And these people are, at best, nothing more than paper tigers pretending to be powerful.

After being taught a lesson, they didn't dare to fart one more time, or even say one more word, so they had no choice but to admit defeat.

After clearing these guys out, I looked at Guangming, who seemed to be a little embarrassed, and there was a flash of doubt in my eyes.

Obviously, he had no idea what was going on.

But it is certain that Lu Li must have a lot to do with Hayami becoming what he is now.

"Mr. Lu laughed, these guys are a bit annoying, and they like to annoy me from time to time."

Hearing this, Lu Li leaned on the sofa and shook his head.

"No! I hope Chairman, this is not ridiculous, this guy from Consortium X is just like an annoying fly.

I’ve shot dead people before, but now no one is bothering me anymore.

Indeed, the museum no longer has much connection with Consortium X.

In addition, the museum itself is very powerful, and Consortium X does not want to establish a powerful enemy for no reason.

Even if the two sides no longer cooperate, at least they will not become stumbling blocks to each other.

When I learned that Lu Li had actually killed someone from Consortium X, a flash of surprise flashed through my eyes.

I didn't expect that Lu Li would be so stubborn.

He can't do that now, after all, his research is still at a critical stage.

These are all digressions. I looked at Guangming and pointed at Hayami Koichi beside me, wondering!

"Mr. Lu, what did you do with Libra just now? From the look of him, he seemed to be in a bad state."

After all, he is one of his own, and if he was suddenly made like this, without any attitude, it would be a bit unjustifiable.

Waving his hand casually, Lu Li said indifferently

"I hope Chairman, I just helped him a little bit, and now he can better achieve our goals."

"oh? Appreciate further details.

I looked at Guangming with a look of surprise in his eyes, obviously not quite understanding what Lu Li meant.

Lu Li didn't directly answer me, Wang Guangming, and set his sights on Hayami Hirobi.

"Principal Hayami, show your power.

At this time, Hayami Kouki finally came out of his daze, licked his dry lips and nodded.

When he turned into a Libra again, he set his sights on me Wang Guangming.

The light of the constellations appeared perfectly before his eyes, depicting the patterns of the constellations.


As soon as these three words came out, even though I was very calm and looked into the light, there was a strong look of surprise in my eyes.

"What did you say?"

"I hope your lord, the light shining in you is the light of Sagittarius."

I noticed that Libra's eyes seemed to have changed. I looked at Guangming and a red light flashed in his eyes. He already knew everything.

"I see! Libra, I didn’t expect you to be able to awaken this power, the Eye of Laplace!

Hahaha! Your supernova turns out to be this, and with your power, we can find the right people faster and turn them into Zodiacs.

Libra, let your power be used for me!

Hearing a hint of excitement in Wo Wang Guangming's words, Libra was ecstatic in his heart. Was he being taken seriously by Lord Wo Wang again?!

"yes! I hope your lord! I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Bowing his body at 90 degrees, Libra simply interprets the word"dog licking" clearly.

Although he is not licking some goddess, he really licks.

I don't understand why Lu Li helped Libra awaken Lapra Eye of Si, but I hope Guangming doesn't care about this problem.

What I really care about is to find all the twelve houses as soon as possible, get all the star disciple switches, and go to the dark nebula to find the giver.

This is the only thing that matters. , all other things can be put aside

"Mr. Lu, I really want to thank you this time. It is precisely because of your help that I have now been able to solve such a big problem for me."

Although he said he was grateful, I hope Guangming didn't show any substantive expression at all.

Of course, Lu Li himself didn't care about any substantive expression. For him, the only thing worth caring about was the giver.

As for I hope Guangming There really isn't anything he needs here

"Chairman, you are polite. We are just helping each other and getting what we need. As partners, this is what we should do."

Smiling politely, both of them seemed to be old foxes.

Then, I couldn't wait to look at Guangming and immediately ordered.

"Libra, go find a suitable target immediately and find all the twelve houses as soon as possible!"


Libra was trusted again at this time, his heart was full of excitement, and his reply was sonorous and powerful.

Libra quickly left the office and immediately began to look for a suitable target.

Since the beginning of the polarization, that is, after the hole in Kyoto was destroyed, it has passed A period of time.

During this period, the sky-high cosmic energy concentration has reached the highest level. Many people who did not awaken the constellation before have now awakened the constellation without realizing it. There is no need for Lu Li to find the original awakeners.

Now, Lu Li has another thing to consider.

The core switch is the singer Xianwu

, who was born from the core switch.

The purpose is to collect information about the surrounding intelligent life forms. Once awakened, the core switch will also destroy the Zodiac Disciple's plan to go to the dark nebula. Method, there is another method, which is to let the awakened singer Xianwu use the state riding driver. This method will generate the jump gate and the jump gate to the dark nebula generated by the Zodiac Star Disciple switch. It's the same.

But the core switch is the power spread by the giver. It naturally has higher suppression power and can suppress the door of transition opened by the zodiac star disciple switch......Asking for flowers.........

All Lu Li has to do is prevent the singer Xianwu from awakening.

It would be enough to capture the singer Xianwu in advance and isolate his perception of energy so that the energy fluctuations caused by the opening of the jump gate would not interfere with the singer Xianwu.

The reason why Lu Li did not choose the jump door opened by the singer Xian Wu was entirely because he considered the giver's requirements for the chosen person.

The core switch was spread throughout the universe by the giver, and the transition door finally opened by the son of the core is likely to be only effective for the son of the core.

This alone was enough for Lu Li to give up his career as singer Xian Wu.

Then the only choice is naturally the jump door opened by the Zodiac Star Disciple Switch.

There is another issue that needs to be considered. The energy of the jump gate opened by the Twelve Palaces is very huge, even powerful enough to destroy the earth.

Perhaps there is an element of exaggeration in this, but the destructive power must be very great.

As the holder of the highest authority of Earth's memory, Lu Li would not want the Earth to suffer such serious damage.

Just to go to the Dark Nebula to find the Giver and make the earth a mess, Lu Li couldn't do this.

Lu Li's idea is that the jump gate cannot be opened on the earth, and the best place to choose is the moon.

The jump gate should be���Being able to pass through a person, I hope Guangming knows this very well in my heart.

The reason why I chose to cooperate with myself was just to collect all the Zodiac Disciple Switches as soon as possible.

In the end, he will definitely attack himself, and the hidden power is nothing more than Supernova.

When it comes to the final stage, Lu Li will personally send me to see the light of day.

The cooperative relationship between the two will only last until the collection of the Zodiac Disciple switches is completed. When that time comes, a fight to the death will inevitably occur.

The reason why Lu Li didn't take any of the Zodiac Disciple Switches was because he was absolutely confident enough to snatch the qualification to go to the Dark Nebula from me.

After Lu Li left, Li Shenhou asked cautiously,

"I hope your lord, now that we have Libra's Eye of Laplace, there should be no need to continue to cooperate with Lu Li, right?

The only person who can go to the Dark Nebula is you. If you keep this guy here, I'm worried that he will become a hindrance to you.

At this time, Lishenhou had already begun to think about taking action against Lu Li.

Not only him, I also have this idea in my heart, Wang Guangming

"Li Shen, it's not the time yet, wait a little longer, wait for me and all the disciples of the Zodiac to switch, then I will definitely attack Lu Li.

Lu Li probably doesn't know that the only person who can pass through the jump gate is the chosen one.

And the chosen one can only be me, not him!

After collecting all the Zodiac Disciple switches, it will be his....Death date!"

My eyes suddenly turned red. I looked at Guangming as if he had absolute confidence that he could become the truly chosen one.

The power of the supernova made him fearless of Lu Li.

However, he didn't know that Lu Li actually knew very well that only

Only the chosen ones can enter the jump gate!

Lu Li has already seen through all his thoughts and considerations.


Since I Wang Guangming has said this, Lishenhou can't raise any objections.

Anyway, he only knows one thing, Lu Li will definitely become a stepping stone for me Wang Guangming.

For the Kamen Rider Club.

What happened during this time Many things have happened.

The first is that everyone already knows Sakuta Ryusei's true identity, which is actually Kamen Rider Ryusei.

The other is what happened during this period of time, and Sakuta Ryusei has completely joined the Kamen Rider Club. The kind of sincerity.

Before, he was just to collect more information, and it was not a sincere joining.

His friend has woken up now, and he doesn't need to go to the Aries disciple anymore. He was solved by Sakuda Ryusei and Kisaragi Gentaro, but unfortunately they were unable to obtain the Zodiac Star Disciple Switch and were taken away by Leo.

Since the last time he was suddenly teleported to Kyoto, Lu Li has disappeared without a trace. He disappeared without a trace and no longer appeared in Tiangao.

This made everyone in the Kamen Rider Department find it strange why Lu Li disappeared all of a sudden, as if he had evaporated.

No one knew the reason for this. , they can only calm down and concentrate on dealing with the problems of the Star Disciples.

With the addition of Shuota Ryusei, the combat effectiveness of the Kamen Rider Department has indeed been greatly improved.

Furthermore , there are two Kamen Riders. It's Sakuda Ryusei. He doesn't have to hide like before and can show his truest side.

However, what the singer Xianwu doesn't know now is that Lu Li has already targeted him. To be precise, the target is the core switch in his body.

Since the current singer Xianwu has not awakened, he naturally does not know his true identity.

He is actually the son of the core switch who evolved from the core switch. Awakening, the son of the core will know everything, and even lose the emotions that belong to humans.

Chapter 325 Cadres gather! The Philosopher's Stone as a material?

Since Lu Li has no need to worry about what will happen next, he is. There is nothing to do in Tiangao, so of course there is no need to stay here.

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