Compared to the golden form during the last battle, Lu Li's current form seemed to be not inferior at all.

Recalling the terrible lesson he received in the last battle, Kisaragi Gentaro's expression turned ugly.

Lu Li was like an insurmountable mountain standing in front of him, blocking the only way forward.

"Gentaro, what should I do? Do you want to fight him?"

Sakuda Ryusei took out the pop drive, but he did not transform immediately. Instead, he asked Kisaragi Gentaro first.

0 Asking for flowers....

Just because Shuakuda Ryusei was calm at the moment, he knew very well that even if he fought Lu Li immediately, the possibility of the two of them winning was very slim.

This is not because he is deprecating himself, but after the last battle, he has clearly realized this problem.

The Lu Li in front of him was far more terrifying than he knew.

"certainly! But we must first deal with the star disciples, they are the ones who threaten the safety of the students!"

At this time, Kisaragi Gentaro still has not forgotten his mission.

He will never allow anyone to harm the students of this academy, let alone these guys who transform students into star disciples

"Got it, let’s go together!"

This is not the time to argue and fight with Lu Li. The ones who should be dealt with most should be these star disciples.

As for the priorities of things, Taro Kisaragi clearly understands them.




The two of them completed the transformation at the same time, and they were ready to intervene in the next battle.

Originally Leo and Libra came to find Lu Li, but now Bastard and Pop suddenly appeared to cause trouble, seriously hindering their progress.

Meteor He took the initiative to rush up to Leo and put his hands in a starting position.

"Leo! The revenge last time has not been avenged, this time let us calculate the total ledger!"

As for Libra, of course he is being targeted by Zhou Qi.

They haven't dealt with Bastard Qi and Meteor, and there is no way they can touch Lu Li in this condition.

Leo and Libra looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Since the other party has already found them, Without them, the battle is naturally unavoidable.

As for Lu Li, it can only be left to Sagittarius.

The two sides have already started fighting. The only ones not fighting are Lu Li and Sagittarius wearing the cloak of heaven. , and knew that this battle was unavoidable.

He had wanted to try out what kind of power Lu Li had before, and now was the opportunity.

He held the sky cloak in his right hand and gently pulled it, and he threw the cloak to the ground.

"Lu Li, I have been very curious about you since you fought Leo before.

Now let's see the true story of our subordinates and see who is stronger."

Sagittarius strode over, not giving up the fight just because Lu Li transformed into Garren's emperor form.

Without the restraint of the Tiangong cloak, Sagittarius' complete appearance appeared in front of everyone.

The armor on his body was mainly black, and behind him was a Flame-like red decoration.

The weapon on the left arm is the bow Gilgamesh, and the right arm is equipped with the cosmic energy arrow Apostolos, which can easily shoot through

Sagittarius and other Zodiac disciples. , the combat power seemed not to be on the same level at all.

When Sagittarius became serious, a strong sense of oppression came over.

Meteor and Ceqi, who were originally fighting Leo and Libra, felt this huge pressure..

If Leo was able to suppress the two of them before, then Sagittarius seems to be more powerful than Leo now.

Being targeted by Sagittarius, Lu Li didn't feel any nervousness at all, and he shook his right hand out of the air. A heavy gun that was close to his own appeared in Lu Li's hand.

In terms of weight, the Awakening Gun was not inferior to the Awakening Staff at all.

The emerald green eye armor lit up. Lu Li held the two handles of the heavy gun with both hands. Aiming at Sagittarius, the targeted Sagittarius became alert and immediately unfolded Gilgamesh's left hand.

"call out!!"

Sagittarius fired red arrows, and Lu Li simply pulled the trigger, releasing green energy bombs from the muzzle.


The two energies suddenly collided together and exploded instantly.

When the two energies collided, it gave people a feeling of being evenly matched.

This was done by a guy who personally experienced Lu Li's powerful power. He saw that Lu Li and Sagittarius seemed to be evenly matched. , the obsession in his heart is not that deep.

Since the other party can be evenly matched with Sagittarius, there is no shame in him not being able to defeat him. Before the explosion of fire dissipated, Sagittarius instantly passed through the fire and rushed towards Lu Li. And go.

During the attack, Sagittarius sometimes pulled away Gilgamesh on his left arm, and the light of the flame turned into a terrifying arrow, which was completely made of flames. When, the pattern of Sagittarius suddenly appeared

"call out!!"

The fiery red arrow shot out instantly.

And at the moment it was shot out, the arrow formed by the flames immediately split into dozens of arrows, attacking from all angles.

Each flaming arrow had a very terrifying

Lu Li did not make any other unnecessary movements, but took a step back with his right foot and pointed the gun upward.


A green energy bullet gathered at the muzzle. When it was aimed upward and shot out, it instantly split into countless needle-shaped energy.

It was like rain falling down.

When these green needle-shaped energy hit the flaming arrow, The flaming arrows containing terrifying energy were also neutralized on the spot.

Chapter 349: I have never seen such a request. The interrupted supernova.

The two sides were already close at hand, and a fierce melee broke out regardless of whether it was Sagittarius. Lu Li was still best at long-range shooting in his current form, but the melee abilities the two of them displayed were not comparable to those of Meteor and Bastard.


The collision between Gilgamesh and the Awakening Spear caused dazzling sparks to fly out.

The firelight illuminated the two men in close combat.

It gave the impression that both sides were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other.

But the fact is really Is that true?

Even if Lu Li doesn't achieve full fusion, he won't lose to Sagittarius in his imperial form, even if he is a Sagittarius supernova, let alone

Lu Li who has now achieved full fusion.

Therefore, the main purpose of fighting Sagittarius was to test the strength of Garren's fully integrated emperor form.

No matter how powerful Sagittarius' attack was, Lu Li could easily resist it. Unscathed.

At first, Sagittarius didn't notice anything unusual, but as the battle progressed, Sagittarius clearly felt that Lu Li was letting go.

He was the most powerful sun in the Zodiac. During the battle, he was betrayed by Lu Li, which made him feel very bad.

"snort! Lu Li, if you can, defeat me, otherwise you will definitely not be able to take this girl away today!"

Sagittarius said harsh words unwilling to admit defeat. To put it bluntly, he was unhappy with Lu Li's betrayal of him.

He is the strongest star disciple, so he wants his enemies to betray him, how shameless?

Anyway, he still has a supernova in his trump card, no? It makes sense that he would lose to Lu Li like this.

After some testing, Lu Li had roughly understood that the power of Garren's fully integrated emperor form was indeed much stronger than before.

When Lu Li heard that Sagittarius actually dared to say harsh words. I have never seen such a request as"Zero One Seven" that deserves a beating.

"Since the other party had already made such a request, Lu Li had no reason not to agree.

The strength of his hand suddenly increased and he swept Gilgamesh away.

Then Lu Li quickly swept his legs, heading towards Sagittarius's head.

Having been a Sagittarius for many years, I hope to bring the power of Sagittarius to its maximum.

He reacted instantly and quickly put his arms sideways.


The terrifying power bombarded his arm. Sagittarius thought he could easily block it.

But after feeling the terrifying power, his face suddenly changed.


As soon as I exclaimed, I was blown away by a powerful force.

I turned 360 degrees in the air and landed on the ground. I staggered back a few steps before I could barely stand still.

The slight numbness on my arms made me feel uncomfortable. After realizing, Lu Li is probably really serious now.

Sure enough, Lu Li is a very terrifying and powerful opponent!

Shaking his slightly numb arm, Sagittarius looked serious.

"Since you want me to be more serious, then I will be a little more serious, but......Do you think you can handle it?"

��Before the sound fell, Lu Li's extremely flamboyant golden figure had disappeared from the spot.

I, who have mastered the full power of Sagittarius, have extremely keen perception.

The threat is behind!

He immediately raised his right arm, and the cosmic energy arrow Apostolos fixed on his right arm was instantly launched.

However, Sagittarius thought Lu Li would attack from behind.

But when he launched Apostolos, he found that there was no one behind him.


Sagittarius reacted instantly, and he was deceived by his own intuition!

Before he could adjust his posture immediately, Lu Li appeared on his right side at some point, with the muzzle of the reawakening gun aimed at his right waist and abdomen.

"You seem to be looking at the wrong target."

A cold voice came, and at the same time, the energy gathered at the muzzle of the reawakening gun was fired.


From this close range bombardment, even the powerful Sagittarius cannot react in an instant.


Screaming in pain

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