Then he hurriedly ran to where the powered robot was lying.

The rest of the people also hurriedly ran over. As partners, everyone was naturally concerned about the current situation of their fellow partner, Daimonji Falcon.

When they saw the Big Mongolian Falcon, other than being frightened and turning a little pale, they didn't seem to be much affected.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, nothing serious happened.

"What kind of monster is that guy? It's so powerful that even robots can't handle it!"

JK, standing next to the power robot, looked at the severely damaged power robot and couldn't help but secretly gasped.

At this time, the upper body of the power robot only had some wear and tear on the torso, and the two mechanical arms had been damaged.

Recalling Lu Li's terrifying punch really made people feel frightened.

"It was so badly damaged that it was not easy to repair, and it seemed like it would take some time."

Seeing such a severely damaged power robot, singer Xianwu felt a headache.

It cannot be done by simple maintenance. The parts have been damaged and the corresponding parts need to be replaced before repairing.

The repair process It’s not simple either, it’s a big project.

The pale-faced Big Mongolian Falcon apologized sheepishly.

"Sorry, if I had been more careful, it wouldn't be damaged like this."

After all, he is controlling the power robot. He is naturally responsible for the damage to this condition.

After hearing this, before the singer Kengo could speak, Taro Koshizuki Gentaro spoke first.

"What are you talking about? Didn’t you want to help me just now? Since we are all companions, there is no need to apologize!"

No matter what time it is, Gentaro Kisaragi is always the most cohesive person in the Kamen Rider Club.

It is precisely because of his existence that all the talents in the Kamen Rider Club can gather together to form the current Kamen Rider Club. Department.

At the same time, Natsu'er Onigao stood outside the door, squinting his eyes slightly and lost in thought.

He didn't understand why he was suddenly summoned by the principal.

How could the principal notice him?

He didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

After some hesitation, Onigashima Natsu'er finally knocked on the office door.


Hearing the knock on the door, Hayami Eirochi also stopped what he was doing.

"come in."

Onigashima Natsu'er opened the door carefully, with a fake smile on her face.

"hey-hey! Principal, why did you suddenly come to see me?"

When he saw Natsu Onigashima for the first time, especially with the fake smile on his face, Hayami was really unhappy in his heart.

Such a guy didn't feel like he had much potential to become a Zodiac.

But considering that this was I hope Hayami Koei has no choice but to be obedient, and if he continues like this for a long time , I'm afraid he will lose trust, and what will happen to him in the end.

, He knew very well in his heart. Once he loses trust in the Dark Nebula

, there is a high probability that he will be sent to the Dark Nebula, that extremely terrifying place!

"Onigashima-san, please sit down first. I really have something to ask you."

Afterwards, Hayami explained the reason fairly, and claimed that he took a fancy to Onijima Natsu's potential and wanted to give him a better development.

Finally, he took out the Star Disciple switch and gave it to Onijima Natsu.

He looked down. Holding the Star Disciple switch in his hand, the fake smile on Onigashima Natsu'er's face disappeared, replaced by a slightly sick and crazy smile.

He never expected that he would have the opportunity to gain powerful power.

He didn't take it to heart at all like a fair favor.

In his opinion, it was inevitable that he would be chosen because he had the right to be good enough.

"Thank you principal


"Okay, now you can give it a try."

Even though he didn't like the look in Onijima Natsu'er's eyes, Hayami Koei still held back forcefully.

This is the person I want you to like, and he must endure it.

Without hesitation, he pressed the switch in his hand, black The nebula enveloped Onishima Natsu'er, and the light belonging to the constellation lit up from the dark nebula. When the dark nebula dispersed , Onishima

Natsu'er had successfully transformed into the constellation Apostle! The powerful power gave him an unprecedented sense of comfort, as if he could control everything. Onigashima Natsu'er, who had a strong sense of evil, was very compatible with the star disciple switch. Onigashima Natsu'er and Hayami Koi felt very uncomfortable, but they could only praise her against their will.

"Not bad, he is indeed the student I like, he transformed successfully the first time, and his strength is pretty good.

Adapt to this power and become stronger. Only when you become stronger can you complete the next stage of evolution and become the Zodiac I need!"

Natsu Onigashima, who has become a Pegasus, is not arrogant enough to tease Hayami Fair just because he has become a Pegasus. He knows very well in his heart that since the other party can give him strong power, it proves that the other party also has the same power. There are also powerful forces.

The twelve palaces mentioned by the other party are probably stronger. Maybe the principal himself is one of them.

Before he grows up, he still needs to respect him more.

After he has fully grown up, he will be the principal. Yes, everyone has to step aside.

"Thank you principal for your promotion. I will never forget this kindness.

After pressing the switch, Natsu Onigashima transformed again, with the same fake smile on her face as usual.

He knew that the smile on this guy's face was a fake smile, but Koei Hayami couldn't say anything.


If it weren't for Lord Wang recognizing him, there would be no way he could have given him the Star Disciple Switch no matter what he said.

After leaving the principal's office, Onigashima Natsu'er lowered his head and glanced at the star apprentice switch in his hand, his eyes full of excitement. strength!

I didn't have such a strong power before, so I could only think about many things.

It's different from now. Now that I have such a powerful power, many things are within my reach.

As for the kindness of the principal that he mentioned just now, that kind of thing is completely unnecessary in his opinion.

After Onigashima Natsu'er left, Hayami Nobui made a special trip to see the light.

Standing there respectfully, Hayashi Gong reported the matter to me, Wang Guangming.

"Chairman, I have handed over the star apprentice switch to Onigashima Natsu'er, now we need to see his own growth."

Hearing this, I Wang Guangming nodded very calmly.

"Well, you did a good job. I would like to see if what Lu Li said is true.

Can this so-called Onigashima Natsu'er evolve into a new Zodiac? let us wait and see!"

He wanted to see if Onigao Xia'er, whom Lu Li chose this time, could become the new Twelve Palaces.

If it was as Lu Li expected, it would be much easier to collect the Twelve Palaces later.

Wait. After gathering all the star disciple switches in the Twelve Palaces, everything will come to an end. He will go to the place where the giver is.

In the next two days, Onigashima Natsuji gradually becomes familiar with increasing his own power and tries to find ways to change.

As he used the Star Disciple Switch, he found that he had become more and more capable of controlling power. However

, because of what happened in the past two days, he was already under suspicion. The agreed time.

Di Muzou thought a lot in the past two days, and finally made a decision.

He came to Tiangao today to discuss the previous matter with Lu Li.

Suitable for his own daughter, even if the resurrected daughter no longer has a real blood relationship with him

Chapter 311 Goodbye and answer, Medusa is cold and has a crisis of trust. She relies on the Philosopher's Stone he created through Kabunculu. It is true. There is indeed a chance to resurrect Dimuli, but the whole process is too long!

First, he must find four magicians. So far, he has only found one, and that is Cao Zhenqing who awakened at the Sabbat. People.

Next, he has to use the entire Tori/Ujingzaka as an altar to sacrifice everyone, so that they can have a chance to resurrect Dimo Calendar, but the final result is still uncertain.

The matter involves the question of whether his daughter can be resurrected. If there is the most reliable method, it would be the best.

Once again, Di Muzou came to the cafe outside Tiangao half an hour early. After drinking a cup of coffee, he sat on the chair and thought about whether his decision was right or not. At the last minute, Lu Li arrived at the coffee shop. But he wouldn't come in advance.

Seeing Di Muzhuo sitting at the same table as before, Lu Li walked over and sat down opposite him.

"Mr. Fueki, can you tell me your decision now? Should you use my method?"

Even if Lu Li didn't know Di Muzou's true thoughts in his heart, he could still guess that in order to resurrect his beloved daughter, he would do anything.

Even if it means sacrificing the blood relationship between the two women, so what?

As long as his daughter Being able to be resurrected, even if he is not related by blood, he will not be affected.

After coming back to his senses, Dimuzao cast his eyes on Lu Li, who was sitting opposite him, and said with a serious face.

"Mr. Lu Li, I can agree to the conditions you proposed.

You help me resurrect my daughter, and I will give you the Philosopher's Stone.

If he could resurrect his daughter, no matter how many Philosopher's Stones it cost, Dimu Zuo would be willing to give it.

As a father, Dimuzao is nothing short of qualified.

He loves his daughter Dimoli very much, and he is willing to work hard to resurrect her, even if it means risking the lives of everyone in the city.

Lu Li didn't dislike people like Di Muzhuo.

Lu Li had already guessed the other party's decision from the beginning.

"Of course, since you have chosen to cooperate, I can tell you 100% that I can indeed resurrect your daughter.

Even... let her have the memories of her life"

"Memories from life!!"

The sound of the flute player unconsciously rose a little higher.

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