She knew that although Lu Li did not specify the time period for them to complete this task.

But this matter must not be delayed for too long, otherwise... I am afraid they will be the ones who suffer.

Phoenix/Wu may not be afraid of death. But not Medusa.

Then, the two left the rooftop. Since there was only one instrument in Fengdu

, they could only complete the upgrade of immortality and other aspects. At best, only three people can complete it in one day. It will take several days just for those around Lu Li.

The person who has completed the upgrade so far is Sonosaki Saeko. As the queen of the museum, she is naturally the first to do it. Upgraded.

After completing the upgrade, Sono Saki Saeko still had to deal with the company's affairs. The person who was doing the upgrade at the moment was Sono

Saki Wakana. A long time had passed and it was not long before the end.

Everyone gathered here to wait.

They didn't feel sleepy at all, but were full of expectations.

Although Misaki Nadeshiko was also with them, as the seed of life in the universe, she did not need to undergo such an upgrade..

Besides, Misaki Nadeshiko’s structure is different from that of the human body, so even if she wanted to upgrade it using this method, it was almost another hour before Sonosaki Wakana’s upgrade was finally completed.

At this time, Sonosaki Wakana felt that her whole body was full of strength, not to mention full of energy, and her skin seemed to be full of luster.

"(⊙0⊙)Wow! I didn’t expect that after going in, my skin would become so good?! It’s incredible, it’s like a beauty machine!"

Touching here and pinching there, Sonosaki Wakana was very excited.

No woman doesn't want to become more beautiful, and Sonosaki Wakana naturally does the same.

Whether it's her, her sister, or other sisters, if They couldn't guarantee that their appearance would be maintained, and they would have to rely on regular beauty treatments in the future, especially after knowing that Lu Li would never grow old or die.

They were naturally very conflicted, but they usually didn't show it.

The ability to sense spirits is very powerful, so how could they not know that after completing this upgrade, they will not only become immortal, but their strength will also be enhanced as a result of the transformation.

Improved combat effectiveness, indirectly improving one's own combat effectiveness

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