If I cooperate with the other party, there might be a chance to prevent me from opening the door to the light.

You must prevent this from happening at all costs. Once the jump door is opened, you will regret it.

Lu Li always only cooperates with people who are beneficial to him.

Since I hope Guangming will be useless soon, Lu Li will of course abandon him and look for other partners.

It just so happens that Emoto Shuhui is the most important chess piece beside me Wang Guangming.

With him providing me with the news of my hope anytime and anywhere, I don’t have to worry about the old fox deceiving me.

After all, Lu Li can't stare at me all the time. If this guy suddenly finds a place to open the jump door, Lu Li won't have anywhere to cry.

"No, no, no, I hope the cooperation between Guangming and me is coming to an end. Now I need to find a new partner, and you are the best choice."


Jiang Benshu Hui was slightly startled, obviously he didn't understand why he was the best collaborator.

"That's right, it's you. You are not loyal to me, Wang Guangming, and you oppose his actions.

Once the jump gate is opened on the earth, it is possible to cause any amount of damage. You know this very well. You don't want it to be opened on the earth, and I can help you do this.

And I promise that I will not open the jump door on the earth. After all, the earth is my home base, and I have no interest in destroying the earth."

Lu Li has completely grasped Jiang Benzhouhui.

Even if he doesn't want to agree in his heart, does Jiang Benzhouhui still have any choice at this moment?

Clenching his fists tightly, Jiang Benzhouhui fell into deep thought.

He didn't He knew whether he should agree to it or not.

But he knew very well that the jump door must not be opened on the earth, otherwise everything on the earth might be ruined, but the impact would be huge.

"Mr. Lu Li, how can you be sure that I will definitely agree to your request?

Although I don't want the jump gate to open on Earth, I'm not sure what dangerous things you will do after you get the Zodiac Disciple Switch."

At this moment, Emoto Shuhui still wants to discuss the conditions.

If possible, he would like to directly destroy the Zodiac Star Disciple switch. Only in this way is it safe enough.

"Are you still qualified to negotiate terms? Now there is only the last Zodiac Disciple switch left to get, and time is already so tight.

Now that we have reached this point, what qualifications do you think you have to negotiate terms?"

These straightforward words made Jiang Benshuhui fall silent for an instant.

Lu Li's words directly spoke to his heart, and Jiang Benshuhui understood in his heart that there was not much time left for him.

If If I don't choose to cooperate with Lu Li, I may not be able to stop me from seeing the light. I 'm afraid there's nothing I can do if I just rely on Qi Qi and Meteor. Sighing slightly, Jiang Benshu Huixin knew that he had no choice. It's time to cooperate with Lu Li, which is the best way

.good! I promise your cooperation and hope that Mr. Lu Li will keep your word and will not open the door to jump on Earth."

Now he doesn't want to think so much, as long as he can save the earth.

Emoto Shuhui will eventually agree to his terms and cooperate with him. Lu Li doesn't find it strange at all. They have reached the end of their rope and are not looking for a new one at this time. There is only one way to die.

It is because of his phone call that Jiang Benzhouhui saw hope of being able to fight against me.

Logically speaking, Lu Li can be regarded as Jiang Benzhouhui's greatest strength. benefactor

"Mr. Lu Li, tell me your conditions. What do you want me to do?"

Since it is an exchange, Lu Li will naturally come up with corresponding conditions. Now Emoto Shuhui just hopes that this condition will not be too difficult.

"My request is very simple. I need you to tell me when I see the light and gather all the zodiac signs.

Although this old fox cooperates with me on the surface, in his heart I am afraid he has already thought about how to go to the Dark Nebula alone.

I don't want this old fox to secretly open the door to the jump. I may not have time to stop him then. You can understand what I mean."

Hearing this, Jiang Benshu Hui finally agreed.

Understand, I know what to do, don't worry, once there is news about the switch of the last Zodiac Star Disciple, I will tell you as soon as possible."

He doesn't have much time to plan slowly. Time is tight and there is no other way to choose.

In this way, Lu Li and Jiang Benzhouhui temporarily reached a cooperation.

The cooperation between the two parties is not strong. Lu Li is completely dominant, while Jiang Benshu Hui can only be dominated.

Because he didn't have any qualifications or conditions for negotiation, he had no other option except cooperating with Lu Li.

Afterwards, Lu Li hung up the phone.

With Emoto Shuhui, a Virgo, acting as my internal agent, even if I want to hide the information, it will be impossible.

Looking at the hung up phone in his hand, Jiang Benshuhui fell silent for a moment.

There was a look of half joy and half worry on his face. He was happy that he finally had a chance to stop me from seeing the light, but he was worried about what Lu Li would do next.

Regarding Lu Li, Jiang Benzhouhui didn't know much about him. It could even be said that he knew very little.

To rashly cooperate with such people is a very dangerous thing in itself, no less than seeking the skin of a tiger.

But in order to prevent me from seeing the light, Emoto Shuteri now has no choice at all. He can only do this, and he must do this!

"Lu Li. I have put everything on you. I hope this is not a wrong decision."

He doesn't know what kind of decision he has made, but since he has made this decision, he can only follow the current decision.

No matter whether it is a dead end ahead or not, you will only know if you have walked through it!

If Lu Li is prepared to... The door to the jump is opened on the earth, and Emoto Shuhui must stop Lu Li even if he fights to the death. He is ready to die , but before that, he still needs to continue to hide himself and be a Virgo. Work, I can't let Wang Guangming doubt it.

Two days later, a bunch of meteorites fell from space to the Earth, and everyone in the Kamen Rider Department naturally noticed it.

Logically speaking, it is unlikely that so many meteorites would fall to the ground at the same time. It is very strange that the meteorites fell from various places to various countries on the earth.

Consortium X had already detected the meteorites when they fell.

Rem Kaminagi had known about the news from the beginning, and immediately arranged for his department to estimate where these meteorites would fall, in order to dispatch people from Consortium X as soon as possible. Collect the things on the meteorite for the first time

SOLU(Soru) I

After Rem Kaminagi's research on the Star Disciple switch data during this period, he has developed another switch.

And this kind of switch still needs Solu to become complete and become a more powerful Solu switch.

At the same time, he also needs to borrow the power of the core coin to combine the power of the core coin with the power of the switch. As long as he controls this powerful force, he will become the most powerful existence in the world.

By that time, he will be able to control everything and become the king of the new world.

As for Consortium X, in his eyes, it is just a stepping stone and of no importance at all.

Once he becomes the most powerful being, Consortium X, he can be destroyed in a matter of seconds.

A country in the Middle East.

The people from Consortium X rushed to the estimated location of the meteorite fall as soon as possible.

A mysterious substance was extracted from the meteorite, which came from Mars Solu.

After extracting the mysterious substance, Solu was immediately sent to the X branch of the consortium.

At the same time, Lu Li naturally also received news about the meteorite falling.

When the meteorite fell, all Lu Li could think of was the movie version related to Rem Kaminagi.

In other words, the falling meteorite carried Solu on it.

The Solu who can imitate the material transformation system.

Lu Li was also very curious about Solu. Solu was just the abbreviation, the full name should be Seeds.of.Life.fromthe.Universe!

That is, the seeds of life from the universe!

It was an extremely special life form, and Lu Li certainly didn't want to miss it.

It had not been long since the meteorite fell, and Lu Li got the news immediately, which meant that Solu had not been sent to Consortium X yet.

Moreover, there is another thing that Lu Li is more concerned about, and that is whether a group of old hooligans from the Showa era will also appear.

According to the original plot, these old gangsters also appeared in the plot. It is not a good thing for these guys to intervene.

Even though Lu Li is now very powerful and doesn't need to be afraid of these old gangsters from Showa, it is still a troublesome thing.

What's more, these old gangsters usually fight in groups of 700. Lu Li doesn't want to experience the feeling of being beaten by a group.

It's useless to think about it now. If these guys are really here, Lu Li just needs to pay more attention.

Although the old gangsters from Zhao and He were very powerful, Lu Li did not necessarily have to fight them head-on. It was no problem to avoid them through other means.

With a plan in mind, Lu Li immediately arranged for a group of people to go out and gave them orders to keep an eye on the people in Consortium

According to the plot, when Solu was sent to Consortium X, he did pass through Fengdu.

Lu Li didn't need to go out to find the other party at all, he just needed to keep an eye on Feng Du.

These guys are going to come to your door eventually anyway, it's all the same.

As for Poseidon, the knight from the future, Lu Li���Not much interest.

Although it is a core coin from the future, compared with the core coin in Lu Li's hand, even a core coin from a few decades in the future cannot be stronger than the core coin of an evil organization.

On the seaside of the city where Hongshang Foundation is located.

The coast has been blocked at this time. Hongshang Foundation relied on its strong financial resources to block the surrounding area.

This place is also where one of the meteorites fell.

But when the meteorite fell, an extremely powerful energy suddenly burst out, creating a huge hole in the sea.

It was pitch black inside the cavity and nothing could be seen at all, but there was a strong energy inside.

Faced with this situation, Hongshang Foundation immediately monitored the huge hole.

After some monitoring, it was discovered that there was spatial distortion inside this cavity.

Strong energy is released inside the cavity, which feels like a black hole.

The monitors were monitoring the situation inside the cavity, but at this moment, energy suddenly emerged inside the cavity, and a blue light poured out from the dark cavity.

There is a figure in the blue light, hitting the shore hard


The sudden scene made everyone very vigilant. The Self-Defense Forces next to them immediately raised their assault rifles.

When the smoke cleared, what came into view was a rather strange-looking Kamen Rider.

He was holding a A sharp spear weapon, with three core coins on the driver at his waist.

"It seems... the time movement was successful.

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