It is immortality in the true sense!

If nothing else goes wrong, this project should be a collaboration between Dr. Hellstein and Consortium X.

Of course, Lu Li would not let go of such a person with a secret.

Although he himself is a powerful undead creature, that doesn't mean Sonosaki Saeko and the others are.

With Hideo Chiba's presence, it would be easier for Lu Li to obtain a method of immortality that was effective for people.

Dr. Hellstein is not from Lifengdu, and some correlations about his research can be found in the memory of the earth.

But if you want to know the specific details, Hideo Chiba is indispensable

"We’ve already said the battle is over, why don’t we believe it?"

Lu Li directly grabbed the Death Memory from the man at his feet.

Although the Death Memory's ability is not particularly outstanding, it still has a certain effect on the target who has the memory.

It is used to fuse other memories with better similarities. It's not impossible.

After snatching the other party's memory, Lu Li had no intention of letting him go.

Now that he was a member of Fengdu, it was right for

Lu Li to stay here forever. The powerful force on his chest immediately stopped his heart.

The man's eyes widened, feeling very unbelievable that he had died so inexplicably when he saw that Lu Li had killed the Death God Memory without any hesitation. The holder, Wan Dengxueshi's eyes twitched slightly.

His brain was racing, thinking about how to escape from here. Maybe he was just an ordinary person, where could he escape?

The same is true for escaping from Fengdu, and Fengdu is the territory of the museum. Wouldn't it be no different to escape?

I couldn't help but feel anxious, how can I survive?

Suddenly, Lu Li disappeared in an instant, leaving Wan Dengxue Shi. My heart tightened.

I quickly looked around, trying to find any trace of Lu Li.

But I found that Lu Li didn't appear around me at all. Instead, he appeared behind Hideo Chiba, who had good telekinesis power. Already aware of Lu Li behind him, he was about to fight back, but suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and he fainted. It turned out that Lu Li had knocked out Chiba Hideo with a knife, without giving him any chance to resist.

Xiufu, Lu Li focused his attention back on Wan Dengxueshi

"This guy belongs to me. As for you, it depends on whether you can survive the destruction of this world."

The voice was cold, which gave Wan Dengxue Shi a very bad feeling, and his whole body felt horrified.

For a moment, Wan Dengxue Shi didn't quite understand what Lu Li meant.

What is the destruction of this world?....Does the other party want to destroy Lifengdu?

But no matter what, the current Li Feng has such a wide range, how can it be destroyed just by destroying it?

At this moment, a burst of footsteps came.

It turns out that Shi Mo is back

"Is it over with you?"

When Lu Li activated the Eternal Ultimate Drive just now, he considered that Shi Mo would also lose the power of his memory.

But he didn't expect that Shi Mo would end the battle so quickly.

Wei Wei took the lead, and Shi Mo turned his attention back to

The two sides were no longer strangers when they met for the first time, but now they were even strangers. After all, what Wan Dengxueshi did could be said to have completely wiped out humanity, but Shi Mo had a kind heart. , and Wan Dengxueshi are now strangers.

"Shi Mo. Don’t you want to come back?~.?"

Looking at Shi Mo, Wan Dengxueshi's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had found a glimmer of hope.

He himself was not sure whether Lu Li could destroy Li Fengdu, but he did not dare to take the risk.

If we could get Shi Mo's help at this time and let Shi Mo put in a good word, there might be a chance.

However, Shi Mo shook his head very coldly.

"Axue, this battle is over. The wind in the wind symbolizes sin. There is no need to exist here."

I thought I could get Shi Mo's help, but I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was the other party's indifferent rejection. Clenching his fists, Wan Dengxueshi suddenly became angry and scolded with a ferocious face.

"What do you know?! We built this place with our own hands. Are you willing to destroy it like this?!

No matter what, I must keep this place! absolute!!

The Li Fengdu he had worked so hard to build could never be destroyed like this.

Facing the already paranoid Wan Dengxueshi, Shi Mo had nothing to say.

Lu Li threw Qianye Hideo next to Shi Mo and told him:

"I'll send you and him out first, keep an eye on him, but don't let him out of your sight. I'll be back later."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li casually snapped his fingers.


The next second, Shi Mo and Chiba Hideo disappeared directly into Fengdu.

Seeing that Shi Mo, the only one who could possibly help him, had already left, Wan Dengxueshi's eyes were filled with despair.

But there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart. , Lu Li should not be able to destroy the entire Li Fengdu.

In any case, how could such a big city be destroyed so easily? However , what Lu Li did next directly refreshed Wan Deng Xue Shi's understanding!

He understood that even a city or a world could be destroyed.

Lu Li took out the spatial memory and inserted it into the slot on the right side of the drive.

"Zone! Maximum.Drive!"

After the Space Ultimate Drive was activated, Lu Li took out all the T2 memories.

All the memories seemed to be pulled by this force and were quickly inserted into all the memory slots on Lu Li's body.

"Accel,,Bird,Cyclone....Xtreme,Yesterday! Maximum.Drive!"

Kamen Rider Ever Rider Blue Flame's strongest form!

The power of all memories has been exerted to its extreme. In this state, Lu Li can activate the ultimate drive of twenty-six T2 memories at once.

This means This is the twenty-sixth level of ultimate drive」


Lu Li has blazing blue flames on his body, and his body is filled with surging power. Different from Yongqi's extreme form, the power of the strongest form of blue flames is more violent.

He jumped for life and was covered in blue flames Lu Li rushed directly into the sky of Li Fengdu.

In this extremely dark sky, the figure burning with blazing blue flames was so bright and eye-catching, as if it was lighting up this gloomy city. A beam of light.

Looking up at the terrifying figure in the sky, Wan Dengxueshi didn't feel the joy of seeing the light at all, but only fear.

"Is this guy really planning to destroy Li Fengdu?!"

At first, Wan Dengxue Shi thought it was just Lu Li talking big words.

But now, looking at the figure burning with blue flames in the sky, he suddenly realized that the other party was probably not joking with him.

He was serious!

At this moment. , the power in Lu Li's body had reached its peak, and the blazing blue flames seemed to have burned the entire sky.

"It’s time to end!"

"Eternal..Requiem(Eternal Requiem)!"

The next second, blazing blue flames fell from the sky toward the ground like lightning.

Carrying endless power, the blue flame seemed to be the flame of destruction.

In the eyes of the only living people in Rifengdu, the blue flames of destruction fell to the ground.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The extremely powerful power instantly penetrated the entire city. For a time, the entire city was surrounded by blue flames.

Countless buildings gradually collapsed and were reduced to ashes under the burning of blue flames.

Not only There were cracks in this city alone, and blue flames were burning in the sky. Although there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart, Wan Dengxueshi didn't think Lu Li was real.

It has the power to destroy the entire Lifeng City.

But now, everything is really happening before our eyes. There is no doubt that the sky is collapsing and the earth is cracking!

"This... was actually done?!"

Wan Dengxue Shiguang looked at the buildings that had begun to collapse around him, covering his head with both hands, with horror in his eyes.

He couldn't understand why this happened?

Everything he had worked so hard to build seemed to be burned down at this moment. Everything All ruined!


Seeing that the Li Fengdu that he had planned to build for so long was gradually destroyed in the blue flames, Wan Dengxueshi had already collapsed in his heart.

He could not accept such a result.

In the position where Shi Mo was fighting just now At this point, Gojo Kazuha has barely recovered. Seeing the city gradually collapse and destruction, she has no intention of running away, as if she has accepted the outcome and the fate of death.

Nikaitang Shou hurriedly ran to Wan Deng Xue Shi

"Mr. Wan Deng, how about we.....

He was just about to say that we should run away together, but before he could say anything, Wan Dengxue Shi had already raised his hand to interrupt him.

"Needless to say, I.....I won't leave here. 1

"Mr. Wandeng.

Seeing that Wandeng Snow Attendant seemed to have made up his mind and would not leave, Nikaidou Mamoru opened his mouth, but finally chose to remain silent.

He quietly accompanied Wan Dengxueshi and seemed to have planned to stay with Wandenxueshi.

However, the road dopers in this city have no nostalgia at all when they see the city they built with their own hands collapse and be destroyed.

Everyone moved quickly, taking out special cards and preparing to escape.

Through the cards they can open the way to Fengdu, which is their only chance to survive.

If you don’t leave now, when will you wait?

Even if some road dopers want to leave, they have no chance, and only a few escape.

As the culprit who destroyed Li Fengdu, Lu Li was standing in the blue flames, quietly admiring the city's fall.

When he witnessed the collapse of a city with his own eyes, Lu Li didn't feel much in his heart.

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