"I hope your Lordship, I will definitely seize the time and find as many of the best students as possible, and I will definitely let them awaken and become the new Twelve Nations!"

His biggest role for me Wang Guangming is to help me Wang Guangming cultivate outstanding students, let them use the star disciple switch, and then awaken.

Now, problems have arisen in the work that should have belonged to him, and a crisis of trust has been born.

Absolutely not If he continues to sit back and wait for death, he must find other students!

Only for the awakening of the Zodiac, he must not lose responsibility to anyone, otherwise he will lose his trust in Mr. Wang.

"Well, just know, Hayami, I think you should know how to do it, just don't make me lose my patience.

Otherwise, I can only send you to the Dark Nebula."

As his voice fell, a star disciple came out next to him wearing a celestial map cloak.

He held a pink wand in his hand, the length of which was even taller than the star disciple's height. His spiral pink hair was wrapped around The upper half of his face is exposed, only a pair of eyes are exposed under the golden mask. He is also one of the twelve constellations

, and his appearance seems to be female, which makes people doubt his transformation. For women. In the zodiac, Virgo serves as the judge and executioner. His task is to send those who fail to the eternal prison of darkness, where there is no way to escape.

Yes, it is him.

The Zodiac disciple obviously has a female appearance, but she is not a woman. Its transformer is Emoto Shuteru, a professor at Universe Kyoto University.

When he first saw the Virgo, even Hayami Fairy's eyes flashed unnaturally. A touch of fear.

The dark nebula, a place where even light cannot enter, is so terrifying!

Any star disciple who cannot fulfill my expectations of Wang Guangming will eventually be sent to this place, but I never thought that I would trust him. The Virgo has actually betrayed him a long time ago. The reason why

Emoto Shuhui has not worn a pair of pants with me Wang Guangming now is to help Seqi. Growth.

He knows very well how powerful Sagittarius is.

Even if he adds the power of Virgo, he is just asking for trouble. The current state knight is not strong enough.

Before he grows up, Virgo still plans to stay undercover next to me.

Chapter 312: The card core coin is about to evolve!

A few days have passed since Hayami Fairy was warned. He is very scared and anxious.

If he doesn't want to lose my trust in Wang Guangming, then everything will be over for him.

If he is not careful, he may be sent to the Dark Nebula. This is such a terrible thing.

He doesn't want to go to that place. Naturally, he needed to hurry up and find a suitable student to become a new star disciple.

In the end, he found a very suitable candidate,

Yutoyama Soshuai, a student in the art department. After handing over the Star Disciple switch to the other party, Yuan Shan Shushuai finally succeeded in becoming the new Perseus Disciple!


, the final result was not what he wanted for the past few days. Nothing happened.

Onigashima Xia'er hasn't been able to evolve from Pegasus to Cancer yet. I hope Guangming naturally doesn't fully believe Lu Li's previous cooperation. It will take a while, so Lu Li will naturally take advantage of this time. His own things

Lu Li had failed many times before in making the card repairing core coin, and Lu Li had already gained a lot of experience: after spending a lot of time in these days of experiments, Lu Li finally succeeded in creating the card repairing core coin.

The process is extremely difficult and complicated, far more troublesome than making ordinary core coins."

First of all, the power of core coins such as repair cards is far more powerful than that of ordinary core coins.

After all, the power of the card repairing core coin comes from the card repairing organization.

Completing the card repair core coins means that it will be relatively less difficult to complete the other five core coins.

But Lu Li was not busy making the other five core coins right away.

Instead, he took out a purple core coin and began to inject the power of the purple core coin into the card repairing core coin!

When you have the power of the purple core coin, the power of the card-repairing core coin will be strengthened, and you will also have the power to destroy the core coin.

Incorporating the power of the purple core coin, the whole process must be very careful.

Because the power of the purple core coin is simply poison to the power of other core coins.

If you are not careful, you may destroy other core coins.

The kind that shattered on the spot!

Fortunately, the card-repairing core coin itself is very powerful, so when the power of the purple core coin was injected into it, there were no surprises.

If it were an ordinary core coin, it would be easily destroyed when the power of the purple coin is injected into it.

It took Lu Li more than a full day just to inject the power of the purple core coin into the card repair core coin.

But fortunately it was finally completed.

Repair card core coins!

Looking at the card repair core coin in his hand, it has a golden and darker color.

Lu Li could feel the surging power within it, as well as a power similar to nothingness.

As for the purple core coin that lost its power at this time, it had been broken into pieces when it completely lost its void power.

The power of the Card Repair Core Coin is far greater than the power of the Purple Core Coin.

Next, Lu Li is going to do something even crazier.

That is to integrate the card repair core coin into the body!

That's right, only by doing this can you ensure that the core coins for card repair belong to you.

The card repairing core coin is very powerful, and it is easy to give birth to one's own consciousness.

Lu Li could only integrate the Card Repair Core Coin and use his own consciousness to replace the consciousness that may be born in the future of the Card Repair Core Coin.

He is confident that he can control the core coins of card repair.

Looking at the card-repairing core coin with a faint purple light in his hand, Lu Li flicked his finger, and the card-repairing core coin accurately landed on Lu Li's chest.

A faint purple light flashed, and the repair card core coin was directly integrated into Lu Li's body.

When the repair card core coin was integrated into Lu Li's body, an extremely violent energy instantly emerged from the core coin.

The core coin burst out with very strong energy, as if it was trying to control Lu Li.

Feeling the riot of energy in his body, waves of dark golden energy emerged from Lu Li's body.

Under the influence of this energy, the surrounding space seemed to have begun to distort.

"hehe! Still not sure who the real owner is?"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Lu Li could feel the energy rioting in his body.

This energy was very strong and violent, as if he wanted to break free from the constraints of his body.

But obviously, this energy had chosen the wrong target.

Lu Li's His body was no longer what it used to be. Even when the violent energy burst out, he still stood there quietly, enduring the waves of dark golden energy that washed over his body. A wave of energy hit Lu Li's body crazily, as if to invade his body.

However, as the wave after wave of energy passed, the subsequent energy burst gradually became weaker.

The whole process lasted for about an hour. , the dark golden energy finally calmed down.

With the end of the energy burst, it meant that the card- repairing core coin that was quietly staying in his body seemed to be the same as the energy in Lu Li's body. reached a delicate balance


Taking a long breath, Lu Li felt the feedback brought by the power of the Card Repair Core Coin, and couldn't help but secretly nod.

The feedback brought by the Card Repair Core Coin was obviously stronger than the feedback brought by the Purple Core Coin, and was more beneficial to himself.

After successfully completing the fusion of the card-repairing core coin, Lu Li was ready to get used to it a little, and did not rush to create the second core coin right away. His body had to go through an adaptation process to fully adapt to the card-repairing core. coins, so that he can better adapt to the five core coins behind him.

He twisted his neck slightly, stood up and stretched.


There were bursts of noises, and Lu Li's body was making bursts of noise as if it was frying popcorn.

It took several days to finally make the core coins. I don't know what the situation is like at Tiangao.

Lu Li was going to take a look. Originally

, he planned to help Dimu Zuo resurrect his daughter Dimu Li, but it turned out that the guy seemed to be in some trouble and it would take some time.���If it can be postponed later, Lu Li is still planning to go to Tiangao first


With a slight snap of his fingers, Lu Li's figure disappeared instantly.

Tian Gao Nei.

Because he did too much, the Pegasus transformed by Onigashima Natsu'er was naturally targeted. After all, the people he attacked during this period were Too many.

And there were too many witnesses. He made the matter too big.

He didn't know how to suppress himself and attacked so many people. It was only a matter of time before he was caught.

His identity has not been revealed yet.....Now that it has reached the final stage, Last.0ne can awaken and evolve as long as the most brilliant star's energy point surpasses LastOne and shines abnormally.

But just when he reached the final stage, an accident happened.

Somehow, he was accidentally seen by someone when he was transforming.

People who saw his transformation accidentally spread the news.

After the news spread, the Kamen Rider Department conducted an investigation and found that the things were completely consistent with everything that Onigashima Natsu did.

Everyone in the Kamen Rider Club hurriedly arrived, ready to reveal the identity of Onigashima Natsu'er.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Unexpectedly, I had so much fun that my identity was revealed.

Too bad luck, but......So what if you know it was me? What can you do to me?"

With a arrogant smile on his face, Onigashima Natsu'er seemed not to pay attention to everyone in the Kamen Rider Club at all.

In his opinion, he is now a star disciple, what can a group of humans do to him?

"hateful! Seeing the smile on this guy's face, I really want to rush up and beat him up!"Jojima Yuuki clenched his fists tightly with a look of disgust on his face.

Indeed, Onijima Natsu's character is very annoying in itself, not to mention that he is now lured out of evil consciousness, which is even more annoying.

"Gentaro! Teach this guy a lesson! Don't let him continue to do evil!"Fengcheng Miu's eyes revealed disgust.

If such a guy continues, the entire campus will never be peaceful. As the head of the Kamen Rider Club, she has the obligation to lead the members to crush the opponent's conspiracy.

"Don't worry, leave it to me

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