Things like cleaning the room were completed in a short time.

Seeing the spotless room, a smile appeared on Di Muzou's face.

Of course he also knew that Lu Li would come with him, so he had no resistance in his heart.

His daughter's resurrection was all due to Lu Li's help. He was now a cadre of the museum, so there was really no reason to refuse Lu Li.

Just as Di Muzhuo was tidying up the room, Lu Li and Dimu Li were getting closer and closer to the villa in the suburbs.

Along the way, Lu Li clearly felt something small following him.

Apart from Fueki Kanade, the only person who can think of being able to achieve this level is Kao Shina Haruto.

I'm afraid that after Koyomi disappeared, this guy has been sending familiars to look for Koyomi.

I'm afraid he happened to be seen earlier, so the familiar followed him.

Lu Li stretched out his right hand from the window, held down his thumb, and flicked it backwards.

A ball of energy exuding a dark golden shimmer left his thumb and flew back.

The unicorn familiar, who had been following closely behind the car, was about to continue following, but a ball of dark golden energy suddenly flew over.

The instinctive reaction of the unicorn familiar is to avoid this ball of energy.

But when the unicorn familiar jumped up to avoid the energy, the dark golden energy, which was only the size of a thumb, suddenly opened up and turned into a large net.

? ? ?

Faced with this sudden situation, the unicorn familiar did not react for a moment.

Dang even being pressed to the ground by this dark golden energy net, the unicorn familiar was firmly nailed to the ground as if it was sticky.

The unicorn familiar looked at the car that had disappeared from sight, and suddenly became angry.

He was so angry that he jumped up and down like crazy, but there was absolutely nothing he could do.

He was trapped inexplicably, and the master's mission was not completed yet.

Lu Li, who was sitting in the car, had a slight smile on his lips.

"Sample, you still want to drive with me? dream."

Just for a little guy to want to track his car and know his whereabouts is like a dream.

Di Muli heard it clearly, but she didn't understand what Lu Li just said.

"Brother Lu, what were you talking about just now? With what car?"

Seeing the curious look on the girl's face, Lu Li couldn't help but rub her head gently.

Dimo Li has almost completely adapted to the little intimate gestures between the two, and he won't blush like before.

"Nothing, just a little mouse following us"

"ah?! little mouse?"

A flash of surprise flashed across his face, and Dimuli turned back with curiosity, wanting to see what this so-called mouse was. What he could see through the car window was that besides the highway, there were only cars. What was there? Little mouse.

Frowning slightly, the little girl began to think about what the little mouse Lu Li just said was, but unfortunately, she couldn't figure it out.

The car had arrived in the suburbs, and the surrounding environment had become relatively quiet.

The reason why Dimu Zuo built a villa in this place was mainly for Dimu Li.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass.

Thank you for the monthly pass. Thank you for the monthly pass.

Please give me some Huahua tickets!

Chapter 338 This is really a thought! It's different! In order to give Li a quiet and undisturbed living environment,

Golemlin was targeted. The noise of the city was not suitable for Li who was sick before. The environment here was very quiet, relatively speaking. It said it was more suitable. Not long after, the car finally arrived at the destination. There was another road up there, which was the destination. It was not needed at all. When Lu Li left, they went to find a place by themselves. Diemuzou was already waiting here. When he opened the car door, Diemuzou couldn't wait to rush over.


With a doting smile on his face, Dimu Kano gently hugged Koyori and rubbed her head.

This action made Dimu Koyomi feel like he was back when he was a child again, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Come on, I've already packed up the above. Mr. Lu and this lady, come together."

Looking at the familiar environment around him, Dimu Koyomi's face was filled with joy, as if he was a child again.

The father and daughter walked in front, followed by Lu Li and Satonaka Erika.

He stretched slightly and opened After riding in the car for so long, Erika Satonaka also felt a little stiff.

"Uh~! Boss, next time you want me to drive to such a far distance on a business trip, could you please let me know in advance?

You caught me off guard like this, so I wasn't even properly prepared."

The curvy figure was clearly visible, and Erika Satonaka didn't seem to mind showing off her figure in front of Lu Li at all.

She pressed Erika Satonaka's lower back without any trace, and a strange energy entered her body..

Originally, Erika Satonaka felt her body was a little stiff and tired, but when she was suddenly pressed, the feeling of fatigue disappeared without a trace.

A strong look of surprise flashed in Satonaka's eyes. Erika's eyes were almost glued to Lu Li's body.

"Boss, how did you do that just now? Can you teach me something, so that I don’t have to worry about my body getting tired in the future?"

You can't learn this thing.

What's more, Erika Satonaka is just an ordinary person now.

Even if she is an ordinary person with relatively strong combat power, she still belongs to the category of ordinary people.

Naturally, she cannot master the use of energy.

What's more, In order to master energy first, you must first have energy, but obviously, Erika Satonaka does not currently have such conditions.

"You can't do it now. After all, you are just an ordinary person now, how about it? Do you want to consider joining the museum completely? Everything you want is there."

Yes, Lu Li is indeed inviting Erika Satonaka to join the museum.

Previously, although Erika Satonaka joined the company, she did not join the museum.

She knew what kind of organization the museum was, so she was still thinking about it. Should I join this question? I didn’t directly join it before.

Now that I have thought about it for so long, Lu Li feels that Erika Satonaka has already got the result, so it’s time to give him the second answer.

This invitation was also the last one.

If Erika Satonaka still refused this time, Lu Li would probably not invite her again.

Hearing this, Erika Satonaka paused slightly, and her whole body fell into confusion. She was thinking.

She was thinking about whether she should really join the museum.

Joining the museum would mean that she would gain powerful power, but this power would not be gained by herself, but through other means.

For example, a doped body, or a greedy person, no matter what kind of person they are, they all have powerful power, but Erika Satonaka always likes to dress herself up beautifully, if she becomes a doped person. The appearance of her body is really not good-looking. She is still very concerned about this aspect.

This is also the main reason why Erika Satonaka has not agreed to it since she joined the company.

He also has a certain understanding.

It is already quite difficult for him to extend an invitation to himself for the second time.

If he refuses this time, he may not have another chance in the future.

As the secretary of the general manager of the company, Sonosaki Wakana.

The people she faced every day were all museum officials, but she was not one.

She had thought about joining the museum, but this problem has never been resolved.

"Well, boss, it's not impossible for me to join, but can you make me not so ugly when I transform?

Many of the doped substances seemed to look bad.

Hearing this answer, Lu Li really didn't know whether to laugh or what to do.

There seems to be something completely wrong about this concern!

What others care about is whether the power is strong, but what Erika Satonaka cares about is whether she looks good after her transformation.

It’s really... outrageous!

I really want to lift off her Tianling cover and see what’s going on inside.

"You agreed, right?"


This time, Erika Satonaka nodded without any hesitation.

She just paid great attention to appearance. The appearance was so ugly that she felt uncomfortable.

"I will help you refer to it later and choose pure memory for your memory."

Lu Li is not 100% sure about whether he will become ugly or not.

At the same time, after twisting the accelerator and speeding for a while, Kao Zhenharuto finally found the unicorn familiar.

When he arrived When he came here, he found that the unicorn familiar was trapped in place.

The weak energy was like a net suppressing the unicorn familiar.

When he saw this, he immediately used magic to destroy it. After removing the net made of energy, the unicorn familiar was freed.

He didn't know who trapped the unicorn familiar in this place, but he could probably guess the purpose of doing so. In order not to let the unicorn familiar continue to follow

, who is it?

Could it be the other people in the car?

Qo Zhenharuto immediately started to collect it from the unicorn. The information he learned was just as he thought, the person who trapped the unicorn familiar on the road was the person in the car.

As for who that person was, the unicorn familiar did not know. See.

The clues ended here, and no more traces were found.

Standing up, Kao Zhenharuto looked around and found that this was already the outskirts of Tori/Ujingzaka.

He couldn't help but frown. Will he take it to the suburbs?

He can't figure out this issue at the moment, but since the number of vehicles traveling in the suburbs is relatively small, it is better to find a needle in a haystack in the city.

, Kao Zhenqingren plans to drive along the road for a while to see if he can find some clues. It would be best if he can find clues. If he can't find any clues, he will think of other methods.

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