The patterns of the six core coins circled Lu Li twice, and finally merged into a chaotic pattern that was printed on Lu Li's chest.

A pair of evil scarlet eyes suddenly appeared in the withered yellow light, giving people a chilling feeling.

A solid and straight figure, but giving people an extremely terrifying feeling, walked out of the withered yellow light, exuding a terrifying aura.

The ace dopant who has already seen Lu Li in this form will still feel palpitations when he feels Shuka's power at close range.

"Okay, let's start our performance.

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li squatted down slightly.

A powerful force suddenly burst out, and Lu Li jumped forward.

This time he jumped out all the way, and at 177 hours when he landed, he was already in front of the X branch building of the consortium.

Naturally following closely behind are the ace dopant and Nadeshiko, both of whom are already ready for everyone.

Suddenly invaded, the alarm of the X branch of the consortium rang loudly, and an alarm was heard

"Enemy invasion!

"Enemy invasion!

Suddenly suffered an invasion, this was the first reaction within the X branch of the consortium.

Soon, a dense group of miscellaneous fish emerged from the X branch of the consortium.

Dress up as a doped body!

In addition, there are some dopants that are not mass-produced, or star disciples.

Facing the sudden invader, their task is to repel each other.

Kima was standing on the top floor at this time. He glanced at the rocks next to him with lingering fear.

For the intruders who suddenly arrived, he had only one order, and that was to annihilate them all."

However, what Kima didn't know was that it was not the intruders who were annihilated this time, but members of his own organization.

Facing the hundreds of miscellaneous fish in Wuyangyang, Lu Li didn't take it to heart at all.

Since they are trash fish, no matter how many there are, they are just trash fish. They cannot make any waves at all and can be eliminated easily.

As for how many ants kill elephants, that is because the elephants are not strong enough.

"Come on, it's time for our performance."

After Lu Li gave the order, the ace dopant and Nadeshiko rushed forward immediately.

The large number of people on the other side did not scare them because they themselves had very strong strength.

The ace dopant then took the After returning to his own memory, he already had previous battle experiences.

He jumped up and launched a terrifying flying kick from a high place, instantly annihilating several miscellaneous fish.

The moment he landed, his arms appeared. A few trump cards

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

Throwing the trump card in his hand with all his strength, the trump card with terrifying cutting power flew out in an instant, directly piercing a large group of fish on the spot.

Some had their heads pierced directly, some had their bodies pierced, and some even had their arms and legs cut off.

The scene was very terrifying at one time, and it was worthy of being called the ace dopant of the witch.

Such terrifying and excellent fighting power instantly frightened the other fish around her.

They looked at the miserable companions who lay down and kept wailing. He was so frightened that he didn't dare to approach the Ace Dopant for the first time.

As the initiator of all this, the Ace Dopant looked down at the fish and said coldly.

"Today...will be the end of you!"

Then it was like a tiger pounced into a flock of sheep, and began to kill this group of miscellaneous fish.

As for Nadeshiko, who uses cosmic memory and cosmic energy at the same time, her fighting method is relatively poor.

Although Although he has good combat power, he is not as clean as the ace hybrid, mainly because Nadeshiko has just adapted to the transformation and has no corresponding combat experience. They are very afraid of Lu Li's current situation, but they are even more afraid of the organization behind him. Once they become a member of Consortium X, they will have to sacrifice everything for the organization, even their lives. in this way

"Come on!"

"There are so many of us, are we still afraid of him alone?!"

"Go together! Kill him!"


I don't know who shouted first, and the rest of the other fish immediately responded and rushed towards Lu Li.

Although strength in numbers makes sense, it also depends on who the target is..

If they are facing a target with little strength, it will naturally have a very good effect.

But if they are facing Lu Li, who has a terrifying fighting ability, their threat is almost zero.

"Since you want to die, then I will grant you permission, but don’t run away in fear.

As his voice fell, the six sharp-edged tentacles that had been contracted inside his back suddenly expanded.

The six sharp-edged tentacles looked very scary.


These six blade tentacles were like Lu Li's arm, flying at a fast speed.

The group of trash fish that had just rushed up were torn into countless pieces in an instant.

Every time the blade tentacles were waved, some trash fish would be cut into several pieces. , blood shot everywhere!

However, the sharp blade tentacles used as cutting tools were not stained with any blood, and the broken limbs and remains everywhere made the fish behind them tremble.

It was like a terrifying purgatory.

I thought it was just an ordinary intruder, nothing to be afraid of, but when they actually faced each other, they realized that the opponent...

was so terrifying!

Their legs were shaking, and their legs seemed to be filled with lead.

If the tentacles were just a little longer, I'm afraid they would be no different from these broken limbs on the ground!

They may be loyal before death, but when they actually face death, they realize that this loyalty is worthless.

They are just getting money to do things, and there is no need to risk their lives for it.

Zayu had already begun to retreat, and started to retreat unconsciously.

However, did they still have a chance to retreat? Lu Li would not give them a chance to escape, not to mention that even if they let them go, Consortium X would not.

The traitor will be spared.

Suddenly, the Perseus disciple came down from the sky with a big sword.

It seemed that he had been hiding before, and was ready to give Lu Li a fatal blow just now.

With his back turned to him, the Perseus Disciple would not let go of this rare opportunity.

The Great Sword Oracle had terrifying power and could crush everything.

Medusa's power was released instantly.

Medusa's scarlet eyes stared at Lu Li, as if she was activating the power to turn the target into stone.

However, in order to exert this power, she must face the target's eyes.

The reason why Xianzuo is activated at this time is to prevent Lu Li from turning back suddenly.

As long as the opponent turns back at this time, he can use the star disciple switch to become a star disciple.

It is not an ordinary fish at first glance, but it is a pity that Lu Li is here.

, the difference between the Perseus star disciples and the miscellaneous fish was not big, but Lu Li seemed to have a pair of eyes, and he was very clear about Perseus' behavior.

The sword oracle was easily bounced away by one of the sharp-edged tentacles, and the remaining five tentacles pierced into Perseus' body in an instant.


His body was thrust into the air, and the big sword Oracle in his hand fell to the ground feebly.

"how come?!"

Obviously he couldn't understand at all. He had already calculated it, so why did Lu Li kill him instantly as if he had eyes on his back?

"Ignorance gives you great courage, but it is also ignorance that leads you to death.

A cold voice came, like the voice of death.

The Perseus star disciple finally lost his life and was thrown aside casually by the sharp blade tentacles.

His whole body gradually became colder, and he was already dead.

This battle is almost a one-sided crushing, and the number of people does not mean anything in this battle.

Just these hundreds of miscellaneous fish can only delay the situation for a while and cannot affect the overall situation at all.

A large number of miscellaneous fish were killed, and corpses were everywhere for a while, with members of Consortium X lying everywhere.

The only remaining people were frightened out of their wits at this time. They did not expect that this would be such a situation.

Just a few minutes of fighting had already caused so many casualties, which was completely beyond their expectations.

Even if there are hundreds of pigs, it will take some time, not to mention that these people are still members of Consortium X with certain power. Unexpectedly, they only lasted for such a short time.

The surviving members of

Consortium , but he did not kill him.

Next is the ace dopant, who already has good combat experience. This time, at best, he is just trying to adapt to his own combat effectiveness.

The person who killed the most people was Lu Li. At least sixty-seven out of ten of them were killed by Lu Li. In most cases, they were almost all killed with one hit.

Facing this extremely terrifying god of death, any human being will feel fear

"What should we do now? Do you want to continue fighting this guy? we will die"‖!"

"Forget it! I don't want to die here!"

"What can we do if we don’t fight? Can the consortium let us go? But don’t forget that the consortium is also ruthless!"

"The consortium is ruthless, but I might be able to escape, but facing this guy, I don't even have a chance to escape!

The remaining members of Consortium

Both sides have their own opinions, and no one agrees with anyone else.

"Don't worry so much, I will send you all down, don't worry, it's not just you."

As he said that, Lu Li raised his head slightly and looked at an office on the top of the smashed building that was riddled with holes.

Kima, who was at this position at this time, happened to look into Lu Li's cold and terrifying eyes, feeling in his heart He suddenly panicked.

The thought came to his mind that the other party was here for him.

Do you know him?

Consortium X didn't know anything about Lu Li's transformed form. Maybe he knew that the person who could cause destruction would be Lu Li.

Kima had not agreed to any of Sonosaki Saeko's requests before, and he probably never thought that it was his arrogance that led to such a disaster.

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