Immediately afterwards, Zuo Shotaro also received the news and rushed towards Poseidon's location at a very fast speed.

X branch of the consortium.

Rem Kaminagi is still waiting for Solu to be sent here.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no result, and even the person who transported Solu had no contact.

Frowning deeply, Rem Kaminagi's face was quite solemn.

"Hurry up and see what's going on. Why can't you contact anyone? Where is the Solu I want?!"

There was a hint of anger in his tone. Rem Kaminagi had been waiting for a long time, but now there is no result. So what happened?

After hearing this, Solaris nodded immediately and quickly went to verify the matter.

Less than ten Within minutes, Solaris hurried back, her face equally serious.

"Lord Rem, according to the information we received, the team transporting Solu has been wiped out. As for Solu, he has also disappeared."

"What did you say?!

I had been waiting for Solu for a long time, but I didn’t expect that something like this happened. Rem Kaminagi was immediately furious.


With a slap on the table, Rem Kaminagi felt like a volcano about to erupt.

What he had already obtained was now cut off. How could he not be angry?

"Solaris, find out who did this! I must find him out, this matter must not be left alone!

He dared to interfere with my plan. Unless he was cut into pieces, it would be difficult to satisfy the hatred in my heart!"

Noting Rem Kaminagi's fierce expression, Solaris quickly lowered her head and shook her head slightly.

"Sorry, the escorting team has been wiped out by the group. As for who stole Solu, we still don’t know yet."

She was really a little frightened. Rem Kaminagi had rarely been as angry as he was now.

Silent, quiet.

The atmosphere in the whole room suddenly dropped, as if the temperature had dropped a few degrees.

After taking two deep breaths, Lei M. Kaminagi looked at Solaris with an indifferent expression and ordered.

"Take the time to look for me immediately, and you must find out who that guy is!"


"By the way, what about the core coin thing? Have you found that guy from the future?"

There is an abnormal situation on Solu's side, and Rem Kaminagi does not want the same abnormal situation to occur on the other side.

If possible, he wants to get the core coins from the future first.

If he gets the core coins first, he will also get the core coins first. Just in case there is a long night and a guy 287 cuts off what he wants.

Solaris had already investigated the matter clearly when she left, and quickly reported back.

"The core coin holder from the future has now arrived in Fengdu. I don’t know why he went to that place."

"When Fengdu heard these two words, Rem Kaminagi frowned unconsciously.

He had also been to Fengdu before, which was a museum.

Why would the guys who hold core coins in the future go to Fengdu?

Regarding this issue, Rem Kaminagi is still not clear about it.

However, it does not stop Rem Kaminagi from getting the core coins from the future first.

"I can't care about that much now. You two go with me. I'm sure the museum won't take the initiative to cause trouble for us."

In Rem Kaminagi's view, the current museum and Consortium X no longer cooperate, but the two parties will not become enemies.

There is no reason for the museum to take the initiative to offend Consortium It doesn't matter much.

Cataru and Solaris looked at each other and nodded in unison. They were also mutamites and could only follow Rem Kaminagi's orders.


While they were preparing to take action, a member of Consortium X suddenly ran in from outside and hurriedly reported

"Lord Rem! Just now we got news that Solu, who had disappeared, appeared in Amanokawa High School, and some incidents occurred."

As he spoke, he took out the computer and played the captured video.

The video played on the computer was the video of Lu Li and Sagittarius fighting. Although it was only sporadic, it was indeed captured. Solu.

According to our tests, this girl is Solu, and she should have copied the appearance of a certain female high school student.

The reporter pointed at Misaki Nadeshiko in the corner of the screen.

For Consortium It's not a very difficult thing. They can do it with their current technology.

"Is the sky high?"

Rem Kannagi's face was extremely gloomy. I didn't expect that even I, Wang Guangming, would be involved in this matter.

You must know that all the funds for the Star Disciple Switch Project are provided by Consortium X, but these guys are still...

Do you really think you won't be angry when you covet something you like ?

"It seems that I should give him a good beating and hope for the future. This guy has obviously forgotten who is giving him huge support! snort! You actually dare to grab what I want. Do you really think I can't find it?"

I thought Solu had been lost, but he didn't expect that he would appear in Tengao. Rem Kamanagi, who originally planned to go to Fengdu first, immediately changed his itinerary and prepared to go to Tengao. What he didn't know was that the video The filming was incomplete, and the real Solu had already been brought back to Fengdu by Lu Li.

Rem Kaminagi took his two confidants to Tiangao at the same time. He also called me Wang Guangming and informed him that he was coming to visit, ha.

Chapter 351: Diverting troubles to the east, judging tyrannical Poseidon, rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

As the person in charge of the Star Disciple Switch Project, Rem Kaminagi definitely has This qualification made me Wang Guangming come to greet him personally.

After all, he represents the investor Consortium X, which is the legendary funder dad!

I just finished cleaning up, and when I heard that Rem was the person in charge of the project plan.

Kaminai is coming, even if he understands what the other party is doing.

What else can it be besides asking for punishment? It is probably related to the woman who carries the energy of the universe. Unexpectedly

, Consortium X noticed this woman early.

, I hope Guangming doesn't feel any nervousness.

After all, Tiangao is his territory, and even Consortium X doesn't dare to mess around here, so let him come. Not here

"Lishen, there will be several guests coming soon. Those guys from Consortium"

As soon as he heard this, Lishenhou's face turned cold and he asked respectfully.

"Sir, do you need me to kill them?"

Li Shen Roar's Leo is not weak in combat power, but he was defeated when facing Lu Li.

Although his performance against Lu Li was a little worse, he was still a solid boss.

Shaking his head slightly, I looked at Guangming and chuckled.

"Don't worry about those guys. If they are willing to come, then just let them come. Are the witnesses here with us?

We can even provide him with the location of the target and let them find trouble for Lu Li.

If we take this opportunity to deepen the conflict between the museum or consortium" What a trick!

I hope Guangming plans to use


Lu Li, who is entangled, naturally has no time to interfere with my Wang Guangming plan.

Even if Consortium

"I hope you are wise!"

Looking at me with a look of reverence, Li Shenhou felt the infinite wisdom from the other person. Only such people are worthy of following him.

"Okay, let’s make a little preparation first, the guests will be coming soon"



Shotaro Zuo and Ryu Terui arrived at the area where Poseidon was at almost the same time.

When the two came here and noticed that the surroundings were severely damaged, their expressions suddenly changed.

One regards this place as his own back garden, and the other is a messenger of justice for the city. How could the two of them watch the city being destroyed and remain indifferent?


There was another explosion sound next to them, and the two rushed over following the sound. They saw a strange-looking knight.

When he noticed the core coin on the opponent's belt, the first reaction in Zuo Shotaro's heart was that Huano Eiji.

But recalling each other's drive and this seemed���If it's different, I'm sure this person is definitely not Hino Eiji.

After doing this for so long, Poseidon still hasn't seen Lu Li, so he is naturally angry.

"Hello! Who the hell are you? Why are you causing destruction here?!"

Seeing the ruined mess around him, Zuo Xiangtaro was naturally in a bad mood. After all, Fengdu was his back garden, and his own back garden was turned into what it is now. It's a ghost to be in a good mood. Hearing the sound coming from behind him.

When the sound came, Poseidon stopped what he was doing, turned his head slightly, and glanced at Shotaro Zuo indifferently.

"Where is Lu Li? Where is Lu Li? Let him come out quickly and have a fight with me!"

"Land from?"

When they heard this name, Zuo Shotaro and Terui Ryu were stunned for a moment.

This guy actually came to Lu Li!

They couldn't believe what they heard. The other party actually came to Lu Li to fight.

If they weren't sure that there was nothing wrong with the guy in front of him, they would have thought that this guy was crazy.

He didn't want to fight with anyone, so he went to Lu Li. This was completely asking for death.

Seeing that both of them seemed to know Lu Li, Bose saw that they both knew Lu Li. Dong suddenly felt overjoyed

"It seems that you two know Lu Li, take me to see him quickly! Otherwise, I will destroy the entire city?"

Poseidon held the extremely deep harpoon in his hand tightly, looking very arrogant.

"No matter who you are, if you want to destroy this city, you will never get what you want!"

"I will protect this city!"

Zuo Shotaro and Terui Ryu took out their respective drives and carried them around their waists.

When they saw the drives on their waists, Poseidon suddenly became interested.

"oh? It turns out that you two are also Kamen Riders. In that case, let me practice with you first! Just think of it as a warm-up for me."

Twisting his neck slightly, Poseidon didn't seem to care whether the two of them were strong or not.

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