Erika Satonaka didn't understand why she couldn't speak out. Could it be because she was afraid?

She could only think this way now. It was probably because she was afraid of Lu Li in her heart, so she didn't dare to bargain.

After all, she knew how terrifying Lu Li was and that he was not an ordinary person.

If she annoys the other person, no matter how strong she is, she is just a stronger ordinary person.

Seeing someone blocking the way in front of her, Erika Satonaka was already in a bad mood, but now she was blocked by someone.

His temper suddenly rose, with no intention of slowing down at all.

She believed that the other party would definitely avoid it. With such a long distance, there was no reason for the other party not to avoid it.

But when Erika Satonaka continued to move forward, she discovered that the man in a black suit in the middle of the road was motionless.

What the hell?

Isn't this guy afraid of death?

The distance was already so close, and Erika Satonaka didn't know what the situation was like.

If something happens, it will be very troublesome. I have to brake hard immediately.


The tires rubbed against the ground, making a sharp sound.

Finally, the car stopped about 20 centimeters away from the front of the car.

If I had stepped on the accelerator just now, I'm afraid Zuo Shotaro would have flown out by now.

Sitting in the back seat Lu Li remained silent, looking calmly at Zuo Shotarou outside the windshield.

Erika Satonaka didn't understand why Zuo Shotarou stood motionless in the middle of the road, but Lu Li behind him understood the aura emanating from him. Shotarou Zuo's body directly reacted to stress.

His body stiffened and remained motionless. His instinctive fear made his body uncontrollable. Erika Satonaka frowned slightly and walked out. He glared at Shotaro Zuo

"What's the matter with you? The road is so wide, why do we have to block it in the middle? Are you trying to get into trouble?"

As she said that, Erika Satonaka took a closer look at Shotaro Zuo.

He was wearing a black suit and a black hat, and he didn't look like someone who was short of money.

In Erika Satonaka's view, Shotaro Zuo It's shameful that Shotaro, who is so young and powerful, wants to come out to have sex! Due to his own body's instinctive fear, Shotaro Zuo cannot control his body, but his consciousness is very clear that he is attracted by this beautiful woman in front of him.

When he said it was a porcelain attack, he suddenly felt aggrieved and his face became angry.

He was a dignified detective and a tough guy, how could he do such a thing?

But he didn't understand why his body suddenly couldn't move. Yeah, totally out of control


Zuo Shotaro wanted to explain, but Erika Satonaka didn't give him a chance to explain at all.

"What are you? What else is there to say?

I've seen too many people like you. They are lazy and don't think about working hard to make money every day. They just think about doing these crooked things..."

As this output continued, Zuo Xiangtaro suddenly felt ashamed. wrong!

It's just because I can't move my body. I'm not here to touch porcelain at all. Why should I be so embarrassed?

At this time, Zuo Shotaro suddenly noticed that the car door opened again, and a figure that felt very familiar to him walked out of it.

When he saw this figure clearly, Zuo Shotaro's body trembled violently and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Land from!

No wonder my body suddenly had such a strong stress response just now.

Everything makes sense!

Ever since his last contact with Lu Li, a strong sense of fear had been lurking in Zuo Shotaro's heart.

Whenever he thought of Lu Li, his hands and feet would feel cold and his head would break out in a cold sweat.

For a period of time after that, he tried his best to hide things about Lu Li in his mind and prevent himself from thinking about it.

I hope that in this way, I will no longer be afraid of Lu Li and can successfully overcome this difficulty.

But the problem is, even if he buries the matter deep in his heart and doesn't think about it, he often has nightmares when he goes to bed at night, which deepens his fear of Lu Li every time, until now.

Just by seeing Lu Li, he felt that his body was afraid to move due to fear.

"Yo! Half-assed, long time no see.

Erica, there is no need to continue scolding him, he is not here to touch porcelain, he is just too scared to move."

After receiving Lu Li's explanation, Erika Satonaka had a strong doubt in her eyes.

Apparently she didn't understand why the man in the hat couldn't move because of fear?

Shouldn't he run faster when he is afraid?

But Since Lu Li said so, Erika Satonaka did not continue to delve into this issue.

As Lu Li stepped closer, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Zuo Shotarou's forehead, and his breathing became much faster.

He tried his best to suppress it. However, the more he did this, the more obvious the fear in his heart became.

He patted Zuo Xiangtaro on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Half-hearted, I know you are afraid of me.

But don't worry, I'm not interested in you. After all, you are also my brother-in-law's partner, so I still have to give you this face."

Zuo Shotaro, who was patted on the shoulder, felt his feet go weak, and his body fell to the ground involuntarily.

His body seemed to be completely limp, with no bones to support it.

Zuo Shotaro could clearly feel that his back was covered with sweat. Soaked

"you you....How will you be here?"

Even though it was very difficult, Zuo Xiangtaro still said these words.

His body was too scared to move, but he was still able to question himself. Lu Li had to sigh, Zuo Xiangtaro's will is really strong.

"I'm just passing through here, of course... also to confirm something."

While Lu Li and Zuo Shotaro were having a conversation, Erika Satonaka finally understood that the boss and this man knew each other.

It seemed that he was not a quarrelsome person.

Recalling what he had just said to the other party, Satonaka Naka Erika suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Her eyes wandered to the side, acting as if she had nothing to do with this matter.

At this moment, Lu Li suddenly felt that there were other people around him and turned to look at Sanchalu. Sure enough, under the street lights at the three-way intersection, Shi Mo was wearing a white gauze suspender skirt. Zuo

Xiangtaro was lying on the ground with difficulty. He twisted his neck with difficulty and followed Lu Li's gaze, his eyes widening slightly. Big.

That woman......When did it appear there?

There was obviously no one in that place just now, so how come there was someone there all of a sudden?

Could it be......Is she the witch?

Erika Satonaka focused her gaze on Tokimo, a hint of curiosity flashing in her eyes.

She had never seen how this woman appeared under the streetlight, as if she appeared suddenly without any warning.

Seeing that Fang's beautiful figure was clearly visible, the boss Lu Li's eyes seemed to be focused on that woman.

Erika Satonaka lowered her head slightly and looked at her own. She was not inferior to her opponent at all.

With her head held high and her chest held high, Satonaka E907 Rika is still very confident about her figure.

Inexplicable desire to win!

Shi Mo had just arrived at this location through the road in Fengdu, and this area was her main activity area.

The reason why she chooses to move around in these places is because she knows that there are roads nearby that are not of this world.

She is a person who has lost her memory. Without her previous memories, she knows nothing.

Shi Mo, who had just appeared here, naturally noticed the presence of Lu Li and the others.

When he saw Lu Li again, Shi Mo was a little surprised.

We had only met once at the beach before, but we didn't expect to meet again so soon.

Why is he here?

Instead of thinking about escaping, Shi Mo walked over with a curious look on his face.

With a faint smile on his face, he waved gently to Lu Li

"meet again."

Seeing that Shi Mo was about to sneak away like last time, Lu Li asked with a smile.

"You didn't tell me your name when you left last time, now......Will you tell me?"


I don't know why, Shi Mo couldn't help but say his name.

The man in front of him, whom he had met once, gave Shi Mo a strange feeling. He seemed to have many secrets in him.

And Shi Mo, because he had lost his She has no memory, even if she wants to keep it secret.

In this world, she seems to know no one, and no one else knows her. There is a emptiness in her heart that cannot be filled and filled since she became conscious. She was looking for someone who could fill the emptiness in her heart.

For the first time, she felt that the man in front of her might be a good choice.

As for why she had such an idea, Lu

Li suddenly reached out.

The movement made Shi Mo take a step back involuntarily. She had no previous memory and had to be alert enough to survive. Even though she was very curious about Lu Li, she would not completely let go of her guard. She looked very nervous, Lu Li smiled slightly

"Don't worry, I don't want to hurt you, I just want to extend an invitation to you. Do you want to follow me?"

This sudden invitation caught Erika Satonaka, who was standing behind Lu Li, and Shotaro Zuo, who was lying limply on the ground, off guard.

【real or fake?! Boss, this is too much. There are already so many, and you still want to flirt with women when you come out! 】

A villain appeared in Erika Satonaka's heart, and she couldn't help but start to complain about Lu Li.

She knew how many flowers and plants there were around Lu Li, so she was very careful to protect herself and try not to become one of them.

But I didn't expect that as soon as Lu Li came out, and he was with him, he would invite a woman he had never seen before, so it was too much.

Why didn't you invite yourself?!

At this time, women's concerns always seem to be a little different from men's.

Such an idea popped up in my mind for no reason. When Erika Satonaka reacted, she was immediately shocked.

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