Chapter 356 Super Galaxy King! Play time with me? Absolutely cruel!

Wearing the Super Galaxy Drive containing the three core coins of shark, whale, and wolf fish on his waist.

After much hesitation, he took out a strange switch.

This switch is made based on the Star Disciple switch and can contain cosmic energy.

Originally, this switch was intended to contain Solu's energy, but he didn't expect that the thing had been intercepted by Lu Li.

Rem Kaminagi had no choice but to do the next best thing and use the cosmic energy in the switch to transform first.

It's a pity that Solu was not obtained, otherwise he would have become the most powerful complete form.

Now, although he can also change into the corresponding form, the energy in his body cannot be inexhaustible.

"Land from! Let me show you what the real king is!

With the Super Galaxy Drive on his waist, Rem Kaminagi had a crazy smile on his face.

Although there is no way to reach the strongest form, he believes that with the power of the Super Galaxy King, he will definitely be able to capture Solu.

Press the switch on the drive, and the power of three core coins from the future is activated!

"Same(shark)! Kujira (whale)! Ookamiuo(wolf fish)!"

The pattern symbolizing the three core coins surrounds Rem Kaminagi under the activation of cosmic energy.

Under the influence of cosmic energy, Rem Kaminagi has completed the transformation he dreamed of.

The tall body is like a machine, the left arm is like a machine, and the right arm is like a monster.

He has robe-shaped armor on his body, which is materialized by cosmic energy.

Super Galaxy King!

But seeing the power emerging from his body, the Super Galaxy King clenched his fists tightly.

A lot of disgusting purple tentacles floated behind him, and a lot of steam spewed out from his body.

"Ha ha ha ha! Although I haven't reached the level of perfection, I am completely different from who I was before, Lu Li! Die!"

Perhaps it was because he suddenly gained powerful power that gave the Super Galaxy King a feeling of being in control of everything.

But what he didn't know was that the huge gap between him and Lu Li was not just based on his current transformation. I can make up for it myself

"Then let's... give it a try!"

Clicking his fingers lightly, Lu Li showed full contempt and looked down upon the Super Galaxy King at all.

The three core coins from the future used in the opponent's drive were still thrown away by Lu Li.

Now the opponent actually took them Lu Li even wanted to laugh because he looked down on the trash he threw away and used it against him.

"snort! opinionated!"

Super Galaxy King snorted coldly, and pushed forward from behind to help him approach Lu Li quickly.

"Land from! Self-righteous guy, let me show you my power!"

During the flight, the Super Galaxy King instantly tore off his robe, and it suddenly turned into a sharp and huge blade in his hands.

Before anyone arrived, the huge blade had already flown towards Lu Li.

Suddenly, the Super Galaxy King suddenly Disappeared out of thin air.

Misaki Nadeshiko, who was observing the battle from behind, had strong doubts in her eyes. She obviously didn't understand why the Super Galaxy King disappeared?

The huge blade suddenly appeared from behind Lu Li, aiming fiercely at Lu Li's back. chopped off


With a backhand punch, Lu Li easily knocked away the huge blade that attacked him.

The Super Galaxy King, who originally disappeared out of thin air, suddenly appeared behind Lu Li and swung a fierce punch.

Using the core coin from the future, Super Galaxy King The Galaxy King has gained the ability to temporarily pause time.

Although it only lasts a few seconds, as long as it is used properly, it can do a lot of things in these few seconds.

If it is used on other people, it may be possible. It would have a huge and unexpected effect.

But the target he chose to play was Lu Li, not only at the level of his ancestors, but at least at the level of his grandfather.

"I am better at controlling time than you are."

A sudden voice came from behind.

Only then did Super Galaxy King suddenly realize that Lu Li, who was in front of him, had disappeared.


There was only a muffled sound, and the Super Galaxy King was blasted to the ground by a terrifying force.


The Super Galaxy King was completely defenseless. He never thought that he would be in such a mess even after using time pause.

He turned around in disbelief and saw Lu Li who was still punching, one red and one blue in his eyes. strong shock

"how come?!"

He couldn't understand how Lu Li suddenly disappeared in front of him and suddenly appeared behind him.

Recalling what Lu Li said just now, Super Galaxy King was suddenly shocked.

"You. You also have mastered the power of time?.」!"

He originally thought that he could easily defeat Lu Li because he had mastered the power of time.

But he didn't expect that the other party also mastered the power of time, and seemed to have more powerful control over the power of time.

The other party has what you have, and the other party has what you don't have. It's too much!

"hehe! When did you have the illusion that I don’t have the power to control time?

It's just your wishful thinking, I never said that."

The joking laughter made the Super Galaxy King furious. He felt that he was being tricked.

With a faint flick of his fingers supporting his body, the huge blade that had been thrown away unexpectedly floated up again silently..

Slowly approaching Lu Li, when he reached the right distance, the Super Galaxy King suddenly felt happy about the opportunity!


Immediately controlled the huge blade and slashed at Lu Li at extremely fast speeds.

【It must hit!! ]

Roaring in his heart, the Super Galaxy King hoped that this blow would hurt Lu Li and put him back at his disadvantage.

At this time, above the sky.

Shuka Greeder beat Sutundas in front of him very easily.

As for the Unicorn Star Disciple, he no longer knows where he fell.

Not to mention, Sutundas may not be as good as the Card-Shu Ka Greed in terms of combat power, but his defense power is indeed impressive, and he can actually withstand so many attacks.

But Sutundas, who had withstood so many attacks, was already scarred all over.

It can be clearly seen that Sutundas has countless cutting wounds on his body, all of which were scratched out by the greedy Shukar with his sharp claws.

Just looking at it hurts.

The severe pain caused by the dense scars all over his body caused Sutundas to suffer endlessly.

But he had no way to resist at all. Every time he counterattacked, he would be attacked more intensely, and the force would only become stronger.

Holding down Sutundas' head, Shuka Greedy suddenly exerted his force and threw Sutundas to the ground like a fired cannonball.


Of course, with Lu Li's instructions, it is naturally impossible for the greedy ones to destroy the Sonosaki family. They also paid special attention during the battle so that the Sonosaki family was not affected at all.

Regarding the possible damage to the surroundings, Hua Dian Money is all, no big deal.

The greedy man who repaired the card landed smoothly, looked at the deep pit created by Sutundas, and walked over step by step.

"Go to hell!!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting from behind.

It turned out to be the Unicorn Star Disciple who had disappeared before.

He was running towards me at full speed.

The cold light shining from the sharp blade in his hand was fiercely directed at the back of the greedy Shuka. Stab it in

"Ding I!"

The very clear sound made the Unicorn Star Disciple, who originally thought he had succeeded, instantly fall into despair.

Xiuka Greedy Man grabbed the blade with one hand, and no matter how much strength the Unicorn Star Disciple used, he would never There was no way to move forward at all.

Shuka Greedy Man showed no mercy, and stabbed the Unicorn Star Disciple's abdomen with his sharp claws shining with cold light.



The Unicorn Star Disciple lowered his head and glanced at the arm above his abdomen. His body was pierced.

Sutundas, who had just crawled out of the pit, witnessed the Unicorn Star Disciple being raped by the greedy Shuka. The claws penetrated.

The sharp and terrifying claws penetrated directly from the back of the unicorn star disciple, and the scene was extremely tragic.


Seeing this scene, Sutundas roared angrily and took advantage of this opportunity to pounce on the greedy Shuka. After finally catching a flaw, he could not let the efforts of the Unicorn Star Disciple go in vain.

But it was a pity. What's more, waiting for Sutundas' ruthless counterattack was Sutundas

' sudden attack. How could Shuka Greedy not notice it and directly pull out the long spear in the hand of the Unicorn Star Disciple? Sword, just throw it backhand


Sutundas, who was flying over, didn't even have time to defend himself. He only felt a flash of cold light, followed by a pain in his chest.

His body was dragged by a force on his hind legs, and Sutundas's broken wings He was instigating wildly, trying to stop his body, but even so, he was still carried away dozens of meters away.

The greedy Xiuka slowly pulled out the sharp claw inserted into the unicorn star disciple's abdomen and lost its only support. The Unicorn Star Disciple fell down and returned to Solaris's appearance in the next second.

Her abdomen was dripping with blood. Even if she was a super-evolved life force, she would still die in the end.

Solaris looked embarrassed, and the luster in her eyes gradually disappeared.

She never expected that she would end up like this.

Solaris slowly fell down and received the lunch box on the spot.


When Sutundas saw Solaris falling, it was difficult to accept the result for a while.

But what awaits him is the same fate as Solaris.

Death will be their end.

The huge blade cut towards Lu Li's lower back, threatening to cut his body in half.

A flash of joy flashed in Super Galaxy King's eyes.

It doesn’t matter how strong you are, if you are not careful at all in the battle, it may be a fatal threat.

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