The powerful force instantly smashed through the ground.

Even the very hard earth could not withstand this powerful force.

After a loud noise, bursts of smoke and dust rose into the sky.

For a moment, I couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

The sudden sound instantly alerted W, Nazca Dopant and Tyrannosaurus Dope who were fighting.


The Nazca dopant looked at the place where the smoke and dust dispersed with a vigilant expression.

He didn't know who the other party was, but he was afraid that the other party had bad intentions.

But W, however, vaguely saw the shadow in the smoke and dust.

He had a feeling that he must know the guy opposite!

"It's the guy who killed Togawa Yosuke!"

Phillip's voice sounded. Obviously, Philip has a smart brain and his reactions are more sensitive and faster.

"What?! You mean that guy!"

W was particularly unhappy when he thought about his unbearable experience of being punched to the ground.

Yesterday, the white guy killed Togawa Yosuke in front of him, and he still vividly remembers it.

As the smoke cleared, Go, the white knight appears in front of everyone again

"Eh?! Here comes another one!"

Narukai Yajuko almost fainted with fright. Why are they coming one after another?

It's not over yet! It

's obviously the first time Nazca Dopant has seen Lu Li in such a state.

Look at his waist. The driver between is very similar to W. The Nazca dopant automatically classifies the new white knight in front of him as an enemy.

Chapter 61 VS Nazca, the flag is broken so quickly? (Please subscribe for support!)

"Is there another one? But it doesn't matter, I will definitely solve it all this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Nazca dopant started to move instantly.

The speed was quite fast, but unfortunately Nazca has not evolved to the next stage and is not yet able to move at super high speeds.

In Lu Li's eyes, such speed is still Not enough.

Since the other party had already approached him, Lu Li happened to be targeting the Nazca doping body, so he did n't hesitate to confront the Nazca doping body. body


The blue arms collided together, making a muffled sound.


There was only a scream, and Nazca's doped body felt a powerful force, which was instantly poured into his arm.

No matter what, he couldn't understand it. He had obviously used the power of the golden advanced memory, but the power Why is it inferior to the other party?

Moreover, the Gaia memory used by the other party seems to be a memory that he has never seen before.

There are many doubts in his heart, and Nazca Dopant clenched his fists.

He felt that his hands were shaking slightly.

On the other hand, Lu Li still looked very relaxed, as if this opponent was not worth mentioning at all.

Kiruhiko Sudo, who had just obtained the Nazca memory, transformed using the Earth Drive.

The strength of the Nazca dopant is still quite good, but it is only compared to the ordinary Gaia memory, and there is still a certain gap compared with the eternal memory in Lu Li's hands.

He planned to attack with his bare hands.

Since the other party had weapons, he was willing to play with them.

He took out the Eternal Dagger from his waist.

There is a saying that an inch long is strong and an inch short is dangerous.

Lu Li held the eternal dagger in his hand, and the next moment he appeared in front of Nazca Dopant.


Seeing Lu Li suddenly appear, Nazca Dopant suddenly panicked.

He didn't understand at all how Lu Li moved in front of him.



Before he could react, his chest had already been slashed by the eternal dagger.


Naska Dopant quickly raised his sword to fight back with a fierce attack.

For a moment, there was a flash of sword and shadow, and it was unclear who hit whom among the two.


A crisp sound came, and the next second, the sharp sword in Nazca's dopant's hand was knocked out.

At the same time, he was greeted by a swift whip leg.

It was like a white meteor streaking across, carrying With majestic power, it instantly hit the Nazca doped body's chest.


Naska Dopant didn't even have a chance to resist, and was knocked away by the powerful force.

The severe pain was transmitted to the nerves, making him unable to scream in pain.


A street lamp on the side of the road was instantly smashed, and it fell to the ground. The Nazca Doped Body slid far away.

Lying on the ground, the Nazca Doped Body covered his chest in pain.

Obviously, the blow just now His leg was seriously injured.

Just as the two were fighting fiercely, the battle between W and the Tyrannosaurus dopant on the side also became intense. It was still very difficult to deal with W alone.

Seeing that he was repelling the Tyrannosaurus dopant again, W said earnestly.

"Truth! Turn back now, you still have a chance to turn back! Give up the memory!"

The other party has always been his childhood sweetheart, and he wants to fight for it again.

What if...what if the other party regrets it?

But the fact is, it is simply impossible.


What greeted him was the terrifying roar of the Tyrannosaurus doped body.

The terrifying air waves rolled up the gravel and sand on the ground, splashing everywhere.

At this time, when the Tyrannosaurus doped body was roaring, a large number of The gravels or cables were all attracted to him

, and they all merged together and seemed to form a body.

, turned into a huge tyrannosaurus, several meters tall, and its rugged body was terrifying.

"Shotaro, don't hesitate anymore! Otherwise, the damage around you will be even more serious!

And don't forget, the white guy's ability will not only destroy Gaia's memory, but also kill those who use Gaia's memory."

Phillip's voice reminded Zuo Shotaro not to be merciful.

At the same time, Philip was a little worried.

The other party's terrifying power could not only destroy the memory, but even erase the person who turned into a doped body.

If you don't tighten your grip, It will be troublesome when the white guy comes over.

With a slight sigh, W's eyes suddenly became sharp.

He knew that he could not continue to indulge the Tyrannosaurus doped body, and everything around him would be at risk. All will be destroyed.

Similarly, he is not sure whether the white knight will attack the tyrannosaurus dopant.

Until now, W still clearly remembers the scene of the death of the magma dopant. After attacking the Tyrannosaurus doped body, I am afraid that Tsumura Shina, who transformed into the Tyrannosaurus doped body, will also end up with the same fate as Togawa Yosuke.

This has happened once, and W will never allow it to happen again. Second-rate

"Philip, come right on in!"


W held the metal iron rod in his hand and attacked the Tyrannosaurus dopant crazily.

Due to the power of the blazing memory, the metal iron rod burned with blazing fire.

The attack of the metal iron rod with the blessing of flames became even more fierce.

He quickly waved the metal iron rod, Explosive flame energy hit the Tyrannosaurus doped body again and again, but its body became larger, but its movement was also affected.


The Tyrannosaurus doped body roared and swung its tail fiercely.

The tail, which was made of stones and cables, hit W hard.

W, who had already expected that the opponent would attack like this, jumped into the air. A 360-degree turn in the air landed firmly on the back of the Tyrannosaurus doped body.

The metal iron rod hit the body again and again, like a violent storm, allowing the Tyrannosaurus doped body to completely bear it. He couldn't help it.

A lot of the stones on his body were broken and scattered all over the floor.

The Tyrannosaurus Doped Body was twisting its body wildly and trying to throw off the W behind it, which would only make it worse. His body was on the verge of collapse.

After a few moments, W could no longer hold on and was thrown away. He flipped in the air and landed smoothly. W turned to look at the furious Tyrannosaurus doped body.


It launched a ferocious collision like a tank. Facing the menacing Tyrannosaurus dopant, W still stood calmly.

Loading the metal memory on the dual drive onto the metal iron rod

"Metal! Maximum.Drive (metal extreme drive)!"

The two ends of the metal iron rod were suddenly wrapped with high-temperature flames, and carried the thermal propulsion force of the jet.

It took the initiative to meet the Tyrannosaurus dopant body, and quickly carried out multiple strikes.

Metal Branding (metal branding)!


Facing the powerful power of the metal extreme drive, the Tyrannosaurus dopant body can no longer maintain its body.���Then exploded.

The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed W. When the flames dissipated, W stood quietly holding a person in his arms.

The person in his arms was naturally Tsumura Shina, the user of Tyrannosaurus memory.

The Tyrannosaurus memory popped out from her shoulder and exploded the moment it was about to hit the ground, turning into a pile of waste.

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