
But this time, the ace dopant did not choose to evade, and directly let the purple light wave hit his body.

Seeing the ace dopant being swallowed up by the purple light wave, the screaming dopant was about to be happy, but suddenly Thinking of the abilities possessed by the ace dopant, her joy suddenly disappeared without a trace. She knew very well in her heart that the ace dopant would never be solved so easily. The ace dopant, I'm afraid the opponent is not qualified to be a witch.

Sure enough, when the energy of the purple light wave increased, the ace dopant appeared in front of her again.

"I knew you wouldn't die that easily!"

Although the screaming dopant wanted to kill the ace dopant in one fell swoop, he was very clear about the ace dopant's true combat power.

This guy is definitely not easy to deal with!

The ace dopant kept staring at the screaming dopant. He probably figured out the opponent's attack method.

The most powerful ability of the screaming dopant is the ultra-high frequency sound attack, but this has no effect on him. The only thing he can rely on is speed. As long as it can limit her speed.

Part of the energy condensed on the surface of the body is condensed into several special ace cards on the left arm of the ace dopant.

These ace cards all carry the power of the ace dopant. Terrifying cutting power and insufficient power.

When she saw these ace cards, the screaming dopant's huge eyes suddenly shrank.

She knew that the ace dopant at this time was the serious ace dopant. Hybrid.

She didn't have a particularly good chance of winning against the opponent in this state, but this woman blocked the way and refused to let herself go to Lu Li. The screaming hybrid had to find a way to deal with her.

A breeze blew by, and the two figures disappeared in place at the same time.

"Bang bang bang!!"

There was another series of passionate collisions, and in the process of this collision, it was obvious that the ace dopant had a stronger advantage in close combat.

It's just that the screaming dopant had to be faster, and the ace had to hit it The opponent must concentrate.

Another terrifying purple beam 3.9 struck, but the ace dopant suddenly took out an ace card on his arm and threw it at the target.

"call out!!"

Under the terrifying power of the ace card, the purple beam was cut directly, and it attacked the screaming dopant crazily.

Seeing that his sonic attack was destroyed, the ace card came straight towards him, and the screaming dopant did not dare to It was easy to catch it.

He ducked aside in panic, and the Ace Card grazed his body and shot directly into the building behind him.

After breaking through the walls of many layers of buildings, the powerful impact of the Ace Card finally stopped.

With a flash of deep fear, the Screaming Dopant didn't dare to pick up the trump card easily.

I was afraid that he would be injured if he was not careful. The power of the card was too weird and terrifying, and the Screaming Dopant was congratulating himself. When avoiding the ace card, the ace dopant's next attack comes again.

There are several ace cards in each hand that are directly aimed at the screaming dopant.

One card may be many, but several cards in a row. And it was fired from all angles.

The screaming dopant didn't dare to take the initiative, because she knew the consequences of doing so. She slammed her feet on the ground and jumped up.

The screaming dopant leaping high is preparing to launch another ultra-high-frequency sonic attack, but there is no target below.

"how come?!"

She didn't understand how people disappeared at all.

All her attention was focused on the trump card just now, and she completely forgot about the trump dopant that released the trump card.

"Are you looking for me?"

There was a sudden sound from above.

The screaming dopant suddenly raised his head, just in time to see an ever-increasing fist hitting him.

PS: Thanks to

Yi Eternal--Ark for the monthly pass!

Chapter 365 of the sneak attack The god of death has already seen through it, driven to the extreme by eternity



A terrifying punch hit her head directly, and the screaming adult screamed.

Her body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

She was just glad that she had escaped the trump card, but she didn't expect that she could escape. On the first day of the new year, I couldn't escape the fifteenth.

My body suddenly hit the road, splashing countless rubble and smoke all over the sky.


The screaming dopant crawled out of the pit on the ground and looked at the ace dopant with cold eyes.

This woman tried to stop him again and again, which was simply too much!

But the fighting power of the two was obviously ace dopant. The hybrid is stronger, and it is still unknown whether he has used all his strength.

The screaming hybrid is very keen on fighting. Of course, he will not give up when facing an opponent who can't lose to him.

"Shi Mo, I must kill you this time! Ha ha ha ha!!"

The laughter was like a crazy one, which made people feel very harsh.

With lightning speed, the trump card was thrown out in an instant.

Although she had thrown out several cards just now, , but there is still one in hand, just waiting for a suitable opportunity to attack when the screaming dopant is distracted.


Even the screaming dopant did not expect that the ace dopant would secretly keep an ace card.

She thought that the ace dopant would need to use its power again to condense the card, but now it seems that it is obviously I underestimated her trump card.....Can't hide!!

This is the most intuitive feeling of a screaming dopant.

Because when she reacted, the trump card was already close at hand.

The flying speed is faster than her moving speed, and there is no way to avoid it at this time.

There was no time to think so much, so he quickly put his arms in front of his head.

She didn't want to have her head impaled, and impaled by a trump card. That would be so embarrassing.


The ace card was deeply embedded in the arm of the screaming adulterant body, and the entire card was embedded more than halfway.

The blood slowly seeped out, irritating the screaming adulterant body even more.

"ah!! Kill you! I must kill you!"

With a hoarse roar, the screaming dopant seemed to be releasing ultra-high-frequency sound waves all over its body, spreading in all directions around it.

"Bang bang bang!!"

A large amount of glass on the Fengdu building crackled and shattered, and countless fragments fell. It looked extremely spectacular. 20

At this time, the Aurora Dopant, who was confronting Lu Li, naturally heard the roar coming from the distance.

As The leader of Lifeng City, how could the Aurora Dopant fail to recognize that these sounds are coming from the Screaming Dopant?

"It seems... Kazuye must have been in a tough fight. As expected of Shi Mo, his strength has not weakened at all after his memory awakened, he is still as strong as ever."

Even if it is the Aurora Dopant, we have to be sure that the Ace Dopant is indeed very powerful.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the Ace Dopant even exceeds the Aurora Dopant.

This is because Shi Mo has a strong memory for the Ace Dopant The control of the memory is almost perfect.

The Aurora Dopant uses golden memory, but the level of development is not even as good as the ace memory that is a general memory.

The power of the memory cannot be completely determined by the level of the memory. The level of development of the memory is constant.

When the level of memory development reaches a very high stage, the powerful force that bursts out is not inferior to the cadres, or even stronger.

It cannot be delayed any longer, otherwise it will wait until Gojo One Night. Things will be more troublesome if they are solved by the trump dopant

"Nikaido, let's go up together, one on the left and one on the right to contain him."


The Reactor Dopant completely obeyed the Aurora Dopant's command and rushed out first.

The Aurora Dopant followed closely behind, one on the left and one on the right, preparing to attack Lu Li from two directions at the same time.

The right side The Aurora dopant immediately raised his arm, and a high-heat ray was released from his palm.

The reactor dopant on the left controlled the black smoke coming out of his head, and the black smoke came quickly. Like a very thick rope, it quickly wrapped around Lu Li. It seemed that it was trying to restrain Lu Li first. However

, while controlling the smoke, the reactor dopant still did not forget to release the attack.

As a furnace dopant, he has almost endless energy, and all the attacks he releases will have super high heat, and a super intense fire will bloom in his abdomen, with terrifying energy. It will happen inside the body.

The valve on the body keeps ejecting a lot of smoke, as if it is releasing the heat in the body.

"ah!! go to hell!"

The reactor dopant roared, releasing a terrifying high-temperature ray from his waist and abdomen: and this terrifying high-temperature ray was not just one shot, but a continuous release that could be strafed.

It was bound by the smoke. Lu Li just reached out his hand very casually and pinched the smoke.

The smoke that bound his body dissipated without a trace in an instant.

Lu Li saw that the reactor dopant released extremely terrifying and powerful high-temperature rays. He instantly took out a memory and inserted it into the slot on his belt.

"Ocean! Maximum.Drive!

Ocean extreme drive!

Facing two powerful high-temperature rays, Lu Li's body instantly turned into a stream of water, and he avoided the attacks of the two rays with a very strange posture.


Two terrifying rays hit the location where Lu Li was just now at the same time, causing an instant explosion.

Under such a terrifying explosion, the building could no longer hold up and collapsed.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The collapse of the building caused a huge noise, and the smoke and dust filled the air made it difficult to see what was going on.

It was precisely because of the collapse of the building that the Brachiosaurus dopant, which had been almost unconscious, woke up in a daze. Come over:

I touched my bare head with my big hand. The brachiosaurus hybrid only remembered that I fainted from being fucked, and didn’t know anything else.

"correct! Land from!"

I suddenly came to my senses, weren't we fighting just now?

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