Now that there was no threat to her survival, she felt she should return the things.

Shi Mo didn't check the contents of the handbag carefully, he only knew that there was a lot of money in it.

Who should she return the handbag to? The first thing she thought of was yesterday's detective.

Maybe the person who lost his handbag asked the detective to find him. It should be no problem to return the thing to him.

As for the location of the detective's residence, Shi Mo determined based on the acquaintance between Lu Li and Zuo Xiangtaro last night. Lu Li definitely knew where it was.

Seeing that Shi Mo really wanted to return the things, Lu Li didn't take it to heart.

He knew there was a Gaian memory inside the handbag.

But that thing is completely useless to him and has no use.

If you return it, return it. The trouble is not yours anyway.

So, the two of them went to the Ming/Minghai Detective Agency together.

After spending some time, the two came to the detective agency.

Lu Li couldn't help but think about it, it seemed like a long time had passed since the last time he came to Ming/Wuhai Detective Agency.

I still remember the first time I came here just to look for Naru/Ukai Shokichi.

Now here again, I wonder if Philip and the others would be very surprised when they saw him coming?

Thinking of this, Lu Li couldn't help but smile.

"here....Is this the detective's office?"

Looking at the billiards hall in front of him, a flash of doubt flashed in Shi Mo's eyes.

"It's on the second floor. The detective office is on the second floor above. Come on, go up and take a look and you'll know."

With that said, Lu Li walked inside.

Shi Mo nodded thoughtfully and immediately followed with long legs.

Inside the detective agency.

Tsubasaki Tadata came here early in the morning, mainly because he was worried about his situation. As for the memory, he wanted to get it back as soon as possible.

The longer the handbag was outside, the more likely it would be discovered.

Once discovered, it would be very troublesome for him. The body is still very strict. Once someone uses this kind of supernatural power, they will be arrested.

Of course, the premise of all this is that there is no power behind the target.

After all, the people in the museum are using memory, but no one has been seen. After being arrested, who would let someone behind his back?

"Sorry, Chuta, I originally met the witch yesterday, but something unexpected happened.

I couldn't get your bag back, and I didn't have time to tell her about your desire to meet the witch.

Shotaro Zuo was full of charm, but his work as a detective this time was indeed a bit unqualified!

But this matter happened to be related to Lu Li. Even if he wanted to help this seemingly infatuated man, he couldn't do anything.

People have to learn to compromise, and this is the current situation of Zuo Shotaro.

The overwhelming fear forced him to compromise, at least for the current situation.

The main thing is that one day he can overcome this fear, and maybe he won't continue to compromise, but not now.

Chuta Tsubasaki, who was originally full of expectations, changed his face slightly when he learned that his handbag had not been returned, and he felt a little unnatural.

The reason why he said he fell in love at first sight yesterday was because he wanted Zuo Shotaro and the others to stop focusing on his handbag.

But now I haven't even gotten my handbag back, it's just a waste of time.

If he had known this, he would have never come here to waste his time.

Even though he was very unhappy inside, he still concealed it very well, with a forced smile on his face.

"It doesn't matter, I'm troubling you this time, as long as that girl is fine, that's fine.

By the way, if you see her again next time, please tell her that she must live a good life."

Until now, Tsubozaki Chuta seems to be still struggling with his deep feelings.

Naru/Uka Ajuko put the glass of water he had just poured on the table and quickly responded.

"No problem, no problem!"

In the final analysis, this matter can be regarded as the detective agency's incompetence and failure to complete the client's commission. This is already considered dereliction of duty. It is already quite good that the other party does not pursue them. How can it not be possible if they make a small request? ?

"Okay, in that case, I'll leave first.

Chuta Tsubasaki, who said he was ready to leave, was not ready to give up, but was ready to find another way.

This detective seems to be unreliable, but in order to get the memory back, he doesn't mind looking for some cruel people.

Those guys have a lot of people and a wide range of influence, so they should have no problem finding a woman.

At this moment, the door to the detective office suddenly opened without even a knock on the door.

I thought there was a new commission coming to my door, so before Naru Haiya Shuzi could even look over, the words came out automatically.

"Welcome, do you have any entrustment to our detective agency?"

When he looked over, his eyes suddenly glazed over. Not only Naru/Ukai Ajuko, but also Zuo Shotaro and Tsubasaki Chuta

【Land from?! What the hell? Why is he here?! 】

Ming/Wu Haiya Shuzi had a trace of panic in her eyes. She never expected that Lu Li would suddenly appear in the detective agency.

Although I haven't seen Lu Li for a long time, the fear brought by Lu Li always makes people shudder.

The small body trembled slightly, and Yasukiko Narukai got behind Zuo Shotarou.

And when hiding behind Zuo Shotaro, Naru Haiyajuko noticed that it was not only herself who was afraid, but also Zuo Shotaro.

Even though Zuo Shotarou's body movements were relatively subtle, Naru Kaiyajuko could still feel them.

Seeing Lu Li suddenly come to the door, Zuo Xiangtaro's face was very solemn.

Mainly because he was worried that Lu Li came here because of yesterday's incident, in case he offended Lu Li yesterday.

Even if he doesn't say that he knows Lu Li very well, Zuo Xiangtaro has had some contact with Lu Li and knows very well what kind of person he is.

Logically speaking, since I didn't provoke him last night, let alone offend him, I shouldn't have done anything to him, right?

In the end, Chuta Tsubasaki's eyes were mainly focused on Tokimo's hands.

That's right, it was in Shi Mo's hands.

Because he saw that what Shi Mo was holding was his handbag.

What does it mean?

Is the other party here to take the initiative to return his handbag?

If that's the case, then that's great for him. He just hopes that the memory inside has not been discovered by the other party.

With a hint of ecstasy in his heart, his attention was not on Shi Mo at all, he only cared about the handbag.

Phillip, who was originally in the basement, suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling that something was happening above.

So he rushed upstairs as soon as possible, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Lu Li and Shi Mo beside the door.

When he saw Lu Li, he felt inexplicably nervous.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly came to the door, and he was worried that the other party would come to cause trouble.

Frowning slightly, Phillip looked at him warily and asked in a deep voice

"Lu Li, why are you here?"

Almost everyone looked wary, as if they had been persecuted by themselves. He shrugged helplessly, and Lu Li pointed at Shi Mo beside him.

"I brought Shi Mo with me. She wanted to return the things she had snatched before. Now that she is following me, her survival is no longer a problem, and the things she snatched are naturally unnecessary.

Shi Mo was kind-hearted, so he thought of returning it to you and asking you to find the donor of the handbag.

After Lu Li just finished speaking, Shi Mo entered the detective agency directly and set his sights on Chuta Tsubasaki.

"Here, this is your handbag, the money in it is useless.

As he spoke, he placed the handbag in his hand on the table nearby.

When he saw his handbag, Tsubozaki Chuta's eyes unconsciously moved to the handbag. As for what he said about falling in love with Tokimo at first sight, it was not reflected at all."

He didn't pay attention to Shi Mo at all. Instead, he paid attention to his handbag the whole time. This action was clearly seen by Phillip.

His eyes flickered, and Phillip seemed to have thought of something.

After returning the things, Shi Mo clasped his hands together with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"I'm really sorry because I have no choice but to survive.

The sincere apology finally caught Tsubozaki Chuta's gaze.

Waving his hands hurriedly, Tsubasaki Chuta's face was full of joy and he responded humbly.

"Whatever this lady said, if it can help you, I think it is enough.

Now that you've gone through all the trouble, it couldn't be better to come and return my handbag, thank you very much."

The shy smile on his face really made him feel like an innocent little boy.

Looking at such a pretentious look, Lu Li shook his head.

This guy is really good at hiding. At this moment, he still... Do you really think that you can escape everyone's eyes by pretending to be so affectionate here


It's really disgusting, even Lu Li can't stand this kind of person.

"I told you to stop being disgusting here and pretend to be on the phone. From the moment we opened the door, your eyes have not looked at Shi Mo, all of them have been focused on your handbag.

Now that you are talking about this, do you think you are innocent? Nonsense! Stop being funny."

A sneer came.

Tsubozaki Chuta's face was a little unnatural. He knew very well that he was pretending, but others didn't know. He even looked over and saw Lu Li with his arms folded and a sneer on his face. He was watching. When he saw Lu Li's deep and clear black and white eyes, Tsubasaki Chuta had a strange feeling in his heart, that he seemed a little afraid of this man.

PS: Thank you for

Mo Zi's monthly ticket!

Chapter 333: W becomes a sharpener again. Stone, Shuka 000000 (Philosopher's Stone)!

He couldn't figure out why he felt this way, but this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

With a forced smile on his face, Tsubozaki Chuta suppressed himself as much as possible. The dissatisfaction in his heart. If he is exposed at this time, it will cause trouble for him. He just wants to leave here as soon as possible.

"Lu Li, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Zuo Shotaro was a little confused after hearing this.

Until now, he still thought that Tsubasaki Chuta was the kind of honest person he imagined.

"What's the meaning? Shotaro Zuo, to say you are half-assed is a bit flattering.

Do you think your client really fell in love with Shi Mo at first sight?"

He asked a casual question, leaving Shotarou Zuo speechless.


There is really no way to refute this question!

With his own way of thinking, he actively chose to believe Tsubozaki Chuta as the client.

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