With a sudden force, Poseidon began to rotate his body.

PS: The young author is so diligent, why don’t you guys spend some money! hold head high!

Chapter 352 Police Trooper: I feel like I’m okay!

The wing-horned tyrannosaurus is violent!

The police cavalry held in his hand was pulled along by this powerful force and turned together.

After spinning for several times, Poseidon seemed to lose interest and suddenly threw the policeman to the ground.


If he were just a policeman in normal form, this kind of impact would probably not be painful at all.

But now he is in judgment form, and his defense is greatly reduced.

Because of this, the damage he received will be greater. I couldn't help but scream.


I originally thought that this battle was over, but I didn't expect such a big change suddenly. W ran over immediately.

I finally got this opportunity, and Poseidon will not miss it easily.

He will kill you while you are sick.!

Poseidon immediately raised the deep harpoon in his hand. When he held it tightly, a blue light bloomed on the deep harpoon.


A fierce and terrifying slash was released.

The blue energy broke away from the deep harpoon and cut the air crazily, approaching W and the police cavalry.

After noticing this situation, W had no time to think so much, and immediately took out the metal Memory loaded into metal iron rod

"Metal! Maximum.Drive (metal extreme drive)!"

The two ends of the metal iron rod are wrapped with high-temperature flames. Hold it tightly and smash it at the incoming blue energy.


The blue energy blooming from the water collided with the metal iron rod releasing high-temperature flames.

The two energies, one cold and one hot, alternated and exploded.

The powerful impact of W took several steps back. Looking back at Poseidon, this completely It didn't look like anything was wrong.

After witnessing this scene, Lu Li could probably confirm that Minato Weiqing was not possessed, otherwise Poseidon would have been severely beaten by the policeman in his trial form. It is impossible to act like a normal person.

The current situation only shows one possibility, that is, Poseidon is made entirely of coins. Although it looks like a Kamen Rider, it is actually closer to Greed.

Opposite Poseidon who was unharmed, Shotaro Zuo said in disbelief.

"real or fake? Nothing happened to this guy. Terui's attack just now didn't look fake at all!"

Philip on the right was also lost in thought.

"I don’t know, I can’t explain clearly what is going on in this state of his, it’s very magical."

Philip knew very little about the core coins.

He couldn't explain why Poseidon was in this situation.

"snort! It's a little interesting that you can make me so embarrassed, but unfortunately your power still can't satisfy me.

Where is Lu Li? Tell me quickly, otherwise... this city will be destroyed!"

As he said that, he clenched his fists. Poseidon was very confident in his own strength.

Even if he couldn't win, as long as he could judge the opponent's attack mode, he could still take the lead.

The worst he could do was get beaten first!

Anyway, Being made of cell coins, he didn't have to worry about getting hurt at all.

The most damage he could do was the cell coins, and he could obtain the cell coins in other ways.

The arrogant words naturally reached Lu Li's ears. guy....He actually came here for himself?

Lu Li was quite confused. Since his arrival had already had a great impact on the world, the future might not be the same as before.

But Lu Li didn't know exactly what the future would be like.

Although he has a certain amount of time power, he is not yet able to easily travel to the future.

Lu Li can also pause time or even reverse time, but traveling through time to the future is something Lu Li has never done.

One is that it consumes a lot of money, and the travel time is often uncertain.

A single point in time can even give rise to countless different futures.

It is easy to travel to the past, but it is difficult to travel to the future: since the other party is here to find you, it would not be very interesting if you don't show up: in an instant, Lu Li disappears and suddenly appears here in a space transfer. In a battle.

There were originally only three people on the battlefield, but suddenly there was one more person, which naturally attracted Poseidon's attention.

Although Poseidon knew Lu Li's name, he had never met Lu Li. Of course, it was impossible for him to recognize him.

"Here comes another guy! Are you bothered or not? Call me Lu Li quickly! Otherwise I will kill you all!"

Pointing at Lu Li with the extremely deep harpoon in his hand, Poseidon shouted

"Land from?!"

"What? Is he Lu Li?!

The person he wanted to see day and night, the opponent he wanted to defeat, suddenly appeared in front of him.

But I didn't recognize the other person the first time, which was really embarrassing!

However, Poseidon obviously has no concept of shame.

"Ha ha ha ha! It turns out you are Lu Li! OK! That's great!

I came here specifically for you, and now I finally see you, come on! Let's have a fight (bcdi)!"

With a wild laugh from his mouth, Poseidon finally saw the target he wanted to see.

Finally the battle can be completed, he has been impatient for a long time」

"Poseidon, before the battle I want to ask a question."

Hearing this, Poseidon hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.

"If you have any questions, just ask them, but after you ask them, you must fight me, you can't hide!"

The other party is in a hurry to die, and Lu Li can't stop him.

"From forty years later, why do you know me?"

I thought I would ask something, but I didn't expect it to be this simple question. Poseidon inserted the extremely deep harpoon into the concrete floor.

"I learned this from that old guy Kogami Mitsuo. I heard him mention you, and you seemed to be a very powerful guy!

I originally thought I wouldn't have a chance to fight you, but I didn't expect that a space wormhole appeared and brought me here from the future!

Now that I'm here, I naturally can't miss this opportunity. I want to fight you!"

With enthusiasm in his eyes, Poseidon seemed to be very much looking forward to the battle with Lu Li.

After all, he traveled through forty years in order to find Lu Li and complete this battle. Now that he finally found Lu Li, of course he was excited.

From Poseidon What Dong said just now means that Lu Li already knows some information he wants. In the future, Hongshang Guangsheng still knows about himself, which means that this timeline is the future that extends from the point where he is now.

He doesn't seem to be here, but that's not surprising.

Lu Li can travel around the world, and it's normal for him not to be in this world.

"How did you become conscious?"

Just when Lu Li asked another question, Poseidon was obviously impatient.

He was not here to answer questions, but to fight.

"Where do all these problems come from? Let me talk about it later! Since you won't come, then I will come! ha!!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Poseidon leaping up. He held the extremely deep harpoon high in his hand, shining with a cold light under the sunlight, and plunged towards the ground.

Seeing that the other party was not there? He continued to answer his own questions, but took the initiative to attack. Lu Li also knew that if he wanted to get more information from the other party, he had to defeat the other party first. In an instant, an awakening card appeared in Lu Li's right hand.

When the awakening card slid towards his waist, the awakening device had already appeared.

"Change! Pu.To.Tyra!"

Purple energy instantly enveloped Lu Li.

At this time, Poseidon descended from the sky and pierced the deep harpoon into the burst of purple energy.

The blue energy and the purple energy suddenly collided together. Waves of power intertwined, and Poseidon clearly felt that he could no longer sink!

W and the policeman, who were affected by the two powerful energies, were still in a state of transformation. In addition to feeling waves of energy. Except for the impact, it was not greatly affected

"Such an opponent can't even be defeated by us. Is it worth Lu Li's taking action?

There was a hint of doubt in the policeman's words.

He was just too careless just now. He didn't expect that Poseidon hadn't fallen down after suffering his repeated attacks.

On the contrary, it was because of the problem of attack habits and attack frequency that the opponent caught the flaw.

But this problem is not enough to defeat the policeman. He can quickly adjust the method and angle of attack.

Besides, the police didn't even release him for questioning.���The special move of the form, so what if the opponent can barely keep up with his speed by relying on his physical strength.

Once the Judgment Ultimate Drive is used, the speed of the police rider will be greatly increased.

The policeman thought that even he could deal with such an enemy. Was it necessary for Lu Li to do it himself?

Trooper: I feel like I'm okay!

Hearing this, W shrugged helplessly beside him.

"I don't know this question either. If I want to know, I probably have to ask Lu Li.

But this opponent seems to be a bit interesting. You beat him for so long and he hasn't been injured yet. It's really strange."

Back to the battle.

When the purple energy that enveloped Lu Li dissipated, Lu Li, wearing a purple wing-horned Tyrannosaurus Knight armor, was right in front of Poseidon.

His right hand had already grasped the front end of the deep harpoon. There is no way to make any progress

"Land from! As expected of you, you can easily receive my attack from the front, hahaha! I really made the right trip this time! You are really strong!"

At this time, Poseidon was completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem.

Lu Li, who had transformed into a wing-horned tyrannosaurus, had the power to easily destroy the core coin.

And Poseidon's own consciousness happened to exist in On the three core coins of the waist drive, if it weren't for Lu Li wanting to know the final answer, this battle would have been easily resolved in an instant.

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