I hope Guangming is definitely not a soft-hearted person. He can also be ruthless when facing loyal subordinates.

My eyes turned scarlet, and my eyes were filled with coldness when I looked into the light.

Being stared at by such eyes, Hayami Koi's heart trembled violently, and he immediately lowered his head, burying it deeply.

Even though he was unwilling to do so, it was an indisputable fact that he had not cultivated a new Zodiac.

Lu Li cultivated a Cancer as soon as he arrived, and in such a short period of time, he had equalized everything he had done over the years.

There was strong unwillingness in his slightly lowered eyes, but he did not dare to say a word.

All the unwillingness finally turned into just one word


Seeing Hayami's humiliation, Tachigamihou and Onijima Natsu laughed at the same time.

The two of them didn't have a good impression of Hayami, they were not from the same road anyway, so they were naturally happy to see the other person in such a humiliated state.

"Well, Mr. Lu, now that you have your next goal, I will wait for your good news."

While we were talking and laughing, I Wang Guangming casually took out a Star Disciple Switch and put it on the desk.

It was already obvious that he was willing to hand over the Star Disciple Switch to Lu Li.

But in contrast, what he wanted was the most important thing. After hearing this

, Lu Li smiled slightly, and with a flick of his finger, the Star Disciple Switch automatically fell into his hand.

It didn't weigh much, and it looked quite ugly.

"Of course, what I bring must be good news. After all, our goals are the same, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li stood up and left.

However, he didn't just walk out of the room, but disappeared as soon as he stood up.

Space transfer ability!

Even Virgo on the side, seeing such a free will, Lu Li was secretly shocked when he realized that Virgo could also use space transfer, but he had to use the power of the wand Lodia.

But Lu Li was only in human form, but he was able to use space transfer. It doesn't mean that the other party is indeed very powerful.

As for how powerful it is, I can't tell yet.

Looking at the place where Lu Li disappeared just now, I looked at Guangming and smiled calmly.

"hehe! It seems that our partner has some tricks that we don't know about."

The smile on his face suddenly disappeared, and I hope that Guangming will pay more attention to Lu Li.

The power Lu Li showed is indeed very strong. Not only did he defeat Leo who transformed from Li Shen Roar, but he also had the ability to move in space, and at the same time he was able to find a way to become a hero.

People from the Twelve Palaces.

This covers almost all of the important twelve palace abilities under his command.

Of course, I hope Guangming still has confidence that he can defeat Lu Li based on his current strength. It's almost the same as his Sagittarius form, but once he uses Supernova, he's probably no match for him.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Onigashima Xia'er stared at the place where Lu Li disappeared with a frosty look on his face. , the folded fan in his hand was clenched tightly.

He was completely ignored!

After all, he was also a Cancer star disciple of the zodiac, and he was very powerful, but the other party completely ignored him, as if he was nothing.

Asking for flowers

【hateful! Who is that guy?! I must make you pay the price! 】

This matter will never be dealt with by him. Anyone who provokes him will have to pay the price.

Glancing vaguely at Hayami Eiroji, who had a gloomy expression next to him, Onigashima Natsu couldn't help but reveal a strange smile on his face.

Maybe I can take advantage of someone a little bit.

He has just awakened, and although he is already a Cancer star disciple, he dare not say that his strength has surpassed everyone in this group.

If you want to cause trouble for Lu Li, it's obviously not possible to rely on him alone.

Then wouldn't it be nice to bring one more person with me?

Just because of Lu Li's presence, Hayashi was scolded.

It seems that it is not impossible to temporarily cooperate with this guy and deal with Lu Li first.

Since I was born in the Zodiac, I hope Guangming is in a very good mood, and I don't blame Hayami Koei too much this time.

In any case, the other party was trying his best, and he couldn't go too far. At least he wasn't completely disappointed with Hayami Fair now.

At the end of the meeting, Hayami Hōichi and Onijima Natsuji left the chairman's office together.

Some distance away from the office, Hayami Hirobi discovered that Natsu Onigashima was walking the same path as him.

This guy has already been exposed. If he still came together with me at that time, wouldn't he also expose himself?

"Don't follow me! Your identity has been exposed now. Following me will only expose me."

Hayami Koichi, who had a cold face, didn't want to see Natsu Onigashima at all.

This guy had no respect at all for himself as a senior, so he naturally didn't have a good face....

I thought that if I handed the switch to Onigashima Natsu'er, this guy would listen to me honestly, but I didn't expect that this guy was also ambitious and not that easy to control at all.

Now that the other party has become a Cancer, it's too late to say anything. He can't possibly use force to subdue the other party.

Whether they win or not is a secondary matter. The most important thing is that if there is a fight between the twelve houses, I am afraid that the chairman will not be able to get through it.

He doesn't like asking for trouble.

Hearing this, Onigashima Natsu'er's face was filled with a smile, even though it looked really fake.

"Whatever the principal said, I'm not following you, I'm just walking together.

Principal, I saw that you looked very unhappy just now. You must hate that man in your heart.

You said... if he cultivates another Zodiac, will there be room for you in the chairman's office in the future?"

As expected, upon hearing this,

Fairy Hayami's face suddenly flashed with anger. He turned around and glared at Onigashima Natsu'er, and said coldly

"What do you want to do? If you have something to say, say it, fart if you have something to say, and get out of here if you have nothing to do!

Don't think that since you have become a Cancer, I can't do anything to you. You have just evolved. If we really have to fight, we can't say who will win."

In a rare moment of toughness, Hayami Koichi didn't want to look cowardly in front of a young junior. He quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. Onigashima Natsu'er said with a smile on his face.

"What did the principal say? I am the temporary principal of the students. How could I fight with you?

Actually... I want to discuss dealing with Lu Li with you.

I see you dislike that guy very much, right? I don’t like it either. Although he arranged to give me the star apprentice switch, that guy just ignored me, which is unforgivable"

At this point, Onigashima Natsu’er’s face suddenly turned cold.

Hayami Eiroji, who was still moving forward, suddenly became a little interested after hearing this.

He turned around slightly and glanced at Onigashima Natsu'er, who was only two meters away from him.

"What are your methods? If your plan can indeed take revenge on Lu Li, I wouldn't mind cooperating with you for the time being."

The cooperation between the two parties is only temporary at best, and does not mean permanent cooperation.

Now they just have a common opponent, Lu Li.

Kick Lu Li out first, and we will consider the rest later.

"My plan? you say....If we destroy Lu Li's plan to collect the Zodiac, will you be able to regain trust in front of the chairman?"

Onigashima Xia'er had a sinister smile on her face. He couldn't wait to see Lu Li's disappointed expression.

Anyone who dares to provoke him will have to pay the price!

Is this guy... crazy?!

After hearing about our crazy plan, Hayami Koi's first thought was that Onijima Natsu was crazy.

If I really do this, I hope that the two of them are involved in this matter. , isn't it...!

I shuddered unconsciously. When I thought about the possibility of facing the angry me, I looked scared, and Hayami was still angry so far. I haven't seen it.

I know very well in my heart that I absolutely don't want to see it!

When I really see Wang Guangming's anger, I am afraid that the final outcome will be self-evident. Completely losing the trust of Mr. Wang!

Chapter 315: New goal, Dimoli is ready!

"snort! This matter has nothing to do with me, and I don't know what you want to do."

Before he finished speaking, Hayami Koi turned around and left with a cold face.

It was as if he hadn't heard anything just now and didn't know anything.

Seeing how timid and fearful he was, Onigashima Natsu couldn't help but curled his lips.

"cut! You are so cowardly, aren't you just messing up Lu Li's plan? As long as it's not exposed, that's fine."

In Onijima Natsu'er's view, as long as he plans properly, there is no problem at all, and it is absolutely impossible to be discovered.

Since Hayami Koei is unwilling to cooperate with him, it seems that he can only find a way to pull him into the water.

There is a smile on his face With a sinister smile, Onishima Natsu didn't want to do such a dangerous thing alone. It would be best to have someone to go through this troubled water with him.

Hayami Hoshi wanted to stay out of it, but it seemed impossible to Onijima Natsu..

If you don’t want to get into the water, then drag him into the water!

If Hayami Hoshi knew that Onigashima Natsu wanted to drag him into the water, he would probably transform into a Libra and fight with this guy. , but this guy was still trying to trick him.

Returning to his principal's office, Hayami Koi felt quite upset.

He even felt anxious and uneasy.

He had obviously worked very hard to cultivate a star who could become the Zodiac. However, he couldn't do what he wanted.

Lu Li had cultivated a Cancer as soon as he came. It was impossible to say that he didn't have any jealousy in his heart.

How could he not be jealous of Lu Li after spending so many years only cultivating a Scorpio?


There was a knock on the door.

Hayami Eirochi, who was in a bad mood, could only temporarily suppress his unhappiness.

"Come in


The person who walked in from the outside was none other than Sarina Sonoda whom he had trained before.

"Teacher Sonoda, what's the matter?"

""Two, two, three.""Sorry, principal, I just wasn't there when the chairman called us over. Did something happen?""

Apologetic, Sonoda Sarina was in class earlier, and the time just didn't match up, so naturally she couldn't do it right away.

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