But during this period, almost none of the magic doors that Medusa was looking for gave birth to magicians.

This made Di Muzhuo feel a little dissatisfied.

But he didn't criticize Medusa too much. You must know that Cao Zhenharuto, who can become the only magician in the Sabbat, is simply one in a million.

It is not easy to overcome the despair in your heart with your own strength.

When people face despair, they almost always choose to give up on themselves instead of looking for new hope.

Obtaining the qualifications to become a magician is not easy.

But he had promised Lu Li that he would do this well. No matter how troublesome it was, he had to keep doing it.

Thinking of his resurrected daughter, Dimuzou couldn't help but smile on his face, and he was full of energy.

Everything is being implemented in an orderly manner.

There is another side where the sky is high.

Since the Hollow Polarization has been successfully achieved, the speed of collecting the switches of the Zodiac Stars has become faster and faster.

After remembering the previous Capricorn, a new zodiac sign appeared, that is Aquarius.

It's a pity that both the previous Capricorn and the current Aquarius were defeated in the end. I hope Guangming just recycled these two star disciple switches.

But for me, this is enough.

What he really needs is just the star disciple switch of the zodiac, not the star disciple.

In the end, all it takes is the Zodiac Disciple switch to open the jump door to the Dark Nebula.

Opening the jump gate in this way will have a huge impact. He is the only one who can go to the Dark Nebula, and the rest will be buried together with the earth.

Not all twelve houses can be as loyal as Lishenhou.

If they need to use the Zodiac Disciples to switch on and off, it will be troublesome for these people to regret it.

Indirectly solving these problems in advance can be regarded as one less trouble.

Since acquiring the Eye of Laplace, Hayami Hoshi has been able to see the corresponding zodiac signs and fates of his students, indirectly regaining his previous status.

Although he is still relatively weak in terms of combat effectiveness, he is indeed very important to my hope for the future.

Without the Eye of Laplace, it would be difficult to find the Zodiac disciples in such a short period of time.

Hayami Koi suddenly stood up again, which made him very unhappy because he was not used to the Tachigami roar.

But considering that this guy is very useful to me now, Lishenhou didn't do anything drastic.

I hope inside the Guangming office

"I look at you, sir. Just now, I saw another suitable student. His zodiac sign is Taurus, one of the zodiac signs.々"

Hayami Koi told me what he had just discovered with a smile on his face.

When I learned that there was another zodiac sign, I looked at the light and a smile suddenly appeared on my face.

"oh! Taurus? Hahaha! That's great. I didn't expect to find another Zodiac so quickly. Hayami, I'm very satisfied with your recent performance.

Then you should seize the time and get him to press the switch as soon as possible and become the new Zodiac.

I am very satisfied with Hayami Koei's actions during this period.

I was already extremely disappointed with Hayami Fair and looked at the bright future and chose to believe in him again.

Nodding vigorously, Hayami Koei assured with a confident expression.

"Please rest assured, sir, that he is still in class now, and I will find him after the class is over.

Talking to him about this in person will definitely make him flip the switch."

The feeling of being trusted by the boss makes Hayami feel very comfortable.

He doesn't have much ambition or pursuit. The only thing he wants is to be watched by me.

Now that he has done it, he is the same as before..Has successfully found two Zodiacs, and now finds the third Zodiac, allowing him to get the attention of me as he wished.

Afterwards, Hayami Noibo left the office and prepared to go find Nozomi after class. The student of Awakening Taurus.

After Hayami Eiroji left, Tachigamihou glanced at me and hesitated to speak.

Naturally, his every move could not escape my eyes.

"Lishen, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. There are no outsiders here."


Li Shenhou nodded and told me his worries to Wang Guangming.

"Sir, I'm worried about something.

Before he could say anything, I Wang Guangming had already said it for him.

"You mean to say Lu Li, right?"

Hearing this, Li Shenhou nodded immediately.

But I couldn't see any nervousness on Wang Guangming's face, and he still looked calm.

"Lishen, do you think Lu Li alone is qualified to compete with me for the right to go to the Dark Nebula?

Lu Li's previous display of strength may have been good, and even you were defeated by him.

But I can tell you clearly that my power will be stronger than him. Even if I can't defeat him in my normal form, don't forget that I have the power of a supernova."

As soon as he heard the word"supernova", Lishenhou's eyes suddenly flashed with light."

Master Wang is so confident in his own strength that even he has never really seen the power of Master Wang Supernova."

He was full of expectations in his heart. I even want to see with my own eyes the unrivaled power of my bright supernova

"I hope you are wise!"

"Well, now we have nine Zodiac Disciple switches in our hands, and the only ones left are Taurus, Gemini and Pisces. Collect all and everything will kick off."

I have gathered so many Zodiac Star Disciple switches in a short period of time, and I am looking forward to it in my heart.

My long-cherished wish many years ago is getting closer!

He is going to the Dark Nebula to meet in person. Meet the giver!

Koyomi has been living in the Sonosaki family during this period, and her life is quite happy.

She has the memories of her life, but when she becomes a living dead doll who needs to rely on magic power to survive, the relationship between The memory seems to be locked up.

She doesn't remember what happened after her death, and she doesn't know that she has a memory of the doll. Otherwise, she might have run back to the beginning of


, Dimuli still felt that his resurrection was very incredible, and he got used to it later.

But as he lived during this period, Dimuli suddenly discovered one thing, that is, his body seemed to be much stronger than ordinary people. Even more powerful, both in terms of strength and explosive power.

She couldn't figure out what was going on, but she was too embarrassed to ask Lu Li about it, which made her a little bit overwhelmed.

It seems that he is just an ordinary person, but the power of ordinary people is completely incomparable to him.

With doubts in his heart, Dimuli finally took the initiative to find Lu Li.

Compared with other people living in the Sonosaki family. The person Di Muli was most afraid of communicating with was Lu Li.

It was more out of shyness than fear.

As soon as he recalled being seen naked by Lu Li when he came back, Di Muli did not dare to take the initiative to contact Lu Li.

Just after Lu Li and Shi Mo came back, Di Mu Li finally summoned the courage to go find Lu Li.

Looking at the very reserved Di Mu Li, Lu Li shook his head helplessly. Why did this girl care about that matter so much?

To be able to resurrect Dimu Li, it was necessary for

Hahara Lai to take off his clothes and carry out targeted cultivation of Amazon cells in the nutrient tank. However, Hahara Lai had no objection in his heart. Lu Li could do it with confidence: but Di Mu did it. This girl, because the first thing she saw after waking up was Lu Li, she didn't particularly dare to talk to Lu Li, which made him very speechless.

But he didn't expect that the sun would rise in the west today.

"、~Li, do you have any questions?"

Dimu Li, who was already nervous, couldn't help but blush after hearing (Qian Lihao's) question. He nodded weakly, Di Mu Li put his jade hands behind his back and looked at his toes.

See. With her like this, Lu Li smiled helplessly. He reached out his hand naturally and pinched Dimu Li's smooth face!

This action frightened Dimu Li, and he unconsciously wanted to retreat, but She was nervous, but she accidentally kicked the chair behind her. Her steps were unsteady, and she was about to fall to the ground.

She was startled and immediately closed her eyes nervously, even though she was already very nervous. She had fast reaction speed and super reflexes, but she wasn't able to fully adapt to it yet.

However, the picture that Dimoli imagined she would fall to the ground did not appear. She felt as if she fell into a solid embrace. His tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, only to find that he could already lie in Lu Li's arms.

After reacting, Dimoli quickly stood up with a blush on his face.

"Stand firm and don't fall again. If you fall again, I won't pick you up."

Demoli, who was still blushing at first, suddenly froze the smile on his face when he heard this.

Seeing Lu Li sit back and minding his own business, Dimoli pouted his lips unhappily.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, just say it directly. No need to beat around the bush. There is no one else here."

Lu Li probably guessed that Dimuli should have some doubts about her current physical condition.

Taking a deep breath, Dimuli shook his head, put aside what just happened, and asked actively

"Brother Lu, I just want to know why my body.....My body seems to be very powerful, and it doesn’t even feel like my own body?"

Her body could be said to be very weak and sickly before. She couldn't even lift any ordinary heavy objects, but now she feels like she can lift someone.

This is for a little girl who looks very weak. It is very abnormal in itself, and it is not surprising that Di Muli would think of this.

This is not something that cannot be told. Lu Li nodded and explained the situation.

Chapter 337: Returning home, the excited Master followed.

"Li, you must know that you are already dead, and the reason why you are resurrected is because the cells in your body are replaced with a very special kind of cells.

These cells are similar to human cells, but they are different from human cells.

Using this kind of cell resurrection will indeed give you more power than ordinary people, but don't be too nervous, these powers will not affect your other aspects.

Yu is the same as you. She also relies on this kind of cells to resurrect. If you don't believe me, you can ask.

After the Amazon cells have been improved, they have long since become completely different from the original ones. Except that their own cells are no longer human cells, there is no difference between them and humans at all.

After listening to Lu Li's last sentence, Di Muli nodded quickly.

"letter! I believe!"

Being able to be resurrected is a very unnatural thing, and it is reasonable for some changes to occur, and there is nothing strange about it.

Dimu Li was not too nervous because of this, and it was not that bad.

Afterwards, Di Muli was very embarrassed. He lowered his head slightly and whispered:

"land.....Brother Lu, can I trouble you with something?

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