Chapter 358 Consortium X is going to be in trouble! Memory repair!

The reason why Sonosaki Saeko suddenly made some inexplicable requests was mainly because Lu Li took the initiative.

Consortium X still considers itself to be a very powerful organization with influence all over the world.

Even if they encounter setbacks sometimes, it will not affect their foundation.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Li wanted to give the consortium some color~ Look.

When the cooperation was terminated, although Consortium X was afraid of the museum, it was far from being afraid.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lu Li wanted to let Consortium X experience what real fear is.

As for destroying Consortium X, Lu Li will not do that for the time being.

The projects developed by these guys are so powerful. Maybe I will need them in the future. Wouldn't it be nice to just get them when the time comes?

Save time and effort!

After hearing that Sonosaki Saeko proposed a lot of conditions, Kima directly refused with a gloomy expression.

"Miss Sonosaki, this matter is impossible. Our

Consortium , this is already explained to you.

Take it when it's good, don't push it too far."

Before she finished speaking, Kima Dang hung up the phone.

How could she agree to such excessive demands and conditions?

When she heard the beeping sound coming from the phone, Sonosaki Saeko did not show any angry expression. On the contrary, she A hint of smile appeared:

Sonosaki Wakana and Satonaka Erika, who happened to be in the office, saw Sonosaki sitting there and laughed, while Mina, who was working on the side, listened in confusion.

"Sister, what are you laughing at?"

Sonosaki Wakana walked over and looked at Sonosaki Saeko with curiosity.

Hearing this, Sonosaki Saeko put away the charming smile on her face and said with a slight smile.

"hehe! Wakana, Consortium X may be in trouble next time"

"ah? Why be unlucky?"

With question marks in her head, Sonosaki Wakana felt like she had missed something.

Seeing that she was my sister, Minari Naka Erika next to me was so curious, Sonosaki Saeko didn't hide anything and told the three people directly.

Everyone present was a cadre of the museum. Even Erika Satonaka had now fully joined the museum.

When she learned that Lu Li was going to attack Consortium X, Mina's expression suddenly changed and she was slightly worried.

"Sister Xiezi, does Mr. Lu Li really want to take action against Consortium X? They are a very terrorist organization. What if they anger the other party?"

It's not that she doesn't trust Lu Li and his incomparable strength.

The main reason is that she is worried that this incident will make the museum and Consortium X have a grudge, which will cause a lot of trouble.

"hehe! Don’t worry, our museum now has great power, even if it’s Consortium X.

Although they have some means and their organizations are spread all over the world, it doesn't mean that Lu Li can't deal with them."

Now that Lu Li has said that there is a way to deal with

Consortium Sakuzono Sakiko

"Sister, when Lu Li wants to take action, can you let him take me with him? I have never been interested in guys like Consortium X before.

Now that I have this opportunity to teach them a lesson, I want to try it.

As she spoke, she waved her pink fist, as if she was preparing to give Consortium X a hard punch.

"Don't even think about going. The company is very busy during this period, and there are many things that you can't handle after you leave.

What Sonosaki Saiko didn't understand was that Sonosaki Wakana not only wanted to teach Consortium X a lesson together, but also wanted to go out for a walk and relax.

After all, after becoming the general manager of the company, Sonosaki Wakana has much less free time.

Still so young and with a strong sense of fun in her heart, Sono Saki Wakana would certainly not miss such a rare opportunity.

"Ah, this."

Sonosaki Wakana suddenly stopped. Of course she knew that she was very busy recently. It seems that she has no chance this time, so she can only let it go.

Satonaka Erika on the side breathed a silent sigh of relief.

She was really worried. Sonosaki Wakana left the job to herself.

Although Erika Satonaka is indeed very capable, she still likes salted fish very much. As long as there is an opportunity for salted fish, Erika

Satonaka will never let it go easily. branch.

After hanging up the phone, Kima immediately reported the matter to the headquarters.

The final reply from the headquarters was to ignore the museum's request and try not to have such a conflict with them.

After receiving the reply from the headquarters, Kima felt relieved.

Although the museum is now powerful,


However, what she didn't know was that it was precisely because of not agreeing to the conditions proposed by the museum that Consortium X had suffered huge losses this time.

Consortium The person in charge has also died, and this plan can only be terminated.

After investing so much and getting no returns, Kima is in a bad mood.

She knows that the person who blocked the plan this time is Lu Li, but she can't take the initiative. Attack!

Who let this guy Rem Kaminagi take action without giving a briefing? It's just that he didn't take himself seriously. Instead, he created such a big mess.

Now that he's dead, it's a mess.

Kima sealed the plan on his desk. This plan can only end here. Without Rem Kaminagi, there is really no way for this plan to continue. I hope

Tiangao will get the news soon. Slow down a little bit, but I already knew that Rem Kaminagi was killed, and the person who killed Rem Kaminagi was naturally Lu Li.

When I heard the news, I hope Guangming felt nervous.

Just because he knew in his heart that the reason why Rem Kaminagi went to Fengdu this time was indispensable for his instigation.

Now that Rem Kaminagi has been killed, will Lu Li target him again? He didn't know either.

It's just that I, Wang Guangming, really didn't expect that Lu Li would be so bold and straightforward to kill Rem Kaminagi.

The other party was also a member of Consortium X. Lu Li was so bold, even Wang Guangming found it incredible.


He didn't want to cause trouble again.

He originally wanted to rely on Consortium There was one thing he regretted in his heart, which was choosing to cooperate with Lu Li, but things had come to this point, and even if he regretted it, it didn't make much sense.

Consortium X was no longer reliable.

You can speed up your rhythm and pace and find the last zodiac disciple as soon as possible.

Before Lu Li knew the news, he left through the jump gate.

Time was running out, and he had no time to waste it slowly.

This time, the death order he gave to Hayami Koi was to send him directly to the Dark Nebula if he could not find the last Zodiac Disciple in the next few days.

When he found out that he only had these few days, Hayami's heart went cold.

The disciples of the Zodiac are not so easy to find.

If they were really easy to find, I would probably have found them long ago.

In his heart, he wanted to extend the time a little longer, but when he saw the unquestionable look in my eyes, he finally chose to remain silent.

Just because he knew very well in his heart that if he dared to express any opinions at this time, what was waiting for him would be to be sent directly to the Dark Nebula.

After thinking about it, I forgot about it and could only seize the time to check all the students in the school.

Night has fallen, there is no moon tonight.

Even on a moonless night, it still looks very beautiful.

The brightly lit streets were busy with traffic.

Sonosaki's house.

Lu Li just learned from Sonosaki Yuko about the phone call between her and Kima from the X branch of the consortium during the day.

The other party refused Lu Li's excessive demands without hesitation.

Everything is as planned.

Take this opportunity to directly demonstrate the museum's methods to Consortium X and suppress them.

Although Consortium

"I knew they would definitely refuse. These guys are not the ones who suffer the most. How could they agree to these outrageous requests?

However, this also gives us an excuse to attack them.

Lu Li had a sneer on his face. He had no intention of reconciling with Consortium X.

The other party took the initiative to provoke him, and Lu Li was not one to suffer the consequences. How could he get away with it if he didn't teach the other party a lesson?

Of course Sonosaki Saeko knew what Lu Li was planning, but as a family, she certainly agreed.

"Your request is so excessive that no one would agree to it. I can only shake my head after hearing this."

"Brother-in-law, when you are going to cause trouble with them, don't forget to count me in and help me teach those guys a lesson."

Sonosaki Wakana waved her pink fist, with a look of regret on her face.

For those arrogant guys in

Consortium Especially when Sonosaki Ryubei was in office, it was even more impossible to have such an opportunity.

It was only after Lu Li arrived that everything changed, and now the museum has the strength to challenge Consortium X that it could not before. What we were doing could be done now.

If it weren't for the fact that the company was busy with everything, business development was going smoothly, and Sonosaki Wakana had to be busy dealing with these things, she would have followed her no matter what......Asking for flowers.

Not to mention Sonosaki Saeko, she almost doesn’t have that time, there are things in the company that need to be handled by her personally every day.

After all, the company has begun to involve all walks of life. If she wants to make the company stronger, she, the head of the company, really needs to pay close attention.

Not everyone in the family knows everything about what happened during the day.

Metzler, Dimo Li, and Shi Mo were completely unaware of what happened today.

Shi Mo has been away from home for the past few days and just came back tonight.

Shi Mo's return also represents one thing, that is, Shi Mo successfully repaired the ace memory.

Shi Mo didn't pay too much attention to what everyone was talking about. Her eyes almost always stayed on her ace memory.

When he learned that Ace's memory system had been repaired, Shi Mo did not feel happy, but rather hesitant.

What is your identity?

Why do you hold this memory?

Once you use the power of memory, you may be able to restore your previous memories, but.....Are those memories what I really want?

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